Collapse HackerNews Parent Comments JS - Adds vertical bars to the left of the comments, enabling you to easily collapse the parent comments. It also can leave only a specified number of comments expanded and auto-collapse the rest.
YouTube Repeated Recommendations Hider JS - Hide any videos that are recommended more than twice. You can also hide by channel or by partial title. Works on both YouTube's desktop and mobile layouts.
YouTube Similar Comments Hider JS - Ensure originality in YouTube's comment section by hiding all sorts of repeated comments, copy-paste comments, repeated quotes from the video and saturated memes.
YouTube Clickbait-Buster JS - Check whether it's worth watching a video before actually clicking on it by peeking it's visual or verbal content, description, comments, viewing the thumbnail in full-size and displaying the full title. Works on both YouTube's desktop and mobile layouts, and is also compatible with dark theme.