YouTube Lite (melhor experiência)

Deixa a interface do YouTube mais leve, oculta vídeos com palavras-chaves, adiciona botão de download e abre o vídeo em uma página livre de anúncios (embed youtube-nocookie).

< Feedback em YouTube Lite (melhor experiência)

Avaliação: Bom - o script funciona

I want use script in Russian Lang.
How can i do it?

Publicado: 08/12/2023

Судя по вашему скриншоту, скрипт уже работает как надо. Если вы хотите изменить язык отображаемого контента, вы можете открыть расширение пользовательского скрипта (я использую «Violentmonkey») и использовать «script editor», чтобы заменить английские тексты на русский язык. Если вы подумали о чем-то другом, постарайтесь дать более подробную информацию.

Publicado: 09/12/2023
Editado: 09/12/2023

Script changes the language of the YouTube player to Portuguese

Publicado: 09/12/2023

Thanks, I hadn't even thought of that. I have published an update that should resolve this issue. Update to version 2.6 and let me know if this worked for you.

I have published an update that should resolve this issue

The update broke everything. The script is not loading

Publicado: 09/12/2023

I tried to solve it another way. Update to version 2.7 and select your language on the home page

select your language

Yes! You fix it. Thank you man)
Sorry, bad English.

Publicado: 09/12/2023

No problem. Thanks for your feedback. Later this week I will try to add a complete translation of all the other elements of the script. Any new bugs you can let me know here. Goodnight!

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