Turn plain text URLs into clickable links
< Commentaires sur Linkification
Seems working for me with:
Linkify Plus Plus
@decembre, you use different solution, whereas I'm interested in polishing this one.
@dartraiden, are you there?
Maybe comments on AMO are loaded by scripts/AJAX, etc... (after userscript). Or maybe it's Firefox specific bug (I will try test in Chrome)
@dartraiden, that page’s source contains no traces of reviews, so it seems they are loaded after userscript, just as you suspected. And since I believe repeated script execution every X seconds like “Linkify++” could harm the performance and there is no other way to deal with this issue, than it is resolved. Do you agree?
Tested on Opera (Crome engine). Same behaviour as Firefox. You are right, repeat script execution is a bad idea.
There is a way to handle AJAX content, but it very complicate for me and require jQuery loading. Another way is using DOMSubtreeModified, but it's deprecated.
[RESOLVED] Strange case of addons.mozilla.org
Dear @dartraiden, please open the following link and scroll down to a review titled “Works well for me, just one bug I found” which mentions a few links (e.g. imgur, stackoverflow), but they are not linkified. Now let’s open a separate page dedicated to that particular review and voila, links are linkified as expected. What do you think of it?