// ==UserScript==
// @name TW Battle Stars
// @namespace TomRobert
// @author Dun (updated by Tom Robert)
// @description Who was the best fighter?
// @include https://*.the-west.*/game.php*
// @exclude https://classic.the-west.net*
// @version 1.0.14
// @history 1.0.14 Greek added
// @history 1.0.13 Czech and Slovak added, better updater
// @history 1.0.12 Polish added
// @history 1.0.11 Spanish added, compatibility with TW-Toolkit
// @history 1.0.10 English & German added, update function, many little improvements, ready for TW v2.33+
// @history 1.0.9 correction
// @history 1.0.8 formatage pour forum
// @history 1.0.7 ajout fenetre de resultat et compatibilité 2.0.5
// @history 1.0.6 passage en 2.0.4
// @history 1.0.5 compatibilite Chrome
// @history 1.0.4 bug maj
// @history 1.0.3 corrections
// @history 1.0.2 ajout stats globales
// @history 1.0.1 debut correction bugs
// @history 1.0.0 initial
// @grant none
// ==/UserScript==
// translation:Dun(French),Tom Robert(English&German),pepe100(Spanish),Wojcieszy(Polish),Jamza(Czech&Slovak),Timemod Herkumo(Greek)
(function (fn) {
var script = document.createElement('script');
script.type = 'application/javascript';
script.textContent = '(' + fn + ')();';
})(function () {
BS = {
version: '1.0.14',
name: 'Battle Stars',
author: 'Dun (updated by Tom Robert)',
minGame: '2.02',
maxGame: Game.version.toString(),
website: 'https://greasyfork.org/scripts/16299',
langs: {
fr: {
language: 'French (français)',
ApiGui: '',
contact: 'Contact',
hero: 'HÉROS',
heroT: 'Taux du nombre de tirs ciblés (évités + reçus) par rapport aux PV de départ',
rate: 'Taux',
hitsTaken: 'Coups réçus',
dodgedShots: 'Tirs esquivés',
startHP: 'PV Début',
survivor: 'SURVIVANT',
survivorT: 'Celui qui finit avec le moins de pv',
endHP: 'PV Fin',
sniper: 'TIREUR D\'ÉLITE',
sniperT: 'Pourcentage de tirs réussis par rapport aux total de tirs effectués',
rateP: 'Taux(%)',
hitCount: 'Coups réussis',
missedShots: 'Tirs ratés',
matrix: 'MATRIX',
matrixT: 'Pourcentage de tirs évités par rapport aux total de tirs ciblés',
terminator: 'TERMINATOR',
terminatorT: 'Pourcentage du nombre de ko par rapport aux total des tirs touchés',
KOs: 'Ko effectués',
ranking: 'Classement',
statsTitle: 'Statistiques de la bataille',
designation: 'Désignation',
attack: 'Attaque',
defense: 'Défense',
difference: 'Différence',
statistics: 'Statistique',
code: 'Code',
goBack: 'Retour',
starsTitle: 'Les Stars de la bataille',
title: 'Titre',
name: 'Nom',
details: 'Détails',
start: ' PV - Début: ',
end: ' - Fin: ',
damageTaken: ' - Dégâts reçus: ',
avgHP: ' - Moy PV: ',
total: 'Total ',
average: 'Moyenne ',
HP: 'PV',
damage: 'Dégats',
avgDamage: 'Dommages moyen',
avgDamageMax: 'Dommages max moyen',
avgWeaponDamage: 'Dommages arme moyen',
avgWeaponDamageMax: 'Dommages arme max',
en: {
language: 'None (English)',
ApiGui: '',
contact: 'Contact',
hero: 'HERO',
heroT: 'Number of shots (taken & dodged) per 1000 HPs',
