// ==UserScript==
// @name [Outdated] Get Into PC - Direct Download
// @description [Outdated] Extract the direct file download links from the redirecting pages.
// @namespace RainSlide
// @author RainSlide
// @icon https://getintopc.com/wp-content/uploads/Getintopc.png
// @version 1.0.20200629.outdated
// @match https://getintopc.com/*
// @grant GM_xmlhttpRequest
// @grant GM_getValue
// @grant GM_setValue
// @inject-into context
// @run-at document-end
// ==/UserScript==
"use strict";
document.querySelectorAll('body .post-content > form[action]').forEach(
form => form.addEventListener(
"submit", event => {
// //
form = this.form || event.target;
const data = new URLSearchParams( new FormData(form) ).toString();
// "URL" is for webpages, and "link" is for direct file download links
const currentURL = location.origin + location.pathname;
const middleURL = form.action || location.origin + "/wait-for-access/";
const finalURL = GM_getValue("finalURL") || (() => {
const temp = "https://share-knowledgee.info/please-wait-file-will-download-automatically-2/";
GM_setValue("finalURL", temp);
return temp;
const xhr = ( url, referrer, success = null, failed = null ) =>
"url": url,
"method": "POST",
"responseType": "text",
"anonymous": true,
"headers": {
"Content-Type" : "application/x-www-form-urlencoded",
"Origin" : "https://getintopc.com",
"Referrer" : referrer
"data": data,
"onload": success,
"onerror": failed,
"ontimeout": failed
const isString = something =>
Object.prototype.toString.call(something) === "[object String]";
const sanitizeURL = rawURL => new URL(rawURL).toString();
// Call String.prototype.match(), and get a capturing group from the return value of it
const getGroupfromMatch = ( str, regex, index = 1 ) => {
if (
isString(str) &&
Object.prototype.toString.call(regex) === "[object RegExp]"
) {
const matchResults = String.prototype.match.call(str, regex); // str.match(regex);
return Array.isArray(matchResults)
&& isString(matchResults[index])
&& matchResults[index];
} else {
return false;
// Extract, sanitize and return the direct download link
const getLink = response => {
const rawLink = getGroupfromMatch( response, /"location.href = ('.+?');"/ );
if ( rawLink ) {
const link = JSON.parse(
rawLink.replace( /"/g, '\\"' ).replace( /^'|'$/g, '"' )
return isString(link) && sanitizeURL(link);
} else {
return false;
// submit(): form.submit()
const submit = () => form.submit();
// refreshFinalURL(): fetch the middle URL for a new final URL
const refreshFinalURL = () => xhr(
middleURL, currentURL, xhrEvent => {
// 1. fetch success, try to get a new final URL from middle URL
const newFinalURL = sanitizeURL(
xhrEvent.responseText || xhrEvent.response,
/<form id="gip_form" action="(.+?)" rel="nofollow" method="post">/
if ( newFinalURL && newFinalURL !== finalURL ) {
// 1.1. the new final URL is valid and is not the old one, test it in action
newFinalURL, middleURL, xhrEvent => {
const newLink = getLink(xhrEvent.responseText || xhrEvent.response);
if (newLink) {
// 1.1.1. it works, store the final URL, navgate to the link, end
GM_setValue("finalURL", newFinalURL);
location.href = Link;
return undefined;
// 1.1.2. it doesn't work, submit(), end
} else submit();
// 1.2. can't find a usable new final URL, submit(), end
} else submit();
// 2. fetch failed, submit(), end
}, submit
// Entry point: fetch the final URL
finalURL, middleURL, xhrEvent => {
// 1. fetch success, try to get the link from final URL
const link = getLink(xhrEvent.responseText || xhrEvent.response);
? location.assign(link) // 1.1. it works, just navgate to the link and end
: refreshFinalURL(); // 1.2. something is wrong, refreshFinalURL()
// 2. fetch failed, refreshFinalURL()
}, refreshFinalURL
// //