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Review: Tệ - Script không hoạt động

Posted: 06-01-2022
Edited: 06-01-2022


It is possible added faucetcrypto shortlinks?

Here's the name of the shortlinks and the inicial links, I hope that helps

SL name: Sh.faucetcrypto.com


SL name: Sh.faucet.gold


I will be gratefull :-)

By the way I have problems with recaptcha API also thanks to let us know that we have to erase: // @match *://*/recaptcha/api2/*

Thanks for all your work ❤️

bloggerpemulaTác giả
Posted: 06-01-2022

Done , Update to the Latest version

Posted: 06-01-2022
Edited: 06-01-2022

Done , Update to the Latest version

Thank you very much, it works perfect in faucet crypto SL :-)
How can I disable hCaptcha, because in many sites that I use when I'm seeing ads the hCaptcha appears automatic and says " Invalid Click" :-(

bloggerpemulaTác giả
Posted: 07-01-2022

i think hCaptcha problem not because of my scripts , that bugs come from the hCaptcha site or crash with your another extension .
give me example shortlink site that have problems invalid click , i will check it

Posted: 08-01-2022
Edited: 08-01-2022

i think hCaptcha problem not because of my scripts , that bugs come from the hCaptcha site or crash with your another extension .
give me example shortlink site that have problems invalid click , i will check it

There's nothing wrong with hCaptcha and SL but when I'm seeing ads in btcbunch.com the hCaptcha appears at the first 5 seconds of the ad and the ad goes down and the " Invalid Click" appears. If I disable the Bypass All Shortlinks scipt I can see the ads without problems.

Another problem it's in SL "health-and.me" always appears "ERROR: please fill the required fields (name, email).

« Back" to many times a the script doesn't pass this step has you can see in the print

In Girls-like.me SL happens the same at but at the beggining "Continue by click on next
Click here to Continue" the script can't recognize and pass this 1st step


Posted: 09-01-2022

To many shortlinks in marked as suspicious in autoclaim.in

"Your action is marked as suspicious! Error code: 1052"

It works fine with 9.2 but with 12.1 happen to many times


bloggerpemulaTác giả
Posted: 09-01-2022

To many shortlinks in marked as suspicious in autoclaim.in

"Your action is marked as suspicious! Error code: 1052"

It works fine with 9.2 but with 12.1 happen to many times


this is because too fast in solving the shortlink , to fix that open the shortlink then stop the loading , wait until 5 second then reload the shortlink

bloggerpemulaTác giả
Posted: 09-01-2022
There's nothing wrong with hCaptcha and SL but when I'm seeing ads in btcbunch.com the hCaptcha appears at the first 5 seconds of the ad and the ad goes down and the " Invalid Click" appears. If I disable the Bypass All Shortlinks scipt I can see the ads without problems.

Another problem it's in SL "health-and.me" always appears "ERROR: please fill the required fields (name, email).

« Back" to many times a the script doesn't pass this step has you can see in the print

In Girls-like.me SL happens the same at but at the beggining "Continue by click on next
Click here to Continue" the script can't recognize and pass this 1st step


1. Btcbunch Fixed in the latest version , please update
2. health-and.me that error come from the site or maybe you need adblocker, because I don't have problems
3. Girls-like.me this is the trick , reload the first site, example come from 9bitcoin.xyz or adoco.in reload this page until redirected to the destination you will not visiting Girls-like.me site.

bloggerpemulaTác giả
Posted: 10-01-2022

No need to reload right now , update to the latest version

Posted: 11-01-2022

No need to reload right now , update to the latest version

stats in autoclaim

Links marked as suspicious: "Your action is marked as suspicious! Error code: 1052"

Name: Html2


Name: Html3








and so on.....If I copy the link and erase the last part of the link says "You have already visited this link!" and I'm not credit in my site account

E copy the Link: https://crypteen.xyz/kG0n?utm_source=AutoClaim.in

I paste in browser and exclude "....?utm_source=AutoClaim.in"

message from site: "You have already visited this link!"

I'm using Chrome browser, poper blocker (extension) and Buster: Captcha Solver for Humans (extension).

