// ==UserScript==
// @name InstaMagnify: Instagram Media Downloader
// @namespace SteveJobzniak
// @version 4.0.0
// @description Best! Greatly enhance your Instagram navigation experience! And magically view or download the highest-quality, largest versions of Instagram stories, albums, images/photos, videos and profile avatars. If you have ever wanted to save a story, album, image/photo, video or avatar, then this is for you!
// @author SteveJobzniak
// @homepage https://greasyfork.org/scripts/34821-instamagnify-instagram-media-downloader
// @license https://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0
// @contributionURL https://www.paypal.me/Armindale/0usd
// @match *://*.instagram.com/*
// @run-at document-start
// @grant none
// ==/UserScript==
* # What is InstaMagnify?
* It's your portal to the highest-quality, largest versions of Instagram stories, albums, photos,
* videos and profile avatars!
* By default, Instagram only shows you low-quality media. But by installing this utility, you'll get the
* magical ability to easily _view_ or _download_ the largest and best looking versions of _any_ media!
* Liberation!
* But wait... _that's not all!_ You will _also_ discover that all profile pages (timelines) will be
* enhanced with a loading indicator in the bottom right corner of the window, which shows you how much
* of the media has been loaded by your scrolling so far, such as `"36 / 628 (5.7%)"`. You'll no longer
* have to keep wondering how much further you have to scroll to reach the end of the timeline! ;-)
* _And_ to make your life _even easier_, it will _automatically_ click the "Load more" button for you,
* so that you can effortlessly scroll and scroll and scroll and view and download media and... :-)
* Have fun and enjoy!
* # Features.
* - The most advanced code of all Instagram-related userscripts, written by the author of the
* largest 3rd party Instagram API library in the world.
* - View or download the highest-quality, largest versions of Instagram stories, albums,
* photos, videos and profile avatars.
* - Displays a timeline media scrolling progress indicator in the bottom right corner of all timelines.
* - Automatically clicks on all "Load more" buttons so that you can effortlessly scroll through media.
* - Automatically closes the annoying "Get the mobile app!" popup dialog which Instagram shows to some people.
* - Automatically closes the even more annoying "Sign up for Instagram!" bar which is shown whenever you aren't logged in.
* - Automatically closes the "Experience the best version of Instagram by getting the app" bar which is shown after logging in.
* - Supports protected (signed) media URLs, such as those used by stories.
* - Supports _all_ Instagram media types and media view-panels.
* - Your choice of convenient mouse and/or keyboard controls, whichever you prefer the most. :-)
* # Feel like thanking me for my hard work?
* Totally optional but _truly, deeply_ appreciated and brings a great smile to my face,
* and inspires me to keep working. ;-)
* - PayPal: https://www.paypal.me/Armindale/0usd
* - Bitcoin: 18XF1EmrkpYi4fqkR2XcHkcJxuTMYG4bcv
* And if you really like this utility, please consider giving it a good rating by simply
* adding it to your GreasyFork favorites.
* # Instructions.
* Simply hold down a modifier key and click on any Instagram photo, video or profile avatar!
* - `Shift-click`: View in the same tab.
* - `Alt-click`: View in a new tab/window.
* - `Shift-Alt-click`: Direct download (only if your browser supports it).
* Alternatively, you can use the keyboard controls, which are definitely a lot more convenient
* if you're already using Instagram's own `left`/`right`-arrow navigation to switch between media!
* - `Shift-F`: View in the same tab.
* - `Alt-F`: View in a new tab/window.
* - `Shift-Alt-F`: Direct download (only if your browser supports it).
* If you ever forget the commands, simply hover your mouse cursor over the media loading indicator
* in the bottom right corner of each timeline, and you'll see a tooltip with all of these commands.
* Note that the "direct download" feature requires a browser which supports the modern HTML 5
* "download" tag, such as Google Chrome and Safari!
* You should also note that _your web browser's_ "how to open new windows"-preference controls
* whether the "View in a new tab/window" action will open a tab or a window. Browsers _don't_
* give scripts any control over that choice. Which means that you have to _change your browser
* settings_ if you want to specifically choose which window-type you're using.
* Lastly, it's worth noting that you can actually click on media directly on the timeline grid
* (not just on their media pages/media lightboxes). However, if you click via the timeline grid,
* you will _only_ be able to see the first image in case of albums or the thumbnail for videos,
* since the rest of the media details haven't been loaded when you haven't opened its media page.
