YouTube downloader

A simple userscript to download YouTube videos in MAX QUALITY

< Feedback on YouTube downloader

Review: Good - script works

Posted: 24.01.2024

It worked for me. I was on and thought it didn't work when I right-clicked to download the mp3, but when I left-clicked the button, the mp3 was downloaded.

Posted: 27.01.2024

odd that this happened. did it happen again?

Posted: 02.02.2024

now it's not working for me at all, idk.

An error occurred!
{"status":"error","text":"this youtube video is unavailable, it could be region or age restricted. try another one!"

Posted: 02.02.2024

well, I can clearly see why that error occurs, most of these songs are unavaiable here, and so they might be in the region the downloader API is located.

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