Tabview Youtube

Make comments and lists into tabs for YouTube Videos

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Posted: 18-02-2024

Seems they are problems - and as i can see - it seems affect only Chrome.

Waterfox Classic and Quantum work normally.

Test Link:

this video have a "Market" carrousel", under the player) which it is the first time i see:
The selector for the "Market", is:

Posted: 20-02-2024

Yes This is somehow a feature in YouTube. (ytd-merch-shelf-renderer)

If you don't like it you can just use css to hide it.

Posted: 20-02-2024
Edited: 20-02-2024

If adblock extension is installed, it will inject the following css to hide it.

body > ytd-app > >[align="start"][role="navigation"][style^="transition-duration:"][position] + + >[video-id][js-panel-height_][flexy][rounded-info-panel][role="main"][style^="--ytd-watch-flexy-"] > + > > > > +[at-start][item-style] > > {
    display: none !important;
Posted: 20-02-2024

This script does not change anything related to ytd-merch-shelf-renderer

The difference might be due to other reasons.

Posted: 20-02-2024
Edited: 20-02-2024

Thank for the CSS:
i have done in my userstyle (and my short selector work).

And yes, the problem on Chrome is on my side.
After testing, i find the reason.

It was due to:
Youtube Play Next Queue by Cptmathix
I need use its last version and that's OK:
Youtube Play Next Queue v.2.5.3

I remember its dev said to stop to update it and now it return to work on it....

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