Pre 2024 Youtube UI

Revert to old Youtube UI

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Recensie: Redelijk - het script werkt, maar bevat bugs

Geplaatst: 27-02-2024

I encountered a bug where the content of the video player (including the controls) seems to be still positioned as if it is still using the new "experimental" UI. Shrinking the viewport width (when I opened up Inspect panel to try to investigate) eliminated this behavior. For context, I am running an 3456x2234 px screen in macOS 13 running Firefox Dev Edition 124.0b1; the behavior seems to start manifesting when the viewport grows above around 1800x1000 and worsens as the viewport grows larger, stopping at what I am seeing – the player is cut off at around where the middle of the autoplay toggle is. There's also another bug where the seeking preview popup is misplayed, but it seems to be related to the video player placement issue.

A quick poke shows that has a larger inline width/height vs its container (#container); these inline values change dynamically so perhaps line 72/73 isn't quite working as expected with larger viewports. Unfortunately I am not knowledgable in HTML/CSS and scripting enough to probe further.

Thanks for making this userscript anyways! Still helpful when reading comments so as to not have the information I actually care about occupy only 20% of my screen off center.

Geplaatst: 28-02-2024

Yeah this is driving me insane. Even after editing the script to use the correct sizes, it does not appear to be behaving properly.

Even when the controls do not appear offset, the video is definitely being cut off.

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