Atcoder Better!

A Tampermonkey script for AtCoder that enhances functionality and interface.

// ==UserScript==
// @name         Atcoder Better!
// @namespace
// @version      1.17.0
// @description  一个适用于 AtCoder 的 Tampermonkey 脚本,增强功能与界面。
// @author       北极小狐
// @match        *://*
// @run-at       document-start
// @connect
// @connect
// @connect
// @connect
// @connect
// @connect
// @connect
// @connect
// @connect
// @connect
// @connect
// @connect
// @connect
// @connect
// @connect
// @connect
// @connect
// @connect
// @connect      *
// @grant        GM_xmlhttpRequest
// @grant        GM_info
// @grant        GM_setValue
// @grant        GM_getValue
// @grant        GM_listValues
// @grant        GM_deleteValue
// @grant        GM_addStyle
// @grant        GM_setClipboard
// @grant        GM_getResourceText
// @icon
// @require
// @require
// @require
// @require
// @require
// @require
// @require
// @require
// @require
// @require
// @require
// @require
// @require
// @resource     acwing_cpp_code_completer
// @resource     wandboxlist
// @resource     xtermcss
// @resource     selectpagecss
// @resource     dialogpolyfillcss
// @license      GPL3
// @compatible	 Chrome
// @compatible	 Firefox
// @compatible	 Edge
// @incompatible safari
// @supportURL
// @name:zh-TW   Atcoder Better!
// @name:en      Atcoder Better!
// @name:de      Atcoder Better!
// @name:fr      Atcoder Better!
// @name:ko      Atcoder Better!
// @name:pt      Atcoder Better!
// @name:ja      Atcoder Better!
// @name:es      Atcoder Better!
// @name:it      Atcoder Better!
// @name:hi      Atcoder Better!
// @description         一个适用于 AtCoder 的 Tampermonkey 脚本,增强功能与界面。
// @description:zh-TW   一個適用於 AtCoder 的 Tampermonkey 腳本,增強功能與界面。
// @description:en      A Tampermonkey script for AtCoder that enhances functionality and interface.
// @description:de      Ein Tampermonkey-Skript für AtCoder, das Funktionalität und Benutzeroberfläche verbessert.
// @description:fr      Un script Tampermonkey pour AtCoder qui améliore les fonctionnalités et l'interface.
// @description:ko      AtCoder를 위한 Tampermonkey 스크립트로 기능과 인터페이스를 개선합니다.
// @description:pt      Um script Tampermonkey para AtCoder que aprimora a funcionalidade e a interface.
// @description:ja      AtCoder用のTampermonkeyスクリプトで機能とインターフェースを強化します。
// @description:es      Un script Tampermonkey para AtCoder que mejora la funcionalidad y la interfaz.
// @description:it      Uno script Tampermonkey per AtCoder che migliora la funzionalità e l'interfaccia.
// @description:hi      AtCoder के लिए एक Tampermonkey स्क्रिप्ट जो कार्यक्षमता और इंटरफ़ेस को बेहतर बनाता है।
// ==/UserScript==

 * @namespace OJBetter
 * @desc 主命名空间
const OJBetter = {};

 * @namespace state
 * @desc 描述脚本的当前状态。
 * @memberof OJBetter
OJBetter.state = {
    /** @type {string} 脚本名*/
    /** @type {string} 格式化后的脚本名*/
    formatName: undefined,
    /** @type {string} 版本号*/
    version: GM_info.script.version,
    /** @type {boolean?} 是否跳过页面加载等待 */
    notWaiteLoaded: undefined,
    /** @type {string} 最后公告版本,用于标识版本更新完成提示 */
    lastAnnounceVer: undefined,
    /** @type {string} 最后读取的有效公告版本 */
    lastReadAnnounceVer: undefined,
    /** @type {number} 当前已打开的模态对话框数量*/
    openDialogCount: 0

 * @namespace common
 * @desc 通用设置和属性。
 * @memberof OJBetter
OJBetter.common = {
    /** @type {string} 网站的主机地址 */
    hostAddress: location.origin,
    /** @type {string?} Atcoder的CSRF令牌 */
    at_csrf_token: undefined,
    /** @type {Array?} 任务队列 */
    taskQueue: undefined,
    /** @type {object} OJBetter数据库连接实例*/
    database: undefined,
    /** @type {object} turndownService实例*/
    turndownService: undefined,

 * @namespace basic
 * @desc 基本的用户界面设置。
 * @memberof OJBetter
OJBetter.basic = {
    /** @type {string} 黑暗模式设置 */
    darkMode: undefined,
    /** @type {boolean?} 是否展开折叠块 */
    expandFoldingblocks: undefined,
    /** @type {boolean?} 是否开启折叠块渲染性能优化 */
    renderPerfOpt: undefined,
    /** @type {boolean?} 是否开启下拉选择框性能优化 */
    selectElementPerfOpt: undefined,
    /** @type {boolean?} 评论区分页 */
    commentPaging: undefined,
    /** @type {boolean?} 显示跳转到Luogu按钮 */
    showJumpToLuogu: undefined,
    /** @type {boolean?} 显示跳转到Virtual Judge按钮 */
    showCF2vjudge: undefined,
    /** @type {boolean?} 比赛排行榜重新着色 */
    standingsRecolor: undefined

 * @namespace typeOfPage
 * @desc 页面类型判断。
 * @memberof OJBetter
OJBetter.typeOfPage = {
    /** @type {boolean?} 是否是轻量站 */
    is_mSite: false,
    /** @type {boolean?} 是否是acmsguru页面 */
    is_acmsguru: false,
    /** @type {boolean?} 是否是旧版LaTeX页面 */
    is_oldLatex: false,
    /** @type {boolean?} 是否是题目集页面 */
    is_contest: undefined,
    /** @type {boolean?} 是否是题目页面 */
    is_problem: undefined,
    /** @type {boolean?} 是否是完整的问题集页面 */
    is_completeProblemset: false,
    /** @type {boolean?} 是否是问题集中的问题页面 */
    is_problemset_problem: false,
    /** @type {boolean?} 是否是问题集页面 */
    is_problemset: false,
    /** @type {boolean?} 是否是Codeforces排名页面 */
    is_cfStandings: false,
    /** @type {boolean?} 是否是提交页面 */
    is_submitPage: false,
    /** @type {boolean?} 是否是代码状态页面 */
    is_statePage: false,
    /** @type {boolean?} 是否是提交记录页面 */
    is_submissions: false,
    /** @type {boolean?} 是否是主页 */
    is_homepage: undefined,
    /** @type {boolean?} 是否选择的是英语页面 */
    isEnglishLanguage: undefined,
    /** @type {boolean?} 是否是题解页面 */
    isEditorial: undefined,

 * @namespace localization
 * @desc 本地化设置。
 * @memberof OJBetter
OJBetter.localization = {
    /** @type {string?} 网站语言 */
    websiteLang: undefined,
    /** @type {string?} 脚本语言 */
    scriptLang: undefined

 * @namespace translation
 * @desc 翻译设置。
 * @memberof OJBetter
OJBetter.translation = {
    /** @type {string?} 翻译服务选择 */
    choice: undefined,
    /** @type {string?} 目标语言 */
    targetLang: undefined,
    comment: {
        /** @type {string?} 评论翻译服务选择 */
        choice: undefined,
        /** @type {string?} 评论翻译模式 */
        transMode: undefined
    auto: {
        /** @type {boolean?} 自动翻译开关 */
        enabled: undefined,
        /** @type {number?} 短文本长度限制 */
        shortTextLength: undefined,
        mixTrans: {
            /** @type {boolean?} 混合翻译开关 */
            enabled: undefined,
            /** @type {Array?} 混合翻译服务列表 */
            servers: undefined
    memory: {
        /** @type {boolean?} 翻译记忆开关 */
        enabled: undefined,
        /** @type {Object?} 翻译记忆树 */
        ttTree: undefined
    /** @type {string?} 重翻译时的行为 */
    retransAction: undefined,
    /** @type {number?} 等待时间 */
    waitTime: undefined,
    /** @type {boolean?} 替换符 */
    replaceSymbol: undefined,
    /** @type {boolean?} 过滤文本中的*号 */
    filterTextWithoutEmphasis: undefined

 * @namespace clist
 * @desc Clist相关设置。
 * @memberof OJBetter
OJBetter.clist = {
    enabled: {
        /** @type {boolean?} 比赛页面开关 */
        contest: undefined,
        /** @type {boolean?} 问题页面开关 */
        problem: undefined,
        /** @type {boolean?} 问题集页面开关 */
        problemset: undefined
    /** @type {boolean?} Rating数据防剧透 */
    ratingHidden: undefined,
    /** @type {string?} Clist key */
    authorization: undefined

 * @namespace monaco
 * @desc Monaco编辑器配置。
 * @memberof OJBetter
OJBetter.monaco = {
    /** @type {boolean?} 在问题页面上启用Monaco编辑器 */
    enableOnProblemPage: undefined,
    /** @type {boolean?} 美化pre代码块 */
    beautifyPreBlocks: undefined,
    /** @type {boolean} Monaco编辑器加载完成标志 */
    loaderOnload: false,
    lsp: {
        /** @type {Array?} LSP套接字数组 */
        socket: [],
        /** @type {boolean?} 是否启用LSP */
        enabled: undefined,
        /** @type {string?} 工作路径 */
        workUri: undefined,
        /** @type {string?} 套接字URL */
        socketUrl: undefined
    complet: {
        /** @type {boolean?} 是否启用C++代码补全模板 */
        cppCodeTemplate: undefined,
        /** @type {Object?} 自定义配置 */
        customConfig: undefined
    /** @type {Object?} Monaco编辑器实例 */
    editor: null,
    /** @type {string?} 在线编译器选择 */
    onlineCompilerChoice: undefined,
    /** @type {string?} 记忆编译器语言选择 */
    compilerSelection: undefined,
    /** @type {string?}  当前选择的语言 */
    nowLangSelect: undefined,
    setting: {
        /** @type {Array?} 语言设置数组 */
        language: [],
        /** @type {string?} 位置 */
        position: undefined,
        /** @type {boolean} 位置初始化标志 */
        position_initialized: false,
        /** @type {number?} 字体大小 */
        fontsize: undefined,
        /** @type {boolean?} 鼠标滚动锁定 */
        alwaysConsumeMouseWheel: undefined,
        /** @type {boolean?} 提交代码二次确认 */
        isCodeSubmitDoubleConfirm: undefined,
        /** @type {boolean?} 测试通过后自动提交 */
        autoSubmitAfterPass: undefined,
        /** @type {string?} 提交按钮位置 */
        submitButtonPosition: undefined,
        /** @type {boolean?} 自动保存代码 */
        autoMemoryCode: undefined

 * @namespace deepl
 * @desc DeepL翻译服务配置。
 * @memberof OJBetter
OJBetter.deepl = {
    /** @type {Object?} DeepL配置对象 */
    configs: undefined,
    config: {
        /** @type {string?} 类型 */
        type: undefined,
        /** @type {string?} 名称 */
        name: undefined,
        /** @type {string?} API类型 */
        apiGenre: undefined,
        /** @type {string?} API密钥 */
        key: undefined,
        /** @type {string?} 代理 */
        proxy: undefined,
        /** @type {Object?} 额外请求头 */
        header: undefined,
        /** @type {Object?} 额外请求数据 */
        data: undefined,
        quota: {
            /** @type {string?} 余额URL */
            url: undefined,
            /** @type {string?} 余额请求方法 */
            method: undefined,
            /** @type {Object?} 余额请求头 */
            header: undefined,
            /** @type {Object?} 余额请求数据 */
            data: undefined,
            /** @type {number?} 剩余配额 */
            surplus: undefined
    /** @type {boolean?} 启用重点保护 */
    enableEmphasisProtection: undefined,
    /** @type {boolean?} 启用链接保护 */
    enableLinkProtection: undefined

 * @namespace chatgpt
 * @desc ChatGPT服务配置。
 * @memberof OJBetter
OJBetter.chatgpt = {
    /** @type {Object?} ChatGPT配置对象 */
    configs: undefined,
    config: {
        /** @type {string?} 名称 */
        name: undefined,
        /** @type {string?} 模型 */
        model: undefined,
        /** @type {string?} API密钥 */
        key: undefined,
        /** @type {string?} 代理 */
        proxy: undefined,
        /** @type {Object?} 额外请求头 */
        header: undefined,
        /** @type {Object?} 额外请求数据 */
        data: undefined,
        quota: {
            /** @type {string?} 余额URL */
            url: undefined,
            /** @type {string?} 余额请求方法 */
            method: undefined,
            /** @type {Object?} 余额请求头 */
            header: undefined,
            /** @type {Object?} 余额请求数据 */
            data: undefined,
            /** @type {number?} 剩余配额 */
            surplus: undefined
    /** @type {boolean?} 是否为流式传输 */
    isStream: undefined,
    /** @type {string?} 是否使用自定义Prompt */
    customPrompt: undefined,
    /** @type {boolean?} 是否作为系统Prompt */
    asSystemPrompt: undefined

 * @namespace preference
 * @desc 偏好设置
 * @memberof OJBetter
OJBetter.preference = {
    /** @type {boolean?} 是否显示加载动画 */
    showLoading: undefined,
    /** @type {boolean?} 是否显示悬停目标区域 */
    hoverTargetAreaDisplay: undefined,
    /** @type {string?} 按钮图标大小 */
    iconButtonSize: undefined,

 * @namespace dev
 * @desc 维护
 * @memberof OJBetter
 */ = {
    /** @type {boolean?} 是否显示规则标记 */
    isRuleMarkingEnabled: undefined,

 * @namespace about
 * @desc 关于页信息
 * @memberof OJBetter
OJBetter.about = {
    /** @type {string?} 更新通道 */
    updateChannel: undefined,
    /** @type {string?} 更新源 */
    updateSource: undefined

 * @namespace supportList
 * @desc 支持列表
 * @memberof OJBetter
OJBetter.supportList = {
    /** @type {object} 翻译支持列表和对应语言代码*/
    translationSupport: {
        'deepl': { 'zh': 'ZH', 'de': 'DE', 'fr': 'FR', 'ko': 'KO', 'pt': 'PT', 'ja': 'JA', 'es': 'ES', 'it': 'IT' },
        'iflyrec': { 'zh': '1' },
        'youdao': { 'zh': 'zh-CHS', 'zh-Hant': 'zh-CHT', 'de': 'de', 'fr': 'fr', 'ko': 'ko', 'pt': 'pt', 'ja': 'ja', 'es': 'es', 'it': 'it', 'hi': 'hi' },
        'google': { 'zh': 'zh-CN', 'zh-Hant': 'zh-TW', 'de': 'de', 'fr': 'fr', 'ko': 'ko', 'pt': 'pt', 'ja': 'ja', 'es': 'es', 'it': 'it', 'hi': 'hi' },
        'caiyun': { 'zh': 'auto2zh', 'ja': 'auto2ja', 'ko': 'auto2ko', 'es': 'auto2es', 'fr': 'auto2fr' },
        'openai': { 'zh': 'Chinese', 'zh-Hant': 'Traditional Chinese', 'de': 'German', 'fr': 'French', 'ko': 'Korean', 'pt': 'Portuguese', 'ja': 'Japanese', 'es': 'Spanish', 'it': 'Italian', 'hi': 'Hindi' }
    /** @type {object} 更新源支持列表*/
    updateSourceSupportList: {
        'greasyfork': {
            'release': true,
            'dev': false
        'github': {
            'release': true,
            'dev': true
        'aliyunoss': {
            'release': true,
            'dev': true

// ------------------------------
// 一些工具函数
// ------------------------------

 * 延迟函数 
 * @param {number} ms 延迟时间(毫秒) 
 * @returns {Promise<void>}
function OJB_delay(ms) {
    return new Promise(resolve => setTimeout(resolve, ms));

 * 等待直到指定的条件函数返回true。
 * @param {() => boolean} conditionCheck 一个无参数的函数,用于检查条件是否满足。当函数返回true时,表示条件已满足。
 * @param {number} [interval=100] 检查条件的间隔时间,单位为毫秒。默认为100毫秒。
 * @returns {Promise<void>} 返回一个Promise,在条件满足时解决。
async function OJB_waitUntilTrue(conditionCheck, interval = 100) {
    return new Promise((resolve) => {
        const checkCondition = async () => {
            if (conditionCheck()) {
            } else {
                await OJB_delay(interval);

 * 动态加载JavaScript库并返回一个Promise,该Promise在脚本加载完成后解决。
 * @param {string} url - 要加载的JavaScript库的URL地址。
 * @param {string} [expectedHash] - 可选的Base64编码的SHA-512哈希值,用于校验脚本内容。格式为 "sha512-<Base64编码的哈希值>"。
 * @returns {Promise<void>} 一个Promise,它在脚本加载并执行完成后解决。
async function OJB_LoadJS(url, expectedHash) {
     * 计算给定数据的SHA-512哈希值,并将其转换为十六进制字符串。
     * @param {string} data - 要计算哈希值的数据。
     * @returns {Promise<string>} 一个Promise,它解析为数据的SHA-512哈希值的十六进制字符串。
    const calculateHash = async (data) => {
        const encoder = new TextEncoder();
        const dataBuffer = encoder.encode(data);
        const hashBuffer = await crypto.subtle.digest('SHA-512', dataBuffer);
        const hashArray = Array.from(new Uint8Array(hashBuffer));
        return => b.toString(16).padStart(2, '0')).join('');

     * 将Base64编码的字符串转换为十六进制字符串。
     * @param {string} base64 - Base64编码的字符串。
     * @returns {string} 转换后的十六进制字符串。
    const base64ToHex = (base64) => {
        const binaryString = atob(base64);
        const byteArray = new Uint8Array(binaryString.length);
        for (let i = 0; i < binaryString.length; i++) {
            byteArray[i] = binaryString.charCodeAt(i);
        return Array.from(byteArray).map(b => b.toString(16).padStart(2, '0')).join('');

    try {
        const response = await fetch(url);
        if (!response.ok) throw new Error(`Failed to fetch script: ${response.statusText}`);
        const scriptContent = await response.text();

        if (expectedHash) {
            // 去掉前缀 "sha512-"
            const base64Hash = expectedHash.replace(/^sha512-/, '');
            const actualHash = await calculateHash(scriptContent);
            const expectedHashHex = base64ToHex(base64Hash);
            if (actualHash !== expectedHashHex) throw new Error('SHA-512 hash mismatch');

        const scriptElement = document.createElement("script");
        scriptElement.textContent = scriptContent;

        return Promise.resolve();
    } catch (error) {
        return Promise.reject(error);

 * 安全地创建JQuery对象
 * @description 通过字符串创建JQuery对象时,如果字符串以空格开头,在某些Jquery版本中会发生错误,过滤空格以安全的创建元素。
 * @param {string} string - 字符串。
 * @returns {JQuery} JQuery对象
const OJB_safeCreateJQElement = function (string) {
    return $(string.replace(/^\s+/, ""));

 * 将数字或者字符串解析为数字。
 * @memberof OJBetter.common
 * @param {string} val 要解析的字符串
 * @param {boolean} [strict=false] 是否进行严格类型检查
 * @returns {number} 解析结果
 * @throws {Error} 如果解析失败,则抛出错误
const OJB_parseNumber = (val, strict = false) => {
    const num = Number(val);
    if (isNaN(num) || (strict && val.toString() !== num.toString())) {
        throw new Error('Invalid number');
    return num;

 * 将字符串解析为布尔值
 * @param {string} val - 要解析的字符串
 * @param {boolean} strict - 是否进行严格类型检查
 * @returns {boolean} - 解析结果
 * @throws {Error} - 如果解析失败,则抛出错误
const OJB_parseBoolean = (val, strict) => {
    if (strict) {
        if (val === true || val === false) return val;
        throw new Error('Invalid boolean');
    return val === 'true' ? true : val === 'false' ? false : val;

 * 将字符串解析为对象
 * @param {string} val - 要解析的字符串
 * @returns {Object} - 解析结果
 * @throws {Error} - 如果解析失败,则抛出错误
const OJB_parseObject = val => {
    try {
        return JSON.parse(val);
    } catch {
        throw new Error('Invalid JSON');

 * 将字符串解析为键值对数组
 * @param {string} val - 要解析的字符串
 * @returns {Object[]} - 解析结果
 * @throws {Error} - 如果解析失败,则抛出错误
const OJB_parseLinePairArray = val => {
    if (typeof val !== 'string' || val.trim() === '') return [];
    return val.split("\n").filter(line => line.trim() !== '').map(line => {
        const indexOfFirstColon = line.indexOf(":");
        if (indexOfFirstColon === -1) throw new Error('Invalid LinePairArray format: ":" is missing');
        const key = line.substring(0, indexOfFirstColon).trim();
        const value = line.substring(indexOfFirstColon + 1).trim();
        return { [key]: value };

 * 移除文本中的HTML标签
 * @param {string} text - 包含HTML标签的文本
 * @returns {string} - 移除HTML标签后的文本
const OJB_removeHTMLTags = function (text) {
    return text.replace(/<\/?[a-zA-Z]+("[^"]*"|'[^']*'|[^'">])*>/g, '');

 * 获取对象中指定路径表达式的值
 * @param {Object} obj - 要计算的对象
 * @param {string} pathOrExpression - 要计算的路径表达式
 * @returns {any} - 计算结果
 * @example
 * const obj = {
 *   "a": {
 *     "b": 1
 *   },
 *   "c": 2
 * };
 * OJB_evaluatePathOrExpression(obj, "a.b"); // 1
 * OJB_evaluatePathOrExpression(obj, "a.b + c"); // 3
 * OJB_evaluatePathOrExpression(obj, "a.b + a.c"); // 1 
function OJB_evaluatePathOrExpression(obj, pathOrExpression) {
    const hasOperator = /[\+\-\*\/]/.test(pathOrExpression);
    const getPathValue = (obj, path) => {
        return path.split('.').reduce((acc, part) => {
            return acc !== undefined && acc !== null && acc.hasOwnProperty(part) ? acc[part] : undefined;
        }, obj);
    const evaluateExpression = (obj, expression) => {
        const tokens = expression.split(/([\+\-\*\/])/).map(token => token.trim());
        const values = => {
            if (/[\+\-\*\/]/.test(token)) {
                return token;
            } else {
                const value = getPathValue(obj, token);
                return value !== undefined ? value : 0;
        const evaluatedExpression = values.join(' ');
        try {
            return Function(`'use strict'; return (${evaluatedExpression});`)();
        } catch (e) {
            console.error('Expression evaluation error:', e);
            return undefined;
    return hasOperator ? evaluateExpression(obj, pathOrExpression) : getPathValue(obj, pathOrExpression);

 * 获取 GM 存储的值并根据类型进行处理
 * @param {string} key - 要检索的值的键。
 * @param {any} defaultValue - 如果值未找到,则返回的默认值。
 * @param {Object} [options={}] - 配置选项对象。
 * @param {string} [options.type='string'] - 期望的值的类型。可选值:'string', 'number', 'boolean', 'object', 'array', 'linePairArray'。
 * @param {boolean} [options.strict=false] - 用于数字和布尔类型,表示是否进行严格类型检查。
 * @param {string} [options.pathOrExpression=''] - 用于对象或数组类型,表示路径表达式或获取元素的索引。
 * @returns {any} - 检索到的值。
const OJB_getGMValue = (key, defaultValue, { type = 'string', strict = false, pathOrExpression = '' } = {}) => {
    let value = GM_getValue(key);
    if (value === undefined || value === null || value === "") {
        GM_setValue?.(key, defaultValue);
        return defaultValue;

    const parsers = {
        string: val => val,
        number: (val) => OJB_parseNumber(val, strict),
        boolean: (val) => OJB_parseBoolean(val, strict),
        object: OJB_parseObject,
        array: OJB_parseObject,
        linePairArray: OJB_parseLinePairArray

    if (!(type in parsers)) {
        console.error(`Unsupported type: ${type}`);
        return defaultValue;

    try {
        value = parsers[type](value);
    } catch (e) {
        console.error('Error:', e.message);
        return defaultValue;

    // The pathOrExpression processing is not applicable to linePairArray type
    if ((type === 'object' || type === 'array') && pathOrExpression) {
        const evaluated = OJB_evaluatePathOrExpression(value, pathOrExpression);
        if (evaluated === undefined) {
            console.error('Path or expression evaluation returned undefined');
            return defaultValue;
        value = evaluated;

    return value;

 * 版本号比较方法
 * @param {string} version1 版本号1
 * @param {string} version2 版本号2
 * @returns {number} -1: version1 < version2, 0: version1 = version2, 1: version1 > version2
const OJB_compareVersions = function (version1 = "0", version2 = "0") {
    const v1Array = version1.split(".").map(Number);
    const v2Array = version2.split(".").map(Number);
    const length = Math.max(v1Array.length, v2Array.length);
    for (let i = 0; i < length; i++) {
        const diff = (v1Array[i] || 0) - (v2Array[i] || 0);
        if (diff) return Math.sign(diff);
    return 0;

 * 获取上一个主版本号
 * @param {string} currentVersion 当前版本号
 * @returns {string} 上一个主版本号
const OJB_getPreviousVersion = function (currentVersion) {
    const versionArray = currentVersion.split(".").map(Number);
    let lastNonZeroIndex = versionArray.length - 1;
    while (lastNonZeroIndex >= 0 && versionArray[lastNonZeroIndex] === 0) {
    if (lastNonZeroIndex >= 0) {
        for (let i = lastNonZeroIndex + 1; i < versionArray.length; i++) {
            versionArray[i] = 0;
    return versionArray.join(".");

 * 在指定根节点下观察指定选择器的元素,当元素存在时,执行回调函数
 * @param {Object} options - 配置对象
 * @param {string} options.selector - CSS选择器文本
 * @param {Function} options.callback - 回调函数,接收变动的节点作为参数
 * @param {Boolean} [options.triggerOnExist=true] - 如果为true,元素已存在时立即触发一次回调
 * @param {Element} [options.root=document.body] - 在哪个根节点下监听变化
 * @param {Boolean} [options.subtree=false] - 是否监听子树变化(即非直接子元素)
function OJB_observeElement({
    triggerOnExist = true,
    root = document.body,
    subtree = false
}) {
    // 尝试获取选择器指定的元素
    const targetNode = root.querySelector(selector);

    if (targetNode) {
        // 如果元素已存在,直接开始观察
        observeAndReport(targetNode, callback);
        // 如果triggerOnExist为true,则立即触发一次回调
        if (triggerOnExist) {
    } else {
        // 如果元素不存在,监听DOM变化直到该元素被添加
        const observer = new MutationObserver((mutations) => {
            mutations.forEach((mutation) => {
                mutation.addedNodes.forEach((node) => {
                    if (node.nodeType === Node.ELEMENT_NODE && node.matches(selector)) {
                        observeAndReport(node, callback);
                        if (triggerOnExist) {
                        observer.disconnect(); // 停止监听

        observer.observe(root, { childList: true, subtree, attributes: false });

    function observeAndReport(node, callback) {
        const childObserver = new MutationObserver((mutations) => {
            mutations.forEach((mutation) => {
                mutation.addedNodes.forEach((addedNode) => {
                    if (addedNode.nodeType === Node.ELEMENT_NODE) {
                        callback(addedNode); // 执行回调函数

        childObserver.observe(node, { childList: true, subtree: true, attributes: false });

 * 初始化全局变量
async function initVar() {
    const { hostname, href } = window.location;
    OJBetter.state.formatName = (() =>
        .replace(/\s+/g, '-')
        .replace(/[^a-z0-9-]/g, ''))();
    OJBetter.state.lastAnnounceVer = OJB_getGMValue("lastAnnounceVer", "0");
    OJBetter.state.lastReadAnnounceVer = OJB_getGMValue("lastReadAnnounceVer", "0");
    OJBetter.typeOfPage.is_contest = /\/contests\/[^\/]+\/tasks\/?$/.test(href);
    OJBetter.typeOfPage.is_problem = href.includes('/tasks/');
    OJBetter.typeOfPage.is_homepage = (href === '' || href === '');
    OJBetter.typeOfPage.isEnglishLanguage = $('meta[http-equiv="Content-Language"]').attr('content') === 'en';
    OJBetter.typeOfPage.isEditorial = href.includes("editorial");
    OJBetter.localization.websiteLang = OJB_getGMValue("localizationLanguage", "zh");
    OJBetter.localization.scriptLang = OJB_getGMValue("scriptL10nLanguage", "zh");
    OJBetter.basic.renderPerfOpt = OJB_getGMValue("renderPerfOpt", false);
    OJBetter.basic.selectElementPerfOpt = OJB_getGMValue("selectElementPerfOpt", true);
    OJBetter.basic.commentPaging = OJB_getGMValue("commentPaging", true);
    OJBetter.basic.showJumpToLuogu = OJB_getGMValue("showJumpToLuogu", true);
    OJBetter.basic.showCF2vjudge = OJB_getGMValue("showCF2vjudge", true);
    OJBetter.basic.standingsRecolor = OJB_getGMValue("standingsRecolor", true);
    OJBetter.state.notWaiteLoaded = OJB_getGMValue("notWaiteLoaded", false);
    OJBetter.translation.targetLang = OJB_getGMValue("transTargetLang", "zh");
    OJBetter.translation.choice = OJB_getGMValue("translation", "deepl");
    OJBetter.translation.comment.transMode = OJB_getGMValue("commentTranslationMode", "0");
    OJBetter.translation.comment.choice = OJB_getGMValue("commentTranslationChoice", "0");
    OJBetter.translation.memory.enabled = OJB_getGMValue("memoryTranslateHistory", true); = OJB_getGMValue("autoTranslation", false); = OJB_getGMValue("shortTextLength", "2000");
    OJBetter.translation.retransAction = OJB_getGMValue("retransAction", "0");
    OJBetter.translation.waitTime = OJB_getGMValue("transWaitTime", "200"); = OJB_getGMValue("allowMixTrans", true); = OJB_getGMValue("mixedTranslation", ['deepl', 'iflyrec', 'youdao', 'caiyun']);
    OJBetter.common.taskQueue = new TaskQueue();
    OJBetter.translation.replaceSymbol = OJB_getGMValue("replaceSymbol", "2");
    OJBetter.translation.filterTextWithoutEmphasis = OJB_getGMValue("filterTextWithoutEmphasis", false);
    OJBetter.clist.enabled.contest = OJB_getGMValue("showClistRating_contest", false);
    OJBetter.clist.enabled.problem = OJB_getGMValue("showClistRating_problem", false);
    OJBetter.clist.enabled.problemset = OJB_getGMValue("showClistRating_problemset", false);
    OJBetter.clist.ratingHidden = OJB_getGMValue("RatingHidden", false);
    OJBetter.clist.authorization = OJB_getGMValue("clist_Authorization", "");
    OJBetter.deepl.config.type = OJB_getGMValue("deepl_type", "free");
    OJBetter.deepl.configs = OJB_getGMValue("deepl_config", {
        "choice": "",
        "configurations": []
    if (OJBetter.deepl.configs.choice !== "" && OJBetter.deepl.configs.configurations.length !== 0) {
        const choice = OJBetter.deepl.configs.choice;
        const configuration = OJBetter.deepl.configs.configurations.find(obj => === choice);;
        if (configuration == undefined) {
            let existingConfig = GM_getValue('deepl_config');
            existingConfig.choice = "";
            GM_setValue('deepl_config', existingConfig);
        } =;
        OJBetter.deepl.config.apiGenre = configuration.apiGenre;
        OJBetter.deepl.config.key = configuration.key;
        OJBetter.deepl.config.proxy = configuration.proxy;
        OJBetter.deepl.config.header = OJB_parseLinePairArray(configuration._header); = OJB_parseLinePairArray(configuration._data);
        OJBetter.deepl.config.quota.url = configuration.quota_url;
        OJBetter.deepl.config.quota.method = configuration.quota_method;
        OJBetter.deepl.config.quota.header = OJB_parseLinePairArray(configuration.quota_header); = OJB_parseLinePairArray(configuration.quota_data);
        OJBetter.deepl.config.quota.surplus = configuration.quota_surplus;
    OJBetter.deepl.enableEmphasisProtection = OJB_getGMValue("enableEmphasisProtection", true);
    OJBetter.deepl.enableLinkProtection = OJB_getGMValue("enableLinkProtection", true);
    OJBetter.chatgpt.isStream = OJB_getGMValue("openai_isStream", true);
    OJBetter.chatgpt.customPrompt = OJB_getGMValue("openai_customPrompt", '');
    OJBetter.chatgpt.asSystemPrompt = OJB_getGMValue("openai_asSystemPrompt", false);
    OJBetter.chatgpt.configs = OJB_getGMValue("chatgpt_config", {
        "choice": "",
        "configurations": []
    if (OJBetter.chatgpt.configs.choice !== "" && OJBetter.chatgpt.configs.configurations.length !== 0) {
        const choice = OJBetter.chatgpt.configs.choice;
        const configuration = OJBetter.chatgpt.configs.configurations.find(obj => === choice);;
        if (configuration == undefined) {
            let existingConfig = GM_getValue('chatgpt_config');
            existingConfig.choice = "";
            GM_setValue('chatgpt_config', existingConfig);
        } =;
        OJBetter.chatgpt.config.model = configuration.model;
        OJBetter.chatgpt.config.key = configuration.key;
        OJBetter.chatgpt.config.proxy = configuration.proxy;
        OJBetter.chatgpt.config.header = OJB_parseLinePairArray(configuration._header); = OJB_parseLinePairArray(configuration._data);
        OJBetter.chatgpt.config.quota.url = configuration.quota_url;
        OJBetter.chatgpt.config.quota.method = configuration.quota_method;
        OJBetter.chatgpt.config.quota.header = OJB_parseLinePairArray(configuration.quota_header); = OJB_parseLinePairArray(configuration.quota_data);
        OJBetter.chatgpt.config.quota.surplus = configuration.quota_surplus;
    // 编辑器
    // if (!OJBetter.typeOfPage.is_mSite) OJBetter.common.cf_csrf_token = Codeforces.getCsrfToken();
    // else OJBetter.common.cf_csrf_token = "";
    OJBetter.common.at_csrf_token = csrfToken;
    // OJBetter.monaco.compilerSelection = OJB_getGMValue("compilerSelection", "61");
    OJBetter.monaco.compilerSelection = OJB_getGMValue("compilerSelection", "5001");
    OJBetter.monaco.setting.fontsize = OJB_getGMValue("editorFontSize", "15");
    OJBetter.monaco.enableOnProblemPage = OJB_getGMValue("problemPageCodeEditor", true);
    OJBetter.monaco.beautifyPreBlocks = OJB_getGMValue("beautifyPreBlocks", true);
    OJBetter.monaco.complet.cppCodeTemplate = OJB_getGMValue("cppCodeTemplateComplete", true);
    OJBetter.monaco.onlineCompilerChoice = OJB_getGMValue("onlineCompilerChoice", "official");
    OJBetter.monaco.setting.isCodeSubmitDoubleConfirm = OJB_getGMValue("isCodeSubmitConfirm", true);
    OJBetter.monaco.setting.autoSubmitAfterPass = OJB_getGMValue("autoSubmitAfterPass", false);
    OJBetter.monaco.setting.alwaysConsumeMouseWheel = OJB_getGMValue("alwaysConsumeMouseWheel", true);
    OJBetter.monaco.setting.submitButtonPosition = OJB_getGMValue("submitButtonPosition", "bottom");
    OJBetter.monaco.setting.autoMemoryCode = OJB_getGMValue("autoMemoryCode", true);
    OJBetter.monaco.complet.customConfig = OJB_getGMValue("Complet_config", {
        "choice": -1,
        "configurations": []
    // monaco
    OJBetter.monaco.lsp.enabled = OJB_getGMValue("useLSP", false);
    OJBetter.monaco.setting.position = OJB_getGMValue("monacoEditor_position", "initial");
    OJBetter.monaco.lsp.workUri = OJB_getGMValue("OJBetter_Bridge_WorkUri", "C:/OJBetter_Bridge");
    OJBetter.monaco.lsp.socketUrl = OJB_getGMValue("OJBetter_Bridge_SocketUrl", "ws://");
    OJBetter.preference.showLoading = OJB_getGMValue("showLoading", true);
    OJBetter.preference.hoverTargetAreaDisplay = OJB_getGMValue("hoverTargetAreaDisplay", false);
    OJBetter.basic.expandFoldingblocks = OJB_getGMValue("expandFoldingblocks", true);
    OJBetter.preference.iconButtonSize = OJB_getGMValue("iconButtonSize", "16"); = OJB_getGMValue("isRuleMarkingEnabled", false);
    OJBetter.about.updateChannel = OJB_getGMValue("updateChannel", "release");
    OJBetter.about.updateSource = OJB_getGMValue("updateSource", "greasyfork");

 * 显示警告消息
function showWarnMessage() {
    if (OJBetter.typeOfPage.is_oldLatex) {
        const loadingMessage = new LoadingMessage();
        loadingMessage.updateStatus(`${} —— ${i18next.t('warning.is_oldLatex', { ns: 'alert' })}`, 'warning');
    if (OJBetter.typeOfPage.is_acmsguru) {
        const loadingMessage = new LoadingMessage();
        loadingMessage.updateStatus(`${} —— ${i18next.t('warning.is_acmsguru', { ns: 'alert' })}`, 'warning');
    if (OJBetter.translation.comment.transMode == "1") {
        const loadingMessage = new LoadingMessage();
        loadingMessage.updateStatus(`${} —— ${i18next.t('warning.trans_segment', { ns: 'alert' })}`, 'warning');
    if (OJBetter.translation.comment.transMode == "2") {
        const loadingMessage = new LoadingMessage();
        loadingMessage.updateStatus(`${} —— ${i18next.t('warning.trans_select', { ns: 'alert' })}`, 'warning');
    if (OJBetter.typeOfPage.is_submitPage && OJBetter.monaco.enableOnProblemPage) {
        const loadingMessage = new LoadingMessage();
        loadingMessage.updateStatus(`${} —— ${i18next.t('warning.is_submitPage', { ns: 'alert' })}`, 'warning');

// 常量
const helpCircleHTML = '<div class="help-icon"><svg viewBox="0 0 1024 1024" xmlns=""><path fill="currentColor" d="M512 64a448 448 0 1 1 0 896 448 448 0 0 1 0-896zm23.744 191.488c-52.096 0-92.928 14.784-123.2 44.352-30.976 29.568-45.76 70.4-45.76 122.496h80.256c0-29.568 5.632-52.8 17.6-68.992 13.376-19.712 35.2-28.864 66.176-28.864 23.936 0 42.944 6.336 56.32 19.712 12.672 13.376 19.712 31.68 19.712 54.912 0 17.6-6.336 34.496-19.008 49.984l-8.448 9.856c-45.76 40.832-73.216 70.4-82.368 89.408-9.856 19.008-14.08 42.24-14.08 68.992v9.856h80.96v-9.856c0-16.896 3.52-31.68 10.56-45.76 6.336-12.672 15.488-24.64 28.16-35.2 33.792-29.568 54.208-48.576 60.544-55.616 16.896-22.528 26.048-51.392 26.048-86.592 0-42.944-14.08-76.736-42.24-101.376-28.16-25.344-65.472-37.312-111.232-37.312zm-12.672 406.208a54.272 54.272 0 0 0-38.72 14.784 49.408 49.408 0 0 0-15.488 38.016c0 15.488 4.928 28.16 15.488 38.016A54.848 54.848 0 0 0 523.072 768c15.488 0 28.16-4.928 38.72-14.784a51.52 51.52 0 0 0 16.192-38.72 51.968 51.968 0 0 0-15.488-38.016 55.936 55.936 0 0 0-39.424-14.784z"></path></svg></div>';
const closeIcon = `<svg t="1696693011050" class="icon" viewBox="0 0 1024 1024" version="1.1" xmlns="" p-id="4322" width="14" height="14"><path d="M0 0h1024v1024H0z" fill-opacity="0" p-id="4323"></path><path d="M240.448 168l2.346667 2.154667 289.92 289.941333 279.253333-279.253333a42.666667 42.666667 0 0 1 62.506667 58.026666l-2.133334 2.346667-279.296 279.210667 279.274667 279.253333a42.666667 42.666667 0 0 1-58.005333 62.528l-2.346667-2.176-279.253333-279.253333-289.92 289.962666a42.666667 42.666667 0 0 1-62.506667-58.005333l2.154667-2.346667 289.941333-289.962666-289.92-289.92a42.666667 42.666667 0 0 1 57.984-62.506667z" p-id="4324"></path></svg>`;
const translateIcon = `<svg t="1696837407077" class="icon" viewBox="0 0 1024 1024" version="1.1" xmlns="" p-id="6325" width="22" height="22"><path d="M536.380952 121.904762a73.142857 73.142857 0 0 1 73.142858 73.142857v219.428571h219.428571a73.142857 73.142857 0 0 1 73.142857 73.142858v341.333333a73.142857 73.142857 0 0 1-73.142857 73.142857H487.619048a73.142857 73.142857 0 0 1-73.142858-73.142857v-219.428571H195.047619a73.142857 73.142857 0 0 1-73.142857-73.142858V195.047619a73.142857 73.142857 0 0 1 73.142857-73.142857h341.333333zM243.809524 682.666667v97.523809h97.523809v73.142857h-97.523809a73.142857 73.142857 0 0 1-73.142857-73.142857v-97.523809h73.142857z m585.142857-195.047619h-219.428571v48.761904a73.142857 73.142857 0 0 1-73.142858 73.142858h-48.761904v219.428571h341.333333V487.619048z m-115.760762 89.526857L787.21219 780.190476h-62.025142l-14.043429-42.715428h-76.068571L620.739048 780.190476h-60.854858l74.605715-203.044571h78.701714z m-38.034286 50.029714h-3.510857l-21.065143 63.488h45.348572l-20.772572-63.488zM536.380952 195.047619H195.047619v341.333333h341.333333V195.047619z 
m-195.072 49.883429l44.78781 1.072762v37.278476h87.698286v145.359238h-87.698286v65.974857h-44.78781v-65.974857h-87.698285v-145.359238h87.698285v-38.351238z m0 83.139047h-44.787809v56.05181h44.787809v-56.05181z m89.307429 0h-44.519619v56.05181h44.519619v-56.05181zM780.190476 170.666667a73.142857 73.142857 0 0 1 73.142857 73.142857v97.523809h-73.142857v-97.523809h-97.523809V170.666667h97.523809z" p-id="6326"></path></svg>`;
const clistIcon = `<svg width="37.7pt" height="10pt" viewBox="0 0 181 48" version="1.1" xmlns=""><g id="#0057b8ff"><path fill="#0057b8" opacity="1.00" d=" M 17.36 0.00 L 18.59 0.00 C 23.84 6.49 30.28 11.92 36.01 17.98 C 34.01 19.99 32.01 21.99 30.00 23.99 C 26.02 19.97 22.02 15.98 18.02 11.99 C 14.01 15.98 10.01 19.99 6.00 23.99 C 4.16 22.04 2.30 20.05 0.00 18.61 L 0.00 17.37 C 3.44 15.11 6.00 11.84 8.96 9.03 C 11.79 6.05 15.09 3.47 17.36 0.00 Z" /></g><g id="#a0a0a0ff"><path fill="#a0a0a0" opacity="1.00" d=" M 56.76 13.74 C 61.48 4.80 76.07 3.90 81.77 12.27 C 83.09 13.94 83.44 16.10 83.91 18.12 C 81.53 18.23 79.16 18.24 76.78 18.23 C 75.81 15.72 73.99 13.31 71.14 12.95 C 67.14 12.02 63.45 15.29 62.48 18.99 C 61.30 23.27 61.71 28.68 65.34 31.70 C 67.82 34.05 72.19 33.93 74.61 31.55 C 75.97 30.18 76.35 28.23 76.96 26.48 C 79.36 26.43 81.77 26.44 84.17 26.56 C 83.79 30.09 82.43 33.49 79.89 36.02 C 74.14 41.35 64.17 40.80 58.77 35.25 C 53.52 29.56 53.18 20.38 56.76 13.74 Z" />
<path fill="#a0a0a0" opacity="1.00" d=" M 89.01 7.20 C 91.37 7.21 93.74 7.21 96.11 7.22 C 96.22 15.71 96.10 24.20 96.18 32.69 C 101.25 32.76 106.32 32.63 111.39 32.79 C 111.40 34.86 111.41 36.93 111.41 39.00 C 103.94 39.00 96.47 39.00 89.00 39.00 C 89.00 28.40 88.99 17.80 89.01 7.20 Z" /><path fill="#a0a0a0" opacity="1.00" d=" M 115.00 7.21 C 117.33 7.21 119.66 7.21 121.99 7.21 C 122.01 17.81 122.00 28.40 122.00 39.00 C 119.67 39.00 117.33 39.00 115.00 39.00 C 115.00 28.40 114.99 17.80 115.00 7.21 Z" /><path fill="#a0a0a0" opacity="1.00" d=" M 133.35 7.47 C 139.11 5.56 146.93 6.28 150.42 11.87 C 151.42 13.39 151.35 15.31 151.72 17.04 C 149.33 17.05 146.95 17.05 144.56 17.03 C 144.13 12.66 138.66 11.12 135.34 13.30 C 133.90 14.24 133.54 16.87 135.35 17.61 C 139.99 20.02 145.90 19.54 149.92 23.19 C 154.43 26.97 153.16 35.36 147.78 37.72 C 143.39 40.03 137.99 40.11 133.30 38.69 C 128.80 37.34 125.34 32.90 125.91 28.10 C 128.22 28.10 130.53 28.11 132.84 28.16 C 132.98 34.19 142.68 36.07 145.18 30.97 C 146.11 27.99 142.17 27.05 140.05 26.35 C 135.54 25.04 129.83 24.33 127.50 19.63 C 125.30 14.78 128.42 9.00 133.35 7.47 Z" />
<path fill="#a0a0a0" opacity="1.00" d=" M 153.31 7.21 C 161.99 7.21 170.67 7.21 179.34 7.21 C 179.41 9.30 179.45 11.40 179.48 13.50 C 176.35 13.50 173.22 13.50 170.09 13.50 C 170.05 21.99 170.12 30.48 170.05 38.98 C 167.61 39.00 165.18 39.00 162.74 39.00 C 162.64 30.52 162.73 22.04 162.69 13.55 C 159.57 13.49 156.44 13.49 153.32 13.50 C 153.32 11.40 153.31 9.31 153.31 7.21 Z" /></g><g id="#ffd700ff"><path fill="#ffd700" opacity="1.00" d=" M 12.02 29.98 C 14.02 27.98 16.02 25.98 18.02 23.98 C 22.01 27.99 26.03 31.97 30.00 35.99 C 34.01 31.99 38.01 27.98 42.02 23.99 C 44.02 25.98 46.02 27.98 48.01 29.98 C 42.29 36.06 35.80 41.46 30.59 48.00 L 29.39 48.00 C 24.26 41.42 17.71 36.08 12.02 29.98 Z" /></g></svg>`;