* And you _may_ not get the highest-resolution media via this method (the best quality is only
* _guaranteed_ when you've clicked on the media to view it properly). But this ability to open media
* directly from the timeline is still a _great_ shortcut which is definitely worth knowing about.
* Have fun!
* # Want to check out my other work?
* - [GreasyFork Scripts](https://greasyfork.org/users/67112-stevejobzniak)
* - [GitHub](https://github.com/SteveJobzniak)
(function() {
'use strict';
var injectMediaMagnifier = function() {
// Perform the user's desired action on a media URL.
var handleMedia = function(e, url) {
var i;
// Do nothing if the URL isn't a string or if it's empty.
if (typeof url !== 'string' || url.length < 1) {
return true; // Let the default browser handler run.
// Create an anchor to allow us to easily manipulate the URL.
var anchor = document.createElement('a');
anchor.href = url;
// Determine if this is a protected (signed) media URL which is NOT allowed to be modified.
var isProtectedUrl = !!(anchor.pathname.match(/\/vp\//) || anchor.search.match(/[?&](?:oh|oe|efg)=/));
// Attempt to extract the media filename from the URL that we've been given.
var filename = null,
filenameOffset = anchor.pathname.lastIndexOf('/');
if (filenameOffset >= 0) {
filename = anchor.pathname.substring(filenameOffset + 1);
if (filename.length < 1) {
filename = null;
// Always enforce HTTPS for download integrity (protects against sudden truncation).
anchor.protocol = 'https:';
// Remove useless "se=7", "ig_tt=..." and "ig_cache_key=..." query-params if they exist.
// NOTE: We can't just remove the entire query, since some media requires
// special protection keys to allow the download to proceed.
if (typeof anchor.search === 'string' && anchor.search.length > 0) {
var queryParts = anchor.search.split('&');
for (i = queryParts.length - 1; i >= 0; --i) {
if (queryParts[i].match(/^\??(?:ig_cache_key|se|ig_tt)=/)) {
queryParts.splice(i, 1);
var newQuery = queryParts.join('&');
if (newQuery.length > 0 && newQuery.charAt(0) !== '?') {
newQuery = '?'+newQuery; // Only added if a search query still exists.
anchor.search = newQuery;
// Clean up the URL's PATH (via the anchor) to get the unmodified, highest quality media file:
// NOTE: Protected URLs do not allow modifying ANY part of the PATH to the file.
if (!isProtectedUrl) {
// Remove bad flags that would cause us to retrieve modified media.
// KEEP:
// - /t#.#-#/ = Media type flag. Is REQUIRED for stories.
// - /e#/ = Sets EXIF "FBMD" tag.
// - /c#.#.#.#/ = Image cropping.
// - /s#x#/ and /p#x#/ = Image downsizing.
// - /sh#.#/ = Image sharpening.
// - /fr/ = "Fine Resolution"? Not sure, but causes JPG artifacts.
var flags = anchor.pathname.split('/');
//flags.splice(flags.length - 1, 1); // Optional: Remove filename to avoid parsing as flag.
for (i = flags.length - 1; i >= 0; --i) {
if (flags[i].length > 0 && flags[i].match(/^(?:e\d+|c\d+\.\d+\.\d+\.\d+|[sp]\d+x\d+|sh\d+\.?\d*|fr)$/)) {
flags.splice(i, 1);
//anchor.pathname = flags.join('/')+'/'+filename; // Optional: Re-add filename.
anchor.pathname = flags.join('/');
// The final URL is now in "anchor.href".
// Perform appropriate action based on the pressed modifier keys.
if (e.shiftKey && e.altKey) { // [Shift+Alt]: Download.
if (!window.fetch) {
// Turn the anchor into a download-anchor and just click it.
// NOTE: This HTML 5 feature won't work in all browsers, and in fact CORS has been
// disabled in Chrome 65+ due to security, which isn't unexpected since all other
// browsers such as Safari already prevented cross-origin "download"-attr links.
anchor.target = '_self';
anchor.download = filename; // Save with bare filename.
} else {
// The browser supports window.fetch(). Perform asynchronous blob-based download.