rate: 'Rate',
hitsTaken: 'Hits taken',
dodgedShots: 'Dodged shots',
startHP: 'Start HP',
survivor: 'SURVIVOR',
survivorT: 'Survivor with the fewest HPs at the end of the fort battle',
endHP: 'End HP',
sniper: 'SNIPER',
sniperT: 'Number of successful hits (percentage) in relation to all shots fired',
rateP: 'Rate(%)',
hitCount: 'Hit count',
missedShots: 'Missed shots',
matrix: 'MATRIX',
matrixT: 'Number of doged shots (percentage) in relation to all shots (taken & dodged)',
terminator: 'TERMINATOR',
terminatorT: 'Number of KOs (percentage) in relation to the successful hits',
KOs: 'KOs',
ranking: 'Ranking',
statsTitle: 'Fort battle statistics',
designation: 'Designation',
attack: 'Attack',
defense: 'Defense',
difference: 'Difference',
statistics: 'Statistics',
code: 'Code',
goBack: 'Go back',
starsTitle: 'The stars of the battle',
title: 'Title',
name: 'Name',
details: 'Details',
start: ' HP - Start: ',
end: ' - End: ',
damageTaken: ' - Damage taken: ',
avgHP: ' - HP per fighter: ',
total: 'Total ',
average: 'Average ',
HP: 'HP',
damage: 'Damage',
avgDamage: 'Average damage',
avgDamageMax: 'Average max damage',
avgWeaponDamage: 'Average weapon damage',
avgWeaponDamageMax: 'Weapon damage max',
de: {
language: 'German (Deutsch)',
ApiGui: '',
contact: 'Kontakt',
hero: 'HERO',
heroT: 'Anzahl Schüsse (eingesteckt & ausgewichen) pro 1000 LPs',
rate: 'Quote',
hitsTaken: 'Eingesteckte Treffer',
dodgedShots: 'Schüssen ausgewichen',
startHP: 'Anfangs-LP',
survivor: 'SURVIVOR',
survivorT: 'Überlebender mit den wenigsten LPs am Ende des Fortkampfes',
endHP: 'LPs am Ende',
sniper: 'SNIPER',
sniperT: 'Anzahl erfolgreicher Treffer (in Prozent) im Verhältnis zu allen abgegebenen Schüssen',
rateP: 'Quote(%)',
hitCount: 'Trefferanzahl',
missedShots: 'Fehlschüsse',
matrix: 'MATRIX',
matrixT: 'Anzahl Ausweicher (in Prozent) im Verhältnis zu allen Schüssen (eingesteckt & ausgewichen)',
terminator: 'TERMINATOR',
terminatorT: 'Anzahl erzielter KOs (in Prozent) im Verhältnis zu den erfolgreichen Treffern',
KOs: 'KOs',
ranking: 'Rangliste',
statsTitle: 'Fortkampfstatistik',
designation: 'Bezeichnung',
attack: 'Angriff',
defense: 'Verteidigung',
difference: 'Differenz',
statistics: 'Statistik',
code: 'Code',
goBack: 'Zurück',
starsTitle: 'Die Stars des Kampfes',
title: 'Titel',
name: 'Name',
details: 'Details',
start: ' LP - Start: ',
end: ' - Ende: ',
damageTaken: ' - Unterschied: ',
avgHP: ' - LP pro Mann: ',
total: 'Total ',
average: 'Durchschn. ',
HP: 'LP',
damage: 'Schaden',
avgDamage: 'Durchschn. Schaden',
avgDamageMax: 'Max Schaden',
avgWeaponDamage: 'Durchschn Waffenschaden',
avgWeaponDamageMax: 'Max Schaden der Waffe',
es: {
language: 'Spanish (español)',
ApiGui: 'Script Estadísticas de Batallas de Fuertes',
contact: 'Contacto',
hero: 'HÉROE',
heroT: 'Tasa de tiros absorbidos (recibidos + eludidos) sobre los PV inicial',
rate: 'Tasa',
hitsTaken: 'Nº Aciertos recibidos',
