Kongregate One

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Posted: 2016/02/08

Another question

Sorry, but I have another question. With some of the commands, I'd like to be able to post the returned results in the chat publicly. I understand you probably have the class as "whisper received_whisper" in order to prevent people from spamming, but I was wondering if you knew what class I could change that to in order to display a result in the chat (for example, to return the most played game results in public chat, for when someone asks the usual, "so, what's everyone playing here?"

Posted: 2016/02/08

Hey, So it's not a matter of changing the class, it is how the whole thing is sent. But first off, I am not sure I would recommend this, since it could really spam the chat. Also with this method, it would be your account posting (You could create a bot to check for new messages, but that takes a little more) The basic send message is: holodeck._chat_window._active_room.sendRoomMessage("Hi"); Though there might be an easier way with ChatRoom, can't remember maybe: ChatRoom.prototype.sendRoomMessage("Hi"); Once again, I would be careful with this. Having bots that post things in chat can get you in trouble pretty quickly. (Believe me, I would know :wink: )

Posted: 2016/02/08

lol. Gotcha. I may harass someone to make me a private room so I can play around with this a little outside of public chat. Thank you. :)

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