Metal Archives discography pages - Reviews column split and sortable tables

Splits the Reviews column into Reviews(count) and Ratings and makes the tables in all discography tabs sortable.

< Feedback on Metal Archives discography pages - Reviews column split and sortable tables

Değerlendirme: İyi - script çalışıyor

Gönderildi: 19.05.2016

Can you add a feature which completely removes reviews from the site?

I find that the reviews aren't too great on Metal Archives. I don't want to be indirectly affected by the percent they give when everyone's opinions are different. For example, they may give a high score but I get my hopes up when the album is bad. The opposite is the case as well, they give a low score but I actually really like the album.

I go to Metal Archives for the facts, not the opinionated BS.

Gönderildi: 21.05.2016
Düzenlendi: 21.05.2016

Comment out lines 51-55 and 66-98 and insert in the position of the (commented out) lines 66-98 this:

$('#band_disco').find('th:last-child, td:last-child').remove();
Gönderildi: 22.05.2016

Thanks so much! Works spectacularly!

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