// Docs: https://developer.mozilla.org/en-US/docs/Web/API/Fetch_API/Using_Fetch
// NOTE: Browsers support up to around 500MB blobs. The largest Instagram
// media I've ever found was a 14MB video. Most videos are around 1-2MB.
window.fetch(anchor.href, {
headers: new Headers({
'Origin': location.origin
mode: 'cors',
redirect: 'follow',
referrerPolicy: 'no-referrer',
// NOTE: Safari sucks at CORS caching and will re-fetch the URL every time.
// But Chrome on the other hand caches the downloaded file perfectly.
cache: 'force-cache' // https://fetch.spec.whatwg.org/#concept-request-cache-mode
}).then(function(response) {
// This triggers immediately when the headers are received (before the body).
// NOTE: There's no way to show the user the download progress (unlike normal
// download URLs which end up in a browser's download list and show progress
// that way), but most media files are tiny and finish quickly.
if (!response.ok || response.status !== 200) {
throw new Error('Network response was not ok.');
return response.blob();
}).then(function(blob) {
// This triggers when the download is 100% complete.
var blobUrl = URL.createObjectURL(blob),
a = document.createElement('a');
// Download the blob URL via an anchor. And since a `blob:` URL doesn't
// violate the CORS destination rules, this works in all modern browsers.
// Verified browsers: Safari and Google Chrome.
a.href = blobUrl;
a.download = filename;
}).catch(function(e) {
var errMsg = '"'+e+'" when downloading "'+filename+'".';
} else if (e.altKey) { // [Alt]: Open in a new tab/window.
var win = window.open(anchor.href, '_blank');
win.focus(); // Bring the tab/window to the foreground.
} else { // [Shift/Nothing/Anything Else]: Open in the same tab.
location.href = anchor.href;
// Stop the event propagation so that nothing else runs.
// And since our event handler is a capture (runs before the target element),
// it means that this will prevent navigation to the clicked webpage, if any.
e.stopPropagation(); // Prevent parent element event handlers from firing.
e.stopImmediatePropagation(); // Prevent any further event handlers on the event-element from firing.
e.preventDefault(); // Prevent default browser behavior for this event.
return false;
// Process a media element or container (from the event handlers).
var handleElement = function (e, elem, isLastAttempt) {
switch (elem.tagName) {
case 'IMG':
case 'VIDEO':
case 'DIV':
case 'A':
// IMG: profile avatars (on both timeline and media page).
// VIDEO: not used, but is here to be futureproof.
// DIV: photos/album photos on media page and timeline, video thumbs on timeline.
// A: videos/album videos on media page.
// Determine which element to scan, and then look for photos and videos.
// NOTE: Instagram puts the actual media page content as a sibling of the A/DIV
// (within their mutual parent node), which is why we must get the parent.
// And in case of albums, there's only 1 media item at a time (they dynamically
// switch its contents to only have one IMG or VIDEO element at a time).
var elemIsMedia = (elem.tagName === 'IMG' || elem.tagName === 'VIDEO'),
mediaContainer = (elemIsMedia ? elem : (elem.parentNode || elem)),
photos = (mediaContainer.tagName === 'IMG' ? [mediaContainer] : (elemIsMedia ? [] : mediaContainer.getElementsByTagName('img'))),
videos = (mediaContainer.tagName === 'VIDEO' ? [mediaContainer] : (elemIsMedia ? [] : mediaContainer.getElementsByTagName('video')));
// Only handle the media if there's exactly 1 video or 1 photo.
if (videos.length === 1 && photos.length === 0) {
// NOTE: Some videos use the `src` attribute. Others (notably stories) use child `<source>` elements instead.
var src = videos[0].hasAttribute('src') ? videos[0].src : null;
if (typeof src !== 'string' || src.length < 1) {
// If there are multiple sources, they're listed in descending quality (the first element is the best).
// NOTE: There's absolutely NOTHING else (no attributes, etc) which indicates which file is the best one.
var subSources = videos[0].getElementsByTagName('source');
for (var i = 0; i < subSources.length; ++i) {
if (subSources[i].hasAttribute('src') && typeof subSources[i].src === 'string' && subSources[i].src.length >= 1) {
src = subSources[i].src;
break; // Stop searching through sources.
return handleMedia(e, src);
} else if (photos.length === 1 && videos.length === 0) {
// NOTE: Many images also have a "srcset" attribute with multiple URLs, but we just need the current "src".
return handleMedia(e, photos[0].src);
} else if (!isLastAttempt) {
// If we didn't find anything, the user may have clicked on a story photo/video. Those have their media within TWO parent elements
// rather than one. So by simply retrying once (as a "last attempt"), we will now traverse one step higher and find the media.
return handleElement(e, mediaContainer, true);
return true; // Let the default browser handler run if no valid media was found.
