AI Everywhere

Highly customizable mini A.I. floating menu that can define words, answer questions, translate, and much more in a single click and with your custom prompts. Includes useful click to search on Google and copy selected text buttons, along with Rocker+Mouse Gestures and Units+Currency Converters, all features can be easily modified or disabled.

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Ocena: Dobry - skrypt działa

Napisano: 19-07-2021

This is the script I've been waiting for a long time. It is a very useful script for me, i just enable Search Highlight feature and use it often. Can you help me tweak it a bit? As follows:
- There are a few websites when I visit, the number of page reload scripts is too many times in the advertising pages (image below).
- I fixed it by fixing "Includes/Excludes" in the script from "includes *" -> "Includes/Excludes specific address"
- Can you help me edit the code to run only 1 time at the address that I can access?

Thanks very much

Napisano: 19-07-2021
Edytowano: 19-07-2021

Glad you are enjoying using it.

Can you give me a link so I can do some testing?

I think that you can simply add // @noframes before // ==/UserScript== and that will work for you. Or maybe it's because of your tampermonkey settings.

*If you add that line on the script, the script will stop working inside iframes, so you will be unable to copy/search/convert anything that's inside an iframe.

Napisano: 20-07-2021

Thank you for the helpful answer.
This is the address I visited:

Napisano: 20-07-2021
Edytowano: 20-07-2021

You can either start using some kind of browser extension adblocker like ublock plus, or do what I said previously about using // @noframes

Or click on the script name, then click on settings (on tampermonkey), then on "Run only in top frame:" set as "Yes", I think this is basically the same thing as using // @noframes

Napisano: 31-07-2021

It works fine for me. Thank you very much:)

Napisano: 31-07-2021
Edytowano: 31-07-2021

You're welcome!

Remember that if you choose to use the code // @noframes when the script is updated you will have to add that code again on the script.


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