DIO-Tools is a small extension for the browser game Grepolis. (counter, displays, smilies, trade options, changes to the layout)

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Posted: 23-05-2015

Envio Recursos a Maravillas

Tras la ultima actualizacion que ha hecho Grepolis, el boton de envio directo de recursos a las maravillas ha dejado de funcionar. Podria alguien arreglarlo? ya que resulta muy incomodo y seguro que puede solucionarse fácilmente en el código.
Muchas gracias y un saludo a todos.

After the last update has done Grepolis , the button sending direct resources to the wonders stopped working . Could someone fix it? That and very uncomfortable results Search and sure Florist solved easily in code.
Thank you very much and greetings to all .

DionyTác giả
Posted: 25-05-2015

The button for the percentage trade is working again with version 1.30 ;)

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