// Attach the click event handler.
document.addEventListener('click', function(e) {
e = e || window.event;
// Do nothing if none of our special keys are held while clicking.
if (!e.shiftKey && !e.altKey) {
return true; // Let the default browser handler run.
// Handle the click.
var target = e.target || e.srcElement;
return handleElement(e, target);
}, true); // True = Capture BEFORE sending any click-event to the clicked element!
// Attach the keyboard event handler.
document.addEventListener('keydown', function(e) {
e = e || window.event;
// Do nothing if the user is typing in a text field.
if (e.target && (e.target.tagName === 'TEXTAREA' || e.target.tagName === 'INPUT')) {
return true; // Let the default browser handler run.
// Look for any combination of Alt/Shift together with F.
if ((e.shiftKey || e.altKey) && e.keyCode === 70) {
// Find the media viewer and the currently viewed media.
// NOTE: This is the most likely piece of code which may need future updates.
// It catches all current Instagram media viewers: Lightbox media viewer,
// whole-page media viewer, and the lightbox story media viewer. However,
// they're all part of very complex HTML structures without many CSS landmarks,
// so this may break whenever Instagram decides to change their website HTML.
// But it's the best that we can do... Either way, the click-method always
// remains extremely resilient, so users won't be stranded even if this
// keyboard method stops working someday... ;-)
var mediaPanel = document.querySelector(
'div[role="dialog"] article > div:nth-of-type(1), main[role="main"] > * article > div:nth-of-type(1), #react-root > section > div > div > section > div:nth-of-type(2)'
if (mediaPanel) {
var video = mediaPanel.querySelector('video'),
photo = mediaPanel.querySelector('img'),
target = (video ? video : (photo ? photo : null));
if (target) {
return handleElement(e, target);
return true; // Let the default browser handler run if no valid keypress or no media.
}, true); // True = Capture BEFORE sending any typing-event to the active element.
var injectMediaCounter = function() {
// Section state class.
var SectionState = function(section) {
this.section = section;
this.loadedMediaIds = new Set();
this.loadedCount = -1;
this.totalCount = -1;
// Detect the section's media box element, which holds the rows of media. Each child of it is a 3-media row.
// NOTE: This selector will need future maintenance if the site design changes.
this.mediaBoxElem = section ? section.querySelector('main > article > div > div:nth-of-type(1)') : null;
// Updates the total media (timeline post) count for the section element (profile page).
SectionState.prototype.updateTotalMediaCount = function() {
// NOTE: This path will need future maintenance if it ever changes.
// NOTE: Media count also exists in `window._sharedData.entry_data.ProfilePage[0].user.media.count`,
// but that value sadly *never* changes when navigating dynamically to other profiles!
// NOTE: We look for the language-independent header's <ul> of 3x <li> elements (posts, followers,
// following). It contains nested <span> elements, one of which (the last one) is the pure number of posts.
var mediaCountSpans = this.section.querySelectorAll('header ul > li:nth-of-type(1) span');
for (var i = mediaCountSpans.length - 1; i >= 0; --i) { // Count backwards, since the one we want is at the end.
// Clean up the count by stripping away thousands-separators (spaces, commas, etc depending on language).
var count = mediaCountSpans[i].textContent.replace(/[^0-9]+/g, '');
if (count.length > 0) {
try {
count = parseInt(count, 10);
if (Number.isInteger(count)) { // Guard against NaN.
this.totalCount = count;
} catch (e) {}
this.totalCount = 0; // If count doesn't exist or couldn't be parsed.
// Updates the loaded media count for the section's media box, and clamps so it never exceeds the total.
SectionState.prototype.updateLoadedMediaCount = function() {
// Instagram uses a dynamic set of media "divs", and only keeps ~50 in memory (for infinite-scroll efficiency).