 * 连接数据库
async function initDB() {
    OJBetter.common.database = new Dexie('OJBetterDB');
        samplesData: '&url',
        editorCode: '&url',
        translateData: '&url',
        localizeSubsData: '&lang'

    // 等待数据库打开

 * 清空数据库
async function clearDatabase() {
    const isConfirmed = await OJB_createDialog(
        i18next.t('isClearDatabase.title', { ns: 'dialog' }),
        i18next.t('isClearDatabase.content', { ns: 'dialog' }),
            i18next.t('isClearDatabase.buttons.0', { ns: 'dialog' }),
            i18next.t('isClearDatabase.buttons.1', { ns: 'dialog' })
    if (!isConfirmed) {
        try {
            // 开启一个读写事务,包含数据库中的所有表
            await OJBetter.common.database.transaction('rw', OJBetter.common.database.tables, async () => {
                // 遍历所有表
                for (const table of OJBetter.common.database.tables) {
                    // 清空当前表
                    await table.clear();
            console.log("All tables in the database have been cleared.");
            alert("All tables in the database have been cleared.");
        } catch (error) {
            console.error("Error clearing the database:", error);

 * 导出数据库
 * @returns {Promise<string>} 数据库的JSON字符串
async function exportDatabase() {
    try {
        // 创建一个存储数据的对象
        const exportData = {};
        // 获取数据库中所有表的名称
        const tableNames = =>;

        // 遍历每一个表,获取数据
        for (const tableName of tableNames) {
            const tableData = await OJBetter.common.database.table(tableName).toArray();
            exportData[tableName] = tableData;

        // 将数据对象转换为JSON字符串
        const jsonData = JSON.stringify(exportData, null, 4);
        return jsonData;
    } catch (error) {
        console.error("Error exporting database:", error);

 * 导入数据库
 * @param {string} jsonData 数据库的JSON字符串
async function importDatabase(jsonData) {
    const isConfirmed = await OJB_createDialog(
        i18next.t('isImportDatabase.title', { ns: 'dialog' }),
        i18next.t('isImportDatabase.content', { ns: 'dialog' }),
            i18next.t('isImportDatabase.buttons.0', { ns: 'dialog' }),
            i18next.t('isImportDatabase.buttons.1', { ns: 'dialog' })
    if (!isConfirmed) {
        try {
            // 将JSON字符串解析为对象
            const importData = JSON.parse(jsonData);

            // 开启一个事务,并清空现有数据
            await OJBetter.common.database.transaction('rw', OJBetter.common.database.tables, async () => {
                // 清空所有表的数据
                for (const tableName of => {
                    await OJBetter.common.database.table(tableName).clear();

                // 插入新数据
                for (const [tableName, rows] of Object.entries(importData)) {
                    await OJBetter.common.database.table(tableName).bulkAdd(rows);
            alert("Data imported successfully");
        } catch (error) {
            console.error("Error importing database:", error);

 * 将数据下载为文件
 * @param {string} data 数据
 * @param {string} filename 文件名,默认为'export.json'
 * @param {string} fileType 文件MIME类型,默认为'application/json'
 * @returns {void}
function downloadDataAsFile(data, filename = 'export.json', fileType = 'application/json') {
    // 创建一个blob对象,指定文件类型
    const blob = new Blob([data], { type: fileType });
    const url = URL.createObjectURL(blob);

    // 创建一个隐藏的a标签,模拟点击进行下载
    const a = document.createElement('a');
    a.href = url; = filename;

    // 清理

 * 从文件中读取数据
 * @param {Function} callback 回调函数
 * @returns {void}
function readFileInput(callback) {
    const fileInput = document.createElement('input');
    fileInput.type = 'file';
    fileInput.accept = '.json'; = 'none'; // 隐藏input元素

    fileInput.onchange = (e) => {
        const file =[0];
        if (file) {
            const reader = new FileReader();
            reader.onload = (e) => {
                const fileContent =;
                if (callback && typeof callback === 'function') {
                    callback(fileContent); // 调用回调函数,传入文件内容


 * 清除所有设置
async function deleteAllConfigSettings() {
    const isConfirmed = await OJB_createDialog(
        i18next.t('isDeleteAllConfigSettings.title', { ns: 'dialog' }),
        i18next.t('isDeleteAllConfigSettings.content', { ns: 'dialog' }),
            i18next.t('isDeleteAllConfigSettings.buttons.0', { ns: 'dialog' }),
            i18next.t('isDeleteAllConfigSettings.buttons.1', { ns: 'dialog' })
    if (!isConfirmed) {
        const keys = GM_listValues();

        keys.forEach(key => {

        alert('All settings have been deleted.');

 * 导出设置到JSON
 * @returns {string} JSON字符串
function exportSettingsToJSON() {
    const keys = GM_listValues();
    let settings = {};

    keys.forEach(key => {
        settings[key] = GM_getValue(key);

    return JSON.stringify(settings, null, 4);

 * 从JSON导入设置
 * @param {string} jsonData JSON字符串
 * @returns {void}
async function importSettingsFromJSON(jsonData) {
    const isConfirmed = await OJB_createDialog(
        i18next.t('isImportSettings.title', { ns: 'dialog' }),
        i18next.t('isImportSettings.content', { ns: 'dialog' }),
            i18next.t('isImportSettings.buttons.0', { ns: 'dialog' }),
            i18next.t('isImportSettings.buttons.1', { ns: 'dialog' })
    if (!isConfirmed) {
        let settings;
        try {
            settings = JSON.parse(jsonData);
        } catch (e) {
            console.error('JSON parsing error:', e);

        Object.keys(settings).forEach(key => {
            GM_setValue(key, settings[key]);

        alert('Settings imported successfully!');

 * 加载元素本地化语言数据
 * @param {JQuery} element jQuery元素
 * @param {number} [retries=10] 重试次数
 * @param {number} [interval=50] 重试间隔
function elementLocalize(element, retries = 10, interval = 50) {
    if ($.isFunction(element.localize)) {
    } else if (retries > 0) {
        setTimeout(elementLocalize, interval, element, retries - 1, interval);
    } else {
        console.error('Unable to localize', element);

// 切换系统黑暗监听
const mediaQueryList = window.matchMedia('(prefers-color-scheme: dark)');
const changeEventListeners = [];
function handleColorSchemeChange(event) {
    event.matches ? $('html').attr('data-theme', 'dark') : $('html').attr('data-theme', 'light');
    if (!event.matches) {
        var originalColor = $(this).data("original-color");
        $(this).css("background-color", originalColor);
        const intervalId = setinterval(() => {
            if (OJBetter.monaco && OJBetter.monaco.editor) {
        }, 100);
    } else {
        const intervalId = setInterval(() => {
            if (OJBetter.monaco && OJBetter.monaco.editor) {
        }, 100);

// 黑暗模式
(function setDark() {
    // 初始化
    function setDarkTheme() {
        const htmlElement = document.querySelector('html');
        if (htmlElement) {
            htmlElement.setAttribute('data-theme', 'dark');
            const intervalId = setInterval(() => {
                if (OJBetter.monaco && OJBetter.monaco.editor) {
            }, 100);
        } else {
            setTimeout(setDarkTheme, 100);
    OJBetter.basic.darkMode = OJB_getGMValue("darkMode", "follow")
    if (OJBetter.basic.darkMode == "dark") {
    } else if (OJBetter.basic.darkMode == "follow") {
        // 添加事件监听器
        mediaQueryList.addEventListener('change', handleColorSchemeChange);

        if (window.matchMedia('(prefers-color-scheme: dark)').matches) setDarkTheme();

    // 定义全局变量
        /* 黑暗支持 */
        html[data-theme=dark]:root {
            color-scheme: light dark;
        /* 颜色 */
        :root {
            /* 文字颜色 */
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        /* 边框样式 */
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            /* 组合边框样式 */
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    // OJBetter界面样式
        /* 主要文字颜色 */
        html[data-theme=dark] .alert-success, html[data-theme=dark] .alert-info, html[data-theme=dark] .alert-error,
        html[data-theme=dark] .alert-warning, html[data-theme=dark] .markItUpEditor, 
        html[data-theme=dark] .translate-problem-statement, html[data-theme=dark] .OJBetter_setting_menu, 
        html[data-theme=dark] .help_tip .tip_text,
        html[data-theme=dark] .OJBetter_setting_menu input, html[data-theme=dark] .OJBetter_setting_menu textarea,
        html[data-theme=dark] #OJBetter_SubmitForm input, html[data-theme=dark] #OJBetter_SubmitForm textarea, html[data-theme=dark] #OJBetter_SubmitForm select,
        html[data-theme=dark] #items-per-page, html[data-theme=dark] #pagBar, 
        html[data-theme=dark] .OJBetter_setting_sidebar li a:link,
        html[data-theme=dark] .popup .content{
            color: var(--ojb-color-text-primary);
        /* 次要文字颜色 */
        html[data-theme=dark] .ojb_btn:hover, html[data-theme=dark] .OJBetter_modal button, html[data-theme=dark] #OJBetter_statusBar,
        html[data-theme=dark] #RunTestButton, html[data-theme=dark] #programTypeId, html[data-theme=dark] #addCustomTest,
        html[data-theme=dark] #customTestBlock, html[data-theme=dark] .OJBetter_setting_list.alert_info{
            color: var(--ojb-color-text-secondary);
        /* 文字颜色3 */
        html[data-theme=dark] .ojb_btn{
            color: var(--ojb-color-text-tertiary);
        /* 文字颜色 浅绿 */
        html[data-theme=dark] #SubmitButton{
            color: var(--ojb-color-text-success);
        /* 禁止文字颜色 */
        html[data-theme=dark] .ojb_btn[disabled]{
            color: var(--ojb-color-text-disabled);
        /* 主要背景层次 */
        html[data-theme=dark] .OJBetter_setting_menu, html[data-theme=dark] .help_tip .tip_text, html[data-theme=dark] li#add_button:hover,
        html[data-theme=dark] .ojb_btn:hover, 
        html[data-theme=dark] .OJBetter_setting_menu input, html[data-theme=dark] .OJBetter_setting_menu textarea,
        html[data-theme=dark] #OJBetter_SubmitForm input, 
        html[data-theme=dark] .OJBetter_setting_menu input[type="checkbox"], html[data-theme=dark] .OJBetter_setting_menu input[type="checkbox"]:checked,
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        html[data-theme=dark] .popup .content, 
        html[data-theme=dark] .config_bar_list, html[data-theme=dark] #LSPLog,
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        html[data-theme=dark] .OJBetter_setting_menu .OJBetter_checkboxs input[type="checkbox"]::before,
        html[data-theme=dark] .OJBetter_setting_menu a, html[data-theme=dark] .OJBetter_setting_menu .OJBetter_setting_list button:hover,
        html[data-theme=dark] .OJBetter_setting_menu select{
            background-color: var(--ojb-color-bg-primary);
            background-image: none;
        /* 次要背景层次 */
        html[data-theme=dark] .ojb_btn, 
        html[data-theme=dark] .alert-success, html[data-theme=dark] .alert-info, html[data-theme=dark] .alert-error,
        html[data-theme=dark] .alert-warning, html[data-theme=dark] .SumoSelect>.optWrapper>.options li.opt:hover,
        html[data-theme=dark] .translate-problem-statement-panel,
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        html[data-theme=dark] .OJBetter_setting_sidebar li a,
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        html[data-theme=dark] .popup .content pre, html[data-theme=dark] .popup .content pre code,
        html[data-theme=dark] ul.config_bar_ul::-webkit-scrollbar-thumb,  html[data-theme=dark] #OJBetter_statusBar,
        html[data-theme=dark] #RunTestButton, html[data-theme=dark] #programTypeId, html[data-theme=dark] .sampleDiv,
        html[data-theme=dark] #addCustomTest, html[data-theme=dark] #LSPLog li:nth-child(odd),
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        html[data-theme=dark] .config::before, html[data-theme=dark] .config li.tempConfig_add_button:hover,
        html[data-theme=dark] .OJBetter_setting_menu details, html[data-theme=dark] #config_bar_menu,
        html[data-theme=dark] .OJBetter_setting_menu .OJBetter_setting_list button, 
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            background-color: var(--ojb-color-bg-secondary);
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            background-color: var(--ojb-color-bg-disabled);
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            border-radius: 2px;
        /* 实线边框颜色-无圆角 */
        html[data-theme=dark] .ojb_btn, 
        html[data-theme=dark] .OJBetter_setting_list, html[data-theme=dark] .config_bar_list,
        html[data-theme=dark] label.config_bar_ul_li_text, 
        html[data-theme=dark] .OJBetter_setting_sidebar li, html[data-theme=dark] .OJBetter_setting_menu select,
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            border: var(--ojb-border-solid-primary);
        html[data-theme=dark] #customTestBlock #customTests{
            border-top: var(--ojb-border-solid-primary);
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            border-right: var(--ojb-border-solid-primary);
        /* 实线边框-禁止 */
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            border: var(--ojb-border-solid-disabled);
        /* 虚线边框 */
        html[data-theme=dark] li#add_button,
        html[data-theme=dark] .OJBetter_setting_menu_label_text{
            border: var(--ojb-border-dashed);
        /* 虚线边框-悬浮 */
        html[data-theme=dark] li#add_button:hover{
            border: var(--ojb-border-dashed-hover);
            background-color: var(--ojb-color-bg-secondary);
            color: var(--ojb-color-border-dashed-hover);
        /* 无边框 */
        html[data-theme=dark] .translate-problem-statement-panel .ojb_btn{
            border: none;
        /* 区域遮罩 */
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            background: var(--ojb-overlay-background);
            color: var(--ojb-color-text-secondary);
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            box-shadow: var(--ojb-shadow-standard);
        /* 图标按钮状态样式 */
        html[data-theme=dark] .ojb_btn_popover.success i:before, html[data-theme=dark] .ojb_btn_popover.success i {
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        html[data-theme=dark] .ojb_btn_popover i:before {
            text-shadow: var(--ojb-text-shadow-icon);
        /* 其他样式 */
        html[data-theme=dark] .OJBetter_setting_menu, html[data-theme=dark] .OJBetter_modal{
            box-shadow: var(--ojb-shadow-menu-modal);
            border: 1px solid var(--ojb-color-bg-secondary);
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        html[data-theme=dark] .alert{
            text-shadow: none;

    // 网站界面样式
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            color: var(--ojb-color-text-secondary) !important;
        /* 文字颜色3 */
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            color: var(--ojb-color-text-secondary);
        /* 文字颜色4 */
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            color: var(--ojb-color-text-highlight) !important;
        /* 链接颜色 */
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            color: var(--ojb-color-text-link);
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            color: var(--ojb-color-text-secondary);
        /* 按钮 */
        html[data-theme=dark] input:hover, html[data-theme=dark] .btn-default:hover{
            background-color: var(--ojb-color-bg-primary) !important;
        /* 背景层次1 */
        html[data-theme=dark] body, html[data-theme=dark] #main-div.float-container, html[data-theme=dark] pre,
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 * 黑暗模式额外的处理事件
function darkModeStyleAdjustment() {


 * 初始化monaco编辑器资源
async function initMonacoEditor() {
    if (OJBetter.monaco.enableOnProblemPage || OJBetter.monaco.beautifyPreBlocks) {
        try {
            // 等待Monaco Editor加载器脚本加载完成
            await OJB_LoadJS("", "sha512-ZG31AN9z/CQD1YDDAK4RUAvogwbJHv6bHrumrnMLzdCrVu4HeAqrUX7Jsal/cbUwXGfaMUNmQU04tQ8XXl5Znw==");

            // 配置Monaco Editor
                paths: { vs: "" },
                "vs/nls": { availableLanguages: { "*": "zh-cn" } },

            // 加载Monaco Editor主脚本
            require(["vs/editor/editor.main"], () => {
                OJBetter.monaco.loaderOnload = true;
        } catch (error) {
            console.error("Failed to load Monaco Editor: ", error);

 * 美化代码块
async function beautifyPreBlocksWithMonaco() {
    // 等待 MonacoLoader 加载完毕
    await OJB_waitUntilTrue(() => OJBetter.monaco.loaderOnload);

    const LINE_HEIGHT = 20; // 每行代码的高度
    const MIN_HEIGHT = 100; // 容器的最小高度

     * 计算容器的高度
     * @param {number} lineCount 代码的行数
     * @param {string} [maxHeightStr='1000px'] 最大高度,为 'none' 时表示不限制
     * @returns {string} 容器的高度
    const calculateContainerHeight = (lineCount, maxHeightStr = '1000px') => {
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        const calculatedHeight = Math.max(lineCount * LINE_HEIGHT, MIN_HEIGHT);
        return `${isNaN(maxHeight) ? calculatedHeight : Math.min(calculatedHeight, maxHeight)}px`;

     * 用于替换 <pre> 标签为 Monaco 编辑器的函数
     * @param {HTMLElement} pre <pre> 元素
    const replacePreWithMonaco = (pre) => {
        if (pre.classList.contains('source-code-for-copy')) return; // 跳过复制块

        const code = OJB_getCodeFromPre(pre); // 获取 <pre> 标签中的代码
        if (!code) return;

        const language = OJB_codeLangDetect(code); // 检测代码语言
        const container = document.createElement('div'); // 创建一个用于 Monaco 编辑器的容器
        const lineCount = code.split('\n').length; // 计算代码的行数

        // 设置容器的样式 = calculateContainerHeight(lineCount); = '100%'; = 'none';
        pre.insertAdjacentElement('afterend', container);

        // 折叠/展开按钮点击事件
        const toggleExpandCollapse = (() => {
            let isExpanded = false;
            return () => {
                console.log(calculateContainerHeight(lineCount, isExpanded ? '1000px' : 'none'));
       = calculateContainerHeight(lineCount, isExpanded ? '1000px' : 'none');
                isExpanded = !isExpanded;

        // 重新注册 submission-code-expand-btn 按钮的点击事件
        document.querySelectorAll('.submission-code-expand-btn').forEach(button => {
            button.addEventListener('click', toggleExpandCollapse);

        // 初始化 Monaco 编辑器
        monaco.editor.create(container, {
            value: code,
            readOnly: true,
            tabSize: 4,
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            scrollbar: {
                verticalScrollbarSize: 10,
                horizontalScrollbarSize: 10,
                alwaysConsumeMouseWheel: false
            automaticLayout: true,
            scrollBeyondLastLine: false

    // 全局替换页面上所有的 <pre> 元素

    // 监听页面上的提交状态页面窗口的 <pre> 元素
    if (OJBetter.typeOfPage.is_statePage || OJBetter.typeOfPage.is_submissions) {
            selector: '#facebox',
            callback: (node) => {
                // 如果 facebox 中存在 pre 元素,则替换它们

// 样式
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span.input_label {
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/* 版本信息 */
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/* 配置管理面板 */
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input[type="radio"]:checked + .config_bar_ul_li_text {
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/* 修改菜单 */
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#config_bar_menu_delete:hover {
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/* 配置编辑页面 */
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/* 黑暗模式选项按钮 */
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.OJBetter_modal button.secondary{
.OJBetter_modal button:hover{
.OJBetter_modal button.secondary:hover {
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.OJBetter_modal .help-icon {
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.OJBetter_modal p {
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/* 右键菜单 */
.OJBetter_contextmenu {
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.OJBetter_contextmenu label {
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input[type="radio"]:checked+.OJBetter_contextmenu_label_text {
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.OJBetter_contextmenu_label_text {
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.OJBetter_contextmenu_label_text:hover {
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/* RatingByClist */
.ratingBadge, html[data-theme=dark] button.ratingBadge{
    display: block;
    font-weight: 700;
    font-size: 11px;
    margin-top: 5px;
    padding: 2px;
    border-radius: 4px;
    color: #B0BEC5;
    border: 1px solid #cccccc66;

/* 多选翻译 */
    box-shadow: 0px 0px 0px 1px #FF9800;
    outline: none;

/* 悬浮菜单 */
.OJBetter_MiniTranslateButton {
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    border-collapse: collapse;
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.OJBetter_MiniTranslateButton:hover {
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    box-shadow: 0px 0px 0px 2px #FFB74D;

/* acmsguru划分块 */
.OJBetter_acmsguru {
    margin: 0 0 1em!important;

/* 代码提交表单 */
#OJBetter_SubmitForm.input-output-copier:hover {
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#OJBetter_SubmitForm input[type="number"] {
    width: 40px;
    color: #009688;
    appearance: none;
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    border: none;
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#OJBetter_SubmitForm :focus-visible {
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#OJBetter_SubmitForm .topDiv {
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#OJBetter_SubmitForm .topDiv .topRightDiv {
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    gap: 0px;
#OJBetter_SubmitForm input[type="checkbox"], #OJBetter_SubmitForm label {
    margin: 0px;
    font-weight: initial;
#OJBetter_SubmitForm #fontSizeInput {
    border: none;
    background-color: #ffffff00;

/* 顶部区域 */
#OJBetter_SubmitForm .topRightDiv>* {
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#OJBetter_SubmitForm .topRightDiv>button{
    padding: 0px 8px;
#OJBetter_SubmitForm .topRightDiv {
    display: flex;
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    gap: 0px;
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/* LSP连接Log */
    width: 500px;
    height: 500px;
    position: fixed;
    top: 50%;
    left: 50%;
    padding: 10px;
    transform: translate(-50%, -50%);
    border: 1px solid;
    z-index: 200;
    background-color: #ffffff;
#LSPLog button{
    position: fixed;
    top: 10px;
    right: 10px;
    z-index: 200;
#LSPLog #LSPLogList{
    width: 500px;
    height: 500px;
    overflow: auto;
    color: #424242;
#LSPLog li:nth-child(odd){
    background-color: #f5f5f5;
#LSPLog details{
    padding: 2px;

/* 代码编辑器 */
    box-sizing: border-box;
    height: 600px;
    border: 1px solid #d3d3d3;
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    resize: vertical;
    display: flex;
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    z-index: 2000;
    position: fixed;
    bottom: 0;
    left: 0;
    width: 100%;
    height: 50vh;
    z-index: 2000;
.ojb_btn.exit_button_bottom {
    position: fixed;
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    z-index: 2000;
    height: 28px;

/* monaco */
#OJBetter_monaco {
    flex: 1;
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    width: 100%;
#OJBetter_monaco .highlight {
    border: 1px solid #ffffff00;
    background-color: #ffffff00!important
.monaco-hover hr {
    margin: 4px -8px 4px !important;

/* 状态底栏 */
    height: 22px;
    font-size: 12px;
    color: #757575;
    border: 1px solid #d3d3d3;
    background-color: #f8f8f8;
    padding: 3px;
    box-sizing: border-box;

/* 提交 */
    display: flex;
    padding-top: 15px;
    height: 50px;
    box-sizing: border-box;
#OJBetter_submitDiv >* {
    border-radius: 6px;
#OJBetter_submitDiv > button {
    height: 100%;
    aspect-ratio: 1 / 1;
#SubmitButton {
    color: #fff;
    background-color: #209978;
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#SubmitButton:hover {
    background-color: #17795e;
#SubmitButton.disabled {
    background-color: red;
    animation: shake 0.07s infinite alternate;
    height: 100%;
    padding: 5px 10px;
    border-radius: 6px;
    border-style: solid;
    border: 1px solid #ced4da;
    color: #212529;

/* 调试 */
    padding: 6px 0px 0px 5px;
    height: 22px;
    flex-grow: 1;
    width: 100%;
    height: 100%;
    margin-bottom: 10px;
    padding: 5px 10px;
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    box-sizing: border-box;
    border: 1px solid #ccc;
    box-shadow: inset 0px 1px 1px rgba(0,0,0,.075);
#CompilerArgsInput[disabled] {
    cursor: not-allowed;
    font-size: 14px;
    margin-top: 10px;
    display: none;
#CompilerSetting select, #CompilerSetting textarea{
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    border: 1px solid #ced4da;
    color: #212529;
    display: grid;
    margin-top: 10px;
    border: #d0d7de solid 1px;
    border-radius: 6px;
#CompilerBox > * {  
    margin: 5px;

/* 自定义样例 */
#customTestBlock {
    margin-top: 10px;
    font-size: 14px;
    color: #616161;
    border: 1px solid #d3d3d3;
    box-sizing: border-box;
    position: relative;
#customTestBlock #customTests{
    border-top: 1px solid #d3d3d3;
    margin: 0px 0px 40px 0px;
#customTestBlock summary {
    cursor: pointer;
    padding: 10px;
#customTestBlock textarea {
    resize: vertical;
.sampleDiv {
    color: #727378;
    background-color: #FAFAFA;
    padding: 5px;
    margin-bottom: 10px;
    box-shadow: inset 0 0 1px #0000004d;
    position: relative;
.dynamicTextarea {
    width: 98%;
    height: 120px;
    margin: 10px 5px;
    border: 1px solid #E0E0E0;
.deleteCustomTest {
    cursor: pointer;
    position: absolute;
    top: 5px;
    right: 5px;
    display: flex;
    fill: #9E9E9E;
    padding: 2px 2px;
    border-radius: 4px;
    border: 1px solid #ffffff00;
    background-color: #ffffff00;
    align-items: center;
.deleteCustomTest:hover {
    fill: #EF5350;
    border: 1px solid #ef9a9a;
    background-color: #FFEBEE;
#addCustomTest {
    cursor: pointer;
    position: absolute;
    bottom: 5px;
    right: 5px;
    padding: 3px 10px;
    color: #795548;
    border: 1px solid #ccc;
    border-radius: 4px;
    background-color: #FAFAFA;
#addCustomTest:hover {
    background-color: #f5f5f5;

/* 调试结果 */
    display: none;
    padding: 5px;
    margin-top: 10px;
    border: 1px solid #ddd;
    border-radius: 4px;
.test-case {
    padding: 10px;
    border: 1px solid #ddd;
    border-radius: 4px;
    margin-top: 5px;
.test-case > * {
    margin: 5px 0px;
.test-case > :first-child {
    margin-top: 0px;
.test-case > :last-child {
    margin-bottom: 0px;
.test-case-title, .test-case-status {
    font-size: 16px;
    display: inline;
    margin-left: 5px;
    color: red;
    color: #449d44;
.test-case-judge {
    font-size: 13px;

/* 差异对比 */
.output_diff {
    color: #5d4037;
    margin: 5px 0px;
    display: grid;
    border: 1px solid #bcaaa4;
    font-size: 13px;
    font-family: Consolas, "Lucida Console", "Andale Mono", "Bitstream Vera Sans Mono", "Courier New", Courier, monospace;
    overflow: auto;
.output_diff .added {
    background-color: #c8f7c5;
    user-select: none;
.output_diff .removed {
    background-color: #f7c5c5; 
.output_diff .diffLine {
    display: flex;
.output_diff .diffLine:nth-child(odd) {
    background-color: #f5f5f5;
.lineNo {
    display: flex;
    align-items: center;
    justify-content: center;
    width: 17px;
    color: #BDBDBD;
    font-size: 10px;
    border-right: 1px solid;
    user-select: none;
.lineContent {
    display: grid;
    width: 100%;
.lineContent>span {
    height: 16px;
    padding-left: 3px;
.output_no_diff {
    padding: 5px;
    border: 1px solid #ddd;
.diff_note {
    font-size: 10px;

/* 网站本地化替换规则标记 */
    color: #FFF3E0;
    background-color: #FF9800;

/* SelectPage样式 */
.sp_input {
    padding: 4px 6px px !important;
    height: 20px !important;
    min-height: 20px !important;
    line-height: 20px !important;
div.sp_clear_btn {
    padding: 0px !important;

/* 移动设备 */
@media (max-device-width: 450px) {
        height: 2em;
        font-size: 1.2em;
        height: 2.5em;
        font-size: 1em;
        width: 90%;
    .OJBetter_setting_menu label, #darkMode_span, #loaded_span, .OJBetter_setting_menu_label_text,
    .OJBetter_setting_sidebar li{
        font-size: 1em;
        font-size: 1.2em;
        font-size: 1.5em;
    .OJBetter_setting_list, .translate-problem-statement{
        padding: 0.5em;
        height: 2.5em;
        padding: 0.5em;
    #pagBar #jump-input, #pagBar #items-per-page, .OJBetter_modal button{
        height: 2.5em;
        font-size: 1em;
    .translate-problem-statement p, .translate-problem-statement ul li{
        line-height: 1.5em !important;
        height: 3em;
        font-size: 1em;

/* 覆盖网站原本的样式 */
div#select-lang {
    padding: 0px;

 * 添加一些依赖库和条件加载的css样式
function addDependencyStyles() {
    // 自定义图标大小
        .iconfont {
            font-size: ${OJBetter.preference.iconButtonSize}px;

 * 添加包含i18n内容的css样式
function addI18nStyles() {
    /* 加载鼠标悬浮覆盖层css */
    .overlay::before {
        content: '';
        position: absolute;
        top: 0;
        left: 0;
        width: 100%;
        height: 100%;
        background: repeating-linear-gradient(135deg, rgb(77 208 225 / 30%), rgb(77 208 225 / 30%) 30px, rgb(77 208 225 / 10%) 0px, rgb(77 208 225 / 10%) 55px);
        z-index: 100;
    .overlay::after {
        content: '${i18next.t('targetArea', { ns: 'common' })}';
        position: absolute;
        top: 50%;
        left: 50%;
        transform: translate(-50%, -50%);
        color: #00695C;
        font-size: 16px;
        font-weight: bold;
        z-index: 100;

    .config::before {
        content: "${i18next.t('common.configManageTitle', { ns: 'settings' })}";
        display: block;
        height: 20px;
        background-color: #f0f8ff;
        border: 1px solid #c5cae9;
        border-bottom: 0px;
        line-height: 20px;
        padding: 2px 10px;
        border-radius: 8px 8px 0px 0px;
        box-sizing: content-box;
    .config.missing::before {
        content: "${i18next.t('', { ns: 'settings' })}";
        background-color: #fef0f0;
        color: #f56c6c;
        border: 1px solid #fab6b6;

// ------------------------------
// 一些工具类
// ------------------------------

 * 自定义错误类,以区分不同的错误类型
class OJB_GMError extends Error {
    constructor(type, message, originalError) {
        super(message); = 'GMError';
        this.type = type;
        this.stack = originalError.stack;
        Object.assign(this, originalError);

 * 文本块替换/恢复类
class TextBlockReplacer {
    constructor() {
        /** @type {string[]} 匹配项 */
        this.matches = [];
        /** @type {Map<string, string>} 待还原项 */
        this.replacements = new Map();
        /** @type {Map<string, string>} 暂时未找到的待还原项 */
        this.tempReplacements = new Map();
        /** @type {string} 替换符号 */
        this.replaceSymbol = OJBetter.translation.replaceSymbol;

     * 替换文本
     * @param {string} text 原文本
     * @param {RegExp} regex 匹配规则
     * @returns {string} 替换后的文本
    replace(text, regex) {
        this.matches = text.match(regex) || [];
        try {
            for (let i = 0; i < this.matches.length; i++) {
                const match = this.matches[i];
                const id = OJB_getRandomNumber(8);
                let replacement = '';
                switch (this.replaceSymbol) {
                    case "1":
                        replacement = `【${id}】`;
                    case "2":
                        replacement = `{${id}}`;
                    case "3":
                        replacement = `[${id}]`;
                        replacement = `【${id}】`;
                text = text.replace(match, replacement);
                this.replacements.set(id, match);
        } catch (e) { }
        return text;

     * 恢复替换的文本
     * @param {string} text 还原前的文本
     * @returns {string} 还原后的文本
    recover(text) {
        let textCopy = text;

         * 替换回文本
         * @param {string} replacement 替换的文本
         * @param {string} regexPattern 匹配规则
         * @returns {void}
        const replaceText = (replacement, regexPattern) => {
            const latexMatch = '(?<latex_block>\\$\\$(\\\\\\$|[^\\$])*?\\$\\$)|(?<latex_inline>\\$(\\\\\\$|[^\\$])*?\\$)|';
            const regex = new RegExp(latexMatch + regexPattern, 'g');
            textCopy = textCopy.replace(regex, (match, ...args) => {
                // LaTeX中的不替换
                const groups = args[args.length - 1]; // groups是replace方法的最后一个参数
                if (groups.latex_block || groups.latex_inline) return match;
                // 没有空格则加一个
                const offset = args[args.length - 3]; // offset是replace方法的倒数第三个参数
                let leftSpace = "", rightSpace = "";
                if (!/\s/.test(textCopy[offset - 1])) leftSpace = " ";
                if (!/\s/.test(textCopy[offset + match.length])) rightSpace = " ";
                return leftSpace + replacement + rightSpace;

         * 尝试还原
         * @param {string} replacement 替换的文本
         * @param {string} id 替换的 id
         * @returns {boolean} 是否替换成功
        const tryRecover = (replacement, id) => {
            // 尝试还原,如果还原成功,则从 replacements 中删除
            const originalText = textCopy;
            replaceText(replacement, `【\\s*${id}\\s*】|\\[\\s*${id}\\s*\\]|{\\s*${id}\\s*}`); // 替换符完整匹配(考虑了多出空格的情况)
            replaceText(replacement, `【\\s*${id}(?![】\\d])|(?<![【\\d])${id}\\s*】|\\[\\s*${id}(?![\\]\\d])|(?<![\\[\\d])${id}\\s*\\]|{\\s*${id}(?![}\\d])|(?<![{\\d])${id}\\s*}`); // 替换符部分匹配

            if (textCopy === originalText) {
                // 如果文本没有变化,说明没有找到,加入到 tempReplacements
                this.tempReplacements.set(id, replacement);
                return false;
            } else {
                // 如果文本变化了,说明找到并成功替换,则删除
                return true;

        // 处理 replacements 中的项
        this.replacements.forEach((replacement, id) => {
            tryRecover(replacement, id);

        // 处理 tempReplacements 中的项
        while (this.tempReplacements.size > 0) {
            let found = false;
            this.tempReplacements.forEach((replacement, id) => {
                found = tryRecover(replacement, id) || found;
            if (!found) break; // 如果这一轮没有找到任何项,终止循环

        // 如果 tempReplacements 还有未找到的项
        if (this.tempReplacements.size > 0) {
            console.warn("There are still some replacements not found:", this.tempReplacements);

        return textCopy;

// ------------------------------
// 一些工具函数
// ------------------------------

 * 格式化链接格式
 * @param {string} url 链接字符串
 * @returns {string} 清理后的链接字符串
function OJB_cleanLink(url) {
    if (url === null || url === undefined) return "";

    // 替换'http://'为'https://'
    let cleanUrl = url.replace(/^http:\/\//i, 'https://');

    // 移除末尾的斜杠
    cleanUrl = cleanUrl.replace(/\/$/, '');

    return cleanUrl;

 * 深度比较两个对象或数组是否完全相等。
 * @param {any} a - 第一个比较对象。
 * @param {any} b - 第二个比较对象。
 * @returns {boolean} - 如果两个对象或数组深度相等,则返回true,否则返回false。
function OJB_deepEquals(a, b) {
    if (a === b) return true;
    if (typeof a !== 'object' || a === null || typeof b !== 'object' || b === null) return false;
    const keysA = Object.keys(a);
    const keysB = Object.keys(b);
    if (keysA.length !== keysB.length) return false;
    for (let key of keysA) {
        if (!b.hasOwnProperty(key)) return false;
        if (!OJB_deepEquals(a[key], b[key])) return false;
    return true;

 * 用于封装需要重试的异步函数
 * @param {Function} task 需要封装的异步函数
 * @param {Object} options 配置项
 * @param {Number} options.maxRetries 重试次数,默认为 5
 * @param {Number} options.retryInterval 重试时间间隔,默认为 0 毫秒
 * @param {Function} options.errorHandler 错误处理函数,默认为抛出错误
 * @param {...any} args task 函数的参数
 * @returns {Promise} 返回 Promise
async function OJB_promiseRetryWrapper(task, {
    maxRetries = 5,
    retryInterval = 0,
    errorHandler = (err) => { throw err }
} = {}, ...args) {
    let attemptsLeft = maxRetries;
    while (attemptsLeft--) {
        try {
            return await task(...args);
        } catch (err) {
            if (attemptsLeft <= 0) {
                return errorHandler(err, maxRetries, attemptsLeft);
            if (retryInterval > 0) {
                await OJB_delay(retryInterval);

 * GM_xmlhttpRequest 的 Promise 封装
 * @param {Object} options GM_xmlhttpRequest 的参数
 * @param {Boolean} isStream 是否为流式请求
 * @returns {Promise<OJB_GMError>} 返回 Promise
function OJB_GMRequest(options, isStream = false) {
    return new Promise((resolve, reject) => {
            ...(isStream ? {
                onloadstart: resolve
            } : {
                onload: resolve
            onerror: (error) => reject(new OJB_GMError('error', 'An error occurred during the request.', error)),
            ontimeout: (error) => reject(new OJB_GMError('timeout', 'The request timed out.', error)),
            onabort: (error) => reject(new OJB_GMError('abort', 'The request was aborted.', error)),

 * 获取cookie
 * @param {string} name cookie名称
 * @returns {string} cookie值
function OJB_getCookie(name) {
    const cookies = document.cookie.split(";");
    for (let i = 0; i < cookies.length; i++) {
        const cookie = cookies[i].trim();
        const [cookieName, cookieValue] = cookie.split("=");

        if (cookieName === name) {
            return decodeURIComponent(cookieValue);
    return "";

 * 检查是否仍在同一浏览器会话中
 * @param {string} sessionKey - 会话键名,用于标识会话
 * @returns {boolean} - 如果在当前会话中之前已经设置过这个键,则返回true,否则返回false
function OJB_isSameBrowserSession(sessionKey) {
    const fullCookieName = `OJB_Session_${sessionKey}`;
    const sessionValue = OJB_getCookie(fullCookieName);
    if (sessionValue === "") {
        document.cookie = `${fullCookieName}=true; path=/`;
        return false;
    return true;

 * 随机数生成
 * @param {number} numDigits 位数
 * @returns {number} 一个随机数
function OJB_getRandomNumber(numDigits) {
    let min = Math.pow(10, numDigits - 1);
    let max = Math.pow(10, numDigits) - 1;
    return Math.floor(Math.random() * (max - min + 1)) + min;

 * 随机数生成-范围内
 * @param {number} min 最小值
 * @param {number} max 最大值
 * @returns {number} 一个随机数
function OJB_getRandomNumberInRange(min, max) {
    return Math.floor(Math.random() * (max - min + 1)) + min;

 * 防抖函数
 * @param {Function} callback 回调函数
 * @returns {Function}
function OJB_debounce(callback) {
    let timer;
    let immediateExecuted = false;
    const delay = 500;
    return function () {
        if (!immediateExecuted) {; immediateExecuted = true; }
        timer = setTimeout(() => { immediateExecuted = false; }, delay);

 * 为元素添加鼠标拖拽支持
 * @param {JQuery<HTMLElement>} element 要添加拖拽支持的元素
 * @returns {void}
function OJB_addDraggable(element) {
    let isDragging = false;
    let x, y, l, t, nl, nt;
    let isSpecialMouseDown = false; // 选取某些元素时不拖动

    element.on('mousedown', function (e) {
        isSpecialMouseDown = $('label, p, input, textarea, span, select, details, summary');
        if (isSpecialMouseDown) return;

        isDragging = true;
        x = e.clientX;
        y = e.clientY;
        l = element.offset().left - $(window).scrollLeft();
        t = element.offset().top - $(window).scrollTop();

        element.css({ left: l + 'px', top: t + 'px', transform: 'none' });

        $(document).on("mousemove", drag);
        $(document).on("mouseup", stopDrag);
        element.css('cursor', 'all-scroll');

    const drag = (e) => {
        if (!isDragging) return;
        // 不执行拖动操作
        if ($('label, p, input, textarea, span') || isSpecialMouseDown && !$('input, textarea')) return;

        const nx = e.clientX;
        const ny = e.clientY;
        nl = nx - (x - l);
        nt = ny - (y - t);
        element.css({ transform: `translate(${nx - x}px, ${ny - y}px)` });

    const stopDrag = () => {
        isDragging = false;
        isSpecialMouseDown = false;
        element.css('cursor', 'default');

        // 在停止拖拽后,设置元素的left和top,并还原transform
        element.css({ left: nl + 'px', top: nt + 'px', transform: 'none' });
        $(document).off("mousemove", drag);
        $(document).off("mouseup", stopDrag);

 * 切换元素的折叠/展开过渡动画
 * @param {HTMLElement} element
function OJB_toggleCollapseExpand(element) {
    // 设置transitionend事件监听器的函数
    const setTransitionListener = (listener) => {
        const listenerName = `transitionEndListener${}`;
        window[listenerName] = listener;
        element.addEventListener('transitionend', listener);
        element.setAttribute('data-transition-end-listener', listenerName);

    // 移除事件监听器的函数
    const removeTransitionListener = () => {
        const transitionEndListenerName = element.getAttribute('data-transition-end-listener');
        if (transitionEndListenerName) {
            element.removeEventListener('transitionend', window[transitionEndListenerName]);

    const collapsed = element.getAttribute('data-collapsed') === 'true';
    const sectionHeight = element.scrollHeight;

    // 移除事件监听器

    // 设置初始样式 = 'hidden'; = 'height 0.3s ease-out 0s'; = collapsed ? `0px` : `${sectionHeight}px`; = collapsed ? '' : '1';

