Youtube HD

Select a youtube resolution and resize the player.

< Youtube HD 피드백

리뷰: 좋음 - 잘 동작함

작성: 2023-08-19

Please fix the script, Youtube broke it again...

작성: 2023-08-19

+1, resizing is busted again. Youtube just doesn't know how to leave well enough alone.

작성: 2023-08-19

Hey, Thanks for reporting. I have very limited internet access at the moment, but I have pushed an update that should make it work again. Can you please try it and verify for me?

작성: 2023-08-22

Can you please try it and verify for me?

Yes, version 2023.08.19 fixed it. Thank you for your work!

작성: 2023-08-22
수정: 2023-08-22

Sorry, seems like I actually commented a little prematurely. The video does get expanded again but the Youtube UI and video title are glitching into the video frame.

작성: 2023-08-22

You are right, thanks for mentioning it Wever. I do not know if youtube broke it again or I just made a mistake and didn't get to test thoroughly enough due to my limited internet access, but I made another update now that should fix that.

작성: 2023-08-23

You are right, thanks for mentioning it Wever. I do not know if youtube broke it again or I just made a mistake and didn't get to test thoroughly enough due to my limited internet access, but I made another update now that should fix that.

Nah it was working with the update you first committed. Youtube broke your fix only about 12 hours ago. It is fully working again now

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