dodgedShots: 'Nº Eludidos',
startHP: 'Vida Inicial',
survivor: 'SUPERVIVIENTE',
survivorT: 'El que termina con menos puntos de vida final',
endHP: 'Vida Final',
sniperT: 'Porcentaje de aciertos realizados sobre el total de tiros realizados (aciertos + fallos)',
rateP: 'Tasa(%)',
hitCount: 'Nº Aciertos',
missedShots: 'Nº Fallos',
matrix: 'MATRIX',
matrixT: 'Porcentaje de tiros eludidos sobre el total de tiros recibidos',
terminator: 'TERMINATOR',
terminatorT: 'Porcentaje de Kos conseguidos sobre aciertos realizados',
KOs: 'Kos efectuados',
ranking: 'Classement',
statsTitle: 'Estadísticas de la Batalla',
designation: 'Estadística',
attack: 'Ataque',
defense: 'Defensa',
difference: 'Diferencia',
statistics: 'Estadística',
code: 'Formato Foro',
goBack: 'Volver',
starsTitle: 'Las Estrellas de la Batalla',
title: 'Titre',
name: 'Nombre',
details: 'Detalles',
start: ' PV - Inicial: ',
end: ' - Final: ',
damageTaken: ' - Daño recibido: ',
avgHP: ' - PV por luchador: ',
total: 'Total ',
average: 'Promedio ',
HP: 'PV',
damage: 'daño',
avgDamage: 'Daño medio',
avgDamageMax: 'Daño max. medio',
avgWeaponDamage: 'Daño por arma medio',
avgWeaponDamageMax: 'Daño por arma max. medio',
pl: {
language: 'Polish (polski)',
ApiGui: '',
contact: 'Kontakt',
hero: 'HERO',
heroT: 'Liczba strzałów (przyjętych i unikniętych) na 1000HP',
rate: 'Średnia',
hitsTaken: 'Otrzymane ciosy',
dodgedShots: 'Zadane ciosy',
startHP: 'Start HP',
survivor: 'SURVIVOR',
survivorT: 'Osoba z największą ilością HP pod koniec bitwy',
endHP: 'Końcowe HP',
sniper: 'SNIPER',
sniperT: 'Liczba celnych trafień (w procentach) w porównaniu do wszystkich',
rateP: 'Średnia(%)',
hitCount: 'Trafione strzały',
missedShots: 'Chybione strzały',
matrix: 'MATRIX',
matrixT: 'Liczba uników (w procentach) w porównaniu do wszystkich otrzymanych strzałów',
terminator: 'TERMINATOR',
terminatorT: 'Liczba omdleń (w procentach) w porównaniu do trafionych strzałów',
KOs: 'KOs',
ranking: 'Ranking',
statsTitle: 'Statystyki bitwy',
designation: 'Nazwa',
attack: 'Atak',
defense: 'Obrona',
difference: 'Różnica',
statistics: 'Statystyki',
code: 'Kod',
goBack: 'Wróć',
starsTitle: 'Gwiazdy podczas bitwy',
title: 'Tytuł',
name: 'Nick',
details: 'Sczegóły',
start: ' HP - Start: ',
end: ' - Końcowe: ',
damageTaken: ' - Obrażenia zadane: ',
avgHP: ' - Średnie zadane obrażenia: ',
total: 'Całkowity ',
average: 'Średni ',
HP: 'HP',
damage: 'Obrażenia',
avgDamage: 'Średnie obrażenia',
avgDamageMax: 'Największe obrażenia',
avgWeaponDamage: 'Średnia obrażeń broni',
avgWeaponDamageMax: 'Największe obrażenia broni',
cs: {
language: 'Czech (čeština)',
ApiGui: '',
contact: 'Kontakt',
hero: 'HRDINA',
heroT: 'Počet zásahů (obdržené & vyhnuté) na každých 1000 HP',
rate: 'Rate',
hitsTaken: 'Obdržené zásahy',
dodgedShots: 'Vyhnuto zásahům',
startHP: 'Zdraví na začátku',
survivor: 'PŘEŽIVŠÍ',
survivorT: 'Přežívší s nejnižším HP na konci bitvy',
endHP: 'Zdraví na konci',