// Therefore, the only way to detect the load progress is to count how many unique IDs we've seen in them.
var count = 0;
if (this.mediaBoxElem) {
var mediaLinks = this.mediaBoxElem.querySelectorAll('a[href^="/p/"]');
for (var i = 0, len = mediaLinks.length; i < len; ++i) {
this.loadedMediaIds.add(mediaLinks[i].pathname); // Format: "/p/<id>/".
count = this.loadedMediaIds.size;
if (count > this.totalCount) {
count = this.totalCount; // Ensure that it can never exceed the total.
this.loadedCount = count;
// Media counter class.
var MediaCounter = function() {
// Initialize properties.
this.currentProfile = this.extractProfileName(location.pathname);
this.activeState = null;
this.counterElem = null;
this.isCounterVisible = false;
this.updateCooldownTimer = undefined;
// Attach handlers and create initial state.
// Creates the media counter element.
MediaCounter.prototype.createCounterElem = function() {
// Create a floating container in the bottom right of the page.
var floatContainer = document.createElement('div');
floatContainer.style.position = 'fixed';
floatContainer.style.bottom = 0;
floatContainer.style.right = 0;
floatContainer.style.zIndex = '99999';
// Add a nicely styled "media counter" container within the floating container.
var counterElem = document.createElement('div');
counterElem.style.margin = '14px'; // Offsets it from the edges.
counterElem.style.padding = '5px 10px'; // Empty padding around everything in the container.
counterElem.style.backgroundColor = 'rgba(60,60,60,0.5)';
counterElem.style.borderRadius = '15px';
counterElem.style.font = 'bold 13px sans-serif';
counterElem.style.color = '#fff';
counterElem.style.textAlign = 'center';
counterElem.style.textShadow = '1px 1px 2px rgba(0,0,0,0.3)';
counterElem.style.display = 'none'; // Start out hidden.
counterElem.title = 'Shift-[click/F]: View in the same tab.\nAlt-[click/F]: View in a new tab/window.\nShift-Alt-[click/F]: Direct download.';
// Put the floating counter as a child of the body itself.
// NOTE: We don't put it inside of any specific elements, to remain fully markup-agnostic.
this.counterElem = counterElem;
// Extracts the profile name from a Location pathname.
MediaCounter.prototype.extractProfileName = function(pathname) {
if (typeof pathname === 'string') {
// NOTE: We demand a single word (as in a profile), such as "/foo/",
// not "/foo/bar". That avoids most of the custom pages (such as
// "/accounts/login/"). We'll also avoid "/developer/".
var match = pathname.match(/^\/([^\/]+)\/?$/); // Extracts at least 1 char.
if (match) {
var profile = match[1];
if (profile !== 'developer') {
return profile;
return null;
// Watches for navigation between the profile and media overlays, and hides counter during overlays.
// NOTE: We can't use HTML5 popstate events for this. They are too unreliable. We must use a timer.
MediaCounter.prototype.startWatchingPathname = function() {
var self = this,
currentPathname = null;
setInterval(function() {
// Detects when we've moved to a different path on the site.
if (location.pathname !== currentPathname) {
currentPathname = location.pathname;
// Toggle the counter visibility depending on which page we are on.
// NOTE: We only unhide the counter if it already contains a value *and* we're still on the same profile!
var profile = self.extractProfileName(currentPathname);
if (profile !== null) { // On a profile page.
if (profile === self.currentProfile && self.counterElem.textContent !== '') { // Same profile, and has existing counter.
} else { // Different profile, or has no counter value.
// NOTE: We don't hide it when navigating to a different profile. Because that's handled instantly by our react-root observer.
self.currentProfile = profile; // Track the new profile instead.
} else { // On a non-profile page, such as media instead.
}, 250);
// Toggles the media counter visibility whenever we're on a non-timeline page (or overlay).
MediaCounter.prototype.toggleMediaCounterVisibility = function(showCounter) {
if (showCounter !== this.isCounterVisible) {
this.counterElem.style.display = showCounter ? 'block' : 'none';
this.isCounterVisible = !!showCounter;
// Updates the media counter to the currently loaded count, and ensures that the counter is visible.
MediaCounter.prototype.updateMediaCounter = function(forceUpdateTotal) {
if (!this.activeState) {
// Update internal state to current count.
if (forceUpdateTotal || this.activeState.totalCount < 0) {
this.activeState.updateTotalMediaCount(); // Must be updated before loaded count.
