Cookie clicker tools

Cookie clicker tools (visual)

< Cookie clicker toolsについてのフィードバック

レート:良 – スクリプトは良好に動作する

投稿日: 2017/05/11
編集日: 2017/05/23

(Fixed)Sometimes won't work

Using Google Chrome 58.0.3029.110 (64-bit), Tampermonkey 4.2.7.

Sometimes the script won't work even if i refresh the page or close chrome unless i ascend, then i can load a save and it works.

投稿日: 2017/05/16
Using Google Chrome 58.0.3029.110 (64-bit), Tampermonkey 4.2.7.

Sometimes the script won't work even if i refresh the page or close chrome unless i ascend, then i can load a save and it works.

How long it takes script to stop working? I've been testing it running for a days.

Maybe there is an error in script. Test your console by pressing F12 in browser, then go to Console tab and see red messages.

投稿日: 2017/05/16

It doesn't stop working after a while like you said. The thing is that it doesn't work from the start when i open the website but if i ascend it works well after that. This is the error i get

投稿日: 2017/05/16
It doesn't stop working after a while like you said. The thing is that it doesn't work from the start when i open the website but if i ascend it works well after that. This is the error i get

Oh. I try to fix this particular error. You can update script. It should be version 2.149 now.

By the way what version of Cookie Clicker do you use? Site version is 2.002 i think.