    // 需要立即开始动画
    requestAnimationFrame(() => {
        // 设置结束样式 = collapsed ? `${sectionHeight}px` : `0px`;

    const transitionEndListener = (event) => {
        if (event.propertyName === 'height') {
            if (collapsed) {
                // 展开后的设置
       = '';
       = '';
            } else {
                // 折叠后的设置
       = '0';


    // 更新data-collapsed属性
    element.setAttribute('data-collapsed', collapsed ? 'false' : 'true');

 * 获取外部JSON并转换为Object
 * @param {string} url JSON Url
 * @param {boolean} [nacache=true] 是否不使用缓存
 * @returns {Promise<Object>} JSON Object
async function OJB_getExternalJSON(url, nacache = true) {
    const response = await OJB_GMRequest({
        method: "GET",
        url: url,
        nocache: nacache
    try {
        return JSON.parse(response.responseText);
    } catch (e) {
        throw new Error(`JSON parse error\n${e}`);

 * 创建确认对话框dialog
 * @param {string} title 标题
 * @param {string} content 内容
 * @param {string[]} buttons 按钮 (取消 确定) 可以为null
 * @param {boolean} renderMarkdown 是否使用markdown渲染文本
 * @returns {Promise<boolean>} 用户点击了确定按钮返回true, 否则返回false
function OJB_createDialog(title, content, buttons, renderMarkdown = false) {
    return new Promise(resolve => {
        let contentHtml = content;

        if (renderMarkdown) {
            const md = window.markdownit();
            contentHtml = md.render(content);

        const dialog = OJB_safeCreateJQElement(`
        <dialog class="OJBetter_modal">
            <div class="content">${contentHtml}</div>
        const buttonbox = OJB_safeCreateJQElement(`<div class="buttons"></div>`);
        const cancelButton = OJB_safeCreateJQElement(`<button class="cancelButton">${buttons[0]}</button>`)
        const continueButton = OJB_safeCreateJQElement(`<button class="continueButton">${buttons[1]}</button>`);
        if (buttons[0] !== null) buttonbox.append(cancelButton);
        if (buttons[1] !== null) buttonbox.append(continueButton);

        OJB_addDraggable(dialog); () {
        }); () {

 * 显示模态对话框并阻止页面滚动,同时考虑滚动条宽度变化和原始marginRight
 * @param {JQuery<HTMLElement>} element
function OJB_showModal(element) {
    const dialog = element.get(0);

    if (OJBetter.state.openDialogCount === 1) {
        const scrollbarWidth = window.innerWidth - document.documentElement.clientWidth;
        // 获取原始的html marginRight,考虑到可能的非数字值,比如auto
        const originalMarginRight = window.getComputedStyle(document.documentElement).marginRight;
        const marginRightValue = parseFloat(originalMarginRight) || 0; // 将非数字值转换为0

        if (scrollbarWidth > 0) {
            // 保存原始的marginRight,并设置新的值以补偿滚动条宽度
  '--original-margin-right', originalMarginRight);
   = `${marginRightValue + scrollbarWidth}px`;

        // 保存原始的overflow样式
        document.documentElement.setAttribute('data-original-overflow',; = 'hidden';

    const allowScrollIfNeeded = () => {
        if (OJBetter.state.openDialogCount === 0) {
            // 恢复原始的html marginRight和overflow样式
            const originalMarginRight ='--original-margin-right');
   = originalMarginRight;

            const originalOverflow = document.documentElement.getAttribute('data-original-overflow');
   = originalOverflow;

    dialog.addEventListener('close', allowScrollIfNeeded);

 * 关闭并移除模态对话框
 * @param {JQuery<HTMLElement>} element
function OJB_closeAndRemoveModal(element) {
    const dialog = element.get(0);

 * 关闭并移除模态对话框
 * @param {JQuery<HTMLElement>} element
function OJB_closeModal(element) {
    const dialog = element.get(0);

 * 清除i18next的缓存数据并刷新
function clearI18nextCache() {
        .filter(key => key.startsWith('i18next_res_'))
        .forEach(key => localStorage.removeItem(key));

 * 清除网站本地化数据
async function clearWebsiteL10nData() {
    OJBetter.common.database.localizeSubsData.clear().then(() => {
        console.log('localizeSubsData table has been cleared');
    }).catch((error) => {
        console.error('Failed to clear localizeSubsData table:', error);

 * 从Pre代码块中获取原始代码
 * @param {HTMLElement} element pre代码块元素
 * @returns {string|null} 代码文本
function OJB_getCodeFromPre(element) {
     * 从Ace格式化的代码块中获取原始代码
     * @param {HTMLElement} element pre代码块元素
     * @returns {string} 代码文本
    const getCodeFromAcePre = function (element) {
        const editor = ace.edit(element);
        return editor.getValue();

     * 从Pretty格式化的代码块中获取原始代码-1
     * 代码直接存放在 pre 元素中
     * @param {HTMLElement} element pre代码块元素
     * @returns {string} 代码文本
    const getCodeFromPrettyPre = function (element) {
        return Array.from(element.querySelectorAll('li')).map(function (li) {
            return li.textContent;

     * 从Pretty格式化的代码块中获取原始代码-2
     * 代码存放在子元素 code 中
     * @param {HTMLElement} element pre代码块元素
     * @returns {string} 代码文本
    const getCodeFromPreChild = function (element) {
        const code = element.querySelector("code.prettyprint");
        if (code.classList.contains("linenums")) {
            return getCodeFromPrettyPre(element);
        } else {
            return element.querySelector("code.prettyprint").textContent;

    let result;
    if ( === "submission-code") {
        result = getCodeFromAcePre(element);
    } else if (element.classList.contains("prettyprint")) {
        result = getCodeFromPrettyPre(element);
    } else if (element.querySelector("code.prettyprint")) {
        result = getCodeFromPreChild(element);
    } else {
        result = "";
    result = result.replace(/\u00A0/g, ''); // 过滤文本中的U+00a0字符(由&nbsp;造成的)
    return result;

 * 判断代码的语言
 * @param {string} code 代码文本
 * @returns {string} 可能的语言
function OJB_codeLangDetect(code) {
    result = hljs.highlightAuto(code);
    return result.language;

 * 获取指定命名空间下的所有i18n翻译键值对。
 * @param {string} namespace - 要获取键值对的i18next命名空间。
 * @returns {Map<string, string>} 一个包含命名空间下所有键值对的Map对象。
function OJB_getAllI18nKeysForNamespace(namespace) {
    const language = i18next.language; // 获取当前语言
    const resources =[language]; // 获取当前语言的所有资源
    const nsResources = resources[namespace]; // 获取特定命名空间的资源
    const resultMap = new Map();

    if (nsResources) {
        // 遍历命名空间下的所有键值对,并添加到Map中
        Object.keys(nsResources).forEach(key => {
            resultMap.set(key, nsResources[key]);
    } else {
        console.log(`No resources found for namespace "${namespace}"`);

    return resultMap;

 * 更新检查
async function checkScriptVersion() {
    try {
        const versionResponse = await OJB_GMRequest({
            method: "GET",
            url: "",
            timeout: 10 * 1e3,
            nocache: true
        const versionData = JSON.parse(versionResponse.responseText);
        const { [OJBetter.state.formatName]: { dev: version_dev, release: version_release } } = versionData;
        const baseUrls = {
            // greasyfork: '',
            greasyfork: '',
            github: `${OJBetter.about.updateChannel}/${OJBetter.state.formatName}.user.js`,
            aliyunoss: `${OJBetter.about.updateChannel}/${OJBetter.state.formatName}.user.js`
        /** @type {string} 更新跳转url */
        const updateUrl = baseUrls[OJBetter.about.updateSource];
        /** @type {string} 是否暂时跳过cookie */
        const skipUpdate = OJB_getCookie("skipUpdate");
        /** @type {string} 当前更新频道的最新版本 */
        const version = OJBetter.about.updateChannel == "release" ? version_release : version_dev;
        if (OJB_compareVersions(version, OJBetter.state.version) === 1 && skipUpdate !== "true") {
            const updateConfirmed = await OJB_createDialog(
                i18next.t('update.title', { ns: 'dialog', scriptName: }),
                i18next.t('update.content', { ns: 'dialog', oldVersion: OJBetter.state.version, newVersion: version }),
                    i18next.t('update.buttons.0', { ns: 'dialog' }),
                    i18next.t('update.buttons.1', { ns: 'dialog' })

            if (updateConfirmed) {
                window.location.href = updateUrl;
            } else {
                document.cookie = "skipUpdate=true; path=/";
    } catch (error) {
        console.error("Update check failed: ", error);

 * 公告
async function showAnnounce() {
    /** @type {string} 最新公告版本*/
    const lastAnnounceVer = i18next.t('lastVersion', { ns: 'announce' });
    if (OJB_compareVersions(OJBetter.state.version, OJBetter.state.lastAnnounceVer) === 1) {
        const title = `🎉${i18next.t('announce.title', { ns: 'dialog' })} ${OJBetter.state.version}`;
        /** @type {Boolean} 是否是新的公告 */
        const isNewAnnounceVer = OJB_compareVersions(lastAnnounceVer, OJBetter.state.lastReadAnnounceVer) === 1;
        /** @type {Boolean} 是否展示新的公告(高于当前版本的测试公告不展示) */
        const showNewAnnounceVer = OJB_compareVersions(lastAnnounceVer, OJBetter.state.version) !== 1;
         * 获取公告的内容
         * @returns {string} 公告内容
        const getAnnounceContent = function () {
            // 获取公告
            const announceMap = OJB_getAllI18nKeysForNamespace('announce');
            // 移除 'lastVersion' 键
            // 将 Map 转换为数组并根据版本号排序
            const sortedVersions = [...announceMap.keys()].sort(OJB_compareVersions).reverse();
            let content = "";
            sortedVersions.forEach(version => {
                content += `### ${version}\n\n`; // 使用版本号作为标题
                content += announceMap.get(version); // 添加对应版本的公告内容
                content += "\n\n";

            return content;

        const content = (() => {
            if (isNewAnnounceVer && showNewAnnounceVer) {
                return `${i18next.t('announce.prefix', { ns: 'dialog' })}\n\n${getAnnounceContent()}`;
            } else {
                return i18next.t('announce.divContent', { ns: 'dialog' });
        const ok = await OJB_createDialog(
                i18next.t('announce.buttons.0', { ns: 'dialog' })
        ); //跳过折叠块确认
        if (ok) {
            if (isNewAnnounceVer && showNewAnnounceVer) {
                GM_setValue('lastReadAnnounceVer', lastAnnounceVer);
            GM_setValue('lastAnnounceVer', OJBetter.state.version);

 * 页面顶部提示信息alert类
class LoadingMessage {
    constructor() {
        this._statusElement = null;
        this._isDisplayed = false;

     * 初始化加载提示信息
    init() {
        this._statusElement = this.createStatusElement();

     * 创建提示信息元素
    createStatusElement() {
        const statusElement = $("<div></div>").addClass("alert OJBetter_alert")
                "margin": "1em",
                "text-align": "center",
                "position": "relative"
        return statusElement;

     * 插入提示信息
     * @returns {void}
    insertStatusElement() {
        // (OJBetter.typeOfPage.is_mSite ? $("header") : $(".menu-box:first").next()).after(this._statusElement);

     * 显示提示信息
    showStatus() {;
        this._isDisplayed = true;

     * 隐藏提示信息
    hideStatus() {
        this._isDisplayed = false;

     * 移除提示信息
    removeStatus() {
        this._isDisplayed = false;

     * 更新提示信息
     * @param {string} text 提示信息文本
     * @param {string} type 提示信息类型,可选值:info, success, warning, error
     * @param {number} timeout 提示信息显示的持续时间(毫秒), 默认为无限长
    updateStatus(text, type = 'info', timeout = Infinity, isMarkdown = false) {
        if (isMarkdown) {
            let md = window.markdownit({
                html: !is_escapeHTML,
            text = md.render(text);
        this._statusElement.html(text).removeClass("alert-info alert-success alert-warning alert-error").addClass(`alert-${type}`);
        if (!this._isDisplayed) {
        if (timeout !== Infinity) {
            setTimeout(() => {
            }, timeout);

 * 获取网站本地化的数据
 * @param {*} localizationLanguage 本地化语言
 * @returns {Promise<Object>} 本地化数据
async function getLocalizeWebsiteJson(localizationLanguage) {
    let data = await OJBetter.common.database.localizeSubsData.get(localizationLanguage);
    let url = localizationLanguage === "zh" ?
        `${OJBetter.state.formatName}.json` :
    if (data) data =;
    if (!data) {
        // 如果本地没有数据,从远端获取并保存
        data = await OJB_getExternalJSON(url);
        await OJBetter.common.database.localizeSubsData.put({ lang: localizationLanguage, data: data });
    } else {
        // 如果本地有数据,检查是否已经在当前会话中尝试过更新
        const sessionKey = `ojb_updateL10nWebsiteJson_${localizationLanguage}`;
        if (!OJB_isSameBrowserSession(sessionKey)) {
            // 如果尚未更新,则在后台更新
            (async () => {
                try {
                    const newData = await OJB_getExternalJSON(url);
                    await OJBetter.common.database.localizeSubsData.put({ lang: localizationLanguage, data: newData });
                    console.log("Website local data has been refreshed!");
                } catch (error) {
                    console.error('Failed to update localization data:', error);
    return data;

 * 网站本地化替换
 * @returns 
async function localizeWebsite() {
    if (OJBetter.localization.websiteLang === "initial") return;

    // 设置网页语言
    var htmlTag = document.getElementsByTagName("html")[0];
    htmlTag.setAttribute("lang", OJBetter.localization.websiteLang);

    // 获取网站本地化的数据
    var subs = await getLocalizeWebsiteJson(OJBetter.localization.websiteLang);

     * 文本节点遍历替换
     * @param {JQuery} $nodes jQuery对象
     * @param {Object} textReplaceRules 文本替换规则对象
     * @param {string} key 应用的规则集的名字
    const traverseTextNodes = ($nodes, textReplaceRules, key) => {
        if (!$nodes) return;

        $nodes.each((_, node) => {
            if (node.nodeType === Node.TEXT_NODE) {
                Object.entries(textReplaceRules).forEach(([match, replace]) => {
                    try {
                        const regex = new RegExp(match, 'g');
                        const beforeText = node.textContent;
                        node.textContent = node.textContent.replace(regex, replace);
                        if (node.textContent !== beforeText && {
                            $(node).after(`<span class="markingTextReplaceRule">${key}</span>`);
                    } catch (error) {
                        console.error(`Error processing text replacement for match: ${match}`, error);
            } else if (node.nodeType === Node.ELEMENT_NODE && node.tagName.toLowerCase() !== 'iframe') {
                $(node).contents().each((_, childNode) => {
                    traverseTextNodes($(childNode), textReplaceRules, key);

     * value替换
     * @param {JQuery} $nodes jQuery对象
     * @param {Object} valueReplaceRules 值替换规则对象
     * @param {string} key 应用的规则集的名字
    function traverseValueNodes($nodes, valueReplaceRules, key) {
        if (!$nodes) return;

        $nodes.each(function () {
            let $node = $(this);
            if ($'[value]')) {
                Object.keys(valueReplaceRules).forEach(match => {
                    const replace = valueReplaceRules[match];
                    const regex = new RegExp(match, 'g');
                    let currentValue = $node.val();
                    let newValue = currentValue.replace(regex, replace);
                    if ( {
                        if (newValue !== currentValue) $($node).after(`<span class="markingTextReplaceRule">${key}</span>`);
            } else {
                $node.children().each(function () {
                    traverseValueNodes($(this), valueReplaceRules, key);

     * 严格的文本节点遍历替换
     * 要求被替换文本严格与规则文本一致
     * @param {JQuery} $nodes jQuery对象
     * @param {Object} textReplaceRules 文本替换规则对象
     * @param {string} key 应用的规则集的名字
    const strictTraverseTextNodes = ($nodes, textReplaceRules, key) => {
        if (!$nodes) return;

        $nodes.each((_, node) => {
            if (node.nodeType === Node.TEXT_NODE) {
                const trimmedNodeText = node.textContent.trim();
                for (const [match, replacement] of Object.entries(textReplaceRules)) {
                    if (trimmedNodeText === match) {
                        const beforeText = node.textContent;
                        node.textContent = replacement;
                        if (node.textContent !== beforeText && {
                            $(node).after(`<span class="markingTextReplaceRule">${key}</span>`);
            } else if (node.nodeType === Node.ELEMENT_NODE && node.tagName.toLowerCase() !== 'iframe') {
                $(node).contents().each((_, childNode) => {
                    strictTraverseTextNodes($(childNode), textReplaceRules, key);

     * 应用文本替换
    let commonReplacements = subs.commonReplacements;
    Object.entries(commonReplacements).forEach(([key, value]) => {
        const classSelectors = Array.isArray(value.class) ? value.class : [value.class]; // 兼容,class的值可以为数组或者字符串
        classSelectors.forEach(classSelector => {
            if (value.isStrict) {
                strictTraverseTextNodes(OJB_safeCreateJQElement(`${classSelector}`), value.rules, key);
            } else {
                traverseTextNodes(OJB_safeCreateJQElement(`${classSelector}`), value.rules, key);

     * 应用value替换
    let InputValueReplacements = subs.InputValueReplacements;
    Object.entries(InputValueReplacements).forEach(([key, value]) => {
        const classSelectors = Array.isArray(value.class) ? value.class : [value.class];
        classSelectors.forEach(classSelector => {
            traverseValueNodes(OJB_safeCreateJQElement(`${classSelector}`), value.rules, key);

     * 动态添加的文本的替换
    let dynamicReplacements = subs.dynamicReplacements;
    Object.entries(dynamicReplacements).forEach(([key, value]) => {
        const classSelectors = Array.isArray(value.class) ? value.class : [value.class]; // 兼容,class的值可以为数组或者字符串
        classSelectors.forEach(classSelector => {
                selector: classSelector,
                callback: (node) => {
                    // let popupContent = node.textContent.replace(/^×/, ''); // 去除开头多余的 '×' 字符
                    if (value.isStrict) {
                        strictTraverseTextNodes(OJB_safeCreateJQElement(`${classSelector}`), value.rules, key);
                    } else {
                        traverseTextNodes(OJB_safeCreateJQElement(`${classSelector}`), value.rules, key);

    // // 杂项
    // (function () {
    //     // 选项汉化input[type="radio"]
    //     var translations = {
    //         "as individual participant": "个人",
    //         "as a team member": "作为一个团队成员",
    //     };
    //     $('input[type="radio"]').each(function () {
    //         var tag = $(this).parent().contents().filter(function () {
    //             return this.nodeType === Node.TEXT_NODE;
    //         });
    //         for (var i = 0; i < tag.length; i++) {
    //             var text = tag[i].textContent.trim();
    //             if (translations.hasOwnProperty(text)) {
    //                 $(this).addClass(text);
    //                 tag[i].replaceWith(translations[text]);
    //                 break;
    //             }
    //         }
    //     });
    // })();
    // (function () {
    //     var translations = {
    //         "(standard input\/output)": "标准输入/输出",
    //     };
    //     $("div.notice").each(function () {
    //         var tag = $(this).children().eq(0).text();
    //         for (var property in translations) {
    //             if (tag.match(property)) {
    //                 $(this).children().eq(0).text(translations[property]);
    //                 break;
    //             }
    //         }
    //     });
    // })();

    // // 轻量站特殊
    // if (OJBetter.typeOfPage.is_mSite) {
    //     traverseTextNodes($('nav'), commonReplacements['.second-level-menu']['rules']);
    // }
    // if (OJBetter.typeOfPage.is_mSite) {
    //     (function () {
    //         var translations = {
    //             "Announcements": "公告",
    //             "Submissions": "提交记录",
    //             "Contests": "比赛",
    //         };
    //         $(".caption").each(function () {
    //             var optionValue = $(this).text();
    //             if (translations[optionValue]) {
    //                 $(this).text(translations[optionValue]);
    //             }
    //         });
    //     })();
    // }

 * i18next初始化
async function initI18next() {
    return new Promise((resolve, reject) => {
                lng: OJBetter.localization.scriptLang,
                ns: ['common', 'settings', 'config', 'dialog', 'alert', 'translator',
                    'button', 'codeEditor', 'comments', 'announce', 'logMessage'], // 命名空间列表
                defaultNS: 'settings',
                fallbackLng: ['zh', OJBetter.translation.targetLang],
                load: 'currentOnly',
                debug: false,
                backend: {
                    backends: [
                    backendOptions: [{
                        prefix: 'i18next_res_',
                        expirationTime: 7 * 24 * 60 * 60 * 1000,
                        defaultVersion: `v${OJBetter.state.version}`,
                        store: typeof window !== 'undefined' ? window.localStorage : null
                    }, {
                        /* options for secondary backend */
                        loadPath: (lng, ns) => {
                            if (lng[0] === 'zh' || lng[0] === 'zh-Hans') {
                                return `${OJBetter.state.formatName}/${ns}.json`;
                            return `${lng}/resources/locales/${OJBetter.state.formatName}/${ns}.json`;
            }, (err, t) => {
                if (err) {
                } else {
                    jqueryI18next.init(i18next, $, {
                        useOptionsAttr: true

 * 抽象命令类
class Command {
    execute() { }
    undo() { }

 * 命令调用者
class CommandInvoker {
    constructor() {
        this.history = [];

     * 执行命令
     * @param {Command} command 命令对象
    execute(command) {

     * 撤销命令
    undo() {
        const command = this.history.pop();
        if (command) {

 * 接收者
class DOMContainer {
     * @param {JQueryObject} element 容器对象
    constructor(element) {
        this.containerElement = element;

     * 添加元素
     * @param {JQueryObject} element 元素对象
     * @returns {JQueryObject} 添加的元素对象
    add(element) {
        return this.containerElement.children().last();

     * 删除元素
     * @param {JQueryObject} element 元素对象
    remove(element) {

 * 具体命令类:添加元素
class AddElementCommand extends Command {
     * @param {DOMContainer} receiver 接收者
     * @param {JQueryObject} element 元素对象
    constructor(receiver, element) {
        this.receiver = receiver;
        this.element = element;
        this.addedElement = null;

    execute() {
        this.addedElement = this.receiver.add(this.element);

    undo() {
        if (this.addedElement) {

 * 具体命令类:删除元素
class RemoveElementCommand extends Command {
     * @param {DOMContainer} receiver 接收者
     * @param {JQueryObject} element 元素对象
    constructor(receiver, element) {
        this.receiver = receiver;
        this.element = element;
        this.parent = $(element).parent();
        this.nextSibling = $(element).next();

    execute() {

    undo() {
        if (this.nextSibling.length > 0) {
        } else {

 * 验证器
class Validator {
     * 表单必填项空值校验
    static required(structure) {
        let config = {};
        let allFieldsValid = true;
        for (const key in structure) {
            let value = key.type == 'checkbox' ?
                $(key).prop("checked") : $(key).val();

            config[structure[key].value] = value;

            if (value || structure[key].require === false) {
            } else {
                allFieldsValid = false;
        return {
            valid: allFieldsValid,
            config: config

     * 表单合法性校验
    static checkKeyValuePairs(structure, config) {
        let errorKeys = [];
        let allFieldsValid = true;

        for (const key in structure) {
            const { check, value } = structure[key];
            const fieldValue = config[value];

            // 如果字段没有值或校验类型不匹配,则跳过当前迭代
            if (!fieldValue) continue;

            let isValid = true;
            switch (check) {
                case 'keyValuePairs':
                    isValid = Validator.keyValuePairs(fieldValue);
                case 'dotSeparatedPath':
                    isValid = Validator.validateDotSeparatedPath(fieldValue);
                    // 没有匹配的校验类型

            Validator.toggleErrorDisplay(key, isValid);
            if (!isValid) {
                allFieldsValid = false;

        return {
            valid: allFieldsValid,
            errorKeys: errorKeys

     * 切换错误信息的显示和隐藏
     * @param {string} key - 字段的键
     * @param {boolean} isValid - 字段值是否有效
    static toggleErrorDisplay(key, isValid) {
        const errorMessage = i18next.t('common.unValid', { ns: 'settings' });
        const $errorSpan = $(key).prev('span.text-error');
        if (!isValid) {
            if (!$errorSpan.length) {
                $(key).before(`<span class="text-error" style="color: red;">${errorMessage}</span>`);
        } else {

     * 键值对合法性校验
     * @param {string} value
     * @returns {boolean}
    static keyValuePairs(value) {
        const keyValuePairs = value.split('\n');
        // 允许值中包含空格和冒号
        const regex = /^[a-zA-Z0-9_-]+\s*:\s*.+$/;
        return keyValuePairs.every(pair => regex.test(pair));

     * 点分隔符路径格式校验,允许加减运算
     * @param {string} path
     * @returns {boolean}
    static validateDotSeparatedPath(path) {
        // 正则表达式允许标识符之间有点号,标识符可以包含加减运算
        const regex = /^([a-zA-Z0-9_-]+(\s*[\+\-]\s*[a-zA-Z0-9_-]+)*\.)*([a-zA-Z0-9_-]+(\s*[\+\-]\s*[a-zA-Z0-9_-]+)*)$/;
        return regex.test(path);

 * 配置管理
class ConfigManager {
     * @param {HTMLElement} element - 挂载容器
     * @param {string} prefix - 前缀
     * @param {object} tempConfig - 配置内容
     * @param {object} structure - 配置结构
     * @param {object} configHTML - 配置编辑页面HTML
     * @param {boolean} allowChoice - 是否允许选择列表项
    constructor(element, prefix, tempConfig, structure, configHTML, allowChoice = true) {
        /** @param 设置面板DIV */
        this.settingMenuDiv = $('#OJBetter_setting_menu');
        this.element = $(element);
        this.prefix = prefix;
        this.tempConfig = tempConfig;
        this.structure = structure;
        this.configHTML = configHTML;
        this.allowChoice = allowChoice;

        this.controlTip = null;
        this.config_bar_list = null;
        this.config_bar_ul = null;
        this.config_add_button = null; = null;
        this.editItem = null;
        this.deleteItem = null;

        // 绑定方法
        this.onAdd = this.onAdd.bind(this);
        this.onEdit = this.onEdit.bind(this);
        this.onDelete = this.onDelete.bind(this);
        this.createListItemElement = this.createListItemElement.bind(this);

        this.lastItemId = 0; // 列表中当前最后一个元素的id号

    init() {

     * 创建控制栏
    createControlBar() {
        this.controlTip = OJB_safeCreateJQElement(`<div id='${this.prefix}configControlTip' style='color:red;'></div>`);
        this.config_bar_list = OJB_safeCreateJQElement(`<div class='config_bar_list' id='${this.prefix}config_bar_list'></div>`);
        this.config_bar_ul = OJB_safeCreateJQElement(`<ul class='config_bar_ul' id='${this.prefix}config_bar_ul'></ul>`);

     * 创建右键菜单
    createContextMenu() {
        const menu = OJB_safeCreateJQElement(`<div id='config_bar_menu' style='display: none;'></div>`);
        const editItem = OJB_safeCreateJQElement(`
        <div class='config_bar_menu_item' id='config_bar_menu_edit'>
            ${i18next.t('contextMenu.edit', { ns: 'translator' })}
        const deleteItem = OJB_safeCreateJQElement(`
        <div class='config_bar_menu_item' id='config_bar_menu_delete'>
            ${i18next.t('contextMenu.delete', { ns: 'translator' })}
        this.editItem = editItem;
        this.deleteItem = deleteItem; = menu;

     * 关闭右键菜单
    closeContextMenu() {{ display: "none" });

     * 创建列表项
     * @param {string} text - 列表项文本
     * @returns {HTMLElement} - 列表项
    createListItemElement(text) {
        const id = OJB_getRandomNumber(4);
        const li = $("<li></li>");
        const radio = OJB_safeCreateJQElement(`<input type='radio' name='${this.prefix}config_item'></input>`)
            .attr("value", text)
            .attr("id", id)
            .attr("prev_id", this.lastItemId)
        if (!this.allowChoice) {
            radio.prop("disabled", true);
        const label = OJB_safeCreateJQElement(`<label for='${id}' class='config_bar_ul_li_text'>${text}</label>`).appendTo(li);

        this.lastItemId = id;

        // 添加右键菜单
        li.on("contextmenu", (event) => {
                display: "block",
                left: event.pageX, top: event.pageY

            const deleteItem = this.deleteItem;
            const editItem = this.editItem;

            // 移除旧事件

            // 获取 li 在 ul 中的索引
            const index = li.index();

            deleteItem.on("click", () => this.onDelete(index, li));
            editItem.on("click", () => this.onEdit(index, li));

            $(document).one("click", (event) => {
                if (! {
          "click", () => this.onDelete);
          "click", () => this.onEdit);

        return li;

     * 渲染配置列表
    renderList() {
        const list = this.config_bar_ul;
        list.empty(); // 清空
        this.tempConfig.configurations.forEach((item) => {

        // 添加按钮
        let addButton = OJB_safeCreateJQElement(`<li id='${this.prefix}add_button' class="tempConfig_add_button">
            <span>+ ${i18next.t('add', { ns: 'common' })}</span>
        this.config_add_button = addButton;
        addButton.on("click", this.onAdd);

     * 添加配置项
    onAdd() {
        const configMenu = this.createConfigHTML();
        const structure = this.structure;

        configMenu.on("click", "#tempConfig_save", () => {

            // 检查必填字段
            const { valid, config } = Validator.required(structure);
            if (!valid) return;

            // 检查键值对
            const { valid: checkOk, errorKey } = Validator.checkKeyValuePairs(structure, config);
            if (!checkOk) return;




        configMenu.on("click", ".btn-close", () => {

     * 修改配置项
     * @param {number} index - 配置项索引
     * @param {HTMLElement} li - 配置项
     * @returns {void}
    onEdit(index, li) {
        const configMenu = this.createConfigHTML();
        const structure = this.structure;


        // 填充表单
        for (const [key, { value, type }] of Object.entries(this.structure)) {
            const configValue = this.tempConfig.configurations[index][value];
            const $element = $(key);
            if (type === 'checkbox') {
                $element.prop("checked", configValue);
            } else {

        configMenu.on("click", "#tempConfig_save", () => {
            // 检查必填字段
            const { valid, config } = Validator.required(structure);
            if (!valid) return;

            // 检查键值对
            const { valid: checkOk, errorKey } = Validator.checkKeyValuePairs(structure, config);
            if (!checkOk) return;

            // 更新配置
            this.tempConfig.configurations[index] = config;


        configMenu.on("click", ".btn-close", () => {

     * 删除配置项
     * @param {number} index - 配置项索引
     * @param {HTMLElement} li - 配置项
     * @returns {void}
    onDelete(index, li) {
        this.tempConfig.configurations.splice(index, 1);

     * 创建配置编辑页面
     * @returns {JQuery<HTMLElement>} 返回配置编辑页面
    createConfigHTML() {
        const configMenu = OJB_safeCreateJQElement(this.configHTML);
        return configMenu;

     * 获取配置内容
     * @returns {object} - 配置内容
    getTempConfig() {
        return this.tempConfig;

     * 注册列表项选中改变监听
    registerChoiceChange() {
        this.config_bar_ul.on("change", "input[type='radio']", (event) => {
            const value =;
            this.tempConfig.choice = value;

const OJBetter_setting_sidebar_HTML = `
<div class="OJBetter_setting_sidebar">
        <li><a href="#basic-settings" id="sidebar-basic-settings" class="active" data-i18n="settings:sidebar.basic"></a></li>
        <li><a href="#preference-settings" id="sidebar-preference-settings" data-i18n="settings:sidebar.preference"></a></li>
        <li><a href="#translation-settings" id="sidebar-translation-settings" data-i18n="settings:sidebar.translation"></a></li>
        <li><a href="#clist_rating-settings" id="sidebar-clist_rating-settings" data-i18n="settings:sidebar.clist"></a></li>
        <li><a href="#code_editor-settings" id="sidebar-code_editor-settings" data-i18n="settings:sidebar.monaco"></a></li>
        <li><a href="#dev-settings" id="sidebar-dev-settings" data-i18n=""></a></li>
        <li><a href="#about-settings" id="sidebar-about-settings" data-i18n="settings:sidebar.about"></a></li>

const basic_settings_HTML = `
<div id="basic-settings" class="settings-page active">
    <h3 data-i18n="settings:basic.title"></h3>
    <div class='OJBetter_setting_list' style="padding: 0px 10px;">
        <span id="darkMode_span" data-i18n=""></span>
        <div class="dark-mode-selection">
                <input class="radio-input" type="radio" name="darkMode" value="dark" />
                <span class="OJBetter_setting_menu_label_text"
                <span class="radio-icon"> </span>
                <input checked="" class="radio-input" type="radio" name="darkMode" value="light" />
                <span class="OJBetter_setting_menu_label_text"
                <span class="radio-icon"> </span>
                <input class="radio-input" type="radio" name="darkMode" value="follow" />
                <span class="OJBetter_setting_menu_label_text"
                <span class="radio-icon"> </span>
    <div class='OJBetter_setting_list'>
        <label for="scriptL10nLanguage" style="display: flex;" data-i18n="settings:localization.scriptLanguageLabel"></label>
        <select id="scriptL10nLanguage" name="scriptL10nLanguage">
            <option value="zh">简体中文</option>
            <option value="zh-Hant">繁體中文</option>
            <option value="en">English</option>
            <option value="de">Deutsch</option>
            <option value="fr">Français</option>
            <option value="ko">한국어</option>
            <option value="pt">Português</option>
            <option value="ja">日本語</option>
            <option value="es">Español</option>
            <option value="it">Italiano</option>
            <option value="hi">हिन्दी</option>
    <div class='OJBetter_setting_list'>
        <label for="localizationLanguage" style="display: flex;" data-i18n="settings:localization.websiteLanguageLabel"></label>
        <select id="localizationLanguage" name="localizationLanguage">
            <option value="initial">——</option>
            <option value="zh">简体中文</option>
            <option value="zh-Hant">繁體中文</option>
            <option value="de">Deutsch</option>
            <option value="fr">Français</option>
            <option value="ko">한국어</option>
            <option value="pt">Português</option>
            <option value="ja">日本語</option>
            <option value="es">Español</option>
            <option value="it">Italiano</option>
            <option value="hi">हिन्दी</option>
    <div class='OJBetter_setting_list alert_tip'>
        <div data-i18n="[html]settings:localization.notice.1"></div>
    <div class='OJBetter_setting_list alert_tip'>
        <div data-i18n="[html]settings:localization.notice.2"></div>

const translation_settings_HTML = `
<div id="translation-settings" class="settings-page">
    <h3 data-i18n="settings:translation.title"></h3>
    <h4 data-i18n="settings:translation.options.title"></h4>
    <div class='OJBetter_setting_list'>
        <label for="transTargetLang" style="display: flex;" data-i18n=""></label>
        <div class="help_tip">
            <div class="tip_text" data-i18n="[html]"></div>
        <select id="transTargetLang" name="transTargetLang">
            <option value="zh">简体中文</option>
            <option value="zh-Hant">繁體中文</option>
            <option value="de">Deutsch</option>
            <option value="fr">Français</option>
            <option value="ko">한국어</option>
            <option value="pt">Português</option>
            <option value="ja">日本語</option>
            <option value="es">Español</option>
            <option value="it">Italiano</option>
            <option value="hi">हिन्दी</option>
    <div id="translationServices">
            <input type='radio' name='translation' value='deepl'>
            <span class='OJBetter_setting_menu_label_text'
            <input type='radio' name='translation' value='iflyrec'>
            <span class='OJBetter_setting_menu_label_text'
            <input type='radio' name='translation' value='youdao'>
            <span class='OJBetter_setting_menu_label_text'
            <input type='radio' name='translation' value='google'>
            <span class='OJBetter_setting_menu_label_text'
            <input type='radio' name='translation' value='caiyun'>
            <span class='OJBetter_setting_menu_label_text'
            <input type='radio' name='translation' value='openai'>
            <span class='OJBetter_setting_menu_label_text'
                <div class="help_tip">
                    <div class="tip_text"
    <div class='OJBetter_setting_list'>
        <label for="deepl_type" style="display: flex;" data-i18n="settings:translation.deepl.mode.title"></label>
        <div class="help_tip">
            <div class="tip_text" data-i18n="[html]settings:translation.deepl.mode.helpText"></div>
        <select id="deepl_type" name="deepl_type">
            <option value="free" data-i18n=""></option>
            <option value="api" data-i18n=""></option>
    <div id="deepl_config" class="config"></div>
    <div class='OJBetter_setting_list'>
        <label for="enableEmphasisProtection" data-i18n="settings:translation.deepl.enableEmphasisProtection.title"></label>
        <div class="help_tip" style="margin-right: initial;">
            <div class="tip_text" data-i18n="[html]settings:translation.deepl.enableEmphasisProtection.helpText"></div>
        <div class="badge">Official API Only</div>
        <input type="checkbox" id="enableEmphasisProtection" name="enableEmphasisProtection">
    <div class='OJBetter_setting_list'>
        <label for="enableLinkProtection" data-i18n="settings:translation.deepl.enableLinkProtection.title"></label>
        <div class="help_tip" style="margin-right: initial;">
            <div class="tip_text" data-i18n="[html]settings:translation.deepl.enableLinkProtection.helpText"></div>
        <div class="badge">Official API Only</div>
        <input type="checkbox" id="enableLinkProtection" name="enableLinkProtection">
    <div id="chatgpt_config" class="config"></div>
    <div class='OJBetter_setting_list'>
        <label for="openai_isStream" data-i18n=""></label>
        <div class="help_tip">
            <div class="tip_text" data-i18n="[html]settings:translation.chatgpt.isStream.helpText"></div>
        <input type="checkbox" id="openai_isStream" name="openai_isStream">
    <div class='OJBetter_setting_list'>
        <label for="openai_asSystemPrompt" data-i18n=""></label>
        <div class="help_tip">
            <div class="tip_text" data-i18n="[html]settings:translation.chatgpt.asSystemPrompt.helpText"></div>
        <input type="checkbox" id="openai_asSystemPrompt" name="openai_asSystemPrompt">
    <div class="OJBetter_setting_list">
        <label for='openai_customPrompt'>
            <div style="display: flex;align-items: center;">
                <span class="input_label" data-i18n=""></span>
                <div class="help_tip">
                    <div class="tip_text" data-i18n="[html]settings:translation.chatgpt.customPrompt.helpText"></div>
        <textarea id="openai_customPrompt" placeholder='' require = false data-i18n="[placeholder]settings:translation.chatgpt.customPrompt.placeholder"></textarea>
    <h4 data-i18n="settings:translation.preference.title"></h4>
    <div class='OJBetter_setting_list'>
        <label for="comment_translation_choice" style="display: flex;"
        <select id="comment_translation_choice" name="comment_translation_choice">
            <option value="0" data-i18n=""></option>
            <option value="deepl" data-i18n=""></option>
            <option value="iflyrec" data-i18n=""></option>
            <option value="youdao" data-i18n=""></option>
            <option value="google" data-i18n=""></option>
            <option value="caiyun" data-i18n=""></option>
            <option value="openai" data-i18n=""></option>

    <h4 data-i18n="settings:translation.autoTranslation.title"></h4>
    <div class='OJBetter_setting_list'>
        <label for="autoTranslation" data-i18n="settings:translation.autoTranslation.enable"></label>
        <div class="help_tip">
            <div class="tip_text" data-i18n="[html]settings:translation.autoTranslation.helpText"></div>
        <input type="checkbox" id="autoTranslation" name="autoTranslation">
    <div class='OJBetter_setting_list'>
        <label for='shortTextLength'>
            <div style="display: flex;align-items: center;"
        <div class="help_tip">
            <div class="tip_text" data-i18n="[html]settings:translation.autoTranslation.shortTextLength.helpText">
        <input type='number' id='shortTextLength' class='no_default' require=true data-i18n="[placeholder]settings:translation.autoTranslation.shortTextLength.placeholder">
        <span data-i18n="settings:translation.autoTranslation.shortTextLength.end"></span>
    <div style="display:none;">
    <div class='OJBetter_setting_list'>
        <label for="allowMixTrans" data-i18n=""></label>
        <div class="help_tip">
            <div class="tip_text" data-i18n="[html]settings:translation.autoTranslation.allowMixTrans.helpText">
        <input type="checkbox" id="allowMixTrans" name="allowMixTrans">
        <div class='OJBetter_checkboxs'>
            <input type="checkbox" id="deepl" name="mixedTranslation" value="deepl">
            <label for="deepl" data-i18n="settings:translation.autoTranslation.allowMixTrans.checkboxs.deepl"></label>
            <input type="checkbox" id="iflyrec" name="mixedTranslation" value="iflyrec">
            <label for="iflyrec" data-i18n="settings:translation.autoTranslation.allowMixTrans.checkboxs.iflyrec"></label>
            <input type="checkbox" id="youdao" name="mixedTranslation" value="youdao">
            <label for="youdao" data-i18n="settings:translation.autoTranslation.allowMixTrans.checkboxs.youdao"></label>
            <input type="checkbox" id="google" name="mixedTranslation" value="google">
            <label for="google" data-i18n="">Google</label>
            <input type="checkbox" id="caiyun" name="mixedTranslation" value="caiyun">
            <label for="caiyun" data-i18n="settings:translation.autoTranslation.allowMixTrans.checkboxs.caiyun"></label>

