Google Scholar Oneclick Copy Bib JS - One click to copy the bib information of each google scholar entry. The bib information will be automatically copied into the clipboard.
PDF Background Color Controller JS - This script can change the backgroud color for the pdf files opened by your brower. It is applicable for Chrome build-in PDF viewer, pdf.js, overleaf's pdf reviewer and your local files (Please allow the Tampermonkey to access file urls in browser's setting by going to chrome://extensions/, and set Allow access to file URLs.).
Browser Background Color Controller JS - Change the background color in all web pages to protect your eyes. we map different original color to different new colors automatically to make it looks better than others which only replace the original color with only one color.
ChatGPTHelper JS - 1) Real-Time Local Disk Storage: ChatGPTHelper automatically saves all your chat history and predefined prompts on your local disk as you go. 2) No Official History Required: You won't need to fine-tune it with official history data. Your information remains confidential, never used to train the model. 3) Offline Functionality: ChatGPTHelper makes the history still available when offline.