Youtube Save to... playlist incremental search

This script injects a search field into the dialog where user can save a video to a playlist. When the user starts to type an incremental search is implemented and the playlists are filtered out

< Feedback on Youtube Save to... playlist incremental search

Review: Good - script works

Posted: 28.8.2024

Looks like the script stopped working again - probably youtube page structure was modified, possibly a few weeks ago.

Jaq DrakoAuthor
Posted: 29.8.2024

Thanks for the report! I am not able to check it now. I will take a look at it when I return home.

Jaq DrakoAuthor
Posted: 11.9.2024
Edited: 11.9.2024

Looks like the script stopped working again - probably youtube page structure was modified, possibly a few weeks ago.

It was not Youtube, but Google changed some policies in Chrome. It stops some @require functionality and the modification of the DOM. It seems it causes some issues in the jquery script which my script relies on. They will fix it. I found one solution which worked for me: install "Trusted-Types Helper" from here: from Benjamin Philipp. Then set the order of the userscripts.
Set "Trusted-Types Helper" as the first to execute, so it will be executed before "Youtube Save to... playlist incremental search".
You can set it in Tampermonkey's edit mode in the settings tab - general - Position. Set it to 1.

Posted: 15.9.2024

I can confirm that this solution works. Thank you!

Jaq DrakoAuthor
Posted: 15.9.2024

I can confirm that this solution works. Thank you!

You're welcome! Thank you for the confirmation!

Posted: 23.9.2024
Edited: 23.9.2024

Thank you so much! +1 that this solution works. Thanks a lot for helping me keeping my sanity again!

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