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Block Youtube Users

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Hodnotenie: OK - skript funguje, ale má chyby

Pridaný: 10.08.2018

I tried the clear cache thing and it still does not work.

For some reason, the script has suddenly stopped working. I tried the clear-cache and coolies trick, but it still won't work. That's sad, because this is one of the best Youtube userscripts since it blocks all the spam videos and other stuff I don't care about, and when it works, it works wonderfully. Is there a fix for this?

By the way, I'm using Chrome ver. 68.0.3440.106, and using the script with Tampermonkey 4.7.

Pridaný: 10.08.2018

I use the same version of Chrome and the script works fine for me for both the old and the new youtube layout... so I don't know where could be the problem. What youtube version are you using? Can't you even see the "B" on the youtube menu top bar?

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