    <h4 data-i18n=""></h4>
    <div class='OJBetter_setting_list'>
        <label for="comment_translation_mode" style="display: flex;" data-i18n=""></label>
        <div class="help_tip">
            <div class="tip_text" data-i18n="[html]settings:translation.advanced.mode.helpText"></div>
        <select id="comment_translation_mode" name="comment_translation_mode">
            <option value="0" data-i18n="settings:translation.advanced.mode.options.0"></option>
            <option value="1" data-i18n="settings:translation.advanced.mode.options.1"></option>
            <option value="2" data-i18n="settings:translation.advanced.mode.options.2"></option>
    <div class='OJBetter_setting_list'>
        <label for="memoryTranslateHistory" data-i18n=""></label>
        <div class="help_tip">
            <div class="tip_text" data-i18n="[html]settings:translation.advanced.memory.helpText"></div>
        <input type="checkbox" id="memoryTranslateHistory" name="memoryTranslateHistory">
    <div class='OJBetter_setting_list'>
        <label for="translation_retransAction" style="display: flex;" data-i18n=""></label>
        <div class="help_tip">
            <div class="tip_text" data-i18n="[html]settings:translation.advanced.retrans.helpText"></div>
        <select id="translation_retransAction" name="translation_retransAction">
            <option value=0 data-i18n="settings:translation.advanced.retrans.options.0"></option>
            <option value=1 data-i18n="settings:translation.advanced.retrans.options.1"></option>
    <div class='OJBetter_setting_list'>
        <label for='transWaitTime'>
            <div style="display: flex;align-items: center;" data-i18n=""></div>
        <div class="help_tip">
            <div class="tip_text" data-i18n="[html]settings:translation.advanced.transWaitTime.helpText"></div>
        <input type='number' id='transWaitTime' class='no_default' require=true data-i18n="[placeholder]settings:translation.advanced.transWaitTime.placeholder">
        <span data-i18n="settings:translation.advanced.transWaitTime.end"></span>
    <div class='OJBetter_setting_list'>
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const clist_rating_settings_HTML = `
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const code_editor_settings_HTML = `
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const preference_settings_HTML = `
<div id="preference-settings" class="settings-page">
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const dev_settings_HTML = `
<div id="dev-settings" class="settings-page">
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    <h5 data-i18n="settings:dev.l10n.title"></h5>
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            <div class="tip_text" data-i18n="[html]settings:dev.l10n_web.isRuleMarkingEnabled.helpText"></div>
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const about_settings_HTML = `
<div id="about-settings" class="settings-page">
    <h3 data-i18n="settings:about.title"></h3>
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        <p><span data-i18n="settings:about.version"></span><span id="nowVersion">${OJBetter.state.version}</span></p>
        <p> @北极小狐 <a target="_blank" href="">Github</a> 
        <a target="_blank" href="">GreasyFork</a></p>
    <h5 data-i18n="settings:about.update.title"></h5>
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            <div class="tip_text" data-i18n="[html]"></div>
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            <option value="dev" data-i18n=""></option>
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            <option value="greasyfork" data-i18n="settings:about.update.source.options.greasyfork"></option>
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            <option value="aliyunoss" data-i18n="settings:about.update.source.options.aliyunoss"></option>

const OJBetter_setting_content_HTML = `
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// 设置界面HTML
const OJBetterSettingMenu_HTML = `
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const apiCustomConfigHTML = (prefix) => {
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const apiQuotaConfigHTML = (prefix) => {
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const deeplConfigEditHTML = `
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const chatgptConfigEditHTML = `
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            <label for='chatgpt_model'>
                <div style="display: flex;align-items: center;">
                    <span class="input_label" data-i18n="[html]config:chatgpt.basic.model.label"></span>
                    <div class="help_tip">
                        <div class="tip_text" data-i18n="[html]config:chatgpt.basic.model.tipText"></div>
            <input type='text' id='chatgpt_model' placeholder='gpt-3.5-turbo' require = false>
        <div class="OJBetter_setting_list">
            <label for='chatgpt_key'>
                <div style="display: flex;align-items: center;">
                    <span class="input_label" data-i18n="config:chatgpt.basic.key.label"></span>
                    <div class="help_tip">
                        <div class="tip_text" data-i18n="[html]config:chatgpt.basic.key.tipText"></div>
            <input type='text' id='chatgpt_key' class='no_default' placeholder='' require = true data-i18n="[placeholder]config:chatgpt.basic.key.placeholder">
        <div class="OJBetter_setting_list">
            <label for='chatgpt_proxy'>
                <div style="display: flex;align-items: center;">
                    <span class="input_label" data-i18n="config:chatgpt.basic.proxy.label">Proxy API:</span>
                    <div class="help_tip">
                        <div class="tip_text" data-i18n="[html]config:chatgpt.basic.proxy.tipText"></div>
            <input type='text' id='chatgpt_proxy' placeholder='' require = false>
            <summary data-i18n="config:common.advanced.title"></summary>
            <summary data-i18n="config:common.quota.title"></summary>
        <button id='tempConfig_save' data-i18n="common:save"></button>

const CompletConfigEditHTML = `
    <dialog class='OJBetter_setting_menu' id='config_edit_menu'>
    <div class='OJBetter_setting_content'>
        <div class="tool-box">
            <button class='ojb_btn ojb_btn_popover top btn-close'>
                <i class="iconfont">&#xe614;</i>
        <h4 data-i18n="config:complet.title"></h4>
        <div class="OJBetter_setting_list">
            <label for='name'>
                <span class="input_label" data-i18n=""></span>
            <input type='text' id='name' class='no_default' placeholder='' require = true  data-i18n="[placeholder]">
        <div class='OJBetter_setting_list'>
            <label for="complet_isChoose"><span id="loaded_span" data-i18n="config:complet.choose.label"></span></label>
            <input type="checkbox" id="complet_isChoose" name="complet_isChoose" require = false>
        <div class='OJBetter_setting_list'>
            <label for="complet_genre" style="display: flex;" data-i18n="config:complet.genre.label"></label>
            <div class="help_tip">
                <div class="tip_text" data-i18n="[html]config:complet.genre.tipText"></div>
            <select id="complet_genre" name="complet_genre">
                <option value="monaco">monaco</option>
                <option value="ace">ace</option>
        <div class='OJBetter_setting_list'>
            <label for="complet_language" style="display: flex;" data-i18n="config:complet.language.label"></label>
            <select id="complet_language" name="complet_language">
                <option value="cpp">cpp</option>
                <option value="python">python</option>
                <option value="java">java</option>
                <option value="c">c</option>
        <div class="OJBetter_setting_list">
            <label for='complet_jsonUrl'>
                <div style="display: flex;align-items: center;">
                    <span class="input_label">JSON URL:</span>
                    <div class="help_tip">
                        <div class="tip_text" data-i18n="[html]config:complet.jsonurl.tipText"></div>
            <div class='OJBetter_setting_list alert_warn' data-i18n="[html]config:complet.jsonurl.alert"></div>
            <input type='text' id='complet_jsonUrl' class='no_default' placeholder='' require = true data-i18n="[placeholder]config:complet.jsonurl.placeholder">
        <button id='tempConfig_save' data-i18n="common:save"></button>

 * 加载设置按钮面板
async function initSettingsPanel() {
     * 添加右上角设置按钮
     * @param {string} location 位置选择器
     * @param {string} method 插入方法
    function insertOJBetterSettingButton(location, method) {
        $(location)[method](`<button class='ojb_btn OJBetter_setting'>
        ${} ${i18next.t('settings', { ns: 'common' })}</button>`);

     * ============================================
     * 该网站插入设置按钮的位置和方式
    if (OJBetter.typeOfPage.isEnglishLanguage) {
        insertOJBetterSettingButton("#navbar-collapse > ul:nth-child(2) > li:last-child", "after");
    } else {
        if ($('.header-mypage').length > 0) insertOJBetterSettingButton(".header-mypage", "after");
        else insertOJBetterSettingButton("#navbar-collapse > ul:nth-child(2) > li:last-child", "after");
     * ============================================

    const $settingBtns = $(".OJBetter_setting");
    $ => {
        $settingBtns.prop("disabled", true).addClass("open");

        // 设置面板div
        const settingMenu = OJB_safeCreateJQElement(OJBetterSettingMenu_HTML);

        elementLocalize(settingMenu); // 加载i18n
        OJB_addDraggable($('#OJBetter_setting_menu')); // 窗口支持拖拽

        // help帮助悬浮窗位置更新
        $(document).on('mouseenter', '.help-icon', function (event) {
            var menuOffset = $('.OJBetter_setting_menu:last').offset();
            var mouseX = event.pageX - menuOffset.left;
            var mouseY = event.pageY -;

                'top': mouseY + 'px',
                'left': mouseX + 'px'

        // 选项卡切换
        $('.OJBetter_setting_sidebar a').click(function (event) {
            $('.OJBetter_setting_sidebar a').removeClass('active');
            const targetPageId = $(this).attr('href').substring(1);
            $('#' + targetPageId).addClass('active');

         * 更新单选按钮组的可用状态
         * @param {string} selector 单选按钮组的选择器
         * @param {string} targetLanguage 目标语言
         * @param {Object} translationSupport 翻译支持的语言对应表
        const updateRadioButtonsAvailability = (selector, targetLanguage) => {
            Object.entries(OJBetter.supportList.translationSupport).forEach(([service, languages]) => {
                const radioButton = $(selector).find(`input[value="${service}"]`);
                const isEnabled = languages[targetLanguage];
                $(radioButton).prop('disabled', !isEnabled);
                if (!isEnabled) {
                    $(radioButton).prop('checked', false);

         * 检查下拉框选中项是否有效,若无效则清空
         * @param {string} selector 下拉框的选择器
        const validateSelectOption = (selector) => {
            const selectedValue = $(selector).val();
            if (!selectedValue) {

         * 更新翻译目标语言下拉框的可用状态
         * @param {string} selector 下拉框的选择器
         * @param {string} targetLanguage 目标语言
         * @param {Object} translationSupport 翻译支持的语言对应表
        const updateSelectOptionsAvailability = (selector, targetLanguage) => {
            $(selector).children('option').each(function () {
                const optionValue = $(this).val();
                const isEnabled = OJBetter.supportList.translationSupport[optionValue] ? OJBetter.supportList.translationSupport[optionValue][targetLanguage] : true;
                $(this).prop('disabled', !isEnabled);

         * 更新翻译服务复选框的可用状态
         * @param {string} selector 复选框的选择器
         * @param {string} targetLanguage 目标语言
         * @param {Object} translationSupport 翻译支持的语言对应表
        const updateCheckboxesAvailability = (selector, targetLanguage) => {
            $(selector).children('input').each(function () {
                const checkboxValue = $(this).val();
                const isEnabled = OJBetter.supportList.translationSupport[checkboxValue][targetLanguage];
                $(this).prop('disabled', !isEnabled);
                if (!isEnabled) {
                    $(this).prop('checked', false);

         * 更新更新源下拉框的可用状态
         * @param {string} selector 下拉框的选择器
         * @param {string} targetLanguage 目标语言
         * @param {Object} translationSupport 翻译支持的语言对应表
        const updateUpdateSourceSelectOptionsAvailability = (selector, updateChannel) => {
            $(selector).children('option').each(function () {
                const optionValue = $(this).val();
                const isEnabled = OJBetter.supportList.updateSourceSupportList[optionValue][updateChannel];
                $(this).prop('disabled', !isEnabled);

         * 创建配置结构
         * @param {string} type - 该字段的在表单中的类型
         * @param {string} value - 在配置中的键值
         * @param {boolean} require - 是否是表单的必填项
         * @param {string} [check=""] check - 调用的合法性检查
        function createStructure(type, value, require, check = "") {
            return { type, value, require, check };

        // deepl配置
        const deeplStructure = {
            '#name': createStructure('text', 'name', true),
            '#deepl_apiGenre': createStructure('text', 'apiGenre', true),
            '#deepl_key': createStructure('text', 'key', false),
            '#deepl_proxy': createStructure('text', 'proxy', false),
            '#deepl_header': createStructure('text', '_header', false, 'keyValuePairs'),
            '#deepl_data': createStructure('text', '_data', false, 'keyValuePairs'),
            '#deepl_quota_url': createStructure('text', 'quota_url', false),
            '#deepl_quota_method': createStructure('text', 'quota_method', false),
            '#deepl_quota_header': createStructure('text', 'quota_header', false, 'keyValuePairs'),
            '#deepl_quota_data': createStructure('text', 'quota_data', false, 'keyValuePairs'),
            '#deepl_quota_surplus': createStructure('text', 'quota_surplus', false, 'dotSeparatedPath'),
        let tempConfig_deepl = GM_getValue('deepl_config'); // 获取配置信息
        const configManager_deepl = new ConfigManager('#deepl_config', 'deepl_config_', tempConfig_deepl, deeplStructure, deeplConfigEditHTML);

        // chatgpt配置
        const chatgptStructure = {
            '#name': createStructure('text', 'name', true),
            '#chatgpt_model': createStructure('text', 'model', false),
            '#chatgpt_key': createStructure('text', 'key', true),
            '#chatgpt_proxy': createStructure('text', 'proxy', false),
            '#chatgpt_header': createStructure('text', '_header', false, 'keyValuePairs'),
            '#chatgpt_data': createStructure('text', '_data', false, 'keyValuePairs'),
            '#chatgpt_quota_url': createStructure('text', 'quota_url', false),
            '#chatgpt_quota_header': createStructure('text', 'quota_header', false, 'keyValuePairs'),
            '#chatgpt_quota_data': createStructure('text', 'quota_data', false, 'keyValuePairs'),
            '#chatgpt_quota_surplus': createStructure('text', 'quota_surplus', false, 'dotSeparatedPath'),
            '#chatgpt_quota_method': createStructure('text', 'quota_method', false),
        let tempConfig_chatgpt = GM_getValue('chatgpt_config'); // 获取配置信息
        const configManager_chatgpt = new ConfigManager('#chatgpt_config', 'chatgpt_config_', tempConfig_chatgpt, chatgptStructure, chatgptConfigEditHTML);

        // Complet配置
        const CompletStructure = {
            '#name': createStructure('text', 'name', true),
            '#complet_isChoose': createStructure('checkbox', 'isChoose', true),
            '#complet_genre': createStructure('text', 'genre', true),
            '#complet_language': createStructure('text', 'language', true),
            '#complet_jsonUrl': createStructure('text', 'jsonUrl', true)
        let tempConfig_Complet = GM_getValue('Complet_config'); // 获取配置信息
        const configManager_complet = new ConfigManager('#Complet_config', 'complet_config_', tempConfig_Complet, CompletStructure, CompletConfigEditHTML, false);

        // 状态更新
        $("input[name='darkMode'][value='" + OJBetter.basic.darkMode + "']").prop("checked", true);
        $("#showLoading").prop("checked", GM_getValue("showLoading") === true);
        $("#expandFoldingblocks").prop("checked", GM_getValue("expandFoldingblocks") === true);
        $("#renderPerfOpt").prop("checked", GM_getValue("renderPerfOpt") === true);
        $("#selectElementPerfOpt").prop("checked", GM_getValue("selectElementPerfOpt") === true);
        $("#commentPaging").prop("checked", GM_getValue("commentPaging") === true);
        $("#standingsRecolor").prop("checked", GM_getValue("standingsRecolor") === true);
        $("#showJumpToLuogu").prop("checked", GM_getValue("showJumpToLuogu") === true);
        $("#showCF2vjudge").prop("checked", GM_getValue("showCF2vjudge") === true);
        $("#hoverTargetAreaDisplay").prop("checked", GM_getValue("hoverTargetAreaDisplay") === true);
        $("#showClistRating_contest").prop("checked", GM_getValue("showClistRating_contest") === true);
        $("#showClistRating_problemset").prop("checked", GM_getValue("showClistRating_problemset") === true);
        $("#showClistRating_problem").prop("checked", GM_getValue("showClistRating_problem") === true);
        $("#RatingHidden").prop("checked", GM_getValue("RatingHidden") === true);
        $("input[name='translation'][value='" + OJBetter.translation.choice + "']").prop("checked", true);
        $("input[name='translation']").css("color", "gray");
        $("#deepl_config_config_bar_ul").find(`input[name='deepl_config_config_item'][value='${tempConfig_deepl.choice}']`).prop("checked", true);
        $('#enableEmphasisProtection').prop("checked", GM_getValue("enableEmphasisProtection") === true);
        $('#enableLinkProtection').prop("checked", GM_getValue("enableLinkProtection") === true);
        $("#chatgpt_config_config_bar_ul").find(`input[name='chatgpt_config_config_item'][value='${tempConfig_chatgpt.choice}']`).prop("checked", true);
        $("#openai_isStream").prop("checked", GM_getValue("openai_isStream") === true);
        $("#openai_asSystemPrompt").prop("checked", GM_getValue("openai_asSystemPrompt") === true);
        $("#autoTranslation").prop("checked", GM_getValue("autoTranslation") === true);
        $("#allowMixTrans").prop("checked", GM_getValue("allowMixTrans") === true);
        $('.OJBetter_checkboxs').find('input[type="checkbox"][name="mixedTranslation"]').each(function () {
            if ($(this).val()) > -1) {
                $(this).prop('checked', true);
        // 翻译目标语言下拉框
        $('#transTargetLang').change(function () {
            var selectedLang = $(this).val();
            updateRadioButtonsAvailability('#translationServices', selectedLang);
            updateSelectOptionsAvailability('#comment_translation_choice', selectedLang);
            updateCheckboxesAvailability('.OJBetter_checkboxs', selectedLang);
        $("#memoryTranslateHistory").prop("checked", GM_getValue("memoryTranslateHistory") === true);
        $("#filterTextWithoutEmphasis").prop("checked", GM_getValue("filterTextWithoutEmphasis") === true);
        $("#problemPageCodeEditor").prop("checked", GM_getValue("problemPageCodeEditor") === true);
        $("#beautifyPreBlocks").prop("checked", GM_getValue("beautifyPreBlocks") === true);
        $("#isCodeSubmitConfirm").prop("checked", GM_getValue("isCodeSubmitConfirm") === true);
        $("#autoSubmitAfterPass").prop("checked", GM_getValue("autoSubmitAfterPass") === true);
        $("#alwaysConsumeMouseWheel").prop("checked", GM_getValue("alwaysConsumeMouseWheel") === true);
        $("#autoMemoryCode").prop("checked", GM_getValue("autoMemoryCode") === true);
        $("#cppCodeTemplateComplete").prop("checked", GM_getValue("cppCodeTemplateComplete") === true);
        $("#useLSP").prop("checked", GM_getValue("useLSP") === true);
        $("input[name='compiler'][value='" + OJBetter.monaco.onlineCompilerChoice + "']").prop("checked", true);
        $("input[name='compiler']").css("color", "gray");
        // 调试
        $("#notWaiteLoaded").prop("checked", GM_getValue("notWaiteLoaded") === true);
        $("#isRuleMarkingEnabled").prop("checked", GM_getValue("isRuleMarkingEnabled") === true);
        $('#indexedDB_clearButton').click(async () => { await clearDatabase(); });
        $('#indexedDB_exportButton').click(async () => { downloadDataAsFile(await exportDatabase(), 'database_export.json') });
        $('#indexedDB_importButton').click(() => { readFileInput(async (fileContent) => { await importDatabase(fileContent); }); });
        $('#configuration_exportButton').click(() => { downloadDataAsFile(exportSettingsToJSON(), 'configuration_export.json') });
        $('#configuration_importButton').click(() => { readFileInput((fileContent) => { importSettingsFromJSON(fileContent); }) });
        // 关于
        $('#updateChannel').change(function () {
            var selectedLang = $(this).val();
            updateUpdateSourceSelectOptionsAvailability('#updateSource', selectedLang);
            if (selectedLang == "dev") $('#thanksforDevChannelNotice').show();
            else $('#thanksforDevChannelNotice').hide();

        // 关闭
        const $settingMenu = $(".OJBetter_setting_menu");
        $settingMenu.on("click", ".btn-close", async () => {
            // 设置的数据
            const settings = {
                darkMode: $("input[name='darkMode']:checked").val(),
                showLoading: $("#showLoading").prop("checked"),
                hoverTargetAreaDisplay: $("#hoverTargetAreaDisplay").prop("checked"),
                expandFoldingblocks: $("#expandFoldingblocks").prop("checked"),
                renderPerfOpt: $("#renderPerfOpt").prop("checked"),
                selectElementPerfOpt: $("#selectElementPerfOpt").prop("checked"),
                commentPaging: $("#commentPaging").prop("checked"),
                standingsRecolor: $("#standingsRecolor").prop("checked"),
                showJumpToLuogu: $("#showJumpToLuogu").prop("checked"),
                showCF2vjudge: $("#showCF2vjudge").prop("checked"),
                scriptL10nLanguage: $('#scriptL10nLanguage').val(),
                localizationLanguage: $('#localizationLanguage').val(),
                transTargetLang: $('#transTargetLang').val(),
                translation: $("input[name='translation']:checked").val(),
                deepl_type: $('#deepl_type').val(),
                enableEmphasisProtection: $("#enableEmphasisProtection").prop("checked"),
                enableLinkProtection: $("#enableLinkProtection").prop("checked"),
                openai_isStream: $("#openai_isStream").prop("checked"),
                openai_asSystemPrompt: $("#openai_asSystemPrompt").prop("checked"),
                openai_customPrompt: $('#openai_customPrompt').val(),
                commentTranslationChoice: $('#comment_translation_choice').val(),
                iconButtonSize: $('#iconButtonSize').val(),
                autoTranslation: $("#autoTranslation").prop("checked"),
                shortTextLength: $('#shortTextLength').val(),
                allowMixTrans: $("#allowMixTrans").prop("checked"),
                mixedTranslation: (() => {
                    let mixedTranslation = [];
                    $('.OJBetter_checkboxs').find('input[type="checkbox"][name="mixedTranslation"]').each(function () {
                        if ($(this).is(":checked")) {
                    return mixedTranslation;
                commentTranslationMode: $('#comment_translation_mode').val(),
                memoryTranslateHistory: $('#memoryTranslateHistory').prop("checked"),
                transWaitTime: $('#transWaitTime').val(),
                replaceSymbol: $('#translation_replaceSymbol').val(),
                filterTextWithoutEmphasis: $('#filterTextWithoutEmphasis').prop("checked"),
                retransAction: $('#translation_retransAction').val(),
                showClistRating_contest: $('#showClistRating_contest').prop("checked"),
                showClistRating_problemset: $('#showClistRating_problemset').prop("checked"),
                showClistRating_problem: $('#showClistRating_problem').prop("checked"),
                RatingHidden: $('#RatingHidden').prop("checked"),
                clist_Authorization: $('#clist_Authorization').val(),
                problemPageCodeEditor: $("#problemPageCodeEditor").prop("checked"),
                beautifyPreBlocks: $("#beautifyPreBlocks").prop("checked"),
                isCodeSubmitConfirm: $("#isCodeSubmitConfirm").prop("checked"),
                autoSubmitAfterPass: $("#autoSubmitAfterPass").prop("checked"),
                alwaysConsumeMouseWheel: $("#alwaysConsumeMouseWheel").prop("checked"),
                autoMemoryCode: $("#autoMemoryCode").prop("checked"),
                submitButtonPosition: $('#submitButtonPosition').val(),
                cppCodeTemplateComplete: $("#cppCodeTemplateComplete").prop("checked"),
                useLSP: $("#useLSP").prop("checked"),
                OJBetter_Bridge_WorkUri: $('#OJBetter_Bridge_WorkUri').val().replace(/\\/g, '/').replace(/\/$/, ''),
                OJBetter_Bridge_SocketUrl: $('#OJBetter_Bridge_SocketUrl').val(),
                onlineCompilerChoice: $("input[name='compiler']:checked").val(),
                notWaiteLoaded: $("#notWaiteLoaded").prop("checked"),
                isRuleMarkingEnabled: $("#isRuleMarkingEnabled").prop("checked"),
                updateChannel: $('#updateChannel').val(),
                updateSource: $('#updateSource').val()
            // tempConfigs的数据
            const tempConfigs = {
                'deepl_config': configManager_deepl.getTempConfig(),
                'chatgpt_config': configManager_chatgpt.getTempConfig(),
                'Complet_config': configManager_complet.getTempConfig()

            // 判断是否改变
            let changes = {};
            const combinedConfigs = Object.assign({}, settings, tempConfigs); // 合并settings和tempConfigs对象
            for (const [key, value] of Object.entries(combinedConfigs)) {
                const storedValue = GM_getValue(key);
                if (!OJB_deepEquals(value, storedValue)) {
                    changes[key] = { oldValue: storedValue, newValue: value };

            // 如果changes对象不为空,则有变化
            if (Object.keys(changes).length > 0) {
                console.log("Changes detected:", changes);
                const shouldSave = await OJB_createDialog(
                    i18next.t('saveSetting.title', { ns: 'dialog' }),
                    i18next.t('saveSetting.content', { ns: 'dialog' }),
                        i18next.t('saveSetting.buttons.0', { ns: 'dialog' }),
                        i18next.t('saveSetting.buttons.1', { ns: 'dialog' })
                ); // 配置改变保存确认
                if (shouldSave) {
                    // 数据校验
                    // TODO
                    if (settings.deepl_type !== 'free') {
                        let selectedIndex = $('input[name="deepl_config_config_item"]:checked').length > 0;
                        if (!selectedIndex) {
                            $('.deepl_config a').removeClass('active');

                        } else {
                    if (settings.translation === "openai") {
                        let selectedIndex = $('input[name="chatgpt_config_config_item"]:checked').length > 0;
                        if (!selectedIndex) {
                            $('.chatgpt_config a').removeClass('active');

                        } else {
                        let selectedIndex = $('input[name="translation"]:checked').length > 0;
                        if (!selectedIndex) {
                            $('.OJBetter_setting_sidebar a').removeClass('active');

                        } else {

                    // 保存数据
                    let refreshPage = false; // 是否需要刷新页面
                    for (const [key, value] of Object.entries(settings)) {
                        if (!refreshPage && !(key == 'translation' || key == 'darkMode' || key == 'commentTranslationChoice')) {
                            if (GM_getValue(key) != value) refreshPage = true;
                        GM_setValue(key, value);
                    for (const [key, value] of Object.entries(tempConfigs)) {
                        if (!refreshPage && (JSON.stringify(GM_getValue(key)) != JSON.stringify(value))) refreshPage = true;
                        GM_setValue(key, value);

                    if (refreshPage) location.reload();
                    else {
                        // 切换黑暗模式
                        if (OJBetter.basic.darkMode != settings.darkMode) {
                            OJBetter.basic.darkMode = settings.darkMode;
                            // 移除旧的事件监听器
                            changeEventListeners.forEach(listener => {
                                mediaQueryList.removeEventListener('change', listener);

                            if (OJBetter.basic.darkMode == "follow") {
                                mediaQueryList.addEventListener('change', handleColorSchemeChange);
                            } else if (OJBetter.basic.darkMode == "dark") {
                                $('html').attr('data-theme', 'dark');
                                if (OJBetter.monaco.editor) {
                            } else {
                                $('html').attr('data-theme', 'light');
                                if (OJBetter.monaco.editor) {
                                // 移除旧的事件监听器
                                const mediaQueryList = window.matchMedia('(prefers-color-scheme: dark)');
                                window.matchMedia('(prefers-color-scheme: dark)');
                        // 更新配置信息
                        OJBetter.translation.choice = settings.translation;
                        OJBetter.translation.comment.choice = settings.commentTranslationChoice;
            $settingBtns.prop("disabled", false).removeClass("open");

 * 初始化html2markdown转换器
async function initHTML2MarkDown() {
    OJBetter.common.turndownService = new TurndownService({ bulletListMarker: '-' });

    // 保留原始

    OJBetter.common.turndownService.addRule('removeByClass', {
        filter: function (node) {
            return node.classList.contains('html2md-panel') ||
                node.classList.contains('div-btn-copy') ||
                node.classList.contains('btn-copy') ||
                node.classList.contains('overlay') ||
                node.classList.contains('monaco-editor') ||
                node.nodeName === 'SCRIPT';
        replacement: function () {
            return '';

    // inline math
    OJBetter.common.turndownService.addRule('inline-math', {
        filter: function (node, options) {
            return node.tagName.toLowerCase() == "span" && node.className == "katex";
        replacement: function (content, node) {
            var latex = $(node).find('annotation').text();
            latex = latex.replace(/</g, "&lt;").replace(/>/g, "&gt;");
            return "$" + latex + "$";

    // block math
    OJBetter.common.turndownService.addRule('block-math', {
        filter: function (node, options) {
            return node.tagName.toLowerCase() == "span" && node.className == "katex-display";
        replacement: function (content, node) {
            var latex = $(node).find('annotation').text();
            latex = latex.replace(/</g, "&lt;").replace(/>/g, "&gt;");
            return "\n$$\n" + latex + "\n$$\n";

    // pre
    OJBetter.common.turndownService.addRule('pre', {
        filter: function (node, options) {
            return node.tagName.toLowerCase() == "pre";
        replacement: function (content, node) {
            if (!node.classList.contains('source-code-for-copy') && !node.classList.contains('prettyprint')) {
                return "```\n" + content + "```\n";
            } else {
                return "";

    // bordertable
    OJBetter.common.turndownService.addRule('bordertable', {
        filter: 'table',
        replacement: function (content, node) {
            if (node.classList.contains('table')) {
                var output = [],
                    thead = '',
                    trs = node.querySelectorAll('tr');
                if (trs.length > 0) {
                    var ths = trs[0].querySelectorAll('th, td');
                    if (ths.length > 0) {
                        thead = '| ' + Array.from(ths).map(th => OJBetter.common.turndownService.turndown(th.innerHTML.trim())).join(' | ') + ' |\n'
                        thead += '| ' + Array.from(ths).map(() => ' --- ').join('|') + ' |\n';
                var rows = node.querySelectorAll('tr');
                Array.from(rows).forEach(function (row, i) {
                    if (i > 0) {
                        var cells = row.querySelectorAll('td,th');
                        var trow = '| ' + Array.from(cells).map(cell => OJBetter.common.turndownService.turndown(cell.innerHTML.trim())).join(' | ') + ' |';
                return thead + output.join('\n');
            } else {
                return content;

 * 任务队列
class TaskQueue {
    constructor() {
        this.taskQueues = {};
        this.isProcessing = {}; // 处理状态
        this.delays = {}; // 等待时间(毫秒)

    getDelay(type) {
        if (type === 'openai') {
            return 0;
        } else {
            return OJBetter.translation.waitTime;

     * 添加任务
     * @param {string} type 任务类型
     * @param {function} fn 任务函数
     * @param {boolean} isNonQueueTask 是否为非队列任务
    addTask(type, fn, isNonQueueTask = false) {
        if (!this.taskQueues[type]) {
            this.taskQueues[type] = [];

        if (isNonQueueTask) {
        } else {

            if (!this.isProcessing[type]) {

    async processQueue(type) {
        this.isProcessing[type] = true;

        while (this.taskQueues[type].length > 0) {
            const task = this.taskQueues[type].shift();
            await task();

            if (this.taskQueues[type].length > 0) {
                await this.wait(this.getDelay(type));

        this.isProcessing[type] = false;

    wait(delay) {
        return new Promise(resolve => {
            setTimeout(resolve, delay);

 * 检测文本是否可能为代码片段
 * @param {string} text 待检测的文本
 * @returns {boolean} 是否可能为代码片段
 * 检测为空文本
 * @param {string} text 待检测的文本
 * @returns {boolean} 是否为空文本
const isEmptyText = text => text.trim() === '';

 * 加载按钮相关函数
async function initButtonFunc() {
    // 鼠标悬浮时为目标元素区域添加一个覆盖层
    $.fn.addHoverOverlay = function (target) {
        let position = $(target).css('position');
        let display = $(target).css('display');

        this.hover(() => {
                .css('position', 'relative');
            if (display == "inline" || display == "contents") {
                $(target).css('display', 'block');
        }, () => {
                .css('position', position);
            if (display == "inline" || display == "contents") {
                $(target).css('display', display);

     * 为按钮设置图标
     * @param {string} icon 图标
     * @returns {JQuery<HTMLElement>} 按钮
    $.fn.setButtonIcon = function (icon) {
        let i = this.find("i");
        if (i.length != 0 && i.hasClass("iconfont")) {
        } else {
            i = OJB_safeCreateJQElement(`<i>${icon}</i>`);
        return this;

     * 设置按钮为加载等待状态
    $.fn.setButtonLoading = function () {
        this.prop("disabled", true);
        return this;

     * 解除按钮的加载等待状态
    $.fn.setButtonLoaded = function () {
        this.prop("disabled", false);
        return this;

     * 为按钮设置popover提示文本
     * @param {string} text 文本
     * @returns {JQuery<HTMLElement>} 按钮
    $.fn.setButtonPopover = function (text) {
        // find if has popover_content class element
        let popover_content = this.find(".popover_content");
        if (popover_content.length != 0) {
        } else {
            popover_content = OJB_safeCreateJQElement(`<span class="popover_content">${text}</span>`);
        return this;

     * 获取MarkDown
     * @returns {string} MarkDown
    $.fn.getMarkdown = function () {
        const markdown ='markdown');
        if (markdown === undefined) {
            const htmlContent = this.html();
            const newMarkdown = OJBetter.common.turndownService.turndown(htmlContent);
  'markdown', newMarkdown);
            return newMarkdown;
        return markdown;

    // 设置按钮状态
    $.fn.setButtonState = function (state, popoverText = null, disabled = false) {'buttonState', state)
            .prop('disabled', disabled)
            .css('cursor', disabled ? 'not-allowed' : 'pointer')
            .removeClass('running success enabled error loading redo');
        if (popoverText) this.setButtonPopover(popoverText);

        if (state !== 'initial') this.addClass(state);
        return this;

    // 为按钮添加鼠标悬浮重试
    $.fn.setHoverRedo = function () {
        this.hover(() => {
            prevState = this.getButtonState();
            if (prevState !== "normal" && prevState !== "running") {
        }, () => {
            const currentState = this.getButtonState();
            if (prevState !== "normal" && ["normal", "redo"].includes(currentState)) {
                prevState = null;

    // 获取按钮状态
    $.fn.getButtonState = function () {
        return'buttonState') || 'normal';

    // 设置翻译按钮状态
    $.fn.setTransButtonState = function (state, text = null) {
        const popoverText = text || i18next.t(`trans.${state}`, { ns: 'button' });
        const disabled = state === 'running' || state === 'loading';
        this.setButtonState(state, popoverText, disabled);
        return this;

    // 存翻译结果
    $.fn.pushResultToTransButton = function (result) {
        let resultStack ='resultStack');
        if (!resultStack) resultStack = [];
        resultStack.push(result);'resultStack', resultStack);

    // 获取翻译结果
    $.fn.getResultFromTransButton = function () {

    // 标记为不自动翻译
    $.fn.setNotAutoTranslate = function () {'notAutoTranslate', true);

    // 获取是否为不自动翻译
    $.fn.getNotAutoTranslate = function () {

    // 判断是否已经翻译
    $.fn.IsTranslated = function () {
        if (this.hasAttr('translated')) {
            return true;
        } else {
            return false;

    // 判断是否为评论区按钮
    $.fn.IsCommentButton = function () {
        let isCommentButton ='isCommentButton');
        if (isCommentButton == undefined) {
            this.parents('.comments').length > 0 ? isCommentButton = true : isCommentButton = false;
  'isCommentButton', isCommentButton);
        return isCommentButton;

    // 按钮点击效果
    $(document).on('mousedown', '.ojb_btn', function () {
        $(this).addClass('active').on('animationend', () => $(this).removeClass('active'));

 * 添加题目markdown转换/复制/翻译按钮面板
 * @param {HTMLElement} element 需要添加按钮面板的元素
 * @param {string} suffix 按钮面板id后缀
 * @param {string} type 按钮面板添加位置
 * @param {boolean} is_simple 是否是简单模式
 * @returns {object} 返回按钮面板元素
function addButtonPanel(element, suffix, type, is_simple = false) {
    let text;
    if (OJBetter.translation.comment.transMode == "1") text = i18next.t('trans.segment', { ns: 'button' });
    else if (OJBetter.translation.comment.transMode == "2") text = i18next.t('', { ns: 'button' });
    else text = i18next.t('trans.normal', { ns: 'button' });

    let panel = OJB_safeCreateJQElement(`<div class='html2md-panel input-output-copier ${is_simple ? 'is_simple' : ''}'></div>`);
    let viewButton = OJB_safeCreateJQElement(`
        <button class='ojb_btn ojb_btn_popover top' id='html2md-view${suffix}'>
            <i class="iconfont">&#xe7e5;</i>
            <span class="popover_content">${i18next.t('md.normal', { ns: 'button' })}</span>
    let copyButton = OJB_safeCreateJQElement(`
        <button class='ojb_btn ojb_btn_popover top' id='html2md-cb${suffix}'>
            <i class="iconfont">&#xe608;</i>
            <span class="popover_content">${i18next.t('copy.normal', { ns: 'button' })}</span>
    let translateButton = OJB_safeCreateJQElement(`
        <button class='ojb_btn translateButton ojb_btn_popover top' id='translateButton${suffix}'>
            <i class="iconfont">&#xe6be;</i>
            <span class="popover_content">${text}</span>
    if (!is_simple) panel.append(viewButton);
    if (!is_simple) panel.append(copyButton);
    if (type === "this_level") {
    } else if (type === "child_level") {

    return {
        panel: panel,
        viewButton: viewButton,
        copyButton: copyButton,
        translateButton: translateButton

 * 添加MD视图按钮
 * @param {JQuery<HTMLElement>} button 按钮
 * @param {JQuery<HTMLElement>} element 目标元素
 * @param {string} suffix id后缀
 * @param {string} type 类型
 * @returns {void}
async function addButtonWithHTML2MD(button, element, suffix, type) {
     * 改变按钮状态
     * @param {string} state 状态
    const changeButtonState = (state) => {
        if (state == "loading") {
            button.setButtonPopover(i18next.t('state.waitMathJax', { ns: 'button' }));
        } else if (state == "loaded") {
            button.setButtonPopover(i18next.t('md.normal', { ns: 'button' }));
        } else if (state == "normal") {
            button.setButtonPopover(i18next.t('md.normal', { ns: 'button' }));
        } else if (state == "mdView") {
            button.setButtonPopover(i18next.t('md.reduction', { ns: 'button' }));
        } else if (state == "disabled") {
            button.prop("disabled", true);
            button.setButtonPopover(i18next.t('md.disabled', { ns: 'button' }));

     * 存放目标元素的 JQueryObject
    const target = (() => {
        if (type = "child_level") {
            return $(element).children(':not(.html2md-panel)');
        } else {
            return $(element);

    if (OJBetter.typeOfPage.is_oldLatex || OJBetter.typeOfPage.is_acmsguru) {
    } else {
        await waitForMathJaxIdle();
    } () {
         * 检查是否是MarkDown视图 
         * @returns {boolean} 是否是MarkDown视图
        function checkViewmd() {
            if ($(element).attr("viewmd") === "true") {
                return true;
            } else {
                return false;

         * 设置是否是MarkDown视图
         * @param {boolean} value 是否是MarkDown视图
         * @returns {void}
        function setViewmd(value) {
            $(element).attr("viewmd", value);
            if (value) {
            } else {

        if (checkViewmd()) {
        } else {
            const markdown = $(element).getMarkdown();
            const mdViewContent = OJB_safeCreateJQElement(`<span class="mdViewContent" style="width:auto; height:auto;">${markdown}</span>`);

    if (OJBetter.preference.hoverTargetAreaDisplay && !OJBetter.typeOfPage.is_oldLatex && !OJBetter.typeOfPage.is_acmsguru) {

 * 添加复制按钮
 * @param {JQuery<HTMLElement>} button 按钮
 * @param {JQuery<HTMLElement>} element 目标元素
 * @param {string} suffix 后缀
 * @param {string} type 类型
async function addButtonWithCopy(button, element, suffix, type) {
     * 改变按钮状态
     * @param {string} state 状态
    function changeButtonState(state) {
        if (state == "loading") {
            button.setButtonPopover(i18next.t('state.waitMathJax', { ns: 'button' }));
        } else if (state == "loaded") {
            button.setButtonPopover(i18next.t('copy.normal', { ns: 'button' }));
        } else if (state == "normal") {
            button.setButtonPopover(i18next.t('copy.normal', { ns: 'button' }));
        } else if (state == "copied") {
            button.setButtonPopover(i18next.t('copy.copied', { ns: 'button' }));
        } else if (state == "disabled") {
            button.prop("disabled", true);
            button.setButtonPopover(i18next.t('copy.disabled', { ns: 'button' }));

    // 等待MathJax队列完成
    if (OJBetter.typeOfPage.is_oldLatex || OJBetter.typeOfPage.is_acmsguru) {
    } else {
        await waitForMathJaxIdle();
    } () {
        var target = $(element).get(0);

        var markdown = $(element).getMarkdown();



        // 更新复制按钮文本
        setTimeout(() => {
        }, 2000);

    if (OJBetter.preference.hoverTargetAreaDisplay && !OJBetter.typeOfPage.is_oldLatex && !OJBetter.typeOfPage.is_acmsguru) {

 * 添加翻译按钮
 * @param {JQuery<HTMLElement>} button 按钮
 * @param {JQuery<HTMLElement>} element 目标元素
 * @param {string} suffix 后缀
 * @param {string} type 类型
 * @param {boolean} is_comment 是否是评论
async function addButtonWithTranslation(button, element, suffix, type, is_comment = false) {
     * 添加可指定翻译服务的方法调用
     * @param {string} translation 翻译服务
     */"translatedItBy", function (translation) {
        button.setTransButtonState('running', i18next.t('trans.wait', { ns: 'button' }));
        OJBetter.common.taskQueue.addTask(translation, () => transTask(button, element, type, is_comment, translation), translation == 'openai');

    // 等待MathJax队列完成
    await waitForMathJaxIdle();

    // 标记目标文本区域不自动翻译
        let text;
        if (OJBetter.typeOfPage.is_oldLatex || OJBetter.typeOfPage.is_acmsguru) {
            text = $(element).html();
        } else {
            text = $(element).getMarkdown();
        let length = text.length;
        if (length > || isEmptyText(text) || $(element).find('.spoiler').length > 0) {
        // button.after(`<span>${length}</span>`); // 显示字符数
    } function () {
        // 重新翻译
        let resultStack = $(this).getResultFromTransButton();
        if (resultStack) {
            let pElements = $(element).find("p.block_selected:not(li p), li.block_selected");
            for (let item of resultStack) {
                if (OJBetter.translation.retransAction == "0") {
                    // 选段翻译不直接移除旧结果
                    if (OJBetter.translation.comment.transMode == "2") {
                        // 只移除即将要翻译的段的结果
                        if ( {
                    } else {
                        $($(element)).find(".translate-problem-statement, .translate-problem-statement-panel").remove();
                } else {

        // 翻译
        button.setTransButtonState('running', i18next.t('trans.wait', { ns: 'button' }));
        OJBetter.common.taskQueue.addTask(OJBetter.translation.choice, () => transTask(button, element, type, is_comment), OJBetter.translation.choice == 'openai');

    // 重新翻译提示
    let prevState;
    button.hover(() => {
        prevState = button.getButtonState();
        if (prevState !== "normal" && prevState !== "running") {
    }, () => {
        const currentState = button.getButtonState();
        if (prevState !== "normal" && ["normal", "redo"].includes(currentState)) {
            prevState = null;

    // 目标区域指示
    if (OJBetter.preference.hoverTargetAreaDisplay) {

    // 翻译右键切换菜单
    $(document).on('contextmenu', '#translateButton' + suffix, function (e) {

        // 是否为评论的翻译
        let is_comment = button.IsCommentButton();

        // 移除旧的
        if (!$('.OJBetter_contextmenu').length) {

        var menu = $('<div class="OJBetter_contextmenu"></div>');
        var translations = [
            { value: 'deepl', name: i18next.t('', { ns: 'settings' }) },
            { value: 'iflyrec', name: i18next.t('', { ns: 'settings' }) },
            { value: 'youdao', name: i18next.t('', { ns: 'settings' }) },
            { value: 'google', name: i18next.t('', { ns: 'settings' }) },
            { value: 'caiyun', name: i18next.t('', { ns: 'settings' }) },
            { value: 'openai', name: i18next.t('', { ns: 'settings' }) }

        // Function to check if the service supports the target language
        function supportsTargetLanguage(service, targetLang) {
            return OJBetter.supportList.translationSupport[service] && OJBetter.supportList.translationSupport[service][targetLang] !== undefined;

        if (is_comment) {
            var label = OJB_safeCreateJQElement(`<label><input type="radio" name="translation" value="0">
            <span class="OJBetter_contextmenu_label_text">
            ${i18next.t('', { ns: 'settings' })}
        translations.forEach(function (translation) {
            if (supportsTargetLanguage(translation.value, OJBetter.translation.targetLang)) {
                var label = OJB_safeCreateJQElement(`<label><input type="radio" name="translation" value="${translation.value}">
                <span class="OJBetter_contextmenu_label_text">${}</span></label>`);

        // 初始化
        if (is_comment) {
            menu.find(`input[name="translation"][value="${OJBetter.translation.comment.choice}"]`).prop('checked', true);
        } else {
            menu.find(`input[name="translation"][value="${OJBetter.translation.choice}"]`).prop('checked', true);
            top: e.pageY + 'px',
            left: e.pageX + 'px'

        $(document).one('change', 'input[name="translation"]', function () {
            if (is_comment) {
                OJBetter.translation.comment.choice = $('input[name="translation"]:checked').val();
                GM_setValue("commentTranslationChoice", OJBetter.translation.comment.choice);
            } else {
                OJBetter.translation.choice = $('input[name="translation"]:checked').val();
                GM_setValue("translation", OJBetter.translation.choice);

        // 点击区域外关闭菜单
        function handleClick(event) {
            if (!$('.OJBetter_contextmenu').length) {
                $(document).off('change', 'input[name="translation"]');
            } else {
                $(document).one('click', handleClick);
        $(document).one('click', handleClick);

 * 创建翻译任务
 * @param {JQuery<HTMLElement>} button 按钮
 * @param {HTMLElement} element 目标元素
 * @param {string} type 类型
 * @param {boolean} is_comment 是否是评论
 * @param {string} overrideTrans 覆盖全局翻译服务设定
async function transTask(button, element, type, is_comment, overrideTrans) {
    /** @type {HTMLElement} 目标元素 */
    let target;
     * 错误计数数据结构
     * @typedef {Object} count
     * @property {number} errerNum 错误数量
     * @property {number} skipNum 跳过数量
    const count = {
        errerNum: 0,
        skipNum: 0
    if (OJBetter.translation.comment.transMode == "1") {
        // 分段翻译
        let pElements = $(element).find("p:not(li p), li, .OJBetter_acmsguru");
        for (let i = 0; i < pElements.length; i++) {
            target = $(pElements[i]).eq(0).clone();
            element_node = pElements[i];
            await process(button, target, element_node, type, is_comment, count, overrideTrans);
    } else if (OJBetter.translation.comment.transMode == "2") {
        // 选段翻译
        let pElements = $(element).find("p.block_selected:not(li p), li.block_selected, .OJBetter_acmsguru");
        for (let i = 0; i < pElements.length; i++) {
            target = $(pElements[i]).eq(0).clone();
            element_node = pElements[i];
            await process(button, target, element_node, type, is_comment, count, overrideTrans);
        $(element).find("p.block_selected:not(li p), li.block_selected").removeClass('block_selected');
    } else {
        // 普通翻译
        target = $(element).eq(0).clone();
        if (type === "child_level") $(target).children(':first').remove();
        element_node = $($(element)).get(0);
        await process(button, target, element_node, type, is_comment, count, overrideTrans);

