Ikariam Upgrade Watcher 3

Attaches a simple icon on each building which show level and if upgradeable

< Spätná väzba na Ikariam Upgrade Watcher 3


Pridaný: 19.05.2016

upgrade watcher 3..

Αν μας ελεγες και δυο λόγια για το τι διαφορετικό έχει απο το 2 θα ήταν καλυτερα....

Pridaný: 31.12.2016

i need help
this script now work with me now i dont know why
but my explorer is chrome

Pridaný: 31.12.2016

i know what is problem
please update u script

// @include https://s*-**.ikariam.gameforge.com/*?view=city&*
// @include https://s*-**.ikariam.gameforge.com/*?*&function=changeCurrentCity&*

if u do this will work without any problem


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