// Set the new media counter text.
var percentLoaded = this.activeState.totalCount > 0 ? ((this.activeState.loadedCount / this.activeState.totalCount) * 100) : 0; // No 0-div.
percentLoaded = percentLoaded.toFixed(1); // Convert to string with rounding and always 1 decimal.
this.counterElem.textContent = this.activeState.loadedCount+' / '+this.activeState.totalCount+' ('+percentLoaded+'%)';
// Make sure counter is visible if we're on a profile page, or hidden otherwise.
this.toggleMediaCounterVisibility(this.extractProfileName(location.pathname) !== null);
// Adds mutation observer to section. Observes changes in the rows of media items.
// NOTE: They trigger once per inserted row and insert 4 rows at once, so we use a slight
// "cooldown" timer before we react, to avoid triggering rapid DOM (counter) updates.
MediaCounter.prototype.observeSection = function(section) {
// Create and initialize a blank state for this section.
// NOTE: This is always okay (and fast) even if we already had a state for it,
// because the counter updater always refreshes the state's counts on update.
var state = new SectionState(section);
// Abort if this section didn't contain a media box.
// NOTE: This happens due to things like visiting a timeline, then going to the main timeline
// which is also loaded as a <section> in the "react-root" just like regular pages.
if (!state.mediaBoxElem) {
// Erase the active state and hide the counter, since we've navigated away from the old section.
this.activeState = null;
return; // Abort.
// Make our (the last-called) state the new "active" state.
this.activeState = state;
// New profile/state. Force counter update (including new totals).
// Remove any old (outdated / old state) observer from this section, just in case any still exists.
// Add a new mutation observer on the section's media box.
var self = this,
config = { attributes: false, childList: true, characterData: false },
observer = new MutationObserver(function(mutations) {
mutations.forEach(function(mutation) {
if (mutation.type === 'childList') {
self.updateCooldownTimer = setTimeout(function() {
// Update to our new count, but only if we (this section/media box) are the counter's active state.
if (state === self.activeState) {
}, 150); // Wait 150ms before we perform the update.
observer.observe(state.mediaBoxElem, config);
// Attach the observer property, so that we can disconnect it later.
section.instaMagnifyObserver = observer;
// Remove mutation observer from section.
MediaCounter.prototype.unobserveSection = function(section) {
if (section.instaMagnifyObserver) {
delete section.instaMagnifyObserver;
// Observes node additions/deletions within the react-root.
MediaCounter.prototype.attachReactRootObserver = function() {
var self = this,
interestingChanges = ['addedNodes', 'removedNodes'],
config = { attributes: false, childList: true, characterData: false },
observer = new MutationObserver(function(mutations) {
mutations.forEach(function(mutation) {
// When the "react-root" gets a new <section> element, it means we've navigated to a different profile.
// NOTE: It can also mean that we've visited the "/accounts/login/" page and other similar ones.
if (mutation.type === 'childList') {
for (var i = 0; i < interestingChanges.length; ++i) {
var field = interestingChanges[i];
for (var x = 0, len = mutation[field].length; x < len; ++x) {
var node = mutation[field][x];
if (node.tagName === 'SECTION') {
if (field === 'addedNodes') {
} else {
// Only begin observing if we're on a React-based page.
var reactRootElem = document.querySelector('span#react-root');
if (reactRootElem) {
observer.observe(reactRootElem, config);
// Set its current section (if any) as the observed section.
var children = reactRootElem.childNodes;
for (var i = 0; i < children.length; ++i) {
var node = children[i];
if (node.tagName === 'SECTION') {
// Create the media counter.
var mediaCounter = new MediaCounter();
var injectAutoActions = function() {
var autoLoadMore = function() {
// Do nothing until the user has scrolled at least 500 pixels down (roughly
// the 1st row of media disappearing behind the top bar of the browser window).
// NOTE: This simply ensures that we don't waste people's internet bandwidth
// by loading pages when they don't even scroll through the profile's media.
if (window.pageYOffset <= 500) {
// Look for the first "Load more" button we can find, and click it. The button will vanish when clicked,
// which means that we won't find anything until another button appears, which is great for performance.
// NOTE: This selector is incredibly specific for performance, to avoid scanning all links.