    // 翻译完成
    if (!count.errerNum && !count.skipNum) {

 * 翻译处理
 * @param {JQuery<HTMLElement>} button 按钮
 * @param {HTMLElement} target 目标元素
 * @param {HTMLElement} element_node 目标节点
 * @param {string} type 类型
 * @param {boolean} is_comment 是否是评论
 * @param {string} overrideTrans 覆盖全局翻译服务设定
async function process(button, target, element_node, type, is_comment, count, overrideTrans) {
    if (type === "child_level") {
        let div = $("<div>");
        element_node = div.get(0);

    if ($(target).find('.spoiler').length > 0) {
        const shouldSkip = await OJB_createDialog(
            i18next.t('skipFold.title', { ns: 'dialog' }),
            i18next.t('skipFold.content', { ns: 'dialog' }),
                i18next.t('skipFold.buttons.0', { ns: 'dialog' }),
                i18next.t('skipFold.buttons.1', { ns: 'dialog' })
        ); //跳过折叠块确认
        if (shouldSkip) {
        } else {

    // 等待并获取结果
    const result = await blockProcessing(button, target, element_node, is_comment, overrideTrans);

    if (result.status == "error") count.errerNum += 1;
    else if (result.status == "skip") count.skipNum += 1;

 * 块处理
 * @param {JQuery<HTMLElement>} button 
 * @param {HTMLElement} target 目标元素
 * @param {HTMLElement} element_node 目标节点
 * @param {boolean} is_comment 是否是评论
 * @param {string} overrideTrans 覆盖全局翻译服务设定
 * @returns {TranslateResult} 翻译结果对象
async function blockProcessing(button, target, element_node, is_comment, overrideTrans) {
    if (OJBetter.typeOfPage.is_oldLatex || OJBetter.typeOfPage.is_acmsguru) {
        target.markdown = $(target).html();
    } else if (!target.markdown) {
        target.markdown = OJBetter.common.turndownService.turndown($(target).html());

    const result = await translateProblemStatement(target.markdown, element_node, is_comment, overrideTrans);
    if (result.status == "skip") {
        button.setTransButtonState('error', i18next.t('trans.tooLong', { ns: 'button' }));
    } else if (result.status == "error" || !result.rawData.done) {
        button.setTransButtonState('error', i18next.t('trans.error', { ns: 'button' }));
    return result;

 * 选段翻译支持
async function multiChoiceTranslation() {
        .topic .content #task-statement {
            overflow: initial;

    $(document).on('click', 'p, li:not(:has(.comment)), .OJBetter_acmsguru', function (e) {
        let $this = $(this);
        if ($this.hasClass('block_selected')) {
            // 移除对应的按钮 
            $('.OJBetter_MiniTranslateButton').remove("#translateButton_selected_" + $this.attr('OJBetter_p_id'));
        } else {
            let id = OJB_getRandomNumber(8);
            $this.attr('OJBetter_p_id', id);
            // 添加按钮 
            let menu = OJB_safeCreateJQElement(`<div class="OJBetter_MiniTranslateButton" id='translateButton_selected_${id}'>${translateIcon}</div>`)
                    left: $($this).outerWidth(true) + $($this).position().left + 10 + 'px',

            $("#translateButton_selected_" + id).click(async function () {
                // 处理旧的结果
                if ($this.attr('translated')) {
                    let result = $"resultData");
                    if (OJBetter.translation.retransAction == "0") {
                    } else {
                // 翻译
                let target = $this.eq(0).clone();
                let result = await blockProcessing(OJBetter.translation.choice, target, $this.eq(0), $("#translateButton_selected_" + id), false);
                $"resultData", result);
                // 移除对应的按钮 
                $('.OJBetter_MiniTranslateButton').remove("#translateButton_selected_" + id);
                $this.attr('translated', '1'); // 标记已翻译

 * 添加MD/复制/翻译按钮
async function addConversionButton() {
    // TODO 7
    let promises = []; // 用于收集所有的 Promise

    // 基本添加
    if (!OJBetter.typeOfPage.is_homepage) {
        $('section').each((i, e) => {
            let id = "_" + OJB_getRandomNumber(8);
            let panel = addButtonPanel(e, id, "this_level");
            promises.push(addButtonWithHTML2MD(panel.viewButton, e, id, "this_level"));
            promises.push(addButtonWithCopy(panel.copyButton, e, id, "this_level"));
            promises.push(addButtonWithTranslation(panel.translateButton, e, id, "this_level"));

    // 添加按钮到题解部分
    if (OJBetter.typeOfPage.isEditorial) {
        let contestNavTabs = $("#contest-nav-tabs");
        let nextElement =;
        let id = "_editorial_1_" + OJB_getRandomNumber(8);
        let panel = addButtonPanel(nextElement, id, "this_level");
        panel.panel.css('width', '100%'); // 加个样式,不然不显示
        promises.push(addButtonWithHTML2MD(panel.viewButton, nextElement, id, "this_level"));
        promises.push(addButtonWithCopy(panel.copyButton, nextElement, id, "this_level"));
        promises.push(addButtonWithTranslation(panel.translateButton, nextElement, id, "this_level"));

    // 添加按钮到折叠块部分
    $('details').each((i, e) => {
        // 自定义测试样例折叠块不添加
        if ($(e).attr('id') !== "customTestBlock") {
            let id = "_details_" + OJB_getRandomNumber(8);
            let panel = addButtonPanel(e, id, "child_level");
            promises.push(addButtonWithHTML2MD(panel.viewButton, e, id, "child_level"));
            promises.push(addButtonWithCopy(panel.copyButton, e, id, "child_level"));
            promises.push(addButtonWithTranslation(panel.translateButton, e, id, "child_level"));

    // 添加到contest-statement部分
    $('#contest-statement').each((i, e) => {
        let id = "_contest-statement_" + OJB_getRandomNumber(8);
        let panel = addButtonPanel(e, id, "this_level");
        promises.push(addButtonWithHTML2MD(panel.viewButton, e, id, "this_level"));
        promises.push(addButtonWithCopy(panel.copyButton, e, id, "this_level"));
        promises.push(addButtonWithTranslation(panel.translateButton, e, id, "this_level"));

    // 添加到blog-post部分
    $('.blog-post').each((i, e) => {
        let id = "_blog-post_" + OJB_getRandomNumber(8);
        let panel = addButtonPanel(e, id, "this_level");
        promises.push(addButtonWithHTML2MD(panel.viewButton, e, id, "this_level"));
        promises.push(addButtonWithCopy(panel.copyButton, e, id, "this_level"));
        promises.push(addButtonWithTranslation(panel.translateButton, e, id, "this_level"));

    return Promise.all(promises).catch(error => {
        console.error("One or more of the Add Button operations failed: ", error);

 * 等待LaTeX渲染队列全部完成
 * @returns {Promise} 完成渲染
function waitForMathJaxIdle() {
    return true;
    // return new Promise((resolve, reject) => {
    //     // 检查MathJax对象是否存在
    //     const checkMathJaxExists = () => {
    //         if (typeof MathJax === 'undefined') {
    //             // 如果MathJax不存在,稍后再次检查
    //             OJB_delay(100).then(checkMathJaxExists);
    //         } else {
    //             // MathJax存在,开始监视渲染队列
    //             startMonitoringQueue();
    //         }
    //     };

    //     // 开始监视MathJax渲染队列
    //     const startMonitoringQueue = () => {
    //         const intervalId = setInterval(() => {
    //             const queue = MathJax.Hub.queue;
    //             if (queue.pending === 0 && queue.running === 0) {
    //                 clearInterval(intervalId);
    //                 resolve();
    //             }
    //         }, 100);
    //     };

    //     // 开始检查MathJax对象
    //     checkMathJaxExists();
    // });

 * 翻译结果面板
class TranslateDiv {
     * 构造函数
     * @param {string} id 指定翻译框的id
    constructor(id) { = id;
        this.div = $('<div>').attr('id', id).addClass('translateDiv bounce-in');
        if (!OJBetter.typeOfPage.is_completeProblemset) {
        this.panelDiv = $('<div>').addClass('translate-problem-statement-panel');

        // 主要信息
        this.mainDiv = $('<div>').addClass('translate-problem-statement');
        this.span = $('<span>');
        this.mainDivState = {
            current: 'transHTML',
            transHTML: '',
            rawDataHTML: ''

        // 顶栏信息
        this.topText = $('<div>').addClass('topText');

        // 右侧
        this.rightDiv = $('<div>').css('display', 'flex');
        this.debugButton = OJB_safeCreateJQElement(`
        <button class='ojb_btn ojb_btn_popover top'>
            <i class="iconfont">&#xe641;</i>
            <span class="popover_content">${i18next.t('rawData.normal', { ns: 'button' })}</span>
        this.queryBalanceButton = OJB_safeCreateJQElement(`
        <button class='ojb_btn ojb_btn_popover top'>
            <i class="iconfont">&#xe6ae;</i>
            <span class="popover_content">${i18next.t('queryBalance.normal', { ns: 'button' })}</span>
        this.copyButton = OJB_safeCreateJQElement(`
        <button class='ojb_btn ojb_btn_popover top'>
            <i class="iconfont">&#xe608;</i>
            <span class="popover_content">${i18next.t('copy.normal', { ns: 'button' })}</span>
        this.upButton = OJB_safeCreateJQElement(`
        <button class='ojb_btn ojb_btn_popover top'>
            <i class="iconfont">&#xe601;</i>
            <span class="popover_content">${i18next.t('fold.normal', { ns: 'button' })}</span>
        this.closeButton = OJB_safeCreateJQElement(`
        <button class='ojb_btn ojb_btn_popover top'>
            <i class="iconfont">&#xe614;</i>
            <span class="popover_content">${i18next.t('close.normal', { ns: 'button' })}</span>

     * 获取翻译框
     * @returns {JQuery<HTMLElement>} 返回翻译框
    getDiv() {
        return this.div;

     * 设置翻译框顶部的文本
     * @param {string} text 翻译框顶部的文本
    setTopText(text) {
        this.div.attr("data-topText", text);

     * 获取翻译框顶部的文本
     * @returns {string} 返回翻译框顶部的文本
    getTopText() {
        return this.topText.text();

     * 渲染一个元素内的LaTeX公式
     * @param {*} element 
    renderLaTeX(element) {
        const latexRenderOptions = {
            delimiters: [
                { left: "$$", right: "$$", display: true },
                { left: "\$$", right: "\\$$", display: true },
                { left: "$", right: "$", display: false },
                { left: "\$$", right: "\\$$", display: false }

        if (typeof renderMathInElement === 'function') {
            renderMathInElement(element, latexRenderOptions);

     * 更新翻译框内容
     * @param {string} text 文本内容
     * @param {boolean} is_escapeHTML 是否转义HTML标签,为true则HTML标签将作为普通文本处理,默认为true
     * @param {boolean} is_renderLaTeX 是否渲染LaTeX,为true则会渲染LaTeX,默认为true
    updateTranslateDiv(text, is_escapeHTML = true, is_renderLaTeX = true,) {
        // 渲染MarkDown
        let md = window.markdownit({
            html: !is_escapeHTML,
        if (!text) text = "";
        let html = md.render(text);

        // 渲染Latex
        if (is_renderLaTeX) {
            // MathJax.Hub.Queue(["Typeset", MathJax.Hub, this.mainDiv.get(0)]);
        // 渲染代码块中的公式 (AtCoder)
        this.mainDiv.find('pre code').each((index, element) => {
            const codeText = $(element).text();
            const latexPattern = /\$\$([^]*?)\$\$|\$(\\\$|[^\$])*?\$/;
            if (latexPattern.test(codeText)) {

     * 关闭元素
    close() {;

     * 收起元素
    fold() {
        if (!this.upButton.hasClass("reverse")) {

     * 注册收起按钮事件
    registerUpButtonEvent() {
        this.upButton.on("click", () => {
            // 如果没有reverse类,说明是展开状态
            if (!this.upButton.hasClass("reverse")) {
                // 执行收起操作
                this.upButton.setButtonState('initial', i18next.t('fold.unfold', { ns: 'button' }));
            } else {
                // 执行展开操作
                this.upButton.setButtonState('initial', i18next.t('fold.normal', { ns: 'button' }));

     * 注册关闭按钮事件
    registerCloseButtonEvent() {
        this.closeButton.on("click", () => {
            if (OJBetter.typeOfPage.is_problem && OJBetter.translation.memory.enabled) {
                OJBetter.translation.memory.ttTree.rmTransResultMap(; // 移除ttTree中的数据
                updateTransDBData(OJBetter.translation.memory.ttTree.getNodeData(), OJBetter.translation.memory.ttTree.getTransResultMap()); // 更新DB中的数据

     * 注册复制按钮事件
     * @param {string} text 复制的文本
    registerCopyButtonEvent(text) {
        this.copyButton.on("click", () => {
            this.copyButton.setButtonState('success', i18next.t('copy.copied', { ns: 'button' }));
            // 复制提示
            setTimeout(() => {
                this.copyButton.setButtonState('initial', i18next.t('copy.normal', { ns: 'button' }));
            }, 2000);

     * 禁用复制按钮
    disableCopyButton() {
        this.copyButton.css({ 'fill': '#ccc' });"click");

     * 设置面板为error状态
    setError() {

     * 设置原始数据数据
     * @param {Object} Object 原始数据
    setRawData(Object) {
        this.mainDivState.rawDataHTML = $("<pre>").text(JSON.stringify(Object, null, 4)).get(0);
        if (this.mainDivState.current === 'rawDataHTML') {

     * 切换结果面板与原始数据面板
    switchMainDiv() {
        // 在切换之前,保存当前内容的状态
        this.mainDivState[this.mainDivState.current] = this.mainDiv.html();
        // 切换当前状态
        this.debugButton.setButtonState(this.mainDivState.current === 'transHTML' ? 'enabled' : 'initial');
        this.mainDivState.current = this.mainDivState.current === 'transHTML' ? 'rawDataHTML' : 'transHTML';
        // 渲染新的当前状态

    // 渲染当前内容到 mainDiv
    renderMainDiv() {
        requestAnimationFrame(() => {

     * 注册debug按钮事件
    registerDebugButtonEvent() {
        this.debugButton.on("click", () => {

     * 显示debug按钮
    showDebugButton() {;

     * 注册查询余额按钮事件
     * @param {function} callback 查询回调函数
    registerQueryBalanceButtonEvent(callback) {
        this.queryBalanceButton.on("click", async () => {
            this.queryBalanceButton.setButtonState('loading', i18next.t('queryBalance.loading', { ns: 'button' }));
            try {
                const balance = await callback();
                this.queryBalanceButton.setButtonState('success', `${i18next.t('queryBalance.success', { ns: 'button' })} ${balance}`);
            } catch (error) {
                this.queryBalanceButton.setButtonState('error', `${i18next.t('queryBalance.error', { ns: 'button' })} ${error.message}`);

     * 显示余额查询按钮
     * @param {string} server 服务名称
    showQueryBalanceButton(server) {
        if (server == 'deepl') {
            const quotaConfig = OJBetter.deepl.config.quota;
            if (quotaConfig.url && quotaConfig.surplus && quotaConfig.header) {
                this.registerQueryBalanceButtonEvent(() => {
                    return queryServerBalance(OJBetter.deepl.config.quota);
        } else if (server == 'openai') {
            const quotaConfig = OJBetter.chatgpt.config.quota;
            if (quotaConfig.url && quotaConfig.surplus && quotaConfig.header) {
                this.registerQueryBalanceButtonEvent(() => {
                    return queryServerBalance(OJBetter.chatgpt.config.quota);

// 元素关系树
class ElementsTree {
    constructor(elements) {
        this.node = [];
        this.transResultMap = {};
        this.index = 0;
        // this.tagNames = ["DIV", "P", "UL", "LI"]
        this.tagNames = ["DIV", "P", "UL", "LI", "SECTION", "SPAN"]

    // Iterate through all elements, because there may be multiple ttypography
    init(elements) {
        elements.each((i, e) => {
            this.node.push({}); // add one element
            this.index = 0; // reset index
            this.create(i, $(e));

    // 刷新关系树
    refreshNode(elements) {
        this.node = [];
        this.index = 0;

    // 创建节点间的关系树
    create(i_, element) {
        var prev = null;
        var node = this.node[i_];
        element.children().each((i, e) => {
            // only add element with tagNames
            if (this.tagNames.includes($(e).prop("tagName"))) {
                prev = this.addNode(i_, prev, e);
            // recursively child element
            if ($(e).children().length > 0 && prev !== null) {
                node[prev].firstChild = this.index;
                this.create(i_, $(e));

    // 向树中添加一个节点
    addNode(i_, prev, e) {
        let node = this.node[i_];
        node[this.index] = {
            prev: prev,
            next: null,
            firstChild: null,
            type: $(e).prop("tagName"),
            isTranslateDiv: $(e).hasClass("translateDiv"),
            topText: $(e).attr("data-topText"),
            id: $(e).attr("id"),

        if (prev !== null) {
            node[prev].next = this.index;

        prev = this.index;

        return prev;

    getNodeData() {
        return this.node;

    setNodeData(node) {
        this.node = node;

    getTransResultMap() {
        return this.transResultMap;

    setTransResultMap(transResultMap) {
        this.transResultMap = transResultMap;

    rmTransResultMap(id) {
        delete this.transResultMap[id];

    addTransResultMap(id, text) {
        this.transResultMap[id] = text;

    getTranslateDivNum(ttTree) {
        var num = 0;
        for (var i in ttTree) {
            if (ttTree[i].isTranslateDiv) {
        return num;

    // 恢复目标元素中的translateDiv
    recover(elements) {
        elements.each((i, e) => {
            var ttTreeNode = this.node[i];
            var missingTranslateDivs = this.getTranslateDivNum(ttTreeNode);
            if (missingTranslateDivs > 0) {
                this.recoverOneElement($(e), ttTreeNode);

    recoverOneElement(element, ttTreeNode) {
        this.recoverOneFork(element.children().eq(0), ttTreeNode, 0);

    // 恢复一个分支
    recoverOneFork(pElement, ttTreeNode, index) {
        do {
            // only recover element with tagNames
            if (!this.tagNames.includes(pElement.prop("tagName"))) {
                if ( > 0) {
                    pElement =;
                } else {
            if (!ttTreeNode[index] || pElement.prop("tagName") !== ttTreeNode[index].type) {
                // console.warn(`元素不存在或类型不同, 元素结构可能已经发生了变化: \nindex: ${index}`, pElement);
            } else {
                // recursively child element
                var node = ttTreeNode[index];
                if (node.firstChild !== null) {
                // check if next node is translateDiv
                if ( !== null) {
                    index =;

                    var ne_node = ttTreeNode[index];
                    if (ne_node.isTranslateDiv) {
                        var id =;
                        var topText = ne_node.topText;
                        var text = this.transResultMap[id];
                        // create element after pElement
                        this.reCreateTransDiv(pElement, id, text, topText, node.isTranslateDiv); // 如果前面一个也是翻译结果,则该结果折叠
                    pElement =; // go to next element
        } while ( !== null);

     * 重新创建translateDiv
     * @param {*} pElement 
     * @param {*} id 
     * @param {*} translatedText 
     * @param {*} topText 
     * @param {Boolean} isFold 是否折叠
    reCreateTransDiv(pElement, id, translatedText, topText, isFold) {
        const translateDiv = new TranslateDiv(id);
        if (!OJBetter.typeOfPage.is_oldLatex && !OJBetter.typeOfPage.is_acmsguru) {
        } else {
        translateDiv.updateTranslateDiv(translatedText, !(OJBetter.typeOfPage.is_oldLatex || OJBetter.typeOfPage.is_acmsguru));
        // 标记已翻译并添加到翻译按钮的结果栈中
        let transButton = pElement.prev('.html2md-panel').find('.translateButton');
        if (transButton.length == 0) {
            // 如果没有找到,则应该是得在父元素中找到
            transButton = pElement.parent().prev('.html2md-panel').find('.translateButton');
        if (isFold) translateDiv.fold(); // 是否折叠该翻译
            translateDiv: translateDiv,
            status: 0

// 更新TransDB中的翻译数据
async function updateTransDBData(nodeDate, transResultMap) {
    var url = window.location.href.replace(/#/, "");
    try {
        await OJBetter.common.database.translateData.put({ url, transResultMap, nodeDate });
        return 'translateData saved successfully';
    } catch (error) {
        throw new Error(`Failed to save translateData: ${error}`);

// 获取TransDB中保存的翻译数据
async function getTransDBData() {
    var url = window.location.href.replace(/#/, "");
    try {
        const result = await OJBetter.common.database.translateData.get(url);
        return result;
    } catch (error) {
        throw new Error(`Failed to get translateData: ${error}`);

 * 翻译结果恢复功能初始化
 * @returns 
async function initTransResultsRecover() {
    OJBetter.translation.memory.ttTree = new ElementsTree("#task-statement"); // 初始化当前页面#task-statement元素的结构树
    let result = await getTransDBData();
    if (!result) return;

 * 自动翻译
async function initTransWhenViewable() {
    await waitForMathJaxIdle();

    // const elements = $('.ttypography, .comments').find('.translateButton');
    const elements = $('#task-statement').find('.translateButton');
    const observers = [];

    // Use a single Intersection Observer for all elements
    const observer = new IntersectionObserver((entries, obs) => {
        entries.forEach((entry) => {
            if (entry.isIntersecting) {
                const button = $(;
                const state = button.getButtonState();
                const notAutoTranslate = button.getNotAutoTranslate();
                // Check if the button meets the criteria
                if (state === 'normal' && !notAutoTranslate) {
                    let trans = OJBetter.translation.choice;

                    if ( && button.IsCommentButton() && > 0) {
                        const randomIndex = Math.floor(Math.random() *;
                        trans =[randomIndex];

                // Stop observing the element

    // Observe each element
    elements.each((i, e) => {

    // Store the observer in case you need to disconnect it later

 * 翻译返回结果结构体
 * @typedef {Object} TranslateResult
 * @property {string} status 翻译状态
 * @property {TranslateDiv} translateDiv 翻译结果面板
 * @property {TransRawData} rawData 原始翻译数据

 * 翻译主方法
 * @param {string} text 待翻译文本
 * @param {HTMLElement} element_node 元素节点
 * @param {Boolean} is_comment 是否为评论区文本
 * @param {string} overrideTrans 覆盖全局翻译服务设定
 * @returns {TranslateResult} 翻译结果对象
async function translateProblemStatement(text, element_node, is_comment, overrideTrans) {
    /** @type {number} 翻译结果的ID*/
    const id = OJB_getRandomNumber(8);
    /** @type {TextBlockReplacer} 文本块替换/恢复实例*/
    const textBlockReplacer = new TextBlockReplacer();
    /** @type {string} 翻译结果文本*/
    let translatedText = "";

    /** @type {string} 当前实际应用的翻译服务 */
    const realTransServer = overrideTrans ||
        (is_comment && OJBetter.translation.comment.choice != "0" ?
            OJBetter.translation.comment.choice :

    /** @type {TranslateResult} 翻译结果对象 */
    const translateResult = {
        status: "ok",
        rawData: {
            done: false

     * LaTeX替换
     * @param {string} text 待翻译文本
     * @returns {string} 处理后的文本
    const replaceLatex = function (text) {
        if (OJBetter.typeOfPage.is_oldLatex) {
            const regex = /<span\s+class="tex-span">.*?<\/span>/gi;
            text = textBlockReplacer.replace(text, regex);
            text = text.replace(/<p>(.*?)<\/p>/g, "$1\n\n"); // <p/>标签换为换行
        } else if (OJBetter.typeOfPage.is_acmsguru) {
            const regex = /<i>.*?<\/i>|<sub>.*?<\/sub>|<sup>.*?<\/sup>|<pre>.*?<\/pre>/gi;
            text = textBlockReplacer.replace(text, regex);
        } else if (realTransServer != "openai") {
            // 使用GPT翻译时不必替换latex公式
            const regex = /\$\$([^]*?)\$\$|\$(\\\$|[^\$])*?\$/g;
            text = textBlockReplacer.replace(text, regex);

            // 替换行间代码块```
            const regex2 = /```[\s\S]*?```/g;
            text = textBlockReplacer.replace(text, regex2);
        return text;

     * LaTeX恢复
     * @param {string} text 已翻译的文本
     * @returns {string} 恢复后的文本
    const recoverLatex = function (text) {
        // 两个公式之间加个空格,防止有些LaTeX解析器解析错误
        let resultText = text
            .replace(/】【/g, '】 【')
            .replace(/\]\[/g, '] [')
            .replace(/\}\{/g, '} {');

        if (OJBetter.typeOfPage.is_oldLatex) {
            resultText = resultText.replace(/(.+?)(\n\n|$)/g, "<p>$1</p>"); // 换行符还原为<p/>标签
            resultText = textBlockReplacer.recover(resultText);
        } else if (OJBetter.typeOfPage.is_acmsguru) {
            resultText = textBlockReplacer.recover(resultText);
        } else if (realTransServer != "openai") {
            resultText = textBlockReplacer.recover(resultText);
        return resultText;

     * 格式化翻译结果
     * @param {string} text 
     * @returns {string} 处理后的翻译结果
    const formatText = function (text) {
        // 转义LaTex中的特殊符号
        if (!OJBetter.typeOfPage.is_oldLatex && !OJBetter.typeOfPage.is_acmsguru) {

            // 先替换掉行间代码块
            const replacer = new TextBlockReplacer();
            text = replacer.replace(text, /```[\s\S]*?```/g);

            // 处理LaTeX公式
            const escapeRules = [
                { pattern: /(?<!\\)>(?!\s)/g, replacement: " &gt; " }, // >符号
                { pattern: /(?<!\\)</g, replacement: " &lt; " }, // <符号
                { pattern: /(?<!\\)\*/g, replacement: " &#42; " }, // *符号
                { pattern: /(?<!\\)_/g, replacement: " &#95; " }, // _符号
                { pattern: /(?<!\\)\\\\(?=\s)/g, replacement: "\\\\\\\\" }, // \\符号
                { pattern: /(?<!\\)\\(?![\\a-zA-Z0-9])/g, replacement: "\\\\" }, // \符号

            let latexMatches = [...text.matchAll(/\$\$([\s\S]*?)\$\$|\$(.*?)\$|\$([\s\S]*?)\$/g)];
            for (const match of latexMatches) {
                const matchedText = match[0];
                let escapedText = matchedText;

                for (const rule of escapeRules) {
                    escapedText = escapedText.replaceAll(rule.pattern, rule.replacement);
                escapedText = escapedText.replace(/\$\$/g, "$$$$$$$$");// $$符号(因为后面需要作为replacement,双倍消耗)
                text = text.replace(matchedText, escapedText);

            // 恢复行间代码块
            text = replacer.recover(text);

        // // 使符合mathjx的转换语法
        // const mathjaxRuleMap = [
        //     { pattern: /\$/g, replacement: "$$$$$$" }, // $$ 行间
        // ];
        // mathjaxRuleMap.forEach(({ pattern, replacement }) => {
        //     text = text.replace(pattern, replacement);
        // });

        // markdown修正
        const mdRuleMap = [
            { pattern: /(\s_[\u4e00-\u9fa5]+_)([\u4e00-\u9fa5]+)/g, replacement: "$1 $2" }, // 斜体
            { pattern: /(_[\u4e00-\u9fa5]+_\s)([\u4e00-\u9fa5]+)/g, replacement: " $1$2" },
            { pattern: /(_[\u4e00-\u9fa5]+_)([\u4e00-\u9fa5]+)/g, replacement: " $1 $2" },
            { pattern: /(([\s\S]*?))/g, replacement: "($1)" }, // 中文()
            // { pattern: /:/g, replacement: ":" }, // 中文:
            { pattern: /\*\* (.*?) \*\*/g, replacement: "\*\*$1\*\*" } // 加粗
        mdRuleMap.forEach(({ pattern, replacement }) => {
            text = text.replace(pattern, replacement);

        return text;

    // 创建翻译结果元素并放在element_node的后面
    translateResult.translateDiv = new TranslateDiv(id);

    // 顶栏左侧信息
    translateResult.translateDiv.setTopText(i18next.t('servers.' + realTransServer, { ns: 'translator' }) +
        i18next.t('translateDiv.topTextSuffix', { ns: 'translator' }));

    // 注册按钮
    if (OJBetter.translation.choice == 'openai' || OJBetter.translation.choice == 'deepl') {
        translateResult.translateDiv.showQueryBalanceButton(OJBetter.translation.choice); // 显示额度查询

    // 翻译内容是否可能为代码片段
    if (isEmptyText(text)) {
        const shouldContinue = await OJB_createDialog(
            i18next.t('isEmptyText.title', { ns: 'dialog' }),
            i18next.t('isEmptyText.content', { ns: 'dialog' }),
                i18next.t('isEmptyText.buttons.0', { ns: 'dialog' }),
                i18next.t('isEmptyText.buttons.1', { ns: 'dialog' })
        if (shouldContinue) {
            translateResult.status = "skip";
            return translateResult;

    // 替换latex公式
    text = replaceLatex(text);

    // 过滤**号
    if (OJBetter.translation.filterTextWithoutEmphasis && GM_getValue("translation") !== "openai") { // TODO
        text = text.replace(/\*\*/g, "");

    // 字符数上限
    const translationLimits = {
        deepl: 5000,
        iflyrec: 2000,
        youdao: 5000,
        google: 5000,
        caiyun: 5000
    if (translationLimits.hasOwnProperty(realTransServer) && text.length > translationLimits[realTransServer]) {
        let textLength = translationLimits[realTransServer];
        let realTextLength = text.length;
        const shouldContinue = await OJB_createDialog(
            i18next.t('transTextLimits.title', { ns: 'dialog' }),
            i18next.t('transTextLimits.content', { ns: 'dialog', textLength: textLength, realTextLength: realTextLength }),
                i18next.t('transTextLimits.buttons.0', { ns: 'dialog' }),
                i18next.t('transTextLimits.buttons.1', { ns: 'dialog' })
        ); // 字数超限确认
        if (shouldContinue) {
            translateResult.status = "skip";
            return translateResult;

     * 调用各个翻译服务
     * @param {string} transServer 翻译服务
     * @returns {TransRawData} 原始翻译数据
    async function translate(transServer) {
        const is_renderLaTeX = !(OJBetter.typeOfPage.is_oldLatex || OJBetter.typeOfPage.is_acmsguru);
        const servername = i18next.t('servers.' + realTransServer, { ns: 'translator' });
        /** @type {TransRawData} 原始翻译数据*/
        let rawData = {};
        try {
            if (transServer == "deepl") {
                if (OJBetter.deepl.config.type == 'free') {
                    translateResult.translateDiv.updateTranslateDiv(`${i18next.t('transingTip.basic', { ns: 'translator', server: servername })}`, is_renderLaTeX);
                    rawData = await translate_deepl(text);
                } else if (OJBetter.deepl.config.type == 'api') {
                    translateResult.translateDiv.updateTranslateDiv(`${i18next.t('transingTip.deeplApi', { ns: 'translator', deepl_configName: })}`, is_renderLaTeX);
                    if (OJBetter.deepl.config.apiGenre == 'deeplx') {
                        rawData = await translate_deeplx(text);
                    } else {
                        if (OJBetter.deepl.enableEmphasisProtection) text = convertBoldMarkdownToHTML(text);
                        if (OJBetter.deepl.enableLinkProtection) text = convertLinksMarkdownToHTML(text);
                        if (OJBetter.deepl.config.apiGenre == 'api-free') {
                            rawData = await translate_deepl_api_free(text);
                        } else if (OJBetter.deepl.config.apiGenre == 'api-pro') {
                            rawData = await translate_deepl_api_pro(text);
                        if (OJBetter.deepl.enableEmphasisProtection) rawData.text = convertBoldHTMLToMarkdown(rawData.text);
                        if (OJBetter.deepl.enableLinkProtection) rawData.text = convertLinksHTMLToMarkdown(rawData.text);
            } else if (transServer == "iflyrec") {
                translateResult.translateDiv.updateTranslateDiv(`${i18next.t('transingTip.basic', { ns: 'translator', server: servername })}`, is_renderLaTeX);
                rawData = await translate_iflyrec(text);
            } else if (transServer == "youdao") {
                translateResult.translateDiv.updateTranslateDiv(`${i18next.t('transingTip.basic', { ns: 'translator', server: servername })}`, is_renderLaTeX);
                rawData = await translate_youdao_mobile(text);
            } else if (transServer == "google") {
                translateResult.translateDiv.updateTranslateDiv(`${i18next.t('transingTip.basic', { ns: 'translator', server: servername })}`, is_renderLaTeX);
                rawData = await translate_gg(text);
            } else if (transServer == "caiyun") {
                translateResult.translateDiv.updateTranslateDiv(`${i18next.t('transingTip.basic', { ns: 'translator', server: servername })}`, is_renderLaTeX);
                rawData = await translate_caiyun(text);
            } else if (transServer == "openai") {
                translateResult.translateDiv.updateTranslateDiv(`${i18next.t('transingTip.openai', { ns: 'translator', openai_name: })}${!OJBetter.chatgpt.isStream
                    ? i18next.t('transingTip.openai_isStream', { ns: 'translator' }) : ""}`,
                if (OJBetter.chatgpt.isStream) {
                    // 流式传输
                    rawData = await translate_openai_stream(text, translateResult.translateDiv);
                } else {
                    // 普通模式
                    rawData = await translate_openai(text);
            translatedText = rawData.text;
            if (!rawData.done) {
                translateResult.status = "error";
        } catch (e) {
            translateResult.status = "error";
            rawData.message = i18next.t('error.unexpected', { ns: 'translator' });
        return rawData;
    translateResult.rawData = await translate(realTransServer);

    if (translateResult.status == "error") {
        return translateResult;

    // 还原latex公式
    translatedText = recoverLatex(translatedText);

    // 注册结果复制按钮
    if (!OJBetter.typeOfPage.is_oldLatex && !OJBetter.typeOfPage.is_acmsguru) {
    } else {

    // 翻译结果格式化
    translatedText = formatText(translatedText);

    // 保存翻译结果
    if ((OJBetter.typeOfPage.is_problem || OJBetter.typeOfPage.is_completeProblemset) && OJBetter.translation.memory.enabled) {
        // OJBetter.translation.memory.ttTree.refreshNode(".ttypography"); // 刷新当前页面.ttypography元素的结构树实例
        OJBetter.translation.memory.ttTree.refreshNode("#task-statement"); // 刷新当前页面.ttypography元素的结构树实例
        OJBetter.translation.memory.ttTree.addTransResultMap(id, translatedText);
        updateTransDBData(OJBetter.translation.memory.ttTree.getNodeData(), OJBetter.translation.memory.ttTree.getTransResultMap()); // 更新翻译结果到transDB

    // 翻译结果面板更新
    translateResult.translateDiv.updateTranslateDiv(translatedText, !(OJBetter.typeOfPage.is_oldLatex || OJBetter.typeOfPage.is_acmsguru));

    return translateResult;

function alertZh() {
    // var _alert = window.alert;
    // window.alert = async function (msg) {
    //     _alert(msg + "\n=========翻译=========\n" + await translate_deepl(msg));
    //     return true;
    // }

 * 折叠块展开
function ExpandFoldingblocks() {
    $('.spoiler-content').attr('style', '');

 * 折叠块渲染优化
function RenderPerfOpt() {
        .spoiler-content {
            contain: layout style;

 * 下拉选择框性能优化
async function SelectElementPerfOpt() {
    // TODO 10
    // 加载库资源
    await OJB_LoadJS("", "sha512-HhBheWc9nbTuTG0oVYtY9c3nkJAAiuk899lycOtB8NALvp20CNOjlYdTAYbRy9/0zXnLl0LZpiwhfLZurvK1XQ==");
     * 将一个<select>元素转换为SelectPage控件
     * @param {HTMLElement|string} selector - 要转换的<select>元素或其选择器
    const OJB_transformSelectToSelectPage = (selector) => {
        const $select = $(selector);
        if ($select.length === 0 || !$'select')) {
            console.error('Invalid select element provided.');

        // 隐藏原生的<select>元素

        // 创建一个新的<input>元素用于SelectPage控件
        const $inputForSelectPage = $('<input>', {
            type: 'text',
            class: 'selectpage-input',
            autocomplete: 'off'

        // 准备SelectPage所需的数据格式
        const data = $select.find('option').map((_, option) => ({
            id: option.value,
            text: option.text

        // 初始化SelectPage
            showField: 'text',
            keyField: 'id',
            lang: 'en',
            // 当选中一个选项时,更新隐藏的<select>元素的值
            eSelect: (data) => {
            // 初始化时根据<select>的当前值设置SelectPage
            initRecord: $select.val()

    // 遍历页面上的所有select
    $('select').each((_, select) => {
        // 选项大于500才优化
        if ($(select).find('option').length > 500) {

 * 题目页相关链接栏
class ProblemPageLinkbar {
    constructor() {
        this.containerElement = this.createToolbar();
        this.commandInvoker = new CommandInvoker();

     * 创建工具栏
    createToolbar() {
        // const toolbarElement = $("<div>").attr("id", "problemToolbar").insertBefore($(".problemindexholder"));
        const toolbarElement = $("<div>").attr("id", "problemToolbar").insertBefore($(".h2"));
        return new DOMContainer(toolbarElement);

     * 添加按钮
     * @param {string} id 按钮id
     * @param {string} url 按钮链接
     * @param {string} text 按钮文字
     * @param {JQueryObject} icon 按钮图标
     * @param {string} iconHeight 图标高度
     * @returns {object} 按钮对象
    addLinkButton(id, url, text, icon = $('<div>'), iconHeight = "22px") {
        const linkElement = $("<a>")
            .attr("href", url)
            .attr("target", "_blank")
            .attr("id", id);

        icon.css("height", iconHeight);

        const textSpan = $("<span>").html(text);

        this.commandInvoker.execute(new AddElementCommand(this.containerElement, linkElement));
        return {
            element: linkElement,
            text: textSpan,
            icon: icon

     * 更新链接
     * @param {object} button 按钮对象
     * @param {string} url 按钮链接
    updateUrl(button, url) {
        button.element.attr("href", url);

     * 更新文字
     * @param {object} button 按钮对象
     * @param {string} text 按钮文字
    updateText(button, text) {

     * 设置文字为粗体
     * @param {object} button 按钮对象
    setBold(button) {
        button.text.css("font-weight", "bold");

     * 更新图标
     * @param {object} button 按钮对象
     * @param {JQueryObject} icon 按钮图标
     * @param {string} iconHeight 图标高度
    updateIcon(button, icon, iconHeight = "16px") {
        icon.css("height", iconHeight);
        button.icon = icon;

     * 添加类
     * @param {object} button 按钮对象
     * @param {string} className 类名
    addClass(button, className) {

     * 禁用链接按钮
     * @param {object} button 按钮对象
    disableButton(button) {

     * 启用链接按钮
     * @param {object} button 按钮对象
    enableButton(button) {

 * 获取题目的id
 * @param {String} url 题目的链接 
 * @returns 题目的id,形如2000A
function getProblemId(url) {
    const regex = /\/contests\/([A-Za-z\d\-]+)\/tasks\/([A-Za-z\d\_]+)/;
    const matchResult = url.match(regex);
    return matchResult && matchResult.length >= 3
        ? `${matchResult[2]}`
        : '';

 * 跳转到洛谷
 * @param {ProblemPageLinkbar} problemToolbar 
async function CF2luogu(problemToolbar) {
    const url = window.location.href;
    const problemId = getProblemId(url);
    const luoguButton = problemToolbar.addLinkButton(
        i18next.t('state.loading', { ns: 'button' }),
        $("<img>").attr("src", "")

    const checkLinkExistence = async (url) => {
        return OJB_promiseRetryWrapper(async () => {
            const response = await OJB_GMRequest({
                method: "GET",
            return !response.responseText.match(/出错了/g);
        }, {
            maxRetries: 3,
            retryInterval: 1000

    const LuoguUrl = `${problemId}`;
    try {
        const result = await checkLinkExistence(LuoguUrl);
        if (problemId && result) {
            problemToolbar.updateText(luoguButton, "");
            problemToolbar.updateUrl(luoguButton, LuoguUrl);
        } else {
            problemToolbar.updateText(luoguButton, i18next.t('state.404', { ns: 'button' }));
    } catch (error) {
        if (error instanceof OJB_GMError && error.type == "error") {
            problemToolbar.updateText(luoguButton, i18next.t('state.netError', { ns: 'button' }));

 * 跳转到 Virtual Judge
 * @param {ProblemPageLinkbar} problemToolbar 
async function CF2vjudge(problemToolbar) {
    const url = window.location.href;
    const problemId = getProblemId(url);
    const vjudgeButton = problemToolbar.addLinkButton(
        i18next.t('state.loading', { ns: 'button' }),
        $("<img>").attr("src", "")

    const checkLinkExistence = async (url) => {
        return OJB_promiseRetryWrapper(async () => {
            const response = await OJB_GMRequest({
                method: "HEAD",
                url: url,
            if (response.status >= 200 && response.status < 300) return true;
            else if (response.status == 404) return false;
            else throw new OJB_GMError('network', 'An unknown network error occurred!', response);
        }, {
            maxRetries: 3,
            retryInterval: 1000

    const VjudgeUrl = `${problemId}`;
    try {
        const result = await checkLinkExistence(VjudgeUrl);
        if (problemId && result) {
            problemToolbar.updateText(vjudgeButton, "VJudge");
            problemToolbar.updateUrl(vjudgeButton, VjudgeUrl);
        } else {
            problemToolbar.updateText(vjudgeButton, i18next.t('state.404', { ns: 'button' }));
    } catch (error) {
        if (error instanceof OJB_GMError && error.type == "error") {
            problemToolbar.updateText(vjudgeButton, i18next.t('state.netError', { ns: 'button' }));

// RatingClass
const ratingClassMap = {
    NaN: "rating_by_clist_colorNaN",
    0: "rating_by_clist_color0",
    400: "rating_by_clist_color1",
    800: "rating_by_clist_color2",
    1200: "rating_by_clist_color3",
    1600: "rating_by_clist_color4",
    2000: "rating_by_clist_color5",
    2400: "rating_by_clist_color6",
    2800: "rating_by_clist_color7",
    2800: "rating_by_clist_color8",
    2800: "rating_by_clist_color9"
const cssMap = {
    "rating_by_clist_colorNaN": "#cccccc",
    "rating_by_clist_color0": "#808080",
    "rating_by_clist_color1": "#804000",
    "rating_by_clist_color2": "#008000",
    "rating_by_clist_color3": "#00c0c0",
    "rating_by_clist_color4": "#0000ff",
    "rating_by_clist_color5": "#c0c000",
    "rating_by_clist_color6": "#fb7e00",
    "rating_by_clist_color7": "#ff0000",
    "rating_by_clist_color8": "#ff0000",
    "rating_by_clist_color9": "#ff0000"
// TODO 7
 * clist 访问有效性检查
 * @param {boolean} onlyCookie 是否只检查Cookie
 * @returns {Promise<boolean>} 是否有效
async function validateClistConnection(onlyCookie = false) {
    const clistApiUrl = "";
    const requestOptions = {
        method: "GET",
        url: clistApiUrl,
        timeout: 5000,

