Greasy Fork is available in English.

Netzflix view


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// @name Netzflix view
// @description declutters
// @namespace Violentmonkey Scripts
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4.3-.5.9-1.7 3.5-2.8 5.7-3.1 6.5-4.3 9.2-4.3 9.5s1.4 3.4 5.2 11.2c1.4 2.9 2.5 5.3 2.5 5.3s1.3 2.7 2.9 6 3.7 7.6 4.6 9.6 2.6 5.5 3.6 7.7c3.8 7.7 4.4 9.7 3.9 11.9-.4 1.9-1.2 3.4-2.6 4.8-1.9 1.8-3.3 2.5-5.8 2.5-1.1.1-2.2 0-2.6 0zm-5.7-16.8c-6.3-14-13.5-29-19.9-41.8-2.6-5.3-3.2-6.9-3.2-7.6 5.1-14.6 16.1-30.5 21.6-46.9v-.5h-10.5c-5.8 0-10.7 0-10.9.1-4 8.6-7.8 18-11.5 26.2-.3.8-.7 1.4-.9 1.4-.3 0-.6-.7-2.4-4.8-.6-1.6-1.5-3.5-1.8-4.3-.9-1.8-3.4-7.4-3.9-8.5-.2-.4-1.1-2.3-2-4.3-.8-1.9-1.7-3.9-1.9-4.4-.1-.5-.5-1.1-.7-1.2-.4-.3-2.8-.3-10.6-.3-8.8.1-10.2.1-10.2.5 0 .2.9 1.9 1.9 3.8 2 3.7 10.7 20.9 16.3 32.1 2.4 4.8 3.3 6.9 3.2 7.3-.1.3-1.2 2.4-2.5 4.6-5.7 10.3-11.9 21-17.7 30.8-2.8 4.7-2.8 4.7-2.4 5.1 6.6 1.4 13.1 2.3 19.8 3.6 1.2.3 1.5.1 2.3-1.5.3-.6 2.2-4.2 4.2-8 2.1-3.8 4.7-8.8 5.9-11.1s2.3-4.2 2.5-4.2 1.2 1.9 2.4 4.6c4.3 8.8 7 17.2 11.6 1 .5 1.6.6s2.1.4 3.4.6c1.3.3 3.6.7 5.1 1s4.2.8 5.9 1.1c3.2.7 5.3.8 5.3.5zm-448-5.5c2-18.8-.9-36.5-.4-63 .2-.9.7-.4 1.6 1.9 7 16.5 14.7 34.1 21.5 49.6 3.3 7.3 2.6 6.7 6.3 6 6.9-1.4 14.1-2.1 21.1-3.6.5-.2.5-.4.5-41.1 0-22.4-.1-40.9-.2-41-5.8-.2-10.4-.1-16.5-.1-.1 0-.2 9.5-.2 21 0 19.4.2 29 .7 35.3.1 1.8.1 2.4-.2 2.4-4.9-9.6-8.7-18.9-13.2-29.2-2.6-5.8-10.1-23.4-11.7-27.4-.3-.8-.7-1.6-.9-1.8-.2-.3-2.3-.3-12.5-.3-6.9 0-12.2.1-12.3.2-.2.3-.2 93.4 0 93.7 4.2-.1 10.4-1.4 16.4-2.6zm369.4-8.9c.2-.3.1-82.3-.1-82.4-.1-.1-4.4-.1-9.6 0l-9.3.1v39.5c.1 21.7.1 39.6.2 39.8s.5.3 1 .3 3.2.4 6 .9c2.9.5 6 1 6.9 2.2.3 3 .5 1.8.5 1.7.5 1.9.1zm-295.1-4.2c11.6-1.8 21.8-2.9 33.1-4.6l.6-.1v-7.6c0-5.7-.1-7.7-.4-8-.2-.3-.6-.3-3.1 0-5.6.6-10.6 1-16.2 1.7-1.5.2-2.8.3-2.9.2s-.2-3.2-.2-7.1v-7l.6-.2c.4-.2 1.4-.3 2.2-.3 5.5-.1 10.1-.9 15.7-1 2.7 0 2.5.8 