Stepstone.de: Block popup and slider JS - Overwrites window.open method used for the popup so no popup will be opened. You can disable the window.open overwrite function and the popup will be closed during load thanks to the @run-at document-start property.
Indeed.com: Highlight non-sponsored jobs JS - This script just highlights sponsored and non-sponsored jobs by different colors for better visualization.
Indeed.com: Design like Stepstone JS - This script changes the old-fashioned indeed.com design to the modern Stepstone.com design and adds new useful features like navigation, company search and unlocks 150km search radius.
Amazon: Redirect from amazon.com to amazon.de via ASIN JS - Asks if you want to go to the local amazon page using ASIN. Some parts are not availible on anamzon.de.
Allow password pasting JS - Re-enables password pasting on Ebay and pobably other sites.
9gag iframe remover JS - Deletes / removes all iframes on 9gag
Marktkalendarium Karte Automatische Standardwerte JS - Füllt die Eiganbefelder der Karte mit euren gewünschten Daten (Land, PLZ, km)