sniper: 'SNIPER',
sniperT: 'Počet úspěšných zásahů (v procentách) v porovnání ke všem výstřelům',
rateP: 'Rate(%)',
hitCount: 'Úspěšné zásahy',
missedShots: 'Neúspěšné zásahy',
matrix: 'MATRIX',
matrixT: 'Počet vyhnutých zásahů (v procentách) v porovnání ku všem zásahům (obdrženým & vyhnutým)',
terminator: 'TERMINATOR',
terminatorT: 'Počet KO (v procentách) v porovnaní ke všem úspěšným zásahům',
KOs: 'KO',
ranking: 'Žebríček',
statsTitle: 'Bitevní štatistiky',
designation: 'Designace',
attack: 'Útok',
defense: 'Obrana',
difference: 'Rozdíl',
statistics: 'Štatistiky',
code: 'Kód',
goBack: 'Jdi spět',
starsTitle: 'Hvězdy téhle bitvy',
title: 'Název',
name: 'Jméno',
details: 'Detaily',
start: ' HP - Začátek: ',
end: ' - Konec: ',
damageTaken: ' - Obdržené poškození: ',
avgHP: ' - HP na jednoho útočníka: ',
total: 'Celkově ',
average: 'Průměr ',
HP: 'HP',
damage: 'Poškození',
avgDamage: 'Průměrné poškození',
avgDamageMax: 'Průměrné max poškození',
avgWeaponDamage: 'Průměrné poškození zbraně',
avgWeaponDamageMax: 'Max poškození zbraně',
sk: {
language: 'Slovak (slovenčina)',
ApiGui: '',
contact: 'Kontakt',
hero: 'HRDINA',
heroT: 'Počet zásahov (obdržané a vyhnuté) na každých 1000 HP',
rate: 'Rate',
hitsTaken: 'Obdržané zásahy',
dodgedShots: 'Vyhnuté zásahy',
startHP: 'Zdravie na začiatku',
survivor: 'PREŽIVŠÍ',
survivorT: 'Preživší s najnižším hp na konci boja',
endHP: 'Zdravie na konci',
sniper: 'SNIPER',
sniperT: 'Počet úspešných zásahov (v percentách) v porovnaní ku všetkým výstrelom',
rateP: 'Rate(%)',
hitCount: 'Úspešné zásahy',
missedShots: 'Neúspešné zásahy',
matrix: 'MATRIX',
matrixT: 'Počet vyhnutých zásahov (v percentách) v porovnaní ku všetkým zásahom (obrdžaným & vyhnutým)',
terminator: 'TERMINATOR',
terminatorT: 'Počet KO (v percentách) v porovnaní ku všetkým úspešným hitom',
KOs: 'KO',
ranking: 'Rebríček',
statsTitle: 'Štatistiky tohto boja',
designation: 'Designácia',
attack: 'Útok',
defense: 'Obrana',
difference: 'Rozdiel',
statistics: 'Štatistiky',
code: 'Kód',
goBack: 'Choď späť',
starsTitle: 'Hviezdy tohto boja',
title: 'Názov',
name: 'Meno',
details: 'Detaily',
start: ' HP - Začiatok: ',
end: ' - Konec: ',
damageTaken: ' - Obdržané poškodenie: ',
avgHP: ' - HP na jedného útočníka: ',
total: 'Celkové ',
average: 'Priemer ',
HP: 'HP',
damage: 'Poškodenie',
avgDamage: 'Priemerné poškodenie',
avgDamageMax: 'Priemerné max poškodenie',
avgWeaponDamage: 'Priemerné poškodenie zbrane',
avgWeaponDamageMax: 'Max poškodenie zbrane',
el: {
language: 'Greek (ελληνικά)',
ApiGui: '',
contact: 'Επικοινωνία',
hero: 'HERO',
heroT: 'Αριθμός βολών (ληφθείσες & αποφεύχθηκαν) ανά 1000 Ζωή',
rate: 'Ποσοστό',
hitsTaken: 'Λαμβανόμενα χτυπήματα',
dodgedShots: 'Αποφυγή βολών',
startHP: 'Αρχική ζωή',
survivor: 'SURVIVOR',
survivorT: 'Επιζών με την λιγότερη ζωή στο τέλος της μάχης του οχυρού',
endHP: 'Ζωή στο τέλος της μάχης',
sniper: 'SNIPER',
