Duolingo PRO

The fastest Duolingo XP farmer, working as of July 2024.

< Valutazione su Duolingo PRO

Recensione: Bene - lo script funziona

Pubblicato: 04/10/2023

can you let duo think you have duolingo premium?

Pubblicato: 04/10/2023

and a auto solve gold/legendary levels

Pubblicato: 20/10/2023

and a auto solve gold/legendary levels

Will see what I can do about this

can you let duo think you have duolingo premium?

Not so sure about tricking Duolingo to think you have Super, it's may be possible for hearts, but Super is a bit too complex

Pubblicato: 01/11/2023
Modificato: 01/11/2023

i dont think this is even possible, auto-solve lesson work because they are local client (meaning it's controlled by website and client), while Duolingo Super is written to accounts, and accounts are server client and you can't control anyones' accounts without being able to change server info (logging in and e.g. deleting account is a client-sided operation because you send a delete-account request to the server)

Pubblicato: 02/11/2023

i dont think this is even possible, auto-solve lesson work because they are local client (meaning it's controlled by website and client), while Duolingo Super is written to accounts, and accounts are server client and you can't control anyones' accounts without being able to change server info (logging in and e.g. deleting account is a client-sided operation because you send a delete-account request to the server)

It's technically possible to trick Duolingo into thinking you have super. You don't have to trick the servers (which is illegal), you just have to trick the client device into thinking you have super. There are already many cracked app ipa's/apk's out there that do exactly that, the device thinks it has super, therefore you get access to most, if not all the features. The super subscription doesn't sync from device to device though. However, if doing this on web is possible, it could be more complex to maintain the script as the code could constantly change as Duolingo updates their web version.

So it's possible, but it's not an easy task, and it's definitely not easy to maintain.

On top of that, if you do want to get free super, I'd recommend something like the duolingo testflight or google play's beta channel for duolingo to get free access to super (that syncs across devices).

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