Don't fuck with my scroll!!!

Whenever the user scrolls using the mouse wheel it will disable all methods to programmatically scroll for 500 ms (0.5 seconds). Basically preventing websites to implement custom scrolling behaviors like smooth scrolling.

< Commentaires sur Don't fuck with my scroll!!!

Avis: OK - le script fonctionne, mais souffre de quelques problèmes

Doesn't work. Here's what it shows in Console in devtools:

Spoiler (click me)

Uncaught TypeError: Cannot read property 'appendChild' of null
at userscript:GM-Don't fuck with my scroll!!!:323
at userscript:GM-Don't fuck with my scroll!!!:324
at userscript:GM-Don't fuck with my scroll!!!:328

... which leads to this line:

scriptParent is undefined

Browser - Qutebrowser v2.0.0 (Backend - QtWebEngine). LocalStorage is turned off. Do I need it turned on?

Changed document-start in @run-at header to document-end, seems to work. I guess, since the script was being run before the DOM was fully loaded, things like document.body returned null, and that caused scriptParent to be undefined.

So, I officially turn this issue into a request for a bugfix.

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