
Useful tools for The West!

< TWLeoTools 피드백


작성: 2016-11-24


Hi, Tom.

This new version of TwLeoTools don´t allowing the chat opens. Please, take a look.
I´m using Torch browser.

Tom Robert개발자
작성: 2016-11-25

Thanks for the report. I found the problem and it will be fixed with the next update.

Deactivate the last feature in the settings of TWLeoTools to use the chat until then.

작성: 2016-11-25

Thanks a lot, Tom!

작성: 2016-11-28

I also have this problem, but while I was investigating what caused it, I spoted this line in my error console:
Failed to load resource: net::ERR_SSL_VERSION_OR_CIPHER_MISMATCH
Can you upload this somewhere else because older chrome browsers cant handle some of https sites like this one?

Tom Robert개발자
작성: 2017-04-11

It's now on a new site. Do you still get the error?

작성: 2017-05-15

not anymore, but I've updated my system and browser.

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