// In fact, just the `article > div > a` is enough to find the link. *That's* how specific it is!
var loadMore = document.querySelectorAll('article > div > a[href*="max_id="]');
for (var i = 0; i < loadMore.length; ++i) {
// NOTE: We look for a "/name/" path (a single path component) or "/explore/*" (places), with a query string that has "max_id=" in its parameters.
// We can't verify by looking for any language-specific strings such as "Load more", since Instagram is multilingual.
if (loadMore[i].pathname.match(/^\/(?:[^\/]+\/$|explore\/)/) && loadMore[i].search.match(/[?&]max_id=/)) {
var autoCloseMobileAppDialog = function() {
// The "Experience the best version of Instagram by getting the mobile app" modal dialog box
// only appears when `#reactivated` is in the URL hash. Which means at least 11 characters.
// NOTE: Only some accounts get this dialog. It doesn't seem related to whether the mobile app has
// been used by the account, because new accounts that haven't used the mobile app don't get it.
// It seems to be something about legacy accounts being "reactivated" after a long time, and
// them having never used the official apps...
if (location.hash.length < 11) {
// Proceed if we see the `#reactivated` hash.
if (location.hash.indexOf('reactivated') >= 0) {
// Clear the hash. Instagram doesn't use the hash for anything important, so we'll just
// remove all of its contents and set it to `#` (empty hash). If we don't remove the hash,
// the popup dialog box will keep re-appearing after the user watches a homepage story...
location.hash = '';
// Help the user quickly close the popup box...
var isClosed = false,
closeMobileAppDialog = function() {
if (isClosed) {
var dialogs = document.querySelectorAll('div[role="dialog"]');
for (var i = 0; i < dialogs.length; ++i) {
var appStoreLink = dialogs[i].querySelector('a[href*="itunes.apple.com"]');
if (appStoreLink) {
// The dialog has multiple close buttons. It doesn't matter which we use. Get the first one.
var closeButton = dialogs[i].querySelector('button');
if (closeButton) {
isClosed = true;
if (!isClosed) {
var attempt = 0,
closeDialogInterval = setInterval(function() {
// Allow up to 30 retries (takes 7.5 seconds at 250ms each).
if (isClosed || ++attempt > 30) {
}, 250);
var autoCloseAnnoyingBars = function() {
var i, elem, elems;
// First handle their black, modern, semi-transparent "signup" bar... This is the one they show most often.
var signupBar = document.querySelector('div.coreSpriteLoggedOutGenericUpsell');
if (signupBar) {
var closeButton = signupBar.parentNode.parentNode.querySelector('.coreSpriteDismissLarge[role="button"]');
if (closeButton)
// Also handle their white, old-school, opaque "Sign up to see photos from your friends" alternative bar...
var whiteBar = document.querySelector('.coreSpriteGlyphGradient');
if (whiteBar) {
var signupLink = whiteBar.parentNode.parentNode.parentNode.parentNode.querySelector('a[href*="signup"]');
if (signupLink) {
elems = signupLink.parentNode.parentNode.childNodes;
for (i = elems.length - 1; i >= 0; --i) {
elem = elems[i];
if (elem.tagName === 'SPAN' && elem.textContent === '✕') { // We check this to be 100% sure we've found it.
// Lastly, handle their "Experience the best version of Instagram by getting the app." bar, which is at the bottom when logged in.
var getAppBar = document.querySelector('.coreSpriteAppIcon');
if (getAppBar) {
var appStoreLink = getAppBar.parentNode.parentNode.querySelector('a[href*="itunes.apple.com"]');
if (appStoreLink) {
elems = appStoreLink.parentNode.parentNode.parentNode.parentNode.parentNode.childNodes;
for (i = elems.length - 1; i >= 0; --i) {
elem = elems[i];
if (elem.tagName === 'SPAN' && elem.textContent === '✕') { // We check this to be 100% sure we've found it.
// Perform the automatic actions at regular intervals.
// NOTE: They are optimized to be fast when there's nothing to do.
setInterval(function() {
}, 400);
// Inject the code...
var injectHandlers = function() {
if (document.readyState === 'interactive' || document.readyState === 'complete') {
} else {
var hasInjected = false;
document.addEventListener('readystatechange', function(evt) {
if (document.readyState === 'interactive' || document.readyState === 'complete') {
if (!hasInjected) {
hasInjected = true;
} );