Bangumi-History-Diff JS - compare two versions of subject history
Bangumi-Reply-Extend JS - Edit/delete your reply, no refresh required.
Bangumi-Index-Batch-Edit JS - Easilly modify multiple subjects in your index by drag-and-sort, and more!
Bangumi-Rename-Related-Subjects JS - Quickly rename all related subjects at the same time.
Bangumi-ISBN-Amazon-Link JS - Add amazon link by ISBN
Bangumi-Drag2Sort-Relationship JS - It's BDSR, not BDSM.
Bangumi-Links-Domain-Fixer JS - Fix the domain of links in Bangumi
Bangumi-Episode-Chinese JS - Show Chinese episode name in episode page.
Bangumi-Relationship-Person-Synchronize JS - none
Bangumi Episodes Batch Edit Improve JS - 章节批量编辑增强