No Youtube Short

Allows you to view Youtube shorts as normal videos

< No Youtube Short 피드백


작성: 2023-09-03

Can you mod the script for not show shorts in the pages? Thank you.

Mimo Bouya개발자
작성: 2023-11-10

Can you mod the script for not show shorts in the pages? Thank you.

Sorry, it's just a little script to redirect to a youtube video, and maybe some users don't want to hide this section.
On the other hand, what I can recommend, and what I use myself to hide the short section on youtube, is the Ublock Origin extension (which is very useful), and to add this to the list of filters (in the settings): >

I hope this helped

PS : I just updated the script and fixed a few small errors it had if you ever want to download the latest version

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