    // 尝试发送请求
    async function tryRequest(options) {
        try {
            const response = await OJB_GMRequest(options);
            if (response.status === 200) {
                return { ok: true };
            } else if (response.status === 401) {
                throw new Error('unauthorized');
            } else if (response.status === 404) {
                throw new Error('not_found');
            } else {
                throw new Error('other_error');
        } catch (error) {
            console.warn(`Error accessing ${error.message}`);
            return { ok: false, error: error.message };

    // 尝试携带Key发送请求
    let result = await tryRequest(requestOptions);
    if (!onlyCookie && !result.ok) {
        requestOptions.headers = { "Authorization": OJBetter.clist.authorization };
        result = await tryRequest(requestOptions);

    // 根据结果显示错误信息
    if (!result.ok) {
        let errorType = result.error;
        const loadingMessage = new LoadingMessage();
        let state;
        if (errorType === 'not_found') {
            state = i18next.t('error.clist.404', { ns: 'alert' });
        } else if (errorType === 'unauthorized') {
            state = i18next.t('error.clist.cookie', { ns: 'alert' });
        } else {
            state = i18next.t('error.clist.other', { ns: 'alert' });
        loadingMessage.updateStatus(`${} —— ${state}`, 'error');
    return result.ok;

 * 创建Rating相关css
 * @param {boolean} [hasBorder=true] 是否有边框
function creatRatingCss(hasBorder = true) {
    const defaultBorderColor = '#dcdfe6';
    let dynamicCss = "";
    let hoverSelector = OJBetter.clist.ratingHidden ? ":hover" : "";
    for (let cssClass in cssMap) {
        dynamicCss += `a.${cssClass}${hoverSelector}, a.${cssClass}${hoverSelector}:link {\n`;
        let borderColor = hasBorder ? cssMap[cssClass] : defaultBorderColor;
        dynamicCss += `    color: ${cssMap[cssClass]} ${OJBetter.clist.ratingHidden ? "!important" : ""};\n`;
        dynamicCss += `}\n`;
    if (OJBetter.clist.ratingHidden) {
        #clistButton {
            color: #ffffff00;

 * 模拟clist网页访问获取rating
 * @param {string} problem 题目名称
 * @param {string} problem_url 题目链接
 * @param {string} contest 比赛名称
 * @returns {Promise<{rating: number, problem: string}>} 题目难度
async function getRatingFromHTML(problem, problem_url, contest = null) {
    // 去除题目名称中的括号,以及首尾的空白符
    problem = problem.replace(/\([\s\S]*?\)/g, '').trim();

    return OJB_promiseRetryWrapper(async () => {
        const queryString = `search=${encodeURIComponent(problem)}&resource=1`;
        const response = await OJB_GMRequest({
            method: 'GET',
            url: `${queryString}`,

        if (!response.responseText) throw new OJB_GMError('network', 'An unknown network error occurred!', response);
        const html = response.responseText;
        const cleanedHtml = html.replace(/src=(.|\s)*?"/g, '');
        const parser = new DOMParser();
        const doc = parser.parseFromString(cleanedHtml, 'text/html');
        const trs = doc.querySelectorAll('table tbody tr');

        for (let tr of trs) {
            const rating = tr.querySelector('.problem-rating-column').textContent.trim();
            const link = OJB_cleanLink(tr.querySelector('.problem-name-column a:nth-of-type(2)')?.href);

            if (link === problem_url || link === problem_url + '/') {
                return {
                    rating: parseInt(rating),
                    problem: problem
            } else if (contest !== null) {
                const contestTitles = ['.problem-name-column .pull-right a[title], .problem-name-column .pull-right span[title]')].map(el => el.title);
                if (contestTitles.includes(contest)) {
                    return {
                        rating: parseInt(rating),
                        problem: problem
        console.warn(`No data found for the question: ${problem}`);
    }, {
        maxRetries: 3,
        retryInterval: 500

 * 从clist API获取题目的rating
 * @param {string} problem_name 题目名
 * @param {string} problem_url 题目链接
 * @returns {Promise<number>} 题目rating
 * 使用两个Map对象来存储和快速访问题目信息:
 * - problemsMap: 通过题目的URL作为键来存储题目信息。
 * - nameMap: 通过题目的名称作为键来存储题目信息。
 * 每个题目信息是一个对象,包含以下属性:
 * @typedef {Object} ProblemInfo
 * @property {string} name 题目名称
 * @property {string} url 题目URL
 * @property {number} rating 题目评分,如果没有评分信息则为NaN
async function getRatingFromApi_problem(problem_name, problem_url) {
    return OJB_promiseRetryWrapper(async () => {
        const response = await OJB_GMRequest({
            method: "GET",
            // url: `${encodeURIComponent(problem_name)}&`,
            url: `${encodeURIComponent(problem_name)}&`,
            headers: { "Authorization": OJBetter.clist.authorization }

        if (!response.responseText) throw new OJB_GMError('network', 'An unknown network error occurred!', response);
        let data = JSON.parse(response.responseText);
         * 使用题目的URL作为键来存储题目信息。
         * @type {Map<string, ProblemInfo>}
        let problemsMap = new Map();

         * 使用题目的名称作为键来存储题目信息。
         * @type {Map<string, ProblemInfo>}
        let nameMap = new Map();

        data.objects.forEach(problem => {
            /** @type {ProblemInfo} 题目信息*/
            let problemInfo = {
                url: problem.url,
                rating: problem.rating ? problem.rating : NaN
            problemsMap.set(OJB_cleanLink(problem.url), problemInfo);
            nameMap.set(, problemInfo);

        if (problemsMap.has(problem_url)) {
            return problemsMap.get(problem_url).rating;
        } else if (nameMap.has(problem_name)) {
            return nameMap.get(problem_name).rating;
        } else {
            console.warn('Problem not found in the response');
    }, {
        maxRetries: 5,
        retryInterval: 1000

 * 获取字符串中的关键词列表
 * @param {string} text 字符串文本
 * @returns {array<string>} 返回关键词列表
function getKeywords(text) {
    // 定义要过滤掉的高频词
    const highFrequencyWords = ['Educational', 'Codeforces', 'Round', 'Div'];

    // 使用正则表达式替换掉特殊符号(保留空格以便分词)
    const sanitizedText = text.replace(/[^\w\s]|_/g, '').replace(/\s+/g, ' ');

    // 将字符串拆分为单词数组
    const words = sanitizedText.split(' ');

    // 过滤掉高频词和空字符串
    const filteredWords = words.filter(word => {
        return word && highFrequencyWords.indexOf(word) === -1;

    // 返回关键词列表
    return filteredWords;

 * 根据关键词从 Clist API 中获取实际比赛名称
 * @param {string} contestName 比赛名
 * @param {string} contestUrl 比赛链接
 * @returns {string|null} 该比赛在Clist中的实际名字
async function getContestNameFromApi(contestName, contestUrl) {
    return OJB_promiseRetryWrapper(async () => {
        const options = {
            method: "GET",
            // url: `${encodeURIComponent(contestName)}`,
            url: `${encodeURIComponent(contestName)}`,
            headers: {
                "Authorization": OJBetter.clist.authorization

        let response = await OJB_GMRequest(options);

        if (!response.responseText) throw new OJB_GMError('network', 'An unknown network error occurred!', response);

        let data = JSON.parse(response.responseText);
        let objects = data.objects;

        if (objects.length > 0) {
            for (const contest of objects) {
                // const href = contest.href.replace(/\/contests\//i, '/contest/'); // 链接可能是contests而不是contest,换回来
                const href = contest.href;
                if (OJB_cleanLink(href) == contestUrl) {
                    return contest.event;
        return null;
    }, {
        maxRetries: 5,
        retryInterval: 1000

 * 获取在clist中的实际比赛名称
 * @param {string} contestName 待搜索的比赛名称
 * @param {string} contestUrl 比赛的url
 * @returns {Promise<string|null>} 在clist中的实际比赛名称,如果没有找到,则返回null
async function getActualContestName(contestName, contestUrl) {
    // 首先尝试使用完整的比赛名称进行搜索
    let actualContestName = await getContestNameFromApi(contestName, contestUrl);
    if (actualContestName) {
        return actualContestName;

    // 如果使用完整名称没有找到,则尝试使用关键词进行搜索
    const keywords = getKeywords(contestName);
    const maxKeywordAttempts = 1; // 最多尝试到第几个关键词(因为Clist API有频率限制)
    for (let i = 0; i < Math.min(keywords.length, maxKeywordAttempts); i++) {
        actualContestName = await getContestNameFromApi(keywords[i], contestUrl);
        if (actualContestName) {
            return actualContestName;

    // 如果全部尝试后仍没有找到,返回null
    return null;

 * 从clist API获取比赛题目集的rating
 * @param {string} contestName 比赛名
 * @returns {Promise<Map<string, number>>} 题目rating
async function getRatingFromApi_contest(contestName, contestUrl) {
    const actualContestName = await getActualContestName(contestName, contestUrl);
    return OJB_promiseRetryWrapper(async () => {
        const options = {
            method: "GET",
            url: `${encodeURIComponent(actualContestName)}`,
            headers: {
                "Authorization": OJBetter.clist.authorization

        let response = await OJB_GMRequest(options);

        if (!response.responseText) throw new OJB_GMError('network', 'An unknown network error occurred!', response);

        let data = JSON.parse(response.responseText);
        let objects = data.objects;
        let problemsMap = new Map();

        if (objects.length > 0 && objects[0].problems) {
            objects[0].problems.forEach(problem => {
                problemsMap.set(OJB_cleanLink(problem.url), problem.rating ? problem.rating : NaN);

        return problemsMap;
    }, {
        maxRetries: 5,
        retryInterval: 1000

 * 根据rating获取对应的颜色class名
 * @param {number} rating 题目rating
 * @returns {string} 颜色class名
function getClassNameByRating(rating) {
    let className = "rating_by_clist_color9";
    if (Number.isNaN(rating)) {
        className = "rating_by_clist_colorNaN";
    } else {
        let keys = Object.keys(ratingClassMap);
        for (let i = 0; i < keys.length; i++) {
            if (rating < keys[i]) {
                className = ratingClassMap[keys[i - 1]];
    return className;

 * problem题目页显示Rating
 * @param {ProblemPageLinkbar} problemToolbar 
 * @returns {Promise<void>}
async function showRatingByClist_problem(problemToolbar) {
    // 题目名
    // const problem = $('.header .title').eq(0).text().replace(/[\s\S]*?. /, '');
    // if (OJBetter.typeOfPage.is_acmsguru) problem = $('h4').eq(0).text().replace(/[\s\S]*?. /, '');
    const url = window.location.href;
    const problemId = getProblemId(url);

    // 创建Rating按钮元素
    // TODO
    // const clistButton = problemToolbar.addLinkButton(
    //     'clistButton',
    //     `${problem}&resource=1`,
    //     i18next.t('state.wait', { ns: 'button' }),
    //     $("<img>").attr("src", ""),
    //     "15px"
    // );
    const clistButton = problemToolbar.addLinkButton(
        i18next.t('state.wait', { ns: 'button' }),
        $("<img>").attr("src", ""),

    // 检测clist连接
    if (!await validateClistConnection()) {
        problemToolbar.updateText(clistButton, i18next.t('state.netError', { ns: 'button' }));

    // 题目链接
    let problem_url = window.location.href;
    if (problem_url.includes('/contest/')) {
        problem_url = problem_url.replace(/\/contest\/(\d+)\/problem\/(\w+)[^\w]*/, '/contest/$1/problem/$2');
    } else {
        problem_url = problem_url.replace(/\/problemset\/problem\/(\d+)\/(\w+)/, '/contest/$1/problem/$2');
    if (OJBetter.typeOfPage.is_mSite) problem_url = problem_url.replace(/\/\/(\w+), '//'); // 轻量站

    // 比赛名
    // let contest = $('#sidebar').children().first().find('.rtable th').first().text();

    // rating
    problemToolbar.updateText(clistButton, i18next.t('state.loading', { ns: 'button' }));
    let rating = await getRatingFromApi_problem(problemId, problem_url);
    if (rating) {
        let className = getClassNameByRating(rating);
        problemToolbar.updateText(clistButton, rating);
        problemToolbar.addClass(clistButton, className);
    } else {
        problemToolbar.updateText(clistButton, i18next.t('state.404', { ns: 'button' }));

 * contest页显示Rating
 * @returns {Promise<void>}
async function showRatingByClist_contest() {
    // 创建Rating显示框
    let ratingBadges = {};
    // $('.datatable .id.left').each(function () {
    //     let href = '' + $(this).find('a').attr('href');
    //     let badge = OJB_safeCreateJQElement(`<a id="clistButton" class="ratingBadge">${i18next.t('state.wait', { ns: 'button' })}</a>`);
    //     $(this).find('a').after(badge);
    //     ratingBadges[href] = badge;
    // });
    $('table tbody tr').each(function () {
        let href = '' + $(this).find('a').attr('href');
        let badge = OJB_safeCreateJQElement(`<a id="clistButton" class="ratingBadge">${i18next.t('state.wait', { ns: 'button' })}</a>`);
        ratingBadges[href] = badge;

    // 检测clist连接
    if (!await validateClistConnection()) {
        for (let href in ratingBadges) {

    // 显示loading
    for (let href in ratingBadges) {
        ratingBadges[href].text(i18next.t('state.loading', { ns: 'button' })).addClass('ratingBadge_loading');

    // 获取Rating
    // let contestName = $('#sidebar').children().first().find('.rtable th').first().text();
    let contestName = window.location.href.match(/\/contests\/[^\/]*?(\d+)\/tasks/)?.[1];
    // let contestUrl = OJB_cleanLink(window.location.href);
    let contestUrl = OJB_cleanLink(window.location.href.replace(/\/tasks\/?.*$/, ''));
    try {
        let problemsMap = await getRatingFromApi_contest(contestName, contestUrl);

        // 填充数据
        for (let href in ratingBadges) {
            if (problemsMap.has(href)) {
                let rating = problemsMap.get(href);
                let className = getClassNameByRating(rating);
            } else {
                ratingBadges[href].text(i18next.t('state.404', { ns: 'button' })).addClass('ratingBadge_no');
    } catch (error) {
        // 填充数据
        for (let href in ratingBadges) {
            ratingBadges[href].text(i18next.t('state.netError', { ns: 'button' })).addClass('ratingBadge_no');

 * problemset页显示Rating
 * @returns {Promise<void>}
async function showRatingByClist_problemset() {
    let ratingBadges = [];
    const $problems = $('.problems');
    const $trs = $problems.find('tbody tr:gt(0)');

    // 先创建Rating显示框,并将关系存进数组ratingBadges
    for (let i = 0; i < $trs.length; i++) {
        const $tds = $($trs[i]).find('td');
        const $firstDiv = $($tds[1]).find('div:first');
        let problem = $firstDiv.text();
        let problem_url = $firstDiv.find('a').attr('href');
        problem_url = problem_url.replace(/^\/problemset\/problem\/(\d+)\/(\w+)/, '$1/problem/$2');

        const ratingBadge = OJB_safeCreateJQElement(`<a id="clistButton" class="ratingBadge"></a>`);
        const rating = OJB_safeCreateJQElement(`<span class="rating">${i18next.t('state.wait', { ns: 'button' })}</span>`);
        ratingBadges.push({ ratingBadge, rating, problem, problem_url });

    // 检测clist连接
    if (!await validateClistConnection()) {
        for (let i = 0; i < rating.length; i++) {
            ratingBadges[i].rating.text(i18next.t('state.netError', { ns: 'button' }));

    // 每次只获取3个rating
    for (let i = 0; i < ratingBadges.length; i += 3) {
        const promises = [];
        const endIndex = Math.min(i + 3, ratingBadges.length);

        for (let j = i; j < endIndex; j++) {
            const ratingBadge = ratingBadges[j];
            // 显示请求中
            ratingBadge.rating.text(i18next.t('state.loading', { ns: 'button' }));
            promises.push(getRatingFromHTML(ratingBadge.problem, ratingBadge.problem_url).catch(error => console.warn(error)));

        const results = await Promise.all(promises);

        for (let j = i; j < endIndex; j++) {
            const result = results[j - i];
            const ratingBadge = ratingBadges[j];
            if (result) {
                let className = getClassNameByRating(result.rating);
            } else {
                ratingBadge.rating.text(i18next.t('state.404', { ns: 'button' }));

 * 存放编辑器语言select的值与Monaco语言对应关系的map.
 * @type {Object.<string, string>}
// const value_monacoLanguageMap = {
//     "4": "pascal", "6": "php", "7": "python", "9": "csharp", "13": "perl", "20": "scala", "31": "python",
//     "32": "go", "34": "javascript", "36": "java", "40": "python", "41": "python", "43": "cpp",
//     "50": "cpp", "51": "pascal", "52": "cpp", "54": "cpp", "55": "javascript", "59": "cpp", "60": "java",
//     "61": "cpp", "65": "csharp", "67": "ruby", "70": "python", "73": "cpp", "74": "java", "75": "rust",
//     "77": "kotlin", "79": "csharp", "80": "cpp", "83": "kotlin", "87": "java"
// };
const value_monacoLanguageMap = {
    "5001": "cpp", "5002": "go", "5003": "csharp", "5004": "kotlin", "5005": "java",
    "5006": "nim", "5007": "text", "5008": "text", "5009": "javascript", "5010": "javascript",
    "5011": "r", "5012": "d", "5013": "d", "5014": "swift", "5015": "dart",
    "5016": "php", "5017": "cpp", "5018": "ruby", "5019": "crystal", "5020": "text",
    "5021": "fsharp", "5022": "julia", "5023": "sh", "5024": "text", "5025": "haskell",
    "5026": "fortran", "5027": "lua", "5028": "cpp", "5029": "lisp", "5030": "cobol",
    "5031": "cpp", "5032": "sh", "5033": "python", "5034": "sh", "5035": "text",
    "5036": "text", "5037": "perl", "5038": "sh", "5039": "text", "5040": "text",
    "5041": "pascal", "5042": "csharp", "5043": "lua", "5044": "prolog", "5045": "sh",
    "5046": "scheme", "5047": "scala", "5048": "vbscript", "5049": "text", "5050": "clojure",
    "5051": "erlang", "5052": "typescript", "5053": "cpp", "5054": "rust", "5055": "python",
    "5056": "scala", "5057": "text", "5058": "typescript", "5059": "ocaml", "5060": "raku",
    "5061": "text", "5062": "lisp", "5063": "python", "5064": "clojure", "5065": "text",
    "5066": "text", "5067": "text", "5068": "ada", "5069": "text", "5070": "text",
    "5071": "clojure", "5072": "cpp", "5073": "cpp", "5074": "text", "5075": "lisp",
    "5076": "text", "5077": "d", "5078": "python", "5079": "text", "5080": "text",
    "5081": "ocaml", "5082": "python", "5083": "matlab", "5084": "haxe", "5085": "elixir",
    "5086": "text", "5087": "text", "5088": "lisp", "5089": "text", "5090": "cobol"

 * 更新代码提交页的HTML
 * @param {string} submitUrl 提交页面的URL
 * @param {string} cacheKey 本地缓存的键名
 * @returns {Promise<jQuery<HTMLElement>>} 返回 jQuery 包装的 HTML 元素
async function CloneOriginalHTML(submitUrl, cacheKey) {
    return OJB_promiseRetryWrapper(async () => {
        const response = await OJB_GMRequest({
            method: 'GET',
            url: submitUrl
        const html = response.responseText;
        const parser = new DOMParser();
        const doc = parser.parseFromString(html, 'text/html');
        const cloneHTML = $(doc.body).html();
        localStorage.setItem(cacheKey, html);
        return $(cloneHTML);
    }, {
        maxRetries: 5,
        retryInterval: 1000,
        errorHandler: (err) => {
            console.error('A network error occurred while retrieving the HTML for the code submission page.', submitUrl);

 * 获取代码提交页的HTML元素
 * @param {string} submitUrl 
 * @returns {Promise<jQuery>}
async function getSubmitHTML(submitUrl) {
    const cacheKey = 'OJBetter_CloneOriginalHTML';
    const cookieKey = 'OJBetter_CloneOriginalHTML_time';
    if (OJB_getCookie(cookieKey) === '1') {
        // 存在缓存
        CloneOriginalHTML(submitUrl, cacheKey);
        // 校验
        let cloneHTML = $(localStorage.getItem(cacheKey));
        if (cloneHTML.find('form.submit-form').length > 0) {
            return cloneHTML;
        } else {
            // 存在错误,更新缓存
            console.warn(`Cache error detected!\nattempting to update, cache destination submitUrl:\n${submitUrl}`);
            return await CloneOriginalHTML(submitUrl, cacheKey);

    } else {
        // 没有缓存,更新
        document.cookie = `${cookieKey}=1; path=/`;
        return await CloneOriginalHTML(submitUrl, cacheKey);

// 代码自动保存
async function saveCode(url, code) {
    try {
        await OJBetter.common.database.editorCode.put({ url, code });
        return 'Code saved successfully';
    } catch (error) {
        throw new Error('Failed to save code');

async function getCode(url) {
    try {
        const result = await OJBetter.common.database.editorCode.get(url);
        return result ? result.code : null;
    } catch (error) {
        throw new Error('Failed to get code');

// 创建代码编辑调试表单元素
// async function createCodeEditorForm(submitUrl, cloneHTML) {
async function createCodeEditorForm(submitUrl) {
    // 表单
    let formDiv = $('<form method="post" id="OJBetter_SubmitForm" class="input-output-copier"></form>');
    // $('.ttypography').after(formDiv);
    // formDiv.attr('action', submitUrl + "?csrf_token=" + OJBetter.common.at_csrf_token);
    formDiv.attr('action', submitUrl);
    formDiv.attr('method', 'POST');

    // 顶部区域
    let topDiv = OJB_safeCreateJQElement(`<div class="topDiv"></div>`);
    let selectLang = $('#select-lang').clone(); // 语言选择
    // selectLang.css({ 'margin': '10px 0px' }).attr('id', 'programTypeId');
    let topRightDiv = OJB_safeCreateJQElement(`<div class="topRightDiv"></div>`);

    // 问题选择/编号
    // let selectProblem = $('<input name="submittedProblemIndex" style="display:none;"></input>');
    // let problemCode;
    // if (OJBetter.typeOfPage.is_acmsguru) {
    //     problemCode = $('h4').eq(0).text();
    //     let matchResult = problemCode.match(/([A-Z0-9]+)/);
    //     problemCode = matchResult[0];
    // } else if (OJBetter.typeOfPage.is_problemset_problem) {
    //     let match = window.location.href.match(/\/problem\/([0-9]+?)\/([A-Za-z0-9]+?)(?!=[A-Za-z0-9])/);
    //     problemCode = match[1] + match[2];
    //     selectProblem.attr('name', 'submittedProblemCode');
    // } else {
    //     problemCode = $('.header .title').eq(0).text();
    //     let matchResult = problemCode.match(/([A-Z0-9]+)/);
    //     problemCode = matchResult[0];
    // }
    // selectProblem.val(problemCode);
    let selectProblem = $('input[name="data.TaskScreenName"]').clone();

    // 隐藏的代码记录
    // let sourceDiv = $('<textarea id="sourceCodeTextarea" name="source" style="display: none;"></textarea>');
    let sourceDiv = $('<textarea id="plain-textarea" name="sourceCode" style="display: none;"></textarea>');

    // 隐藏的crsf token
    let csrfDiv = $(`<input type="hidden" name="csrf_token" value=${OJBetter.common.at_csrf_token}>`);

    // 代码编辑器
    let editorDiv = $('<div id="OJBetter_editor"></div>');

    // monaco
    let monaco = $('<div id="OJBetter_monaco"></div>');

    // 自定义调试
    let customTestDiv = OJB_safeCreateJQElement(`
        <details id="customTestBlock">
            <summary >${i18next.t('customTestBlock.title', { ns: 'codeEditor' })}</summary>
            <div id="customTests" style="min-height: 30px;"></div>
            <div id="control" style="display:flex;">
                <div style="display: flex;margin: 5px;">
                    <input type="checkbox" id="onlyCustomTest"}><label for="onlyCustomTest">
                    ${i18next.t('customTestBlock.onlyCustom', { ns: 'codeEditor' })}
                <div style="display: flex;margin: 5px;">
                    <input type="checkbox" id="DontShowDiff"}>
                    <label for="DontShowDiff">
                        ${i18next.t('customTestBlock.DontShowDiff', { ns: 'codeEditor' })}
                <button type="button" id="addCustomTest">${i18next.t('customTestBlock.add', { ns: 'codeEditor' })}</button>

    // 调试/提交
    let submitDiv = $('<div id="OJBetter_submitDiv"></div>');
    let CompilerArgsInput = $('<input type="text" id="CompilerArgsInput">');

    let runButton = OJB_safeCreateJQElement(`
        <button type="button" id="RunTestButton" class="ojb_btn ojb_btn_popover top">
            <i class="iconfont">&#xe6c1;</i>
            <span class="popover_content">${i18next.t('runTestButton.initial', { ns: 'codeEditor' })}</span>
    let submitButton = OJB_safeCreateJQElement(`
        <button id="SubmitButton" class="ojb_btn ojb_btn_popover top" type="submit">
            <i class="iconfont">&#xe633;</i>
            <span class="popover_content">${i18next.t('submitButton', { ns: 'codeEditor' })}</span>
    if (OJBetter.monaco.setting.submitButtonPosition == "bottom") {
        // 添加测试/提交按钮到底部

    let CompilerSetting = OJB_safeCreateJQElement(`
        <div id="CompilerSetting"></div>
    let statePanel = OJB_safeCreateJQElement(`
        <div id="statePanel"></div>

    // 去除原有的编辑器

    let from = {
        formDiv: formDiv,
        selectLang: selectLang.find('select:first'),
        topRightDiv: topRightDiv,
        sourceDiv: sourceDiv,
        editorDiv: editorDiv,
        monaco: monaco,
        runButton: runButton,
        submitButton: submitButton,
        submitDiv: submitDiv,
        CompilerSetting: CompilerSetting,
        statePanel: statePanel
    return from;

// 解析ace格式的补全规则(acwing)
function parseAceCompleter(rules, range) {
    const suggestions = [];
    if (rules && rules.templates && rules.templates.items) {
        const items = rules.templates.items;
        for (let i = 0; i < items.length; i++) {
            const item = items[i];
            const parts = item.caption.split(' ');
            for (let i = 0; i < parts.length; i++) {
                if (item.value.startsWith(parts[i])) {
                    item.value = item.value.replace(parts[i], parts.slice(0, i + 1).join(' '));
            const completionItem = {
                label: item.caption,
                kind: monaco.languages.CompletionItemKind.Function,
                insertText: item.value,
                range: range
    return { suggestions };

// 解析monaco格式的补全规则
function parseMonacoCompleter(rules, range) {
    const suggestions_ = [];
    if (rules && rules.suggestions) {
        const suggestion = rules.suggestions;
        for (let i = 0; i < rules.suggestions.length; i++) {
            const item = suggestion[i];
            const completionItem = {
                range: range
    return { suggestions: suggestions_ };

 * 创建monaco编辑器的一个实例
async function createMonacoEditor(language, form, support) {
    // 判断monacoLoader是否加载完毕
    await OJB_waitUntilTrue(() => OJBetter.monaco.loaderOnload);

     * 通用参数
    var id = 0; // 协议中的id标识
    var workspace = language + "_workspace";
    var rootUri = OJBetter.monaco.lsp.workUri + "/" + workspace;
    // 文件名
    var InstanceID = OJB_getRandomNumber(8).toString();
    var filename = language == "java" ? "hello/src/" + InstanceID : InstanceID;
    // 后缀名
    var fileExtension =
        language === "cpp"
            ? ".cpp"
            : language === "python"
                ? ".py"
                : language === "java"
                    ? ".java"
                    : "";
    var uri = rootUri + "/" + filename + fileExtension;
    var initialized = false; // 是否已初始化
    var serverInfo; // 服务器返回的支持信息
    var model; // model
    var OJBetter_monaco = {};
    window.OJBetter_monaco = OJBetter_monaco; // 全局方法

     * 一些工具函数
    // 将lsp格式的rang转换为Monaco格式
    OJBetter_monaco.lspRangeToMonacoRange = function (range) {
        const { start, end } = range;
        return new monaco.Range(
            start.line + 1,
            start.character + 1,
            end.line + 1,
            end.character + 1
    // 将Monaco格式的rang转为lsp格式
    OJBetter_monaco.MonacoRangeTolspRange = function (range) {
        return {
            start: {
                line: range.startLineNumber - 1,
                character: range.startColumn - 1,
            end: {
                line: range.endLineNumber - 1,
                character: range.endColumn - 1,
    // 将Monaco格式的position转为lsp格式的
    OJBetter_monaco.MonacoPositionTolspPosition = function (position) {
        return {
            line: position.lineNumber - 1,
            character: position.column - 1,
    // 将Monaco格式的severity转为lsp格式的
    OJBetter_monaco.MonacoSeverityTolspSeverity = function (severity) {
        switch (severity) {
            case 8:
                return 1;
            case 1:
                return 4;
            case 2:
                return 3;
            case 4:
                return 2;
                return severity;
    // 将lsp格式的severity转为Monaco格式的
    OJBetter_monaco.lspSeverityToMonacoSeverity = function (severity) {
        switch (severity) {
            case 1:
                return 8;
            case 4:
                return 1;
            case 3:
                return 2;
            case 2:
                return 4;
                return severity;
    // 收集Monaco数据中的rang数据
    OJBetter_monaco.CollectRange = function (item) {
        return {
            startLineNumber: item.startLineNumber,
            startColumn: item.startColumn,
            endLineNumber: item.endLineNumber,
            endColumn: item.endColumn,
    // 收集Monaco position数据中的rang数据
    OJBetter_monaco.CollectRangeByPosition = function (item) {
        var word = model.getWordUntilPosition(item);
        return {
            startLineNumber: item.lineNumber,
            endLineNumber: item.lineNumber,
            startColumn: word.startColumn,
            endColumn: word.endColumn,
    // 将lsp格式的Edit转换为Monaco格式
    OJBetter_monaco.lspEditToMonacoEdit = function (edit) {
        const edits = [];

        if (language == "python") {
            for (const item1 of edit.documentChanges) {
                for (const item2 of item1.edits) {
                    const newElement = {
                        textEdit: {
                            range: OJBetter_monaco.lspRangeToMonacoRange(item2.range),
                            text: item2.newText,
                        resource: monaco.Uri.parse(item1.textDocument.uri),
                        versionId: model.getVersionId(),
        } else if (language == "java") {
            for (const item1 in edit.changes) {
                edit.changes[item1].forEach((item2) => {
                    const newElement = {
                        textEdit: {
                            range: OJBetter_monaco.lspRangeToMonacoRange(item2.range),
                            text: item2.newText,
                        resource: uri,
                        versionId: model.getVersionId(),
        } else {
            for (const key in edit.changes) {
                const arr = edit.changes[key];
                for (const item of arr) {
                    const newElement = {
                        textEdit: {
                            range: OJBetter_monaco.lspRangeToMonacoRange(item.range),
                            text: item.newText,
                        resource: monaco.Uri.parse(key),
                        versionId: model.getVersionId(),
        return { edits: edits };

     * 实例化一个editor
    uri = monaco.Uri.file(uri);
    model = monaco.editor.createModel('', language, uri);
    OJBetter.monaco.editor = monaco.editor.create(document.getElementById("OJBetter_monaco"), {
        model: model,
        rootUri: rootUri,
        fontSize: 15,
        tabSize: 4,
        theme: OJBetter.basic.darkMode == "dark" ? "vs-dark" : "vs",
        bracketPairColorization: {
            enabled: true,
            independentColorPoolPerBracketType: true,
        automaticLayout: true,
        lineNumbersMinChars: 3,
        matchOnWordStartOnly: false,
        wordWrap: "on",
        wrappingIndent: "same",
        glyphMargin: true,
        formatOnType: true,
        scrollbar: {
            verticalScrollbarSize: 10,
            horizontalScrollbarSize: 10,
            alwaysConsumeMouseWheel: OJBetter.monaco.setting.alwaysConsumeMouseWheel
        suggest: {
            selectionMode: 'never' // 代码建议不自动选择

     * 添加快捷功能
    (OJBetter_monaco.addShortCuts = async () => {
        // 从配置信息更新字体大小
        OJBetter.monaco.editor.updateOptions({ fontSize: parseInt(OJBetter.monaco.setting.fontsize) });

        // 调整字体大小
        let changeSize = OJB_safeCreateJQElement(`
        <div class="ojb_btn ojb_btn_popover top">
            <input type="number" id="fontSizeInput" value="${OJBetter.monaco.setting.fontsize}">
            <span class="popover_content">${i18next.t('fontSizeInput', { ns: 'codeEditor' })}</span>
        changeSize.find('input#fontSizeInput').on('input', function () {
            var size = $(this).val();
            OJBetter.monaco.editor.updateOptions({ fontSize: parseInt(size) });
            GM_setValue('editorFontSize', size);

        // 全屏按钮
        let fullscreenButton = OJB_safeCreateJQElement(`
        <button type="button" class="ojb_btn ojb_btn_popover top">
            <i class="iconfont">&#xe606;</i>
            <span class="popover_content">${i18next.t('fullscreenButton', { ns: 'codeEditor' })}</span>
        fullscreenButton.on('click', enterFullscreen);

        // 固定到底部按钮
        let fixToBottomButton = OJB_safeCreateJQElement(`
        <button type="button" class="ojb_btn ojb_btn_popover top">
            <i class="iconfont">&#xe607;</i>
            <span class="popover_content">${i18next.t('fixToBottomButton', { ns: 'codeEditor' })}</span>
        fixToBottomButton.on('click', fixToBottom);

        // 固定到右侧按钮
        let fixToRightButton = OJB_safeCreateJQElement(`
        <button type="button" class="ojb_btn ojb_btn_popover top">
            <i class="iconfont">&#xe605;</i>
            <span class="popover_content">${i18next.t('fixToRightButton', { ns: 'codeEditor' })}</span>
        // form.topRightDiv.append(fixToRightButton);
        fixToRightButton.on('click', fixToRight);

        // 添加测试/提交按钮到顶部
        if (OJBetter.monaco.setting.submitButtonPosition == "top") {

        // 选择记忆
        if (!OJBetter.monaco.setting.position_initialized) {
            OJBetter.monaco.setting.position_initialized = true; // 标记是否已经初始化过
            if (OJBetter.monaco.setting.position == "full") {
            } else if (OJBetter.monaco.setting.position == "bottom") {
            } else if (OJBetter.monaco.setting.position == "right") {

        // 禁用按钮
        function disableButtons() {
            fullscreenButton.prop("disabled", true);
            fixToBottomButton.prop("disabled", true);
            fixToRightButton.prop("disabled", true);

        // 启用按钮
        function enableButtons() {
            fullscreenButton.prop("disabled", false);
            fixToBottomButton.prop("disabled", false);
            fixToRightButton.prop("disabled", false);

        // 进入全屏
        function enterFullscreen() {
            let editor = $('#OJBetter_editor');

            // 取消按钮
            let cancelButton = OJB_safeCreateJQElement(`
                <button type="button" class="ojb_btn ojb_btn_popover top primary exit_button_bottom">
                    <i class="iconfont">&#xe60b;</i>
                    <span class="popover_content">${i18next.t('exitFullscreenButton', { ns: 'codeEditor' })}</span>
            `).on('click', () => exitFullscreen(cancelButton));

            GM_setValue("monacoEditor_position", "full");

        // 退出全屏
        const exitFullscreen = (cancelButton) => {
            let editor = $('#OJBetter_editor');
            GM_setValue("monacoEditor_position", "initial");

        // 固定到底部
        function fixToBottom() {
            let editor = $('#OJBetter_editor');

            let halfHeight = $(window).height() * 0.5;
            let blankSpace = $('<div>', {
                'class': 'blank-space',
                'style': 'height: ' + (halfHeight + 30) + 'px;'

            let cancelButton = OJB_safeCreateJQElement(`
                <button type="button" class="ojb_btn ojb_btn_popover top enabled exit_button_bottom">
                    <i class="iconfont">&#xe625;</i>
                    <span class="popover_content">${i18next.t('cancelFixButton', { ns: 'codeEditor' })}</span>
            `).on('click', () => cancelFixingToBottom(cancelButton, blankSpace));

            GM_setValue("monacoEditor_position", "bottom");

        // 取消固定到底部
        const cancelFixingToBottom = (cancelButton, blankSpace) => {
            let editor = $('#OJBetter_editor');
            GM_setValue("monacoEditor_position", "initial");

        // 固定到右侧边栏
        function fixToRight() {
            const sidebar = $('#sidebar').hide();

            // 添加样式
            const styleElement = GM_addStyle(`
                #body {
                    min-width: 50vw;
                    max-width: 50vw;
                    max-height: 100vh;
                    overflow-x: hidden;
                    overflow-y: auto;
                    padding: 1rem;
                    box-sizing: border-box;
                body {
                    margin: 0px;
                .content-with-sidebar {
                    margin-right: 0px !important;
                .menu-list li {
                    margin-right: 0.5em;
                .menu-list li a {
                    font-size: 1.4rem;
                    height: 100vh;
                    width: 50vw;

            // 包装一层div
            $('#body').wrap('<div id="right-side-wrapper" style="display:flex; max-width: 100vw; overflow: hidden;"></div>');
            const blankSpace = $('<div>').appendTo('#right-side-wrapper');

            // 移动编辑器
            const editor = $('#OJBetter_editor').prependTo(blankSpace).addClass('right-side');

            // 取消按钮
            const cancelButton = OJB_safeCreateJQElement(`
                <button type="button" class="ojb_btn ojb_btn_popover top enabled exit_button_bottom">
                    <i class="iconfont">&#xe625;</i>
                    <span class="popover_content">${i18next.t('cancelFixButton', { ns: 'codeEditor' })}</span>
            `).on('click', () => cancelFixingToRight(sidebar, styleElement, editor, cancelButton)).appendTo('body');

            GM_setValue("monacoEditor_position", "right");

            // 补丁:修复固定到右侧导致的样例元素.sample-test相关代码重复执行的问题(具体原因未查)
            $('.sample-test').find('.title').each((i, e) => {
                if ($(e).find('.input-output-copier').length > 1) {

        const cancelFixingToRight = (sidebar, styleElement, editor, cancelButton) => {
            // 移回来

            // 移除包装
            styleElement.remove(); // 移除添加的样式

            GM_setValue("monacoEditor_position", "initial");

        // 代码同步与保存
        if (OJBetter.monaco.setting.autoMemoryCode) {
            let nowUrl = window.location.href;
            nowUrl = nowUrl.replace(/#/, ""); // 当页面存在更改时url会多出一个#,去掉
            const code = await getCode(nowUrl);
            if (code) {
                OJBetter.monaco.editor.setValue(code); // 恢复代码
            OJBetter.monaco.editor.onDidChangeModelContent(async () => {
                // 将monaco editor的内容同步到sourceDiv
                const code = OJBetter.monaco.editor.getValue();
                await saveCode(nowUrl, code);

     * 注册本地自动补全
    (OJBetter_monaco.RegisterLocalComplet = async () => {
        // 补全器注册函数
        function registMyCompletionItemProvider(language, genre, rule) {
            if (genre == "monaco") {
                monaco.languages.registerCompletionItemProvider(language, {
                    provideCompletionItems: function (model, position) {
                        return parseMonacoCompleter(rule, OJBetter_monaco.CollectRangeByPosition(position));
            } else if (genre == "ace") {
                monaco.languages.registerCompletionItemProvider(language, {
                    provideCompletionItems: function (model, position) {
                        return parseAceCompleter(rule, OJBetter_monaco.CollectRangeByPosition(position));

        // 注册acwing cpp 模板
        if (language == "cpp" && OJBetter.monaco.complet.cppCodeTemplate) {
            try {
                var acwing_cpp_code_completer = JSON.parse(GM_getResourceText("acwing_cpp_code_completer"));
                registMyCompletionItemProvider('cpp', 'ace', acwing_cpp_code_completer);
            } catch (error) {
                console.error("Error registering acwing cpp template:", error);

        // 注册自定义的补全
        let complet_length = OJBetter.monaco.complet.customConfig.configurations.length;
        if (complet_length > 0) {
            for (let i = 0; i < complet_length; i++) {
                let item = OJBetter.monaco.complet.customConfig.configurations[i];
                if (item.isChoose && item.language == language) {
                    try {
                        let rule = await OJB_getExternalJSON(item.jsonUrl);
                        registMyCompletionItemProvider(item.language, item.genre, rule);
                    } catch (error) {
                        console.error(`Error registering custom completer for ${item.language}:`, error);

    if (!support || !OJBetter.monaco.lsp.enabled) { return; } // 如果不支持lsp,则到此为止

     * LSP连接状态指示
    const lspStateButton = OJB_safeCreateJQElement(`
    <div id="lspStateDiv" class="ojb_btn ojb_btn_popover top loading">
        <i class="iconfont">&#xe658;</i>
        <span class="popover_content">${i18next.t('lsp.connect', { ns: 'codeEditor' })}</span>
    `).on('click', () => {

    const LSPLogDiv = OJB_safeCreateJQElement(`
    <dialog id="LSPLog" style="display: none;">
        <button class="ojb_btn">${i18next.t('close', { ns: 'common' })}</button>
        <div id="LSPLogList" style="overflow: auto;"></div>

    const LSPLogList = $('<ul></ul>');

    const closeButton = LSPLogDiv.find('button');
    closeButton.on('click', function () {

     * 推送新的消息到LSP日志中
     * @param {'error' | 'warn' | 'info'} status 
     * @param {string} msg 
     * @param {boolean} data 
    function pushLSPLogMessage(status, msg, data) {
        var li = $('<li>').text('[' + new Date().toLocaleString() + '] ' + msg);
        if (status === 'error') {
            li.attr('style', 'color: #f44336;');
        } else if (status === 'warn') {
            li.attr('style', 'color: #ff9800;');
        } else if (status === 'info') {
            li.attr('style', 'color: #616161;');
        if (data) {
            var jsonText = JSON.stringify(data, null, 2);
            var details = $('<details>');
            var summary = $('<summary>').text('Data');
            var pre = $('<pre>').text(jsonText);
            details.append(summary, pre);

     * 添加状态底栏
    var statusBar = $('<div id="OJBetter_statusBar">');

     * languageSocket
    var url = OJBetter.monaco.lsp.socketUrl;
    var languageSocket = new WebSocket(url + language);
    var languageSocketState = false;
    var responseHandlers = new Map(); // 映射表,需要等待返回数据的请求 -> 对应的事件触发函数

    languageSocket.onopen = () => {
        languageSocketState = true;
        lspStateButton.setButtonPopover(i18next.t('lsp.waitingAnswer', { ns: 'codeEditor' }));
        pushLSPLogMessage("info", `languageSocket ${i18next.t('', { ns: 'logMessage' })}`);
    languageSocket.onmessage = (event) => {
        const message = JSON.parse(;
        if ( === 0 && message.result) {
            // 初始化完成
            lspStateButton.setButtonState('success', i18next.t('lsp.connected', { ns: 'codeEditor' }));
            pushLSPLogMessage("info", `Initialization ${i18next.t('lsp.state.finished', { ns: 'logMessage' })}`);
            serverInfo = message.result; // 存下服务器支持信息
            OJBetter_monaco.openDocRequest(); // 打开文档
            if (!OJBetter.monaco.setting.language.includes(language)) {
                OJBetter_monaco.RegistrationAfterInit(); // 注册语言及功能
            } else {
                location.reload(); // 这里有问题,先贴个补丁
            OJBetter_monaco.PassiveReceiveHandler(); // 注册被动接收函数
        } else if ( === 0 && message.error) {
            pushLSPLogMessage("warn", `Initialization ${i18next.t('lsp.state.error', { ns: 'logMessage' })}`);
        } else if ( !== undefined && responseHandlers.has( {
            // 如果收到带有id字段的消息,则回传给对应的事件触发函数
            const handler = responseHandlers.get(;
            if (handler) {
                responseHandlers.delete(; // 删除已处理的事件触发函数
        } else if (message.method == "textDocument/publishDiagnostics") {
            // 接收代码诊断推送
        } else if (message.method == "workspace/applyEdit") {
            // 应用服务器推送的更改
    languageSocket.onerror = (error) => {
        pushLSPLogMessage("error", `languageSocket ${i18next.t('lsp.state.error', { ns: 'logMessage' })}`, error);
        console.warn(`Error connecting to languageSocket: ${error}`)
    languageSocket.onclose = (event) => {
        languageSocketState = false;
        lspStateButton.setButtonState('error', i18next.t('lsp.error', { ns: 'codeEditor' }));
        pushLSPLogMessage("warn", `languageSocket ${i18next.t('lsp.socket.close', { ns: 'logMessage' })}`);

