Auto Close YouTube Ads

Close and/or Mute YouTube ads automatically!

< Opiniones de Auto Close YouTube Ads

Puntuación: Pasable; el script funciona, pero tiene carencias importantes

Publicado: 31/01/2022

the mute has stopped working but the black screen still works. the un blanking an advert button also doesn't work.

Publicado: 09/02/2022

I just updated from 1.4.1 (ever since it launched) to 1.4.2.
Both worked for me without issues.
I'm on Tampermonkey 4.13.6136 and Firefox 97.0

Publicado: 13/02/2022

I confirm. Stopped mute.

Publicado: 19/03/2022

1.4.3 hopefully fixes this issue, it doesn't always happen but I started experiencing it as well.

It looks like in some scenarios YouTube will load up videos in the background which have their own mute button. The script was just choosing the first one it found but not it tries to be a bit smarter.

Publicado: 19/03/2022

and 1.4.4 should fix the un-blanking issue when you cancel the skip.

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