2.5-8 0-4.2-.1-7.7-.2-7.8-7.2 0-12.9.7-20.6.6-.1-.1-.2-2.8-.1-5.9v-5.7c7.7-.4 14.9-.5 22.5-.5v-8.4-8.4h-21-21l.1 1.8v39.5l.1 37.8h.8c.4 0 3.8-.4 7.5-1zm264.8-8.7c.1-4.5 0-8.2-.1-8.3-.2-.3-3.6-.7-13.9-1.7-1.4-.2-4.1-.4-6.1-.7-2-.2-4.4-.5-5.3-.5l-1.6-.2-.1-29c-.1-15.9-.2-29-.2-29.1-.1 0-4.3 0-9.5 0l-9.5.1v35.7l-.1 3.2.5 6.4.9 11.8 1.3 19.4 2.3 27.9 3.5 1.4.2 3.6.5 4.9.6 1.3.2 3.2.5 4.2.6 1 .2 2 .4 0 .3-3 .3-8.1zm-198.3.6c3.1-.2 6.7-.5 8.1-.7l2.6-.3v-25.9c0-17.8 0-26.1.2-26.5 5.6-1.1 8.8-.2 16.4-.6l.6-.2v-7.6c0-4.2-.1-7.8-.2-8-.2-.3-5.7-.3-26.8-.3l- 8.3c0 4.5.1 8.3.2 8.4 5.9.2 10.5-.3 16.7-. 5.3.4 27.1v27l1.4-.1c.8-.1 3.9-.3 6.9-.6zm117.4-14 .1-12.5 3.2.1c1.7 0 6.3.2 10.1.3 3.9.2 7.3.2 .3-7.3l-.1-7.2-1.7-.2c-1-.1-5.7-.3-10.5-.4l-8.8-.1v-6.5l-.1-6.4 10.6.1c5.8.1 11 .1 11.5 0l.9-.1v-7.6c0-4.2-.1-7.8-.1-8-.2-.4-2.2-.4-20.6-.4-11.3 0-20.7 0-20.8.1-.3.1-.4 6-.3 33.8 0 18.8.1 33.7.2 33.8s4 .3 8.6.5 8.4.4 8.5.4c. 11.4c4.6-.2 14.3-.3 21.4-.3h13.1v-6.8c0-3.7-.1-6.9-.2-7.1-.2-.3-3.5-.3-15.4-.3s-15.1-.1-15.1-.3c0-.5.9-1.8 3.7-5.5 1.3-1.6 3.3-4.2 4.4-5.7 4.3-5.8 5.3-7.1 6.3-8.4 1.1-1.4 8-10.5 10.4-13.7.8-1.1 2.1-2.9 3-4 2.2-2.9 2.2-2.8 2.2-9.1 0-3.1-.1-5.7-.2-5.9-.1-.4-2.7-.4-26.6-.4-17.6 0-26.5.1-26.6.2-.3.3-.2 15 .1 27.2.2 27.5 0s1.8.2 1.7.5c0 .1-.9 1.4-2 2.9-3.4 4.4-10.5 13.9-13.3 17.7-3.8 5.2-5.4 7.4-6.6 9-3.6 4.6-6.8 9-7.5 10.1l-.8 1.3v5.3c0 3.3.1 5.3.3 11.2-.1 20.2-.3zm-71-16.3c.1-5.2.1-11.2 0-13.5-.1-3.8-.2-4.1-.6-4.1s-.4.4-.5 9.1c-.1 10-.3 11.8-1.5 13.4-.7 1-.6 1.7.3 1 1.3 0 .3-4.3.3-9.4zm264.4-3.1c.9-1.7 1.9-3.5 2.2-4l.5-1.1-1-2c-.6-1.1-1.5-3-2.1-4.3-1.2-2.7-1.4-3-1.8-2.5-.2.4-.2 16.4 0 2.2-3zm-219 .9c1.1-1.6 7.4-10.1 9.5-12.9 1.1-1.4 2.2-2.9 2.4-3.3.5-.8.5-.8.1-1-.3-.1-1.3 0-2.2.1-1 .2-3.8.4-6.3.5-4.4.2-4.4.2-4.7.8-.1.3-.2 4.2-.2 8.7 0 8.9 0 9.1 1.4 7.1zm61.6-5.7c0-.7-.2-.8-.8-.6-.4.3-.6 1-.3 1.1-.4 1.1-.8z" fill="#000100"/><path d="m370-96.6h2.1v.4h-2.1z" fill="#800000"/></svg></span>';