I don't use ad blocker because I use earlier and I get problem in to many sites, so I decide to change to a pop-up blocker

By the way I don't know wh, but at this time the recaptcha works alright with "Recaptcha Solver (Automatically solves Recaptcha in browser)", before it wasn't working :-)

This go better and better just a few arrangements. you are awesome. Thanks for all your work and support

bloggerpemulaTác giả
Posted: 11-01-2022

Links marked as suspicious: "Your action is marked as suspicious! Error code: 1052"
this is because my scripts too fast in solving the shortlinks , you must stop the loading and wait 5 second then reload the shortlink.
no need copy paste the link. stop loading before finished.

you need to know autoclaim.in , autobitco.in and autofaucet.org is same owner , if you finished all shortlink at autobitco.in site , you will get message You have already visited this link at autoclaim.in or autofaucet.org site ,vice versa .

Posted: 11-01-2022

you need to know autoclaim.in , autobitco.in and autofaucet.org is same owner , if you finished all shortlink at autobitco.in site , you will get message You have already visited this link at autoclaim.in or autofaucet.org site ,vice versa .

Actually not true. I use only autofaucet.org for example, but still got this error sometimes (You have already visited this link).

Posted: 11-01-2022

I only use autoclaim.in, I do not use the others sites

Posted: 12-01-2022

After the new update

13 hours ago
Fixed Bugs Errors Your action is marked as suspicious

Script work bad, bug "Your action is marked as suspicious" still appears, and my IP have been marked in Blacklist and I cannot make Recaptcha even with Buster because always showing this
"Try again later
Your computer or network may be sending automated queries. To protect our users, we can't process your request right now. For more details visit our help page."
I never had this kind of problem I've and always good with my IP

bloggerpemulaTác giả
Posted: 13-01-2022

have you read my comment here https://greasyfork.org/en/scripts/431691-bypass-all-shortlinks/discussions/114860
my scripts code just click checkbox "I'm not robot" only , so if you think your problems because my scripts , it is wrong.
You need to understand how google captcha work .

Posted: 13-01-2022

have you read my comment here https://greasyfork.org/en/scripts/431691-bypass-all-shortlinks/discussions/114860
my scripts code just click checkbox "I'm not robot" only , so if you think your problems because my scripts , it is wrong.
You need to understand how google captcha work .

Ok I see that doesn't work with "Recaptcha Solver (Automatically solves Recaptcha in browser)" and the problem it's with that script not with your script, but I only see that message that you show me today about recaptcha :-(

Anyway the problem with "Your action is marked as suspicious! Error code: 1052" in AutoClaim.in persists in to many SL's :-(

Best Regards

Posted: 13-01-2022

Script marked OK

bloggerpemulaTác giả
Posted: 14-01-2022

i think if you still got issue "marked as suspicious" maybe because your connection more faster than mine , all shortlink above tested by me no more marked as suspicious again .

Posted: 14-01-2022

i think if you still got issue "marked as suspicious" maybe because your connection more faster than mine , all shortlink above tested by me no more marked as suspicious again .

Yes my connection it's fast :-).

What can I modify into the script that all can work good?


bloggerpemulaTác giả
Posted: 14-01-2022

at this time try to stop loading process satoshigratisotomatis.blogspot.com or bismillahslamet.blogspot.com and wait 3 second or more before going to the destination then reload the page.

Posted: 14-01-2022

at this time try to stop loading process satoshigratisotomatis.blogspot.com or bismillahslamet.blogspot.com and wait 3 second or more before going to the destination then reload the page.

I don't find a manner to stop the process but I erase this to lines in script:


When the 1st page appears show me this link:


I erase from the link the 1st part "https://satoshigratisotomatis.blogspot.com/?url=" and then I press the enter and the SL works and magic happens

"You have successfully passed the shortlink.100 FCT and 50 level points have issued to your balance"

Thanks :-)

bloggerpemulaTác giả
Posted: 15-01-2022

Many ways to stop loading process with your keyboard or your mouse without editing my script.
the simple way is with closing the page then reopen again ( you must open 2 tab or more to do this , so not closing your browser )
with keyboard by pressing Escape button will stop the process , or with shortcut
Ctrl + W to close
Ctrl + Shift + T to reopen

