Duolingo PRO

The fastest Duolingo XP farmer, working as of July 2024.

< Feedback on Duolingo PRO

Review: ياخشى - قوليازما ئىشلەيدۇ، بىراق خاتالىق بار

يوللانغان ۋاقتى: 2024-04-02
تەھرىرلەنگەن ۋاقتى: 2024-04-02

I really think the previous version was better after i upgraded on 2/4/2024.

يوللانغان ۋاقتى: 2024-04-02

If you are having performance issues, feel free to join our Discord server and do some debugging with us. discord.gg/r8xQ7K59Mt

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