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      imdbprefix = '<a href="',
      imdbsuffix = '" target="somenewwindow">' + imdbsvg + '</a> ';

      var free = 0;
      var exclude = new Array();

      var debug = 1;

      var mediathek, mode = "";

      if (debug != 1) {
        console.log = function() {};
        console.warn = function() {};
        console.err = function() {};

      var jsoncontainer = 0;

      for (var i = 0, l = $tn("script").length; i < l; ++i) {

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          jsoncontainer = i;


      var scriptEl = $tn("script")[jsoncontainer];
      var schemaObj = JSON.parse(scriptEl.innerHTML);

      function writetable(preparing) {
        var allrows = "";
        for (var i = 0, l = prepared.length; i < l; ++i) {


            var link = '<a href="' + preparing[i].link + '">';
            var plusstate, directordisplay, durationdisplay, releaseyear = "";

            if (preparing[i].plusorwhat == "plus") {
              plusstate = " [+] ";

            if (preparing[i].director != "-") {
              directordisplay = preparing[i].director;

            if (preparing[i].relyear != 0) { 
              releaseyear = preparing[i].relyear + ", ";

            if (preparing[i].runtime != "0") {
              durationdisplay = preparing[i].runtime + " Min., ";

           if ( preparing[i].fulltitle.indexOf(" (Dt.") != -1) {
             var filmtitle = preparing[i].fulltitle.split(" (Dt.")
             var origtitle = filmtitle[0];
             var displaytitle = preparing[i].fulltitle.replace(" (Dt.: ", "</a><br />(");
             var imdbtitle = origtitle;
           } else {
             var origtitle = "";
             var displaytitle = preparing[i].fulltitle;
             var imdbtitle = displaytitle;
            var imdb = imdbprefix + imdbtitle + imdbsuffix;

            allrows += '<div>' + link + '<img src="' + preparing[i].img + '" /></a><br />' + link + displaytitle + "</a> " + "<br />" + imdb + releaseyear + durationdisplay + directordisplay + '<br /></div>' + "\n";

        return allrows;

      if (debug != 0) {
        var skip = 0;

var scriptEl = $("__NEXT_DATA__");
var schemaObj = JSON.parse(scriptEl.innerHTML);
var allkeys = Object.values(schemaObj.props["apolloState"]).length;
var preparing = new Array();
var myindex = 0;

function film(fulltitle, link, img, runtime, relyear, director, plusorwhat) {
  this.fulltitle = fulltitle; = link;
  this.img = img;
  this.runtime = runtime;
  this.relyear = relyear;
  this.director = director;
  this.plusorwhat = plusorwhat;

      for (var i = 0, l = allkeys; i < l; ++i) {

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      var slug = Object.values(schemaObj.props["apolloState"])[i].slug;
      if (slug) {

        var director, plusorwhat = "";

        var dttitle = Object.values(schemaObj.props["apolloState"])[i].title.replace(/\u2013|\u2014/g, "-");
        var origtitle = slug.replace(/-/g, " ").replace(/(^\w{1})|(\s+\w{1})/g, letter => letter.toUpperCase());

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        var checkdttitle = dttitle.toLowerCase();

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        checkorigtitle = checkorigtitle.replace(myregex, "");
        myregex = new RegExp(" - .*", "gi");
        checkdttitle = checkdttitle.replace(myregex, "");
        checkorigtitle = checkorigtitle.replace(myregex, "");
        myregex = new RegExp(": .*", "gi");
        checkdttitle = checkdttitle.replace(myregex, "");
        checkorigtitle = checkorigtitle.replace(myregex, "");

        checkdttitle = checkdttitle
          .replace(/-/g, " ")
          .replace(/  /g, " ")
          .replace(/ä/g, "a")
          .replace(/ü/g, "u")
          .replace(/ö/g, "o")
          .replace(/ß/g, "ss")
          .replace(/é/g, "e")
          .replace(/ñ/g, "n")
          .replace(/the | uncut| hd| 3d|\!|\&|\.|\,|\:|\;|\'|\"/g, "");

        checkorigtitle = checkorigtitle
          .replace(/-/g, " ")
          .replace(/  /g, " ")
          .replace(/ä/g, "a")
          .replace(/ü/g, "u")
          .replace(/ö/g, "o")
          .replace(/ß/g, "ss")
          .replace(/é/g, "e")
          .replace(/ñ/g, "n")
          .replace(/the | uncut| hd| 3d|\!|\&|\.|\,|\:|\;|\'|\"/g, "");

        var fulltitle, temptitle = "";

        if (checkdttitle == checkorigtitle) {
          if (dttitle.indexOf(" - ") == -1) {
          fulltitle = dttitle;
          } else {
          fulltitle = origtitle;

        } else {

            if (dttitle.indexOf(" - ") != -1) {
              temptitle = dttitle.split(" - ");
              fulltitle = temptitle[0];
            } else
            if (dttitle.indexOf(": ") != -1) {
              temptitle = dttitle.split(": ");
              fulltitle = temptitle[0];
            } else {
              fulltitle = origtitle + " (Dt.: " + dttitle + ")";


        var id = Object.values(schemaObj.props["apolloState"])[i].id;
        var runtimeInSeconds = Object.values(schemaObj.props["apolloState"])[i].runtimeInSeconds;
        if (runtimeInSeconds < 3600) {
          runtimeInSeconds = runtimeInSeconds + 3600;
        runtimeInSeconds = Math.floor(runtimeInSeconds / 60);
        if (runtimeInSeconds == null) {
          runtimeInSeconds = 3600;
        var productionYear = Object.values(schemaObj.props["apolloState"])[i].productionYear;
        if (productionYear == null) {
          productionYear = 0;