Posted: 15-01-2022

Many ways to stop loading process with your keyboard or your mouse without editing my script.
the simple way is with closing the page then reopen again ( you must open 2 tab or more to do this , so not closing your browser )
with keyboard by pressing Escape button will stop the process , or with shortcut
Ctrl + W to close
Ctrl + Shift + T to reopen

Seems to many steps to the purpose of the script :-(

All SL now have this 2 links:



if there's any possibility to remove this 2 links and the redirection of the last step goes to the final step it will be perfect

Best regards

Posted: 16-01-2022

Many ways to stop loading process with your keyboard or your mouse without editing my script.
the simple way is with closing the page then reopen again ( you must open 2 tab or more to do this , so not closing your browser )
with keyboard by pressing Escape button will stop the process , or with shortcut
Ctrl + W to close
Ctrl + Shift + T to reopen

Seems to many steps to the purpose of the script :-(

All SL now have this 2 links:



if there's any possibility to remove this 2 links and the redirection of the last step goes to the final step it will be perfect

Best regards

Yeap, same problem here (different site though). If not stopped (renamed the url in the script) https://satoshigratisotomatis.blogspot.com redirects to some kind of error. "Validity keys blah blah blah" But if I chop the url manually and cut and paste the destination url - everything works fine. Is it possible that https://satoshigratisotomatis.blogspot.com is somehow protected from too many requests at once, or too quick requests? Everything worked absolutely fine just a week ago. Multiple solved links (sometimes at once) and all of them were resolved and finshed without any problems. Now if I do 1 link - everything is fine, but more than 1 at once - validity error.

Posted: 01-02-2022

Account banned in autoclaim 👏👏👏👎👎👎

bloggerpemulaTác giả
Posted: 01-02-2022

Account banned in autoclaim 👏👏👏👎👎👎

i have account there no problems
Are you sure you get banned because of my scripts ?? can you proofs it?
Have you asked the admin why you get banned ?
Bad - script does not work ? my scripts really not working ?

Posted: 01-02-2022

Account banned in autoclaim 👏👏👏👎👎👎

i have account there no problems
Are you sure you get banned because of my scripts ?? can you proofs it?
Have you asked the admin why you get banned ?
Bad - script does not work ? my scripts really not working ?

You're script it's working but once the sites have detected it and we are banned the script is Bad

Here's the screenshot of the email from support

Posted: 02-02-2022

EXACTLY!!!! That's why I asked/mentioned that this could be a huge problem (using redirect to your blog).

bloggerpemulaTác giả
Posted: 02-02-2022

EXACTLY!!!! That's why I asked/mentioned that this could be a huge problem (using redirect to your blog).

This problem is not because my blog , but because he got too many "marked as suspicious! Error code: 1052"

Latest version have delay 5 second to avoid that error on autoclaim.in site , but if you doubt or worry , better don't use my scripts

Posted: 02-02-2022

EXACTLY!!!! That's why I asked/mentioned that this could be a huge problem (using redirect to your blog).

This problem is not because my blog , but because he got too many "marked as suspicious! Error code: 1052"

Latest version have delay 5 second to avoid that error on autoclaim.in site , but if you doubt or worry , better don't use my scripts

Yeah I already stoppped doing that. Can I buy your script WITHOUT ANY redirection to your blog (or somewhere else)? How much? Of course it should be updateable.

Posted: 02-02-2022
Edited: 02-02-2022
but because he got too many "marked as suspicious! Error code: 1052"
You think the site owners can't check WHY he got so many errors? Of yourse the'll check and find the pattern, or maybe even they have some kind of log with all "redirections", right? Too risky, man :-)))
Posted: 02-02-2022
Edited: 02-02-2022

EXACTLY!!!! That's why I asked/mentioned that this could be a huge problem (using redirect to your blog).

This problem is not because my blog , but because he got too many "marked as suspicious! Error code: 1052"

Latest version have delay 5 second to avoid that error on autoclaim.in site , but if you doubt or worry , better don't use my scripts

Ye but the error continues "marked as suspicious! Error code: 1052" in autofaucet.org that it's from the same owner, so the delay of 5 seconds do not avoid nothing!!

Better not use this script in fact.


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