Google Search Extra Buttons

Add buttons (past 1/2/3 days, weeks, PDF search etc.) for Google search page

< Feedback em Google Search Extra Buttons

Avaliação: OK - script funciona, mas tem bugs

Publicado: 19/01/2022

it's pretty cool.
wish it was bit less overlaying the search box.
wish: discussions(forums) search. without this choice, google results is just about "sell, sell, sell".
of course nowadays it doesn't cope well with the styles UUbT9, RNNXgb --> comment those 3 lines to enjoy visible search box and suggestions again.

Publicado: 19/01/2022

forums search:

inurl:forum|viewthread|showthread|viewtopic|showtopic|”index.php?topic” | intext:”reading this topic”|”next thread”|”next topic”|”send private message”

i can define it in settings, but then it looks ugly (long)

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