MyAnimeList Hide Manga Store

Hides the Manga Store Ads on MyAnimeList.

< Commentaires sur MyAnimeList Hide Manga Store

Avis: Mauvais - le script ne fonctionne pas

Posté le: 20/08/2020

the mal page is stuck at loading when enabled this script idk why page becomes unresponsive there are many scripts enabled and checked each script turning on and off manually and its this on which is making page unresponsive on forums page

Posté le: 20/08/2020


I had tried to edit this a few weeks ago to work better on forum pages, seems I ended up breaking it on pages that didn't have manga stores. I had noticed the slow down as well

I've updated it to be a bit simpler.

Definitely won't slow down the browser anymore, but may not match all manga store items on forum pages (not sure exactly how MALs generating the page, seems to be different sometimes)

Thanks for the report.

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