sniperT: 'Αριθμός επιτυχημένων βολών (ποσοστό) σε σχέση με όλες τις βολές',
rateP: 'Ποσοστό(%)',
hitCount: 'Αριθμός χτυπημάτων',
missedShots: 'Άστοχες βολές',
matrix: 'MATRIX',
matrixT: 'Αριθμός βολών (ποσοστό) σε σχέση με όλες τις βολές (ληφθείσες & αποφεύχθηκαν)',
terminator: 'TERMINATOR',
terminatorT: 'Αριθμός K.O. (ποσοστό) σε σχέση με τις επιτυχημένες βολές',
KOs: 'K.O.',
ranking: 'Κατάταξη',
statsTitle: 'Στατιστικά μάχης οχυρού',
designation: 'Περιγραφή',
attack: 'Επίθεση',
defense: 'Άμυνα',
difference: 'Διαφορά',
statistics: 'Στατιστικές',
code: 'Κώδικας',
goBack: 'Πίσω',
starsTitle: 'Τα αστέρια της μάχης',
title: 'Τίτλος',
name: 'Όνομα παίκτη',
details: 'Λεπτομέρειες',
start: ' Ζωή - Αρχή: ',
end: ' - Τέλος: ',
damageTaken: ' - Λαμβάνουσα ζημιά: ',
avgHP: ' - Ζωή ανά Παίκτη: ',
total: 'Σύνολο ',
average: 'Μέσος όρος ',
HP: 'Ζωή',
damage: 'Ζημιά',
avgDamage: 'Μέση ζημιά',
avgDamageMax: 'Μέση μέγιστη ζημία',
avgWeaponDamage: 'Μέση ζημιά από όπλα',
avgWeaponDamageMax: 'Μέγιστη ζημιά όπλου',
tauxLim: {},
formules: [],
stars: [],
attaquants: {},
defenseurs: {},
var lg = BS.langs;
BS.lang = lg[localStorage.getItem('scriptsLang')] ? localStorage.getItem('scriptsLang') : lg[Game.locale.substr(0, 2)] ? Game.locale.substr(0, 2) : 'en';
BSlang = lg[BS.lang];
function calcul(pType, pLibelle, pTexte, pForm, pHead, pVariables, pConstr, pTError, pCompare, pSort, pPos, pNull, pFloat) {
this.globalHeader = new Array('#', BSlang.name);
this.help = pTexte;
this.type = pType;
this.formule = pForm;
this.header = pHead;
this.libelle = pLibelle;
this.variables = pVariables;
this.sort = pSort;
this.compare = pCompare;
this.shouldBePos = pPos;
this.shouldBeNull = pNull;
this.contrainte = pConstr;
this.isFloating = pFloat;
this.testError = pTError;
if (this.compare.indexOf('>') > - 1) {
this.limite = '0';
} else {
this.limite = '9999999999';
calcul.prototype.init = function () {
this.type = '';
this.help = '';
this.formule = '';
this.header = '';
this.libelle = '';
this.variables = {};
this.sort = true;
this.shouldBePos = false;
this.shouldBeNull = true;
this.contrainte = '';
calcul.prototype.getLigne = function (val) {
var cellules = {};
var css = 'tw_blue';
if (val.battle_type == 'attacker') {
css = 'tw_red';
if ((!this.shouldBePos) || (this.shouldBePos && val[this.type] > 0)) {
cellules.battle_num = val.ind;
cellules.battle_nam = val.name;
$.each(this.variables, function (ind, td) {
var det;
if (td.indexOf('.') > 0) {
arTd = td.split('.');
var cible = val;
$.each(arTd, function (ind, value) {
cible = cible[value];
det = cible;
} else
det = val[td];
cellules['battle_cls' + ind] = det;
BS.tableClassement.buildRow('battlestat ' + css, cellules, withMod(this, val));
calcul.prototype.getShortLigne = function (val) {
try {
var header = this.header;
var lig = '';
$.each(this.variables, function (ind, td) {
var det;
if (td.indexOf('.') > 0) {
arTd = td.split('.');
var cible = val;
$.each(arTd, function (ind, value) {
