FIMFiction - Random Story

Adds a button to jump to a random story page

// ==UserScript==
// @name        FIMFiction - Random Story
// @namespace   Selbi
// @include     http*://**
// @version     2.0
// @description Adds a button to jump to a random story page
// ==/UserScript==

let chatButton = document.querySelector(".user_toolbar > ul:first-child > li:last-child");
let randomStoryButton = chatButton.cloneNode(true);
randomStoryButton.onclick = function() {
  randomStoryButton.querySelector("i").classList = "fa fa-spinner fa-spin fa-pulse";
randomStoryButton.querySelector("a").href = "#";
randomStoryButton.querySelector("i").classList = "fa fa-random";
randomStoryButton.querySelector("span").innerHTML = "Random Story";

function navigateToRandomStory() {
  let url = buildRandomStoryHref();
  window.location = url;

function buildRandomStoryHref() {
  let storyCount = getApproxTotalStoryCount();
  let url = randomValidStoryUrl(storyCount, 10);
  return url;

function getApproxTotalStoryCount() {
  let xhr = new XMLHttpRequest();'GET', "", false);
  // Very dirty, this could be done with fancy XML parsing to find
  // the biggest story ID on the page, but we just care about a very
  // rough estimate count of all stories, so this probably works
  let firstStoryId = (/data-story-id="(\d+)"/m).exec(xhr.responseText)[1];
  return parseInt(firstStoryId);

function randomValidStoryUrl(storyCount, attemptsLeft) {
  if (attemptsLeft > 0) {
    let randomStoryId = Math.floor(storyCount * Math.random());
    let url = buildUrl(randomStoryId);
    if (isValidPage(url)) {
      return url;
    return randomValidStoryUrl(storyCount, attemptsLeft - 1);
  return buildUrl(1888); // MLD lul

function isValidPage(url) {
  let xhr = new XMLHttpRequest();'GET', url, false);
  if (xhr.status === 200) {
    let title = (/<title>(.*?)<\/title>/m).exec(xhr.responseText)[1];
    return !title.startsWith("Login To Story");
  return false;

function buildUrl(id) {
  return "" + id;