Google Search Category Sanity

Adds a bar of search category links that STAY IN ORDER!

< Google Search Category Sanity 피드백

리뷰: 좋음 - 잘 동작함

작성: 2023-12-13
수정: 2023-12-13

Thank you! Superb userscript!

Do you mind adding search result for Github and Reddit that like this?

작성: 2023-12-13
수정: 2023-12-13

Good idea. I've now (version 0.7) added an option to enable that for those who want it. Just open the userscript's source code in your userscript manager, and delete the // in front of any extra links you'd like to enable.

(I'll add extra sites as selectable options once I have the programming skill to know how to do that. For now, it has to just be commented-out lines of code.)

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