// ==UserScript==
// @name Mousehunt Helper - XHRIntercept
// @namespace DSXC
// @description XHR Intercept for MHH
// @include http://www.mousehuntgame.com/*
// @include https://www.mousehuntgame.com/*
// @include http://apps.facebook.com/mousehunt/*
// @include https://apps.facebook.com/mousehunt/*
// @version 1.0
// ==/UserScript==
var _is_xhri_setup = false;
var _trap_update_user_array = new Array();
var _timeout_called = false;
var _timeout_hidden_called = false;
var _last_user;
function setupCommunications()
document.addEventListener("xhri_trap_change", xhri_trap_change, false);
document.addEventListener("xhri_hidden_item", xhri_hidden_item, false);
_is_xhri_setup = true;
function xhri_trap_change(aEvent)
if (typeof user == 'undefined')
timeout = setTimeout(function(){xhri_trap_change(aEvent)}, 2000);
if (_timeout_called)
_timeout_called = true;
timeout = setTimeout(function(){call_trap_check()}, 2000);
function xhri_hidden_item(aEvent)
if (typeof hg == 'undefined' ||
$(".inventoryitemview[data-view-id="+$($("#tabbarContent_page_4 .inventoryitemview")[0]).data("viewId")+"]").length <= 0)
timeout = setTimeout(function(){xhri_hidden_item(aEvent)}, 2000);
if (_timeout_hidden_called)
_timeout_hidden_called = true;
timeout = setTimeout(function(){call_modify_hidden_items()}, 2000);
function call_trap_check()
var _trap_update_user = JSON.stringify(_trap_update_user_array.pop());
//Don't send another update if the last user pushed is the same as the user we're currently on.
if (_trap_update_user == _last_user)
_trap_update_user_array.length = 0;
_timeout_called = false;
var evt = document.createEvent("MutationEvents");
evt.initMutationEvent("ht_trap_change", true, true, this, _trap_update_user, _trap_update_user, 'ht_stuff', 1);
_last_user = _trap_update_user;
_trap_update_user_array.length = 0;
_timeout_called = false;
function call_modify_hidden_items()
var inv = hg.utils.UserInventory.getAllItems();
for (var category in inv) if (inv.hasOwnProperty(category) && category != "length")
for (var item in inv[category]) if (inv[category].hasOwnProperty(item) && item != "length")
hg.utils.UserInventory.getAllItems()[category][item].is_hidden = false;
//Empty the existing items:
$(".inventoryitemview[data-view-id="+$($("#tabbarContent_page_4 .inventoryitemview")[0]).data("viewId")+"]").empty();
//Render all the items again:
app.views.InventoryItemView[$($("#tabbarContent_page_4 .inventoryitemview")[0]).data("viewId")].render();
function getQueryParams(qs)
var urlParams = {},
d = function (s) { return decodeURIComponent(s).replace(/\+/g, " "); },
r = /([^&=]+)=?([^&]*)/g;
while (e = r.exec(d(qs))) {
if (e[1].indexOf("[") == "-1")
urlParams[d(e[1])] = d(e[2]);
else {
var b1 = e[1].indexOf("["),
aN = e[1].slice(b1+1, e[1].indexOf("]", b1)),
pN = d(e[1].slice(0, b1));
if (typeof urlParams[pN] != "object")
urlParams[d(pN)] = {},
urlParams[d(pN)].length = 0;
if (aN)
urlParams[d(pN)][d(aN)] = d(e[2]);
Array.prototype.push.call(urlParams[d(pN)], d(e[2]));
return urlParams;
XMLHttpRequest.prototype.open = function(method, url, async, user, pass)
if (typeof url == 'string')
if (url.search('mousehuntgame') != -1)
if (!_is_xhri_setup)
window.unsafeWindow || (
unsafeWindow = (function()
var el = document.createElement('p');
el.setAttribute('onclick', 'return window;');
return el.onclick();
var mh_user = window.user; //unsafeWindow.user;
if (mh_user != null)
this.mhUserJSON = mh_user;
//TODO: Make a call to grab the user variable from HG with the least amount of data. Use this as a direct before snapshot of event firing.
// In conjunction with the earlier variable grab we can determine 3 points of user values for hunt tracking.
this.calledURL = url;
this.addEventListener("readystatechange", function()
if (this.readyState == 4)
if (this.responseText.substring(0, 1) == "{")
//TODO: Make this all generic, have one event thrown, and one submit.
// Specific instructions can be made in the response packet so message information can be gathered from there.
var respJSON = JSON.parse(this.responseText);
respJSON.ht_submit_URL = this.calledURL;
respJSON.ht_submit_params = this.submit_params;
//Hunt submission
if (this.calledURL.search('activeturn.php') != -1)
var evt = document.createEvent("MutationEvents");
evt.initMutationEvent("ht_submit", true, true, this, JSON.stringify(this.mhUserJSON), JSON.stringify(respJSON), 'ht_stuff', 1);
//NOTE: Currently disabled.
//Crafting attempts.
else if (this.calledURL.search('crafting.php') != -1)
var crafts = $('#selectedComponents div.craftThumb:has(input)');
var t_array = Array();
for (var i in respJSON.ht_submit_params.parts)
for (var j = 0; j < crafts.length; j++)
if (crafts[j].classList.contains(i))
var t_obj = new Object();
t_obj.name = $('span', crafts[j]).html();
t_obj.val = respJSON.ht_submit_params.parts[i];
respJSON.ht_submit_params.parts.translated = t_array;
var evt = document.createEvent("MutationEvents");
evt.initMutationEvent("ht_crafting", true, true, this, JSON.stringify(this.mhUserJSON), JSON.stringify(respJSON), 'ht_stuff', 1);
//TEM effectiveness selection
else if (this.calledURL.search('getmiceeffectiveness.php') != -1)
var evt = document.createEvent("MutationEvents");
evt.initMutationEvent("ht_effectiveness", true, true, this, JSON.stringify(this.mhUserJSON), JSON.stringify(respJSON), 'ht_stuff', 1);
//Adversaries page tab click
else if (this.calledURL.search('getmousegroup.php') != -1 ||
this.calledURL.search('getregionmice.php') != -1)
var evt = document.createEvent("MutationEvents");
evt.initMutationEvent("ht_group_effectiveness", true, true, this, JSON.stringify(this.mhUserJSON), JSON.stringify(respJSON), 'ht_stuff', 1);
else if (this.calledURL.search('useconvertible.php') != -1)
var evt = document.createEvent("MutationEvents");
evt.initMutationEvent("ht_convertible", true, true, this, JSON.stringify(this.mhUserJSON), JSON.stringify(respJSON), 'ht_stuff', 1);
else if (this.calledURL.search('userInventory.php') != -1)
var evt = document.createEvent("MutationEvents");
evt.initMutationEvent("ht_inventory", true, true, this, JSON.stringify(this.mhUserJSON), JSON.stringify(respJSON), 'ht_stuff', 1);
//Call regardless. Use async if not defined to avoid hanging browser due to extension needing waiting on response.
if (is_set(async))
open.call(this, method, url, async, user, pass);
open.call(this, method, url, true, user, pass);
(function(send) {
XMLHttpRequest.prototype.send = function(params)
this.submit_params = getQueryParams(params);
send.call(this, params);
function is_set(variable)
if (typeof variable === "undefined")
return false;
return true;