        var widescreen = schemaObj.props["apolloState"]['$CmsMovie:' + id + '.widescreenImage'].masterUrl;
        var howmany = 0;
        var justtestin = Object.values(schemaObj.props["apolloState"])[i] => {
          if (word.indexOf("plus-exclusive") != -1) {

        if (howmany > 0) {
          plusorwhat = "plus";
        } else {
          plusorwhat = "minus";

        if (schemaObj.props["apolloState"]['$CmsMovie:' + id + '.cmsMovieContentPeopleByContentMovieId({\"condition\":{\"connectionType\":\"director\"}}).nodes.0.person']) {
          director = schemaObj.props["apolloState"]['$CmsMovie:' + id + '.cmsMovieContentPeopleByContentMovieId({\"condition\":{\"connectionType\":\"director\"}}).nodes.0.person'].name;

        if ((director == "") || (director == "undefined") || (director == "N/A")) {
          director = "-";

        preparing[myindex] = new film(fulltitle, "" + slug, widescreen, runtimeInSeconds, productionYear, director, plusorwhat);






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        dvdx = dvdr;
      } else {
        colcount = "33% 33% 33";

      var genres = 'Genres: ';
      var categories = 'Kategorien: ';
      var mdash = " &bull; ";
      var genresArr = new Array();
      var categoriesArr = new Array();

      for (var i = 0, l = $cn("r-m611by").length; i < l; ++i) {
        genresArr[i] = '<a href="' + $cn("r-m611by")[i].href + '">' + $cn("r-m611by")[i].getAttribute("aria-label").replace("kino","") + '</a> ';

      for (var i = 0, l = $cn("r-157gdtw").length; i < l; ++i) {

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      categoriesArr = categoriesArr.sort();
      genresArr = genresArr.sort();

      for (var i = 0, l = categoriesArr.length; i < l; ++i) {
        categories += categoriesArr[i];
        if (i != categoriesArr.length-1) {
          categories += mdash;

      for (var i = 0, l = genresArr.length; i < l; ++i) {
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        if (i != genresArr.length-1) {
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      var newtitle = document.title;
      var myregex = new RegExp(" – .*", "gi");
      newtitle = newtitle.replace(myregex, "");
      myregex = new RegExp(" - .*", "gi");
      newtitle = newtitle.replace(myregex, "");
      newtitle = newtitle.replace("Netzkino","");
      newtitle = newtitle.replace("kino","");
      var dp = "";
      if (newtitle != "") {
        dp = ": ";
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      mediathek += '<span class="links"><a href="">' + nfsvg +'</a> <br /> ' + newtitle;
      if (newtitle != "") {
        mediathek += ": ";
      mediathek += prepared.length + " Titel " + mdash;

      mediathek += '<a href="/search">Suchen?</a>' + mdash + 'Sortierung: Titel <a id="sortaz" class="sortlink">A-Z</a> / <a id="sortza" class="sortlink">Z-A</a> | Jahr <a id="sort09" class="sortlink">1940-2040</a> / <a id="sort90" class="sortlink">2040-1940</a> | L&auml;nge <a id="sortmin" class="sortlink">&lt;&lt;&lt; (kurz)</a> / <a id="sortnim" class="sortlink">(lang) &gt;&gt;&gt;</a>';

      mediathek += "<br />" + genres;
      if (categoriesArr.length > 1) {
        mediathek += "<br />" +  categories;
      mediathek += "</span><br /><br /><br />"; 
      mediathek += '<div class="wrapper" id="nfct">';

      mediathek += writetable(prepared);
      mediathek += '</div></body></html>';

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      $("sortza").onclick = function() {
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        $("nfct").innerHTML = writetable(newlysorted).replace(/undefined/g, "");
      $("sortmin").onclick = function() {
        var newlysorted = prepared.sort((a, b) => a.runtime - b.runtime);
        $("nfct").innerHTML = writetable(newlysorted).replace(/undefined/g, "");
      $("sortnim").onclick = function() {
        var newlysorted = prepared.sort((a, b) => b.runtime - a.runtime);
        $("nfct").innerHTML = writetable(newlysorted).replace(/undefined/g, "");
      $("sort09").onclick = function() {
        var newlysorted = prepared.sort((a, b) => a.relyear - b.relyear);
        $("nfct").innerHTML = writetable(newlysorted).replace(/undefined/g, "");
      document.getElementById("sort90").onclick = function() {
        var newlysorted = prepared.sort((a, b) => b.relyear - a.relyear);
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      $tn("body")[0].onclick = function() {}



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