     * 等待LanguageSocketState
    async function waitForLanguageSocketState() {
        return new Promise((resolve) => {
            const checkInitialized = () => {
                if (languageSocketState) {
                } else {
                    setTimeout(checkInitialized, 100); // 每100毫秒检查一次initialized的值

    // 等待lsp响应初始化结果
    async function waitForInitialized() {
        return new Promise((resolve) => {
            const checkInitialized = () => {
                if (initialized) {
                } else {
                    setTimeout(checkInitialized, 100); // 每100毫秒检查一次initialized的值

     * 与languageSocket通信的包装方法
    async function sendMessage(data, requiresResponse, callback) {
        if (!initialized) {
            await waitForInitialized(); // 等待initialized为真
        if (requiresResponse) {
            responseHandlers.set(, callback) // 将事件触发函数与id关联起来
        if (!languageSocketState) await waitForLanguageSocketState();
    // 发送消息并等待返回结果
    function fetchData(params, callback) {
        sendMessage(params, true, callback);
    // 发送消息,不需要等待返回结果
    function sendData(data) {
        sendMessage(data, false);

     * 代码文件更新fileWebSocket
    var fileWebSocket = new WebSocket(url + "file");
    var fileWebSocketState = false;
    fileWebSocket.onopen = () => {
        fileWebSocketState = true;
        pushLSPLogMessage("info", `fileWebSocket ${i18next.t('', { ns: 'logMessage' })}`);
    fileWebSocket.onclose = (ev) => {
        fileWebSocketState = false;
        pushLSPLogMessage("warn", `fileWebSocket ${i18next.t('lsp.socket.close', { ns: 'logMessage' })}`, ev);
    fileWebSocket.onmessage = (ev) => {
        let message = JSON.parse(;
        if (message.result !== "ok")
            pushLSPLogMessage("error", `update file failed: ${ev}`);
    fileWebSocket.onerror = (error) => {
        console.warn(`Error connecting to fileWebSocket: ${error}`);
    async function updateFile(workspace, filename, fileExtension, code) {
        async function waitForfileWebSocketState() {
            return new Promise((resolve) => {
                const checkInitialized = () => {
                    if (fileWebSocketState) {
                    } else {
                        setTimeout(checkInitialized, 100); // 每100毫秒检查一次initialized的值
        if (!fileWebSocketState) await waitForfileWebSocketState();
                type: "update",

     * 发送初始化请求
    OJBetter_monaco.Initialize = () => {
        const capabilities = {
            workspace: {
                applyEdit: true,
            textDocument: {
                publishDiagnostics: {
                    relatedInformation: true,
                    versionSupport: false,
                    tagSupport: {
                        valueSet: [1, 2],
                    codeDescriptionSupport: true,
                completion: {
                    contextSupport: true,
                    completionItem: {
                        snippetSupport: true,
                        commitCharactersSupport: true,
                        documentationFormat: ["markdown", "plaintext"],
                        deprecatedSupport: true,
                        preselectSupport: true,
                        tagSupport: {
                            valueSet: [1],
                        insertReplaceSupport: true,
                        resolveSupport: {
                            properties: [
                        insertTextModeSupport: {
                            valueSet: [1, 2],
                hover: {
                    dynamicRegistration: true,
                    contentFormat: ["markdown", "plaintext"],
                signatureHelp: {
                    signatureInformation: {
                        documentationFormat: ["markdown", "plaintext"],
                        parameterInformation: {
                            labelOffsetSupport: true,
                        activeParameterSupport: true,
                    contextSupport: true,
                definition: {
                    dynamicRegistration: true,
                    linkSupport: true,
                references: {
                    dynamicRegistration: true,
                documentHighlight: {
                    dynamicRegistration: true,
                codeAction: {
                    codeActionLiteralSupport: {
                        codeActionKind: {
                                language == "java"
                                    ? []
                                    : [
                rename: {
                    dynamicRegistration: true,
                    prepareSupport: true,
                    prepareSupportDefaultBehavior: 1,
                    honorsChangeAnnotations: true,
                documentLink: {
                    tooltipSupport: true,
                typeDefinition: {
                    dynamicRegistration: true,
                    linkSupport: true,
                implementation: {
                    dynamicRegistration: true,
                    linkSupport: true,
                colorProvider: {
                    dynamicRegistration: true,
                foldingRange: {
                    dynamicRegistration: true,
                    rangeLimit: 5000,
                    lineFoldingOnly: true,
                declaration: {
                    dynamicRegistration: true,
                    linkSupport: true,
                semanticTokens: {
                    dynamicRegistration: true,
                    tokenTypes: [
                    tokenModifiers: [
                    formats: ["relative"],
                    requests: {
                        range: true,
                        full: {
                            delta: true,
                    multilineTokenSupport: false,
                    overlappingTokenSupport: false,
                callHierarchy: {
                    dynamicRegistration: true,
            window: {
                showMessage: {
                    messageActionItem: {
                        additionalPropertiesSupport: true,
                showDocument: {
                    support: true,
                workDoneProgress: true,
            general: {
                regularExpressions: {
                    engine: "ECMAScript",
                    version: "ES2020",
                markdown: {
                    parser: "marked",
                    version: "1.1.0",

        const initializeRequest = {
            id: id++,
            jsonrpc: "2.0",
            method: "initialize",
            params: {
                processId: null,
                clientInfo: {
                    name: "CFMonaco" + InstanceID,
                locale: "zh-CN",
                rootPath: null,
                rootUri: null,
                capabilities: capabilities,
                trace: "off",
                workspaceFolders: [
                            "file:///" + OJBetter.monaco.lsp.workUri + workspace,
                            "file:///" + OJBetter.monaco.lsp.workUri + workspace,

        // 打开文档函数
        OJBetter_monaco.openDocRequest = function () {
            const initializ = {
                jsonrpc: "2.0",
                method: "initialized",
                params: {},
            const openDocRequest = {
                jsonrpc: "2.0",
                method: "textDocument/didOpen",
                params: {
                    textDocument: {
                        uri: model.uri.toString(),
                        languageId: language,
                        version: model.getVersionId(),
                        text: model.getValue(),
            initialized = true; // 初始化完成,这里确认逻辑待完善

        // 初始化更新文件
        updateFile(workspace, filename, fileExtension, model.getValue());

     * 注册语言及功能
    OJBetter_monaco.RegistrationAfterInit = () => {
        // 注册语言
        monaco.languages.register({ id: language });

        // 注册"Command"
        (function registerCommand() {
                (item) => {
                    pushLSPLogMessage("info", `${i18next.t('lsp.server.regist', { ns: 'logMessage' })}`, item);
                    monaco.editor.registerCommand(item, (accessor, ...args) => {
                            jsonrpc: "2.0",
                            id: id++,
                            method: "workspace/executeCommand",
                            params: {
                                command: item,
                                arguments: args,

        // 注册"增量更新"
        model.onDidChangeContent((event) => {
            updateFile(workspace, filename, fileExtension, model.getValue()); // 更新文件
            const changeDocRequest = {
                jsonrpc: "2.0",
                method: "textDocument/didChange",
                params: {
                    textDocument: {
                        uri: model.uri.toString(),
                        version: model.getVersionId(),
                    contentChanges: => ({
                        range: OJBetter_monaco.MonacoRangeTolspRange(change.range),
                        rangeLength: change.rangeLength,
                        text: change.text,

        monaco.languages.registerCompletionItemProvider(language, {
            provideCompletionItems: (model, position, context) => {
                const request = {
                    jsonrpc: "2.0",
                    id: id++,
                    method: "textDocument/completion",
                    params: {
                        textDocument: {
                            uri: model.uri.toString(),
                        position: OJBetter_monaco.MonacoPositionTolspPosition(position),
                        context: {
                            triggerKind: context.triggerKind + 1, // 这里要+1,两边的定义不一样。。。
                            triggerCharacter: context.triggerCharacter,
                return new Promise((resolve, reject) => {
                    fetchData(request, (response) => {
                        const result = response.result;
                        pushLSPLogMessage("info", `completion ${i18next.t('lsp.server.receive', { ns: 'logMessage' })}`, response);
                        if (!result) return resolve(null);
                        const CompletionItems = {
                                }) => ({
                                    additionalTextEdits: additionalTextEdits
                                        ?{ newText, range }) => ({
                                            text: newText,
                                            range: OJBetter_monaco.lspRangeToMonacoRange(range),
                                        : [],
                                    documentation: documentation ? documentation.value : "",
                                    insertText: insertText ? insertText : textEdit.newText,
                                        insertTextFormat === 2
                                            ? monaco.languages.CompletionItemInsertTextRule
                                            : monaco.languages.CompletionItemInsertTextRule
                                    range: textEdit
                                        ? textEdit.range
                                            ? OJBetter_monaco.lspRangeToMonacoRange(textEdit.range)
                                            : OJBetter_monaco.lspRangeToMonacoRange(textEdit.insert)
                                        : null,
                        pushLSPLogMessage("info", `completion ${i18next.t('lsp.server.transmit', { ns: 'logMessage' })}`, CompletionItems);

        // 注册"代码修复"
        monaco.languages.registerCodeActionProvider(language, {
            provideCodeActions: (model, range, context) => {
                const request = {
                    id: id++,
                    jsonrpc: "2.0",
                    method: "textDocument/codeAction",
                    params: {
                        textDocument: {
                            uri: model.uri.toString(),
                        range: OJBetter_monaco.MonacoRangeTolspRange(range),
                        context: {
                            diagnostics: => ({
                                range: OJBetter_monaco.MonacoRangeTolspRange({
                                    startLineNumber: item.startLineNumber,
                                    startColumn: item.startColumn,
                                    endLineNumber: item.endLineNumber,
                                    endColumn: item.endColumn,
                                severity: OJBetter_monaco.MonacoSeverityTolspSeverity(
                                code: item.code,
                                source: item.source,
                                message: item.message,
                                tags: item.tags,
                                relatedInformation: item.relatedInformation
                                    ? => ({
                                        location: {
                                            uri: item.resource.toString(),
                                            range: OJBetter_monaco.MonacoRangeTolspRange({
                                                startLineNumber: item.startLineNumber,
                                                startColumn: item.startColumn,
                                                endLineNumber: item.endLineNumber,
                                                endColumn: item.endColumn,
                                        message: item.message,
                                    : null,
                            only: context.only ? [context.only] : [],
                            triggerKind: context.trigger,

                return new Promise((resolve, reject) => {
                    fetchData(request, (response) => {
                        const result = response.result;
                        pushLSPLogMessage("info", `codeAction ${i18next.t('lsp.server.receive', { ns: 'logMessage' })}`, response);
                        if (!result) return resolve(null);
                        const codeAction = {
                            actions: => ({
                                title: item.title,
                                kind: item.kind ? item.kind : "quickfix",
                                command: item.command
                                    ? item.command.command
                                        ? {
                                            id: item.command.command,
                                            arguments: item.command.arguments,
                                            title: item.command.title,
                                        : null
                                    : null,
                                diagnostics: item.diagnostics
                                    ? => ({
                                        code: item.code,
                                        message: item.message,
                                        range: OJBetter_monaco.lspRangeToMonacoRange(item.range),
                                        severity: OJBetter_monaco.lspSeverityToMonacoSeverity(
                                        source: item.source,
                                    : null,
                                edit: item.edit
                                    ? OJBetter_monaco.lspEditToMonacoEdit(item.edit)
                                    : item.arguments
                                        ? {
                                            edits: item.arguments.flatMap(
                                                (item1) => OJBetter_monaco.lspEditToMonacoEdit(item1).edits
                                        : null,
                            dispose: () => { },
                        pushLSPLogMessage("info", `codeAction ${i18next.t('lsp.server.transmit', { ns: 'logMessage' })}`, codeAction);


        // 注册"hover提示"
        monaco.languages.registerHoverProvider(language, {
            provideHover: (model, position) => {
                const request = {
                    jsonrpc: "2.0",
                    id: id++,
                    method: "textDocument/hover",
                    params: {
                        textDocument: {
                            uri: model.uri.toString(),
                        position: OJBetter_monaco.MonacoPositionTolspPosition(position),

                return new Promise((resolve, reject) => {
                    fetchData(request, (response) => {
                        pushLSPLogMessage("info", `Hover ${i18next.t('lsp.server.receive', { ns: 'logMessage' })}`, response);
                        const result = response.result;

                        if (!result) return resolve(null);
                        const Hover = {
                            range: result.range
                                ? OJBetter_monaco.lspRangeToMonacoRange(result.range)
                                : new monaco.Range(
                            contents: Array.isArray(result.contents)
                                ? => ({
                                    value: item.value ? item.value : item,
                                : [
                                        value: result.contents.value,
                        pushLSPLogMessage("info", `Hover ${i18next.t('lsp.server.transmit', { ns: 'logMessage' })}`, Hover);

        // 注册"inlay提示"
        if (language == "cpp" || language == "java")
            monaco.languages.registerInlayHintsProvider(language, {
                provideInlayHints: (model, range, token) => {
                    return new Promise((resolve, reject) => {
                        const request = {
                            jsonrpc: "2.0",
                            id: id++,
                            method: "textDocument/inlayHint",
                            params: {
                                textDocument: {
                                    uri: model.uri.toString(),
                                range: OJBetter_monaco.MonacoRangeTolspRange(range),

                        fetchData(request, (response) => {
                            const result = response.result;
                            pushLSPLogMessage("info", `Inlay Hints ${i18next.t('lsp.server.receive', { ns: 'logMessage' })}`, response);

                            if (!result) return resolve(null);

                            const inlayHints = {
                                hints: => {
                                    return {
                                        kind: item.kind,
                                        label: item.label,
                                        paddingLeft: item.paddingLeft,
                                        paddingRight: item.paddingRight,
                                        position: {
                                            lineNumber: item.position.line + 1,
                                            column: item.position.character + 1,
                            pushLSPLogMessage("info", `Inlay Hints ${i18next.t('lsp.server.transmit', { ns: 'logMessage' })}`, inlayHints);


        // 注册"转到定义"
        monaco.languages.registerDefinitionProvider(language, {
            provideDefinition: (model, position) => {
                const request = {
                    jsonrpc: "2.0",
                    id: id++,
                    method: "textDocument/definition",
                    params: {
                        textDocument: {
                            uri: model.uri.toString(),
                        position: OJBetter_monaco.MonacoPositionTolspPosition(position),

                return new Promise((resolve, reject) => {
                    fetchData(request, (response) => {
                        const result = response.result;
                        pushLSPLogMessage("info", `definition ${i18next.t('lsp.server.receive', { ns: 'logMessage' })}`, response);

                        if (result.length == 0) return resolve(null);
                        const definition = => ({
                            range: OJBetter_monaco.lspRangeToMonacoRange(item.range),
                            uri: monaco.Uri.parse(item.uri), //
                        pushLSPLogMessage("info", `definition ${i18next.t('lsp.server.transmit', { ns: 'logMessage' })}`, definition);



        // 注册"转到引用"
        monaco.languages.registerReferenceProvider(language, {
            provideReferences: (model, position, context) => {
                const request = {
                    jsonrpc: "2.0",
                    id: id++,
                    method: "textDocument/references",
                    params: {
                        context: context,
                        textDocument: {
                            uri: model.uri.toString(),
                        position: OJBetter_monaco.MonacoPositionTolspPosition(position),

                return new Promise((resolve, reject) => {
                    fetchData(request, (response) => {
                        const result = response.result;
                        pushLSPLogMessage("info", `references ${i18next.t('lsp.server.receive', { ns: 'logMessage' })}`, response);

                        if (result.length == 0) return resolve([]);

                        const references = => ({
                            range: OJBetter_monaco.lspRangeToMonacoRange(item.range),
                            uri: monaco.Uri.parse(item.uri), //
                        pushLSPLogMessage("info", `references ${i18next.t('lsp.server.transmit', { ns: 'logMessage' })}`, references);

        // 注册"符号引用点击高亮"
        monaco.languages.registerDocumentHighlightProvider(language, {
            provideDocumentHighlights: (model, position) => {
                const request = {
                    jsonrpc: "2.0",
                    id: id++,
                    method: "textDocument/documentHighlight",
                    params: {
                        textDocument: {
                            uri: model.uri.toString(),
                        position: OJBetter_monaco.MonacoPositionTolspPosition(position),

                return new Promise((resolve, reject) => {
                    fetchData(request, (response) => {
                        const result = response.result;
                        pushLSPLogMessage("info", `documentHighlight ${i18next.t('lsp.server.receive', { ns: 'logMessage' })}`, response);

                        if (!result || result.length == 0) return resolve([]);
                        const highlights = => ({
                            range: OJBetter_monaco.lspRangeToMonacoRange(item.range),
                            kind: item.kind,
                            `documentHighlight ${i18next.t('lsp.server.transmit', { ns: 'logMessage' })}`,


        // 注册"文件链接"
        if (language == "cpp" || language == "java")
            monaco.languages.registerLinkProvider(language, {
                provideLinks: (model) => {
                    const request = {
                        jsonrpc: "2.0",
                        id: id++,
                        method: "textDocument/documentLink",
                        params: {
                            textDocument: {
                                uri: model.uri.toString(),

                    return new Promise((resolve, reject) => {
                        fetchData(request, (response) => {
                            const result = response.result;
                            pushLSPLogMessage("info", `DocumentLink ${i18next.t('lsp.server.receive', { ns: 'logMessage' })}`, response);

                            if (!result) return resolve(null);
                            const links = {
                                links: => ({
                                    range: OJBetter_monaco.lspRangeToMonacoRange(item.range),
                                    tooltip: item.tooltip ? item.tooltip : null,
                            pushLSPLogMessage("info", `DocumentLink ${i18next.t('lsp.server.transmit', { ns: 'logMessage' })}`, links);

        // 注册"格式化"
        monaco.languages.registerDocumentFormattingEditProvider(language, {
            provideDocumentFormattingEdits: (model, options, token) => {
                const request = {
                    jsonrpc: "2.0",
                    id: id++,
                    method: "textDocument/formatting",
                    params: {
                        textDocument: {
                            uri: model.uri.toString(),
                        options: options,

                return new Promise((resolve, reject) => {
                    fetchData(request, (response) => {
                        const result = response.result;
                        pushLSPLogMessage("info", `formatting ${i18next.t('lsp.server.receive', { ns: 'logMessage' })}`, response);

                        const TextEdit = => ({
                            range: OJBetter_monaco.lspRangeToMonacoRange(edit.range),
                            text: edit.newText,
                        pushLSPLogMessage("info", `formatting ${i18next.t('lsp.server.transmit', { ns: 'logMessage' })}`, TextEdit);

        // 注册"部分格式化"
        monaco.languages.registerDocumentRangeFormattingEditProvider(language, {
            provideDocumentRangeFormattingEdits: (model, range, options) => {
                const request = {
                    jsonrpc: "2.0",
                    id: id++,
                    method: "textDocument/rangeFormatting",
                    params: {
                        textDocument: {
                            uri: model.uri.toString(),
                        range: OJBetter_monaco.MonacoRangeTolspRange(range),

                return new Promise((resolve, reject) => {
                    fetchData(request, (response) => {
                        const result = response.result;
                        pushLSPLogMessage("info", `rangeFormatting ${i18next.t('lsp.server.receive', { ns: 'logMessage' })}`, response);

                        if (!result || result.length == 0) return resolve([]);
                        const edits = => ({
                            range: OJBetter_monaco.lspRangeToMonacoRange(item.range),
                            text: item.newText,
                        pushLSPLogMessage("info", `rangeFormatting ${i18next.t('lsp.server.transmit', { ns: 'logMessage' })}`, edits);

        // 注册"重命名"
        monaco.languages.registerRenameProvider(language, {
            provideRenameEdits: (model, position, newName, token) => {
                const request = {
                    jsonrpc: "2.0",
                    id: id++,
                    method: "textDocument/rename",
                    params: {
                        textDocument: {
                            uri: model.uri.toString(),
                        position: OJBetter_monaco.MonacoPositionTolspPosition(position),
                        newName: newName,

                return new Promise((resolve, reject) => {
                    fetchData(request, (response) => {
                        const result = response.result;
                        pushLSPLogMessage("info", `rename ${i18next.t('lsp.server.receive', { ns: 'logMessage' })}`, response);

                        const rename = OJBetter_monaco.lspEditToMonacoEdit(result);
                        pushLSPLogMessage("info", `rename ${i18next.t('lsp.server.transmit', { ns: 'logMessage' })}`, rename);

        // 注册"折叠范围分析"
        monaco.languages.registerFoldingRangeProvider(language, {
            provideFoldingRanges: (model) => {
                const request = {
                    jsonrpc: "2.0",
                    id: id++,
                    method: "textDocument/foldingRange",
                    params: {
                        textDocument: {
                            uri: model.uri.toString(),

                return new Promise((resolve, reject) => {
                    fetchData(request, (response) => {
                        const result = response.result;
                        pushLSPLogMessage("info", `FoldingRange ${i18next.t('lsp.server.receive', { ns: 'logMessage' })}`, response);

                        if (!result) return resolve([]);
                        const foldingRanges = => ({
                            start: item.startLine + 1,
                            end: item.endLine + 1,
                            kind: monaco.languages.FoldingRangeKind.fromValue(item.kind),
                        pushLSPLogMessage("info", `FoldingRange ${i18next.t('lsp.server.transmit', { ns: 'logMessage' })}`, foldingRanges);

        // 注册"方法签名提示"
        monaco.languages.registerSignatureHelpProvider(language, {
            provideSignatureHelp: (model, position, token, context) => {
                const request = {
                    jsonrpc: "2.0",
                    id: id++,
                    method: "textDocument/signatureHelp",
                    params: {
                        textDocument: {
                            uri: model.uri.toString(),
                        position: {
                            line: position.lineNumber - 1,
                            character: position.column - 1,
                        context: {
                            triggerKind: context.triggerKind,
                            triggerCharacter: context.triggerCharacter,
                            isRetrigger: context.isRetrigger,
                            activeSignatureHelp: context.activeSignatureHelp,

                return new Promise((resolve, reject) => {
                    fetchData(request, (response) => {
                        const result = response.result;

                        pushLSPLogMessage("info", `signatureHelp ${i18next.t('lsp.server.receive', { ns: 'logMessage' })}`, response);

                        if (!result) return resolve(null);
                        const SignatureHelpResult = {
                            value: {
                                activeParameter: result.activeParameter,
                                activeSignature: result.activeSignature,
                                signatures: result.signatures,
                            dispose: () => { },

                            `signatureHelp ${i18next.t('lsp.server.transmit', { ns: 'logMessage' })}`,

        // 注册"渐进式自动格式化" 如果server有这个
        if (serverInfo.capabilities.documentOnTypeFormattingProvider)
            monaco.languages.registerOnTypeFormattingEditProvider(language, {
                autoFormatTriggerCharacters: [
                provideOnTypeFormattingEdits: (model, position, ch, options) => {
                    const request = {
                        jsonrpc: "2.0",
                        id: id++,
                        method: "textDocument/onTypeFormatting",
                        params: {
                            textDocument: {
                                uri: model.uri.toString(),
                            position: OJBetter_monaco.MonacoPositionTolspPosition(position),

                    return new Promise((resolve, reject) => {
                        fetchData(request, (response) => {
                            const result = response.result;
                            pushLSPLogMessage("info", `onTypeFormatting ${i18next.t('lsp.server.receive', { ns: 'logMessage' })}`, response);

                            if (!result || result.length == 0) return resolve([]);

                            const edits = => ({
                                range: OJBetter_monaco.lspRangeToMonacoRange(item.range),
                                text: item.newText,
                            pushLSPLogMessage("info", `onTypeFormatting ${i18next.t('lsp.server.transmit', { ns: 'logMessage' })}`, edits);

     * 被动式接收处理
    OJBetter_monaco.PassiveReceiveHandler = () => {

        // "实时代码诊断"
        OJBetter_monaco.updateMarkers = function (message) {
            const params = message.params;
            pushLSPLogMessage("info", `Markers ${i18next.t('lsp.server.receive', { ns: 'logMessage' })}`, message);

            if (!params) return;
            const markers = => ({
                code: item1.code,
                message: item1.message,
                relatedInformation: item1.relatedInformation
                    ? => ({
                            ? OJBetter_monaco.lspRangeToMonacoRange(item2.location.range)
                            : OJBetter_monaco.lspRangeToMonacoRange(item2.location)),
                        message: item2.message,
                        resource: monaco.Uri.parse(item2.location.uri),
                    : null,
                severity: OJBetter_monaco.lspSeverityToMonacoSeverity(item1.severity),
                source: item1.source,

            pushLSPLogMessage("info", `Markers ${i18next.t('lsp.server.transmit', { ns: 'logMessage' })}`, markers);
            monaco.editor.setModelMarkers(model, "eslint", markers);

            // 更新状态底栏信息
            const nowMarks = monaco.editor.getModelMarkers();
            warningCount = 0;
            errorCount = 0;
            for (const marker of nowMarks) {
                if (marker.severity === monaco.MarkerSeverity.Warning) {
                } else if (marker.severity === monaco.MarkerSeverity.Error) {
            $('#OJBetter_statusBar').text(`Warnings: ${warningCount}, Errors: ${errorCount}`);

        // "应用服务器推送的更改"(代码修复)
        OJBetter_monaco.applyEdit = function (message) {
            const params = message.params;
            pushLSPLogMessage("info", `applyEdit ${i18next.t('lsp.server.receive', { ns: 'logMessage' })}`, message);

            if (!params) return;
            const operations = Object.values(params.edit.changes)
                .map((item) => ({
                    range: OJBetter_monaco.lspRangeToMonacoRange(item.range),
                    text: item.newText,

            pushLSPLogMessage("info", `applyEdit ${i18next.t('lsp.server.transmit', { ns: 'logMessage' })}`, operations);
            model.pushEditOperations([], operations, () => null); // 入栈编辑操作

    if (!languageSocketState) await waitForLanguageSocketState();

// 语言更改
function changeMonacoLanguage(form) {
    let nowSelect = form.selectLang.val();

    // 这里是因为在Chrome上Select2会莫名其妙触发一次不会改变值的change事件,而在其他浏览器中没有,所以贴个补丁
    if (nowSelect === OJBetter.monaco.nowLangSelect) return;
    else OJBetter.monaco.nowLangSelect = nowSelect;

    // 记忆更改
    GM_setValue('compilerSelection', nowSelect);
    // 销毁旧的编辑器
    try {
        if (OJBetter.monaco.editor) OJBetter.monaco.editor.dispose();
    } catch (error) {
        console.warn("Encountered an error while attempting to delete the old editor, but it should not affect your regular usage.", error)
    // 关闭旧的socket
    OJBetter.monaco.lsp.socket.forEach(socket => {
    // 移除相关元素
    // 创建新的编辑器
    if (nowSelect in value_monacoLanguageMap) {
        let language = value_monacoLanguageMap[nowSelect];
        if (language == "python" || language == "cpp") {
            createMonacoEditor(language, form, true);
        } else {
            createMonacoEditor(language, form, false);
    } else {
        createMonacoEditor(null, form, false);
    // 更新在线编译器参数

// 收集样例数据
function getTestData() {
    let testData = {};

     * 从pre中获取文本信息
     * @param {JQuery<HTMLElement>} node 元素
     * @returns {string} 文本信息
    function getTextFromPre(node) {
        let text;
        if (node.find("br").length > 0) {
            text = node.html().replace(/<br>/g, "\n"); // <br>作换行符的情况
        } else {
            text = node.text();
        return text;

    // $('.input').each(function (index) {
    //     var inputText = '';
    //     if ($(this).find('pre').find('div').length > 0) {
    //         $(this).find('pre').find('div').each(function () {
    //             inputText += getTextFromPre($(this)) + '\n';
    //         });
    //     } else {
    //         inputText = getTextFromPre($(this).find('pre'));
    //     }
    //     var outputText = '';
    //     if ($('.output').eq(index).find('pre').find('div').length > 0) {
    //         $('.output').eq(index).find('pre').find('div').each(function () {
    //             inputText += getTextFromPre($(this)) + '\n';
    //         });
    //     } else {
    //         outputText = getTextFromPre($('.output').eq(index).find('pre'));
    //     }

    //     testData[index + 1] = {
    //         input: inputText.trim(),
    //         output: outputText.trim()
    //     };
    // });

    // 需要过滤重复的样例(因为有日文英文两个页面,样例元素重复了两遍)
    let uniqueTestData = [];
    const filteredPreElements = $('pre').clone().filter((index, element) =>'pre-sample'));
    for (let i = 0; i < filteredPreElements.length; i += 2) {
        if (i + 1 < filteredPreElements.length) {
            const inputElement = $(filteredPreElements[i]);
            const outputElement = $(filteredPreElements[i + 1]);

            const inputText = getTextFromPre(inputElement).trim();
            const outputText = getTextFromPre(outputElement).trim();

            // 检查是否已经存在相同的样例
            let isDuplicate = uniqueTestData.some(testCase => testCase.input === inputText && testCase.output === outputText);
            if (!isDuplicate) {
                    input: inputText,
                    output: outputText

    // 把唯一的测试数据赋值给testData,保持原有的索引风格
    uniqueTestData.forEach((testCase, index) => {
        testData[index + 1] = testCase;

    return testData;

// 初始化自定义测试数据面板
function CustomTestInit() {
    const url = window.location.href;


    // 添加
    $('#addCustomTest').click(function () {
        var sampleDiv = $('<div class="sampleDiv">');
        var inputTextarea = $('<p style="padding: 0px 5px;">input</p><textarea class="dynamicTextarea inputTextarea"></textarea>');
        var outputTextarea = $('<p style="padding: 0px 5px;">output</p><textarea class="dynamicTextarea outputTextarea"></textarea>');
        var deleteCustomTest = OJB_safeCreateJQElement(`<button type="button" class="deleteCustomTest">${closeIcon}</button>`);

    // 实时保存文本内容到 IndexedDB 中
    $(document).on('input', '.inputTextarea, .outputTextarea', function () {
        OJBetter.common.database.transaction('rw', OJBetter.common.database.samplesData, function () {
            var objectStore = OJBetter.common.database.samplesData;
            var samples = {
                url: url,
                samples: []
            var index = 0;
            $('.sampleDiv').each(function () {
                var $sampleDiv = $(this);
                var inputTextarea = $sampleDiv.find('.inputTextarea');
                var outputTextarea = $sampleDiv.find('.outputTextarea');
                $sampleDiv.attr('data-index', index);
                inputTextarea.attr('id', 'input' + index);
                outputTextarea.attr('id', 'output' + index);
                var sample = {
                    id: index,
                    input: inputTextarea.val(),
                    output: outputTextarea.val()

    // 删除
    $(document).on('click', '.deleteCustomTest', function () {
        var $sampleDiv = $(this).closest('.sampleDiv');
        OJBetter.common.database.transaction('rw', OJBetter.common.database.samplesData, function () {
            var objectStore = OJBetter.common.database.samplesData;
            var index = parseInt($sampleDiv.attr('data-index'));
            if (!isNaN(index)) {
                objectStore.get(url).then(row => {
                    let samples = row.samples;
                    samples.splice(index, 1); // 移除第index个元素
                        url: url,
                        samples: samples

    // 恢复保存的内容
    function restoreText() {
        OJBetter.common.database.transaction('r', OJBetter.common.database.samplesData, function () {
            return OJBetter.common.database.samplesData.get(url);
        }).then(function (data) {
            if (data.samples && data.samples.length > 0) {
                data.samples.forEach(function (item, index) {
                    var sampleDiv = $('<div class="sampleDiv">');
                    var inputTextarea = OJB_safeCreateJQElement(`<p style="padding: 0px 5px;">input</p><textarea id="input${index}" class="dynamicTextarea inputTextarea"></textarea>`);
                    var outputTextarea = OJB_safeCreateJQElement(`<p style="padding: 0px 5px;">output</p><textarea id="output${index}" class="dynamicTextarea outputTextarea"></textarea>`);
                    var deleteCustomTest = OJB_safeCreateJQElement(`<button type="button" class="deleteCustomTest">${closeIcon}</button>`);


                    sampleDiv.attr('data-index', index)

// 获取自定义测试数据
function getCustomTestData() {
    const url = window.location.href;

    return new Promise(function (resolve) {
        var customTestData = {};
        OJBetter.common.database.transaction('r', OJBetter.common.database.samplesData, function () {
            return OJBetter.common.database.samplesData.get(url);
        }).then(function (data) {
            if (!data) resolve(customTestData);
            if (data.samples && data.samples.length > 0) {
                data.samples.forEach(function (item, index) {
                    customTestData[index + 1] = {
                        input: item.input,
                        output: item.output

// codeforces编译器参数列表
let officialLanguage = "";
function officialCompilerArgsChange(nowSelect) {
    officialLanguage = nowSelect;
    $('#CompilerArgsInput').prop("disabled", true);

// codeforces编译器通信
async function officialCompiler(code, input) {
    // const data = new FormData();
    // data.append('csrf_token', OJBetter.common.cf_csrf_token);
    const data = new URLSearchParams();
    data.append('csrf_token', OJBetter.common.at_csrf_token);
    // data.append('source', code);
    // data.append('tabSize', '4');
    // data.append('programTypeId', officialLanguage);
    data.append('data.LanguageId', officialLanguage);
    data.append('input', input);
    // data.append('output', '');
    // data.append('communityCode', '');
    // data.append('action', 'submitSourceCode');
    // data.append('programTypeId', officialLanguage);
    data.append('sourceCode', code);

    const requestOptions = {
        method: 'POST',
        // url: `${OJBetter.common.hostAddress}/data/customtest`,
        url: `${OJBetter.common.hostAddress}/contests/arc172/custom_test/submit/json`,
        data: data,
        headers: {
            // 'X-Csrf-Token': OJBetter.common.cf_csrf_token
            'Content-Type': 'application/x-www-form-urlencoded'

    const result = {
        Errors: '',
        Result: '',
        Stats: ''

    try {
        const submitResponse = await OJB_GMRequest(requestOptions);
        // if (submitResponse.status !== 200 || !submitResponse.response) {
        //     result.Errors = `${i18next.t('compiler.official.pushError', { ns: 'codeEditor' })}`;
        //     return result;
        // }
        if (submitResponse.status !== 200) {
            result.Errors = `${i18next.t('compiler.official.pushError', { ns: 'codeEditor' })}`;
            return result;

        // const submitResult = JSON.parse(submitResponse.response);
        // const customTestSubmitId = submitResult.customTestSubmitId;

        const verdictResponse = await OJB_promiseRetryWrapper(
                maxRetries: 10,
                retryInterval: 500
            // customTestSubmitId
        return verdictResponse;
    } catch (error) {
        result.Errors = error.message;
        return result;

// 获取codeforces编译器的执行结果
// async function getOfficialCompilerVerdict(customTestSubmitId) {
async function getOfficialCompilerVerdict() {
    // const newdata = new FormData();
    // newdata.append('csrf_token', OJBetter.common.cf_csrf_token);
    // newdata.append('action', 'getVerdict');
    // newdata.append('customTestSubmitId', customTestSubmitId);

    // const requestOptions = {
    //     method: 'POST',
    //     url: `${OJBetter.common.hostAddress}/data/customtest`,
    //     data: newdata,
    //     headers: {
    //         'X-Csrf-Token': OJBetter.common.cf_csrf_token
    //     }
    // };
    const requestOptions = {
        method: 'GET',
        url: ``,

    const responseDetails = await OJB_GMRequest(requestOptions);
    if (responseDetails.status !== 200 || !responseDetails.response) {
        throw new Error(`${i18next.t('compiler.official.getResultError', { ns: 'codeEditor' })}`);

    const response = JSON.parse(responseDetails.response);
    // if (!response.stat) {
    //     throw new Error('Verdict not ready, retrying...');
    // }
    if (response.Interval) {
        throw new Error('Verdict not ready, retrying...');

    // return {
    //     Errors: response.verdict === "OK" ? null : response.verdict + '<br>' + response.output,
    //     Result: response.output.replace(/\r\n/g, "\n"),
    //     Stats: `Status: ${response.stat}`
    // };
    return {
        Errors: response.Result.ExitCode === "0" ? null : response.Stderr,
        Result: response.Stdout.replace(/\r\n/g, "\n"),
        Stats: `Status: ExitCode: ${response.Result.ExitCode}  Exec Time: ${response.Result.TimeConsumption} ms  Memory: ${response.Result.MemoryConsumption} KB`

// rextester编译器参数列表
let rextesterLanguage = "";
function rextesterCompilerArgsChange(nowSelect) {
    // let LanguageChoiceList = {
    //     "4": "9", "6": "8", "7": "5", "9": "1", "13": "13", "19": "42", "20": "21", "28": "30", "31": "24", "32": "20",
    //     "34": "17", "36": "4", "43": "6", "45": "7", "46": "4", "50": "7", "51": "9", "52": "27", "54": "7", "55": "23", "60": "4",
    //     "61": "7", "65": "1", "67": "12", "70": "5", "73": "7", "74": "4", "75": "46", "77": "43", "79": "1", "80": "27", "83": "43", "87": "4"
    // }
    let LanguageChoiceList = {
        "5001": "7", "5002": "20", "5003": "1", "5005": "4", "5009": "17", "5016": "8", "5037": "13", "5041": "9",
        "5047": "21", "5055": "5", "5058": "17", "5063": "5", "5078": "5", "5082": "5"

    let CompilerArgsList = {
        "6": "-Wall -std=gnu99 -O2 -o a.out source_file.c",
        "7": "-Wall -std=c++14 -O2 -o a.out source_file.cpp",
        "20": "-o a.out source_file.go",
        "27": "-Wall -std=c++14 -stdlib=libc++ -O2 -o a.out source_file.cpp",
        "30": "source_file.d -ofa.out"
    if (nowSelect in LanguageChoiceList) {
        $('#RunTestButton').prop("disabled", false);
        rextesterLanguage = LanguageChoiceList[nowSelect];
    } else {
        $('#RunTestButton').prop("disabled", true);
    if (rextesterLanguage in CompilerArgsList) {
        const rextesterCompilerArgs = CompilerArgsList[rextesterLanguage];
    } else {

// rextester编译器通信
async function rextesterCompiler(code, input) {
    try {
        const result = await OJB_promiseRetryWrapper(rextesterCompilerRequest, {
            maxRetries: 5,
            retryInterval: 500,
            errorHandler: (err) => ({ Errors: err.message, Result: '', Stats: '' })
        }, code, input);
        return result;
    } catch (error) {
        return { Errors: error.message, Result: '', Stats: '' };

// rextester编译器请求方法
async function rextesterCompilerRequest(code, input) {
    const data = new FormData();
    data.append('LanguageChoiceWrapper', rextesterLanguage);
    data.append('EditorChoiceWrapper', '1');
    data.append('LayoutChoiceWrapper', '1');
    data.append('Program', code);
    data.append('CompilerArgs', $('#CompilerArgsInput').val());
    data.append('Input', input);
    data.append('ShowWarnings', 'false');
    data.append('IsInEditMode', 'false');
    data.append('IsLive', 'false');

    const responseDetails = await OJB_GMRequest({
        method: 'POST',
        url: '',
        data: data

    if (responseDetails.status !== 200 || !responseDetails.response) {
        throw new Error(`${i18next.t('compiler.common.error', { ns: 'codeEditor' })}`);

    const response = JSON.parse(responseDetails.response);
    return {
        Errors: response.Errors || '',
        Result: response.Result || '',
        Stats: response.Stats || ''

// wandbox编译器参数列表
var wandboxlist = JSON.parse(GM_getResourceText("wandboxlist"));
function wandboxCompilerArgsChange(nowSelect) {
    // let LanguageChoiceList = {
    //     "6": "PHP", "7": "Python", "9": "C#", "12": "Haskell", "13": "Perl", "19": "OCaml",
    //     "20": "Scala", "28": "D", "31": "Python", "32": "Go", "34": "JavaScript", "36": "Java", "40": "Python", "41": "Python",
    //     "43": "C++", "50": "C++", "51": "Pascal", "52": "C++", "54": "C++", "60": "Java", "61": "C++", "65": "C#", "67": "Ruby",
    //     "70": "Python", "73": "C++", "74": "Java", "75": "Rust", "79": "C#", "80": "C++", "87": "Java"
    // }
    let LanguageChoiceList = {
        "5001": "C++", "5002": "Go", "5003": "C#", "5005": "Java", "5009": "JavaScript", "5010": "JavaScript",
        "5012": "D", "5013": "D", "5016": "PHP", "5017": "C++", "5018": "Ruby", "5025": "Haskell",
        "5027": "Lua", "5028": "C++", "5031": "C++", "5037": "Perl", "5041": "Pascal", "5042": "C#",
        "5043": "Lua", "5047": "Scala", "5055": "Python", "5056": "Scala", "5059": "OCaml", "5062": "Lisp",
        "5063": "Python", "5077": "D", "5078": "Python", "5081": "OCaml", "5082": "Python"

    // 移除旧的

    if (nowSelect in LanguageChoiceList) {
        $('#RunTestButton').prop("disabled", false);
        const Languagefiltered = wandboxlist.filter(obj => obj.language === LanguageChoiceList[nowSelect]);

        // 创建编译器下拉框
        let CompilerChange = $('<select id="CompilerChange" style="width: 100%;"></select>');

        for (let i = 0; i < Languagefiltered.length; i++) {
            let Compiler = Languagefiltered[i];
            let op = $("<option></option>")
                .text(Compiler["display-name"] + " " + Compiler.version);

        // 编译器参数刷新
        function refreshCompilerArgs() {
            var flags = '';
            $("#CompilerBox").find("*").each(function () {
                if ($(this).is("input[type='checkbox']")) {
                    let flag = $(this).prop("checked") ? $(this).val() : '';
                    flags += flag + (flag ? ' ' : '');
                } else if ($(this).is("select") || $(this).is("input") || $(this).is("textarea")) {
                    let flag = $(this).val();
                    flags += flag + (flag ? ' ' : '');
            $("#CompilerArgsInput").prop("readonly", true); // 只读

        // 编译器切换监听
        CompilerChange.change(function () {
            let selectedName = CompilerChange.val();
            let Compiler = Languagefiltered.find(
                (obj) => === selectedName

            $("#CompilerArgsInput").val(); // 初始化编译器输入框

            let div = $("<div id='CompilerBox'></div>");

            let display_compile_command = OJB_safeCreateJQElement(`<input id='${}' value='${Compiler['display-compile-command']}' style="display:none;"}></input>`);

            let switches = Compiler.switches;
            for (let i = 0; i < switches.length; i++) {
                let switche = switches[i];

                if (switche.type == "single") {
                    let single = OJB_safeCreateJQElement(`
                        <input type='checkbox' id='${}' value='${switche['display-flags']}' ${switche.default ? 'checked' : ''}></input>
                        <label for='${}'>${switche['display-name']}</label>
                    single.find("input").change(function () {
                } else if (switche.type == "select") {
                    let select = OJB_safeCreateJQElement(`<select id='${}'></select>`);
          'previousValue', switche.options[0]['display-flags']);
                    for (let i = 0; i < switche.options.length; i++) {
                        let option = switche.options[i];
                        let op = $("<option></option>")
                    select.change(function () {

            if (Compiler['compiler-option-raw'] == true) {
                let textarea = OJB_safeCreateJQElement(`<textarea id="compiler_option_raw" placeholder="Raw compiler options" style="resize: vertical;"></textarea>`);
                textarea.on('input', function () {
            if (Compiler['runtime-option-raw'] == true) {
                let textarea = OJB_safeCreateJQElement(`<textarea id="runtime_option_raw" placeholder="Raw runtime options" style="resize: vertical;"></textarea>`);
                textarea.on('input', function () {

            refreshCompilerArgs();  // 初始化

        CompilerChange.trigger("change"); // 初始化
    } else {
        $('#RunTestButton').prop("disabled", true);

