Hacker News collapsible comments

Reddit style collapsible comments for Hacker News

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Відгук: Добре - скрипт працює добре

Опубліковано: 04.11.2014

Doesn't work anymore

Sadly. (2014/11/04)
The [-] box doesn't display anymore.

Jared MillerАвтор
Опубліковано: 13.11.2014

Hacker News doesn't change mark-up really ever. It still works for me. Perhaps you have something else conflicting with it.

Just tested on the new Firefox Developer browser.

Опубліковано: 13.11.2014

All good, there was probably a problem with my setup. This script is fully working.
Thanks Jared

Jared MillerАвтор
Опубліковано: 17.11.2014

Good to hear. :)

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