YouTube Square

Changes rounded avatars, videos and images to square on YouTube

/* ==UserStyle==
@name           YouTube Square
@version        1.1.0
@description    Changes rounded avatars, videos and images to square on YouTube
@author         Pabli
@license        MIT
@preprocessor   stylus
@var            number r "Avatars - border radius (%)" ['%', 0, -1, 50, 1]
@var            number v "Videos - border radius (px)" ['px', 0, -1, null, 1]
@var            number i "Images - border radius (px)" ['px', 0, -1, null, 1]
==/UserStyle== */

@-moz-document domain("") {
yt-img-shadow, .image-thumbnail, .subscriber-avatar, .subscriber-info-avatar, tp-yt-paper-icon-button.ytmusic-settings-button {
	border-radius: r !important
ytd-thumbnail a.ytd-thumbnail, ytd-thumbnail:before, ytd-playlist-thumbnail a.ytd-playlist-thumbnail, ytd-playlist-thumbnail:before,
ytmusic-two-row-item-renderer .image.ytmusic-two-row-item-renderer, .image.ytmusic-two-row-item-renderer {
	border-radius: v !important
.image-icon-container.ytd-backstage-image-renderer, ytd-backstage-image-renderer[rounded] #image-container.ytd-backstage-image-renderer, yt-img-shadow.ytd-backstage-image-renderer {
	border-radius: i !important;
	--yt-img-border-radius: i !important