// wandbox编译器通信
async function wandboxCompiler(code, input) {
    try {
        const result = await OJB_promiseRetryWrapper(wandboxCompilerRequest, {
            maxRetries: 5,
            retryInterval: 500,
            errorHandler: (err) => ({ Errors: err.message, Result: '', Stats: '' })
        }, code, input);
        return result;
    } catch (error) {
        return { Errors: error.message, Result: '', Stats: '' };

// wandbox编译器请求方法
async function wandboxCompilerRequest(code, input) {
    const data = {
        code: code,
        codes: [],
        compiler: $('#CompilerChange').val().replace($('#compiler_option_raw').val(), '').replace($('#runtime_option_raw').val(), ''),
        'compiler-option-raw': $('#compiler_option_raw').val(),
        'runtime-option-raw': $('#runtime_option_raw').val(),
        options: $("#CompilerArgsInput").val(),
        description: '',
        stdin: input,
        title: ''

    const responseDetails = await OJB_GMRequest({
        method: 'POST',
        url: '',
        data: JSON.stringify(data),
        headers: {
            'Content-Type': 'application/json'

    if (responseDetails.status !== 200 || !responseDetails.response) {
        throw new Error(`${i18next.t('compiler.common.error', { ns: 'codeEditor' })}`);

    const response = JSON.parse(responseDetails.response);
    return {
        Errors: response.compiler_error === "" ? response.signal : response.compiler_error,
        Result: response.program_output || '',
        Stats: response.status === "0" ? "Finish" : "Error"

// 更改编译器参数
function changeCompilerArgs(nowSelect) {
    if (OJBetter.monaco.onlineCompilerChoice == "official") {
    } else if (OJBetter.monaco.onlineCompilerChoice == "rextester") {
    } else if (OJBetter.monaco.onlineCompilerChoice == "wandbox") {

// 在线编译器通信
async function onlineCompilerConnect(code, input) {
    if (OJBetter.monaco.onlineCompilerChoice == "official") {
        return await officialCompiler(code, input);
    } else if (OJBetter.monaco.onlineCompilerChoice == "rextester") {
        return await rextesterCompiler(code, input);
    } else if (OJBetter.monaco.onlineCompilerChoice == "wandbox") {
        return await wandboxCompiler(code, input);

// 差异对比
function codeDiff(expectedText, actualText) {
    // 将文本按行拆分
    const expectedLines = expectedText ? expectedText.split('\n') : [];
    const actualLines = actualText ? actualText.split('\n') : [];

    const output = document.createElement('div');

    const createLineElement = (lineNo, contentElement) => {
        const lineDiv = document.createElement('div');
        lineDiv.className = 'diffLine';

        const lineNoDiv = document.createElement('div');
        lineNoDiv.className = 'lineNo';
        lineNoDiv.textContent = lineNo;


        return lineDiv;

    const createContentElement = (isEquals = true, expected = null, removed = null) => {
        const contentDiv = document.createElement('div');
        contentDiv.className = 'lineContent';

        if (isEquals) {
            const span = document.createElement('span');
            span.textContent = expected;
        } else {
            if (removed != null) {
                const removedSpan = document.createElement('span');
                removedSpan.className = 'removed';
                removedSpan.textContent = removed;
            if (expected != null) {
                const addedSpan = document.createElement('span');
                addedSpan.className = 'added';
                addedSpan.textContent = expected;

        return contentDiv;

    let index = 1;

    expectedLines.forEach((expectedLine, i) => {
        const actualLine = actualLines[i];
        if (actualLine === undefined) {
            output.appendChild(createLineElement(index++, createContentElement(false, expectedLine)));
        } else if (expectedLine === actualLine) {
            output.appendChild(createLineElement(index++, createContentElement(true, expectedLine)));
        } else {
            output.appendChild(createLineElement(index++, createContentElement(false, expectedLine, actualLine)));

    // 处理多余的 actualLines
    for (let i = expectedLines.length; i < actualLines.length; i++) {
        output.appendChild(createLineElement(index++, createContentElement(false, null, actualLines[i])));

    return output.innerHTML;

// 内容类型常量
const TestCaseContentType = {
    TERMINAL: 'terminal',
    DIFF: 'diff',
    NO_DIFF: 'no_diff',
    SUCCESS: 'success'

// 样例测试状态类
class TestCaseStatus {
    constructor(item, prefix) {
        this.testCase = OJB_safeCreateJQElement(`<div class="test-case"></div>`);
        this.item = item;
        this.prefix = prefix;
        this.titleElement = OJB_safeCreateJQElement(`<div class="test-case-title">${this.prefix} ${this.item}</div>`);
        this.statusElement = OJB_safeCreateJQElement(`<div class="test-case-status"></div>`);
        this.contentElement = OJB_safeCreateJQElement(`<div class="test-case-content"></div>`);
        this.judgeElement = OJB_safeCreateJQElement(`<div class="test-case-judge"></div>`);
        this.testCase.append(this.titleElement, this.statusElement, this.contentElement, this.judgeElement);
        this.setStatus('Queued', 'queued');

    setTitle(title) {

    setStatus(text, status) {
        this.statusElement.text(text).removeClass('queued running success error').addClass(status);

    setContent(content, type) {
        // 如果内容类型为SUCCESS,隐藏内容元素并提前返回
        if (type === TestCaseContentType.SUCCESS) {

        // 根据内容类型创建内容元素
        const createContentElementByType = (content, type) => {
            let contentElement;
            switch (type) {
                case TestCaseContentType.TERMINAL:
                    // 为TERMINAL类型创建一个新的终端容器
                    contentElement = OJB_safeCreateJQElement(`<div class="terminal-container" style="overflow: auto;"></div>`);
                case TestCaseContentType.DIFF:
                case TestCaseContentType.NO_DIFF:
                    // 为DIFF和NO_DIFF类型创建相应的内容元素,并添加差异说明
                    const className = type === TestCaseContentType.DIFF ? "output_diff" : "output_no_diff";
                    contentElement = OJB_safeCreateJQElement(`<pre class="${className}">${content}</pre>`);
                    throw new Error("Unsupported content type.");
            return contentElement;

        // 初始化终端
        const initializeTerminal = (content, contentElement) => {
            const term = new Terminal({ rows: 10, cols: 150 });
            term.setOption('theme', { background: '#2d2e2c' });
            term.setOption('convertEol', true); // 将换行符\n转换为\r\n

        // 添加差异说明
        const appendDiffNote = () => {
            const diffNote = OJB_safeCreateJQElement(`<div class="diff_note">${i18next.t('resultBlock.diffNote', { ns: 'codeEditor' })}</div>`);

        // 创建并追加内容元素
        const contentElement = createContentElementByType(content, type);

        // 如果内容类型为TERMINAL,初始化并打开终端
        if (type === TestCaseContentType.TERMINAL) {
            initializeTerminal(content, contentElement);

    setJudge(judge) {

// 样例测试函数
async function runCode(event, runButton, sourceDiv) {
    const statePanel = $('#statePanel').show().empty();
    const testData = getTestData();
    const customTestData = await getCustomTestData();
    const totalTests = Object.keys(customTestData).length + Object.keys(testData).length;

    let passedTests = 0;
    let failedTests = 0;
    let hasError = false;

    // 定义一个对象队列,包括创建的样例块实例和对应的样例数据
    const queue = [];

    // 先生成各个样例的块,并显示排队中,将创建的各个对象存到队列中,以便后面更新
    for (const [item, data] of Object.entries(customTestData)) {
        const testCase = new TestCaseStatus(item, i18next.t('resultBlock.title.custom', { ns: 'codeEditor' }));
        queue.push({ testCase, data });

    if (!$('#onlyCustomTest').prop('checked')) {
        for (const [item, data] of Object.entries(testData)) {
            const testCase = new TestCaseStatus(item, i18next.t('resultBlock.title.sample', { ns: 'codeEditor' }));
            queue.push({ testCase, data });

    // 测试函数
    const runTest = async (testCase, data, index) => {
        runButton.setButtonState('running', `${index}/${totalTests}`);

        testCase.setStatus('Running', 'running');
        const result = await onlineCompilerConnect(sourceDiv.val(), data.input);

        if (result.Errors) {
            testCase.setStatus('Compilation error or Time limit', 'error');
            testCase.setContent(result.Errors, TestCaseContentType.TERMINAL);
            hasError = true;
        } else if (result.Result.trim() === data.output.trim()) {
            testCase.setStatus('Accepted', 'success');
            testCase.setContent('The output is correct.', TestCaseContentType.SUCCESS);
        } else {
            testCase.setStatus('Wrong Answer', 'error');
            const diffContent = $('#DontShowDiff').prop('checked') ? result.Result.trim() : codeDiff(data.output.trim(), result.Result.trim());
            const contentType = $('#DontShowDiff').prop('checked') ? TestCaseContentType.NO_DIFF : TestCaseContentType.DIFF;
            testCase.setContent(diffContent, contentType);

        const judgeStats = `${i18next.t('resultBlock.state', { ns: 'codeEditor' })}${result.Stats}`;

        await OJB_delay(500); // 等待500毫秒

    // 对队列中的对象进行测试
    for (let i = 0; i < queue.length; i++) {
        const { testCase, data } = queue[i];
        await runTest(testCase, data, i + 1);

    // 测试完成后更新按钮状态
    if (hasError) {
        runButton.setButtonState('error', i18next.t('runTestButton.error', { ns: 'codeEditor' }));
    } else if (failedTests > 0) {
        runButton.setButtonState('error', `${passedTests}/${totalTests} ` + i18next.t('runTestButton.partial', { ns: 'codeEditor' }));
    } else {
        runButton.setButtonState('success', i18next.t('runTestButton.success', { ns: 'codeEditor' }));
        if (OJBetter.monaco.setting.autoSubmitAfterPass) {
            $('#OJBetter_SubmitForm').submit(); // 自动提交

 * 添加题目页代码编辑器
 * @returns 
async function addProblemPageCodeEditor() {
    // if (typeof ace === 'undefined') {
    //     const loadingMessage = new LoadingMessage();
    //     loadingMessage.updateStatus(`${} —— ${i18next.t('error.codeEditor.load', { ns: 'alert' })}`, 'error');
    //     return; // 因为Codeforces设定的是未登录时不能访问提交页,也不会加载ace库
    // }

    // 获取提交页链接
    const href = window.location.href;
    let submitUrl = OJBetter.common.hostAddress + $('.form-code-submit').attr('action');
    // if (/\/problemset\//.test(href)) {
    //     // problemset
    //     submitUrl = OJBetter.common.hostAddress + '/problemset/submit';
    // } else if (/\/gym\//.test(href)) {
    //     // gym 题目
    //     submitUrl = OJBetter.common.hostAddress + '/gym/' + ((href) => {
    //         const regex = /\/gym\/(?<num>[0-9a-zA-Z]*?)\/problem\//;
    //         const match = href.match(regex);
    //         return match && match.groups.num;
    //     })(href) + '/submit';
    // } else if (OJBetter.typeOfPage.is_acmsguru) {
    //     // acmsguru 题目
    //     submitUrl = href.replace(/\/problemsets[A-Za-z0-9\/#]*/, "/problemsets/acmsguru/submit");
    // } else {
    //     submitUrl = href.replace(/\/problem[A-Za-z0-9\/#]*/, "/submit");
    // }

    // // 获取提交页HTML
    // let cloneHTML = await getSubmitHTML(submitUrl);

    // 创建
    // let form = await createCodeEditorForm(submitUrl, cloneHTML);
    let form = await createCodeEditorForm(submitUrl);
    let selectLang = form.selectLang;
    let submitButton = form.submitButton;
    let runButton = form.runButton;

    // 初始化
    CustomTestInit(); // 自定义测试数据面板
    selectLang.val(OJBetter.monaco.compilerSelection); // 恢复上一次的语言选择

    // 设置语言选择change事件监听器
    selectLang.on('change', () => {
        changeMonacoLanguage(form); // 编辑器语言切换监听

    // 样例测试
    runButton.on('click', (event) => runCode(event, runButton, form.sourceDiv, form.submitDiv))

    // 提交
    submitButton.on('click', async function (event) {
        if (OJBetter.monaco.setting.isCodeSubmitDoubleConfirm) {
            // 获取题目名
            const questionTitle = (() => {
                const element = document.querySelector('.h2');
                return Array.from(element.childNodes)
                    .filter(node => node.nodeType === Node.TEXT_NODE)
                    .map(textNode => textNode.textContent.trim())
                    .join(' ');
            const submit = await OJB_createDialog(
                i18next.t('submitCode.title', { ns: 'dialog' }),
                i18next.t('submitCode.content', { ns: 'dialog', questionTitle: questionTitle }),
                    i18next.t('submitCode.buttons.0', { ns: 'dialog' }),
                    i18next.t('submitCode.buttons.1', { ns: 'dialog' })
            ); //提交确认
            if (submit) {
                submitButton.after(`<img class="OJBetter_loding" src="//">`);
            } else {
                setTimeout(function () {
                }, 300);
        } else {

 * 获取翻译服务目标语言的对应代码
 * @param {string} serverName 服务名称
 * @returns {string} 目标语言,如果没有对应代码则返回中文
function getTargetLanguage(serverName) {
    let targetLanguage = OJBetter.supportList.translationSupport[serverName][OJBetter.translation.targetLang];
    if (targetLanguage) return targetLanguage;
    else return OJBetter.supportList.translationSupport[serverName]['zh'];

 * 将文本中Markdown格式的加粗**转换成HTML格式。
 * @param {string} text 文本
 * @returns {string} 替换后的字符串
function convertBoldMarkdownToHTML(text) {
    return text.replace(/\*\*(.*?)\*\*/g, '<strong>$1</strong>');

* 将文本中Markdown格式的链接文本转换成HTML格式。
* @param {string} text 文本
* @returns {string} 替换后的字符串
function convertLinksMarkdownToHTML(text) {
    return text.replace(/(?<!!)\[(.*?)\]\(([^"]*?)("(.*?)")*\)/g, '<a href="$2" title="$4">$1</a>');

 * 将HTML格式的加粗文本转换回Markdown格式。
 * @param {string} text 文本
 * @returns {string} 替换后的字符串
function convertBoldHTMLToMarkdown(text) {
    return text.replace(/<strong>(.*?)<\/strong>/g, '**$1**');

 * 将HTML格式的链接文本转换回Markdown格式。
 * @param {string} html - 包含HTML链接标签<a>的字符串。
 * @returns {string} 转换后的字符串,其中HTML链接标签被替换为Markdown的链接语法。
function convertLinksHTMLToMarkdown(html) {
    return html.replace(/<a href="([^"]*)"( title="([^"]*)")*>([^<]+)<\/a>/g, '[$4]($1 "$3")');

 * DeepL翻译
 * @param {string} raw 原文
 * @returns {Promise<TransRawData>} 翻译结果对象
async function translate_deepl(raw) {
    const id = (Math.floor(Math.random() * 99999) + 100000) * 1000;
    const data = {
        jsonrpc: '2.0',
        method: 'LMT_handle_texts',
        params: {
            splitting: 'newlines',
            lang: {
                source_lang_user_selected: 'auto',
                target_lang: getTargetLanguage('deepl'),
            texts: [{
                text: raw,
                requestAlternatives: 3
            timestamp: getTimeStamp(raw.split('i').length - 1)
    let postData = JSON.stringify(data);
    if ((id + 5) % 29 === 0 || (id + 3) % 13 === 0) {
        postData = postData.replace('"method":"', '"method" : "');
    } else {
        postData = postData.replace('"method":"', '"method": "');
    const options = {
        method: 'POST',
        url: '',
        data: postData,
        headers: {
            'Content-Type': 'application/json',
            'Host': '',
            'Origin': '',
            'Referer': '',
        anonymous: true,
        nocache: true,

    return await BaseTranslate(options, res => JSON.parse(res)?.result?.texts?.[0]?.text || res, res => {
        const resObj = {
            status: true,
            message: 'ok'
        if (res.includes('"message":"Too many requests"')) {
            resObj.status = false;
            resObj.message = i18next.t('error.deepl429', { ns: 'translator' }); // Too many requests 提示
            return resObj;
        return resObj;

 * 使用 DeepL Free API 进行翻译
 * @param {string} raw 原文
 * @returns {Promise<TransRawData>} 翻译结果对象
async function translate_deepl_api_free(raw) {
    const data = JSON.stringify({
        text: [raw],
        target_lang: getTargetLanguage('deepl'),
        split_sentences: '1',
        ...(OJBetter.deepl.enableEmphasisProtection || OJBetter.deepl.enableLinkProtection ? { tag_handling: 'html' } : {}),

    const options = {
        method: "POST",
        url: OJBetter.deepl.config.proxy || "",
        headers: {
            "Authorization": `DeepL-Auth-Key ${OJBetter.deepl.config.key}`,
            "Content-Type": "application/json",
            ...Object.assign({}, ...OJBetter.deepl.config.header)
        data: data,
        onload: response => response.responseText,
        onerror: error => console.error(error)

    return await BaseTranslate(options, res => JSON.parse(res).translations[0].text);

 * 使用 DeepL Pro API 进行翻译
 * @param {string} raw 原文
 * @returns {Promise<TransRawData>} 翻译结果对象
async function translate_deepl_api_pro(raw) {
    const data = JSON.stringify({
        text: [raw],
        target_lang: getTargetLanguage('deepl'),
        split_sentences: '1',
        ...(OJBetter.deepl.enableEmphasisProtection || OJBetter.deepl.enableLinkProtection ? { tag_handling: 'html' } : {}),

    const options = {
        method: "POST",
        url: OJBetter.deepl.config.proxy || "",
        headers: {
            "Authorization": `DeepL-Auth-Key ${OJBetter.deepl.config.key}`,
            "Content-Type": "application/json",
            ...Object.assign({}, ...OJBetter.deepl.config.header)
        data: data,
        onload: response => response.responseText,
        onerror: error => console.error(error)

    return await BaseTranslate(options, res => JSON.parse(res).translations[0].text);

 * 使用 DeepLX 进行翻译
 * @param {String} text 原文
 * @returns {Promise<TransRawData>} 翻译结果对象
async function translate_deeplx(text) {
    const options = {
        method: "POST",
        url: OJBetter.deepl.config.proxy || '',
        data: JSON.stringify({
            "text": text,
            "source_lang": "EN",
            "target_lang": getTargetLanguage('deepl'),
        headers: {
            'Content-Type': 'application/json',
            ...(OJBetter.deepl.config.key ? { Authorization: `Bearer ${OJBetter.deepl.config.key}` } : {})
        responseType: "json",

    return await BaseTranslate(options, res => {
        const parsedResponse = JSON.parse(res);
        if (parsedResponse.code === 200 && {
        } else {
            throw new Error('Translation failed or invalid response format.');

function getTimeStamp(iCount) {
    const ts =;
    if (iCount !== 0) {
        iCount = iCount + 1;
        return ts - (ts % iCount) + iCount;
    } else {
        return ts;

 * 讯飞听见翻译
 * @param {String} text 要翻译的文本
 * @returns {Promise<TransRawData>} 翻译结果对象
async function translate_iflyrec(text) {
    const options = {
        method: "POST",
        url: '',
        data: JSON.stringify({
            "from": "2",
            "to": getTargetLanguage('iflyrec'),
            "contents": [{
                "text": text,
                "frontBlankLine": 0
        anonymous: true,
        headers: {
            'Content-Type': 'application/json',
            'Origin': '',
        responseType: "json",
    return await BaseTranslate(options, res => JSON.parse(res).biz[0].translateResult.replace(/\\n/g, "\n\n"));

 * 有道翻译
 * @param {string} raw 原文
 * @returns {Promise<TransRawData>} 翻译结果对象
async function translate_youdao_mobile(raw) {
     * 生成cookie
    const getcookie = (() => {
        // 生成IP地址
        const generateIP = () => {
            return `${OJB_getRandomNumberInRange(1, 255)}.${OJB_getRandomNumberInRange(1, 255)}.${OJB_getRandomNumberInRange(1, 255)}.${OJB_getRandomNumberInRange(1, 255)}`;
        const OUTFOX_SEARCH_USER_ID_NCOO = `${OJB_getRandomNumberInRange(100000000, 999999999)}.${OJB_getRandomNumberInRange(100000000, 999999999)}`;
        // 生成OUTFOX_SEARCH_USER_ID的值
        const OUTFOX_SEARCH_USER_ID = `${OJB_getRandomNumberInRange(100000000, 999999999)}@${generateIP()}`;

     * 生成随机时间戳
    const gettime = (new Date()).getTime();

     * 生成sign
    const getsign = (() => {
        const d = "fanyideskweb";
        const u = "webfanyi";
        const t = "fsdsogkndfokasodnaso";
        function A(e) {
            return CryptoJS.MD5(e.toString()).toString(CryptoJS.enc.Hex);
        function w(e) {
            return A(`client=${d}&mysticTime=${e}&product=${u}&key=${t}`);
        return w(gettime);

     * 解码方法
     * @param {string} src 待解码的字符串
     * @returns {Object} 解码后的数据
    const decode = function (src) {
        // 解码URL安全的Base64
        const decodeUrlSafeBase64 = (str) => {
            let base64 = str.replace(/-/g, '+').replace(/_/g, '/');
            return base64;

        // 使用MD5生成key和iv,取前16字节
        const key = "ydsecret://query/key/B*RGygVywfNBwpmBaZg*WT7SIOUP2T0C9WHMZN39j^DAdaZhAnxvGcCY6VYFwnHl";
        const iv = "ydsecret://query/iv/C@lZe2YzHtZ2CYgaXKSVfsb7Y4QWHjITPPZ0nQp87fBeJ!Iv6v^6fvi2WN@bYpJ4";
        const keyHash = CryptoJS.MD5(key).toString();
        const ivHash = CryptoJS.MD5(iv).toString();

        // 使用AES-128-CBC模式进行解密
        const keyForAES = CryptoJS.enc.Hex.parse(keyHash).toString().substring(0, 32);
        const ivForAES = CryptoJS.enc.Hex.parse(ivHash).toString().substring(0, 32);

        // 解码URL安全的Base64
        const decodedBase64 = decodeUrlSafeBase64(src);

        // 解密
        const decrypted = CryptoJS.AES.decrypt({
            ciphertext: CryptoJS.enc.Base64.parse(decodedBase64)
        }, CryptoJS.enc.Hex.parse(keyForAES), {
            iv: CryptoJS.enc.Hex.parse(ivForAES),
            mode: CryptoJS.mode.CBC,
            padding: CryptoJS.pad.Pkcs7

        // 将解密结果转换为Utf8字符串
        const decryptedStr = decrypted.toString(CryptoJS.enc.Utf8);

        // 处理JSON字符串并解析
        const jsonStr = decryptedStr.substring(0, decryptedStr.lastIndexOf("}") + 1);
        return JSON.parse(jsonStr);
    // 整理数据
    const organizeTranslation = (data) => {
        // 提取translateResult数组
        const { translateResult } = data;

        // 整理tgt字段
        return translateResult
            .map(item => item.tgt)
    // 表单数据
    const data = {
        "i": raw,
        "from": "auto",
        "to": getTargetLanguage('youdao'),
        "dictResult": "true",
        "keyid": "webfanyi",
        "sign": getsign,
        "client": "fanyideskweb",
        "product": "webfanyi",
        "appVersion": "1.0.0",
        "vendor": "web",
        "pointParam": "client,mysticTime,product",
        "mysticTime": gettime,
        "keyfrom": "fanyi.web",
        "mid": "1",
        "screen": "1",
        "model": "1",
        "network": "wifi",
        "abtest": "0",
        "yduuid": "abcdefg"
    const options = {
        method: "POST",
        url: '',
        data: new URLSearchParams(data),
        anonymous: true,
        cookie: getcookie,
        headers: {
            "Content-Type": "application/x-www-form-urlencoded",
            'Referer': '',
    return await BaseTranslate(options,
        res => {
            const decodeData = decode(res)
            const result = organizeTranslation(decodeData);
            return result;

 * google翻译
 * @param {string} raw 原文
 * @returns {Promise<TransRawData>} 翻译结果对象
async function translate_gg(raw) {
    const params = `tl=${getTargetLanguage('google')}&q=${encodeURIComponent(raw)}`;
    const options = {
        method: "GET",
        url: `${params}`,
    return await BaseTranslate(options,
        res => $(res).filter('.result-container').text() || $(res).find('.result-container').text());

 * 彩云翻译
 * @param {string} raw 原文
 * @returns {Promise<TransRawData>} 翻译结果对象
async function translate_caiyun(raw) {
    const source = "NOPQRSTUVWXYZABCDEFGHIJKLMnopqrstuvwxyzabcdefghijklm";
    const dic = [..."ABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPQRSTUVWXYZabcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz"].reduce((dic, current, index) => { dic[current] = source[index]; return dic }, {});
    const browser_id = CryptoJS.MD5(Math.random().toString()).toString();
    const caiyun_jwt = await (async () => {
        const options = {
            method: "POST",
            url: '',
            headers: {
                "content-type": "application/json",
                "x-authorization": "token:qgemv4jr1y38jyq6vhvi",
                "origin": "",
            data: JSON.stringify({ browser_id }),
        const res = await OJB_GMRequest(options);
        return JSON.parse(res.responseText).jwt;

    // 解码
    const decodeUnicode = str => {
        const decoder = new TextDecoder();
        const data = Uint8Array.from(atob(str), c => c.charCodeAt(0));
        return decoder.decode(data);
    const decoder = line => decodeUnicode([...line].map(i => dic[i] || i).join(""));

    const options = {
        method: "POST",
        url: '',
        data: JSON.stringify({
            "source": raw.split('\n'),
            "browser_id": browser_id,
            "trans_type": getTargetLanguage('caiyun'),
            "request_id": "web_fanyi",
            "media": "text",
            "os_type": "web",
            "dict": true,
            "cached": true,
            "replaced": true,
            "style": "formal",
            "model": "",
            "detect": true,
        headers: {
            "content-type": "application/json;charset=UTF-8",
            "x-authorization": "token:qgemv4jr1y38jyq6vhvi",
            "t-authorization": caiyun_jwt
    return await BaseTranslate(options, res => JSON.parse(res)'\n'))

 * ChatGPT
 * @param {string} raw 原文
 * @returns {Promise<TransRawData>} 翻译结果对象
async function translate_openai(raw) {
    const modelDefault = 'gpt-3.5-turbo';
    const lang = getTargetLanguage('openai');
    let prompt = "";
    if (OJBetter.chatgpt.customPrompt) {
        prompt = `\n${OJBetter.chatgpt.customPrompt}`;
        if (!OJBetter.chatgpt.asSystemPrompt) {
            prompt += `\n${raw}`;
    } else {
        prompt = `
As a professional English translator, your task is to accurately translate a segment of an algorithm programming competition question into ${lang}.
The translation should use professional terms and maintain the text format, including ${OJBetter.typeOfPage.is_oldLatex || OJBetter.typeOfPage.is_acmsguru
                ? "keeping the LaTeX equations unchanged."
                : "keeping the brackets【】, HTML tags, and their content unchanged."
After translation, please ensure that the ${lang} version conforms to normal expression habits.
What I need is a carefully polished ${lang} translation of my question segment. ${OJBetter.chatgpt.asSystemPrompt ? '' :
                `The segment to be translated is as follows: "
    const data = {
        model: OJBetter.chatgpt.config.model || modelDefault,
        messages: OJBetter.chatgpt.asSystemPrompt ?
                    role: "system",
                    content: prompt
                    role: "user",
                    content: raw
            ] :
                    role: "user",
                    content: prompt
        temperature: 0.7,
    const options = {
        method: "POST",
        url: OJBetter.chatgpt.config.proxy || '',
        data: JSON.stringify(data),
        responseType: 'json',
        headers: {
            'Content-Type': 'application/json',
            'Authorization': 'Bearer ' + OJBetter.chatgpt.config.key,
            ...Object.assign({}, ...OJBetter.chatgpt.config.header)
    return await BaseTranslate(options,
        res => res,
        response => response.response.choices[0].message.content);

 * ChatGPT 流式传输
 * @param {string} raw 原文
 * @param {TranslateDiv} translateDiv 翻译结果面板
 * @returns {Promise<TransRawData>} 翻译结果对象
async function translate_openai_stream(raw, translateDiv) {
    const result = {
        done: true,
        checkPassed: null,
        response: null,
        responseText: null,
        text: "",
        error: null,
        message: null
    const helpText = i18next.t('error.basic', { ns: 'translator' }); // 基本帮助提示信息
    try {
        for await (const delta of openai_stream(raw)) {
            result.text += delta;
            // 翻译结果面板更新
            translateDiv.updateTranslateDiv(result.text, !(OJBetter.typeOfPage.is_oldLatex || OJBetter.typeOfPage.is_acmsguru), false);
        return result;
    } catch (err) {
        result.error = {
            message: err.message || null,
            stack: err.stack ? err.stack.replace(/\n/g, '<br>').replace(/\s/g, '&nbsp;') : null,
            enumerable: err,
            source: 'openai_stream'
        result.message = `${i18next.t('error.GMRequest', { ns: 'translator' })}${helpText}`;

    return result;

 * 流式传输
 * @param {string} raw 原文
 * @returns {AsyncGenerator<string>} 返回 AsyncGenerator
async function* openai_stream(raw) {
    const modelDefault = 'gpt-3.5-turbo';
    const lang = getTargetLanguage('openai');
    let prompt = "";
    if (OJBetter.chatgpt.customPrompt) {
        prompt = `\n${OJBetter.chatgpt.customPrompt}`;
        if (!OJBetter.chatgpt.asSystemPrompt) {
            prompt += `\n${raw}`;
    } else {
        prompt = `
As a professional English translator, your task is to accurately translate a segment of an algorithm programming competition question into ${lang}.
The translation should use professional terms and maintain the text format, including ${OJBetter.typeOfPage.is_oldLatex || OJBetter.typeOfPage.is_acmsguru
                ? "keeping the LaTeX equations unchanged."
                : "keeping the brackets【】, HTML tags, and their content unchanged."
After translation, please ensure that the ${lang} version conforms to normal expression habits.
What I need is a carefully polished ${lang} translation of my question segment. ${OJBetter.chatgpt.asSystemPrompt ? '' :
                `The segment to be translated is as follows: "
    const data = {
        model: OJBetter.chatgpt.config.model || modelDefault,
        messages: OJBetter.chatgpt.asSystemPrompt ?
                    role: "system",
                    content: prompt
                    role: "user",
                    content: raw
            ] :
                    role: "user",
                    content: prompt
        temperature: 0.7,
        stream: true,
    const options = {
        method: "POST",
        url: OJBetter.chatgpt.config.proxy || '',
        data: JSON.stringify(data),
        responseType: 'stream',
        headers: {
            'Content-Type': 'application/json',
            'Authorization': 'Bearer ' + OJBetter.chatgpt.config.key,
            ...Object.assign({}, ...OJBetter.chatgpt.config.header)
    const response = await OJB_GMRequest(options, true);
    const reader = response.response.getReader();
    const decoder = new TextDecoder();
    let buffer = ''; // 用于累积数据片段的缓冲区

    while (true) {
        const { done, value } = await;
        if (done) break;
        buffer += decoder.decode(value, { stream: true }); // 将新的数据片段追加到缓冲区
        let lines = buffer.split("\n\n"); // 处理累积的数据

        // 缓冲区的最后一行可能还未完整接收,保留在缓冲区中,-1
        for (let i = 0; i < lines.length - 1; i++) {
            let line = lines[i];
            line = line.substring(5); // 移除 'data:' 前缀
            if (line.includes('[DONE]')) {
                return; // End
            try {
                let data = JSON.parse(line);
                let delta = data['choices'][0]['delta'];
                let content = delta['content'] ? delta['content'] : "";
                yield content; // 传递数据给调用者
            } catch (error) {
                console.warn(`Error parsing JSON: ${error}\n\nError data: ${line}`);

        // 保留最后一行在缓冲区中
        buffer = lines.slice(-1);

    return buffer;

 * @typedef {Object} CheckResponseResult
 * @property {boolean} status 检查是否通过
 * @property {string} message 检查失败时的消息

 * @typedef {Object} ErrorResponse
 * @property {Object} message 错误消息
 * @property {Object} stack 错误堆栈
 * @property {Object} enumerable 可枚举的错误属性
 * @property {string} source 错误来源

 * @typedef {Object} TransRawData
 * @property {boolean} done 操作是否完成
 * @property {CheckResponseResult|null} checkPassed 检查是否通过的结果
 * @property {Object|null} response 响应对象
 * @property {string|null} text 处理后的文本
 * @property {ErrorResponse} error 错误列表
 * @property {string|null} message 可能的消息

 * 通用翻译函数
 * @param {Object} options GM_xmlhttpRequest 的参数
 * @param {Function} processer 响应再处理函数,它接收响应文本,并应返回处理后的文本。
 * @param {Function} checkResponse 检查文本是否符合预期的函数,它接收文本,并返回一个Object,包含状态和信息。默认为返回 { status: true, message: 'ok' }
 * @param {Function} getResponseText 重写响应文本获取函数,它接收response,并返回响应文本。 默认为 response.responseText
 * @returns {Promise<TransRawData>} 返回 Promise,其解析值为翻译结果对象
async function BaseTranslate(options, processer, checkResponse = () => { return { status: true, message: 'ok' } }, getResponseText = (response) => response.responseText) {
    const result = {
        done: false,
        checkPassed: null,
        response: null,
        responseText: null,
        text: "",
        error: null,
        message: null
    const helpText = i18next.t('error.basic', { ns: 'translator' }); // 基本帮助提示信息
    const toDo = async () => {
        try {
            result.response = await OJB_GMRequest(options);
            result.responseText = result.response.responseText;
            result.text = getResponseText(result.response);
        } catch (err) {
            result.error = {
                message: err.message || null,
                stack: err.stack ? err.stack.replace(/\n/g, '<br>').replace(/\s/g, '&nbsp;') : null,
                enumerable: err,
                source: 'GMRequest'
            result.message = `${i18next.t('error.GMRequest', { ns: 'translator' })}${helpText}`;
            throw result;
        try {
            result.text = processer(result.text);
        } catch (err) {
            result.error = {
                message: err.message || null,
                stack: err.stack ? err.stack.replace(/\n/g, '<br>').replace(/\s/g, '&nbsp;') : null,
                enumerable: err,
                source: 'processer'
            result.message = `${i18next.t('error.processer', { ns: 'translator' })}${helpText}`;
            throw result;
        try {
            result.checkPassed = checkResponse(result.text);
            if (result.checkPassed.status) result.done = true;
            else result.message = result.checkPassed.message;
            return result;
        } catch (err) {
            result.error = {
                message: err.message || null,
                stack: err.stack ? err.stack.replace(/\n/g, '<br>').replace(/\s/g, '&nbsp;') : null,
                enumerable: err,
                source: 'checkResponse'
            result.message = `${i18next.t('error.checkResponse', { ns: 'translator' })}${helpText}`;
            throw result;

    return await OJB_promiseRetryWrapper(toDo, {
        maxRetries: 3,
        errorHandler: (err, maxRetries, attemptsLeft) => {
            const detailedError = {
                maxRetries: maxRetries,
                attemptsLeft: attemptsLeft,
            return detailedError;

 * 查询服务余额
 * @param {Object} quotaConfig - 配额配置对象
 * @returns {Promise} 返回包含余额信息的 Promise
async function queryServerBalance(quotaConfig) {
    // 确保传入了有效的配置对象
    if (!quotaConfig || !quotaConfig.url) {
        return Promise.reject(new Error('Quota configuration is missing.'));

    // 准备请求选项
    const requestOptions = {
        method: quotaConfig.method || 'GET',
        url: quotaConfig.url,
        headers: {
            ...Object.assign({}, ...quotaConfig.header)
        data: JSON.stringify({ ...Object.assign({}, })

    // 发送请求并返回 Promise
    return OJB_GMRequest(requestOptions).then(response => {
        try {
            const responseData = JSON.parse(response.responseText);
            // 从响应数据中提取余额
            const surplusPath = quotaConfig.surplus;
            const surplusValue = OJB_evaluatePathOrExpression(responseData, surplusPath);
            return surplusValue;
        } catch (error) {
            return Promise.reject(new Error('Failed to parse balance response.'));
    }).catch(error => {
        console.warn('Error querying balance:', error);
        return Promise.reject(error);

 * 确认 jQuery 已加载
 * @param {number} retryDelay 重试延迟(毫秒)
 * @returns {Promise<void>}
async function ensureJQueryIsLoaded(retryDelay = 50) {
    while (typeof jQuery === 'undefined') {
        console.warn(`JQuery is not loaded. Retry after ${retryDelay} ms.`);
        await OJB_delay(retryDelay);
        retryDelay = Math.min(retryDelay * 2, 2000);

 * 加载必须的函数
 * @returns {Promise} 加载提示信息
async function loadRequiredFunctions() {
    await initVar();// 初始化全局变量
    return Promise.allSettled([
        initDB(), // 连接数据库
        initI18next(), // i18next初始化
        initButtonFunc(), // 加载按钮相关函数
        initHTML2MarkDown(), // 初始化html2markdown转换器
        checkScriptVersion(), // 更新检查
        // ...(OJBetter.typeOfPage.is_acmsguru ? [acmsguruReblock()] : []) // 为acmsguru题面重新划分div

 * DOM加载后即可执行
function initOnDOMReady() {
    showAnnounce(); // 显示公告
    showWarnMessage(); // 显示警告消息
    initSettingsPanel(); // 加载设置按钮面板
    initMonacoEditor(); // 初始化monaco编辑器资源
    localizeWebsite(); // 网站本地化替换
    addDependencyStyles(); // 添加一些依赖库的样式
    addI18nStyles(); // 添加包含i18n内容的样式
    // if (OJBetter.basic.expandFoldingblocks) ExpandFoldingblocks(); // 折叠块展开
    // if (OJBetter.basic.renderPerfOpt) RenderPerfOpt(); // 折叠块渲染优化
    // if (OJBetter.basic.selectElementPerfOpt) SelectElementPerfOpt(); // 下拉选择框性能优化
    if (OJBetter.typeOfPage.is_problem) {
        const problemPageLinkbar = new ProblemPageLinkbar(); // 创建题目页相关链接栏
        if (OJBetter.basic.showCF2vjudge) CF2vjudge(problemPageLinkbar); // 跳转到Vjudge按钮
        if (OJBetter.basic.showJumpToLuogu) CF2luogu(problemPageLinkbar); // 跳转到洛谷按钮
        if (OJBetter.clist.enabled.problem) showRatingByClist_problem(problemPageLinkbar); // problem页显示Rating
    if (OJBetter.typeOfPage.is_contest) {
        if (OJBetter.clist.enabled.contest) showRatingByClist_contest(); // contest页显示Rating
    // if (OJBetter.typeOfPage.is_problemset) {
    //     if (OJBetter.clist.enabled.problemset) showRatingByClist_problemset(); // problemset页显示Rating
    // }
    if (OJBetter.typeOfPage.is_problem && OJBetter.monaco.enableOnProblemPage) {
        addProblemPageCodeEditor(); // 添加题目页代码编辑器

 * 需要在页面资源完全加载后执行的函数
function onResourcesReady(loadingMessage) {
    if (OJBetter.preference.showLoading) loadingMessage.updateStatus(`${} —— ${i18next.t('loadFunc', { ns: 'alert' })}`);

 * 可以异步并行的函数
function initializeInParallel(loadingMessage) {
    if (OJBetter.basic.darkMode == "dark") darkModeStyleAdjustment(); // 黑暗模式额外的处理事件
    // if (OJBetter.basic.commentPaging) CommentPagination(); // 评论区分页
    if (OJBetter.translation.comment.transMode == "2") multiChoiceTranslation(); // 选段翻译支持
    if (OJBetter.monaco.beautifyPreBlocks) beautifyPreBlocksWithMonaco(); // 美化Pre代码块

 * 必须按序执行的函数
async function initializeSequentially(loadingMessage) {
    await addConversionButton(); // 添加MD/复制/翻译按钮
    if ((OJBetter.typeOfPage.is_problem || OJBetter.typeOfPage.is_completeProblemset) && OJBetter.translation.memory.enabled) {
        await initTransResultsRecover(); // 翻译结果恢复功能初始化
    if ( {
        await initTransWhenViewable(); // 自动翻译
    // if (OJBetter.basic.standingsRecolor && OJBetter.typeOfPage.is_cfStandings) {
    //     await recolorStandings(); // cf赛制榜单重新着色
    // }
    if (OJBetter.preference.showLoading) loadingMessage.updateStatus(`${} —— ${i18next.t('loadSuccess', { ns: 'alert' })}`, 'success', 3000);

 * 主方法
async function main() {
    await ensureJQueryIsLoaded(); // 等待jQuery加载
    const loadingMessage = new LoadingMessage();
    await loadRequiredFunctions(); // 加载必须的函数
    initOnDOMReady(); // DOM加载后即可执行的函数
    if (OJBetter.preference.showLoading) loadingMessage.updateStatus(`${} —— ${i18next.t('onload', { ns: 'alert' })}`);

    // 检查页面资源是否已经完全加载
    if (OJBetter.state.notWaiteLoaded) {
    } else {
        if (document.readyState === 'complete') {
        } else {
            window.addEventListener('load', () => onResourcesReady(loadingMessage));

// ------------------------------
// 脚本加载入口
if (document.readyState === 'loading') {
    document.addEventListener("DOMContentLoaded", main);
} else {
    main(); // 如果DOMContentLoaded已经触发,立即执行
// ------------------------------

// ------------------------------
// 配置自动迁移代码(将在10个小版本后移除-1.19)
// ------------------------------

if (GM_getValue("openai_key") || GM_getValue("api2d_key")) {
    const newConfig = { "choice": -1, "configurations": [] };
    if (GM_getValue("openai_key")) {
        let config1 = {
            "note": "我的配置1",
            "model": GM_getValue("openai_model"),
            "key": GM_getValue("openai_key"),
            "proxy": GM_getValue("openai_proxy"),
            "_header": "",
            "_data": ""
        if (GM_getValue("translation") === "openai") newConfig.choice = 0;
    if (GM_getValue("api2d_key")) {
        let config2 = {
            "note": "api2d",
            "model": GM_getValue("api2d_model"),
            "key": GM_getValue("api2d_key"),
            "proxy": GM_getValue("api2d_request_entry") + '/v1/chat/completions',
            "_header": GM_getValue("x_api2d_no_cache") ? "" : " x-api2d-no-cache : 1",
            "_data": ""
        if (GM_getValue("translation") === "api2d") {
            if (GM_getValue("openai_key")) newConfig.choice = 1;
            else newConfig.choice = 0;
    GM_setValue("chatgpt-config", newConfig);
    const keysToDelete = ["openai_key", "openai_model", "openai_proxy", "api2d_key", "api2d_model", "api2d_request_entry", "x_api2d_no_cache", "showOpneAiAdvanced"];
    keysToDelete.forEach(key => {
        if (GM_getValue(key) != undefined) GM_deleteValue(key);
    if (GM_getValue("translation") === "api2d") GM_setValue("translation", "openai");

// ------------------------------
// 配置自动迁移代码(将在10个小版本后移除-1.23)
// ------------------------------

    let bottomZh_CN = GM_getValue("bottomZh_CN");
    if (bottomZh_CN !== undefined) {
        if (bottomZh_CN == true) {
            GM_setValue("localizationLanguage", "zh");
        } else {
            GM_setValue("localizationLanguage", "initial");
    let config = GM_getValue("chatgpt-config");
    if (config && config !== undefined) {
        let index = parseInt(config.choice, 10);
        if (index == -1) config.choice = "";
        else config.choice = config.configurations[index].note;
        config.configurations.forEach(function (item) {
   = item.note;
            delete item.note;
        GM_setValue("chatgpt_config", config);

// ------------------------------
// 配置自动迁移代码(将在10个小版本后移除-1.24)
// ------------------------------

    let config = GM_getValue("compilerSelection");
    if (config !== undefined) {
        if (config === "61") {
            GM_setValue("compilerSelection", "5001");