cible = cible[value];
det = cible; // val[arTd[0]][arTd[1]]
} else {
det = val[td];
// console.log( det );
lig += header[ind] + ': ' + det + '|';
return lig;
} catch (execption) {
return '';
calcul.prototype.getHeader = function () {
var title = '';
var header = this.globalHeader.concat(this.header);
var wdth = Math.round((74) / (this.header.length));
$('#battle_stat', CemeteryWindow.DOM).attr('id', 'battle_statStar');
$('#battle_statStar', CemeteryWindow.DOM).remove();
$('#battle_stat', CemeteryWindow.DOM).text('details');
BS.tableClassement = new west.gui.Table(false).setId('battle_stat');
BS.tableClassement.createEmptyMessage('Battle Stars').addColumn('battle_num', {
sortBy: 'name'
}).addColumn('battle_nam', {
sortBy: 'name'
}).appendToThCell('head', 'battle_num', header[0], header[0]).appendToThCell('head', 'battle_nam', header[1], header[1]);
$.each(this.header, function (ind, th) {
BS.tableClassement.addColumn('battle_cls' + ind, {
sortBy: th
}).appendToThCell('head', 'battle_cls' + ind, th, th);
BS.tableClassement.getCell('head', 'battle_cls' + ind).css('width', wdth + '%');
$('div.cemetery-content', CemeteryWindow.DOM).append(BS.tableClassement.getMainDiv());
return title;
calcul.prototype.sortArray = function (arr) {
var type = this.type;
var sortable = this.sort;
arr.sort(function (a, b) {
var x = a[type];
var y = b[type];
if ($.isNumeric(x) && $.isNumeric(y)) {
if (sortable) {
return ((x < y) ? - 1 : ((x > y) ? 1 : 0));
} else {
return ((x > y) ? - 1 : ((x < y) ? 1 : 0));
} else {
throw ('Tri impossible sur du non numerique');
return arr;
calcul.prototype.getTaux = function (val) {
if (eval(this.contrainte)) {
taux = eval(this.formule);
} else {
taux = eval(this.testError);
if (this.isFloating) {
taux = parseFloat(taux.toFixed(2));
return taux; // .toFixed(2);
var withMod = function (calc, val) {
return function (row) {
var wdth = Math.round((74) / (calc.header.length));
$.each(calc.header, function (ind, td) {
$('.battle_cls' + ind, row).css('width', wdth + '%');
row.attr('title', val.townname + ' - ' + val.weaponname + ' (' + val.weaponmindmg + '-' + val.weaponmaxdmg + ')');
return row;
var modifStarsRow = function (val) {
return function (row) {
$('.battle_tow', row).css('cursor', 'pointer').attr('title', BS.getFormule(val.type).help);
$('.battle_nam', row).attr('title', val.obj.townname + ' - ' + val.obj.weaponname + ' (' + val.obj.weaponmindmg + '-' + val.obj.weaponmaxdmg + ')');
$('.stat_dtl', row).attr('title', cellules.stat_dtl).css({
'width': '62%',
'text-align': 'left'
return row;
BS.init = function () {
BS.stars = [];
BS.attaquants = {};
BS.defenseurs = {};
BS.initFormule = function () {
try {
BS.formules = [];
// pType, pForm, pHead, pLibelle, pVariables, pSort,
// pPos,
// pNull,pConstr, pTError,
// pFloat
BS.formules.push(new calcul('heros', BSlang.hero, BSlang.heroT, '(((val.takenhits + val.dodgecount) *1000) / (val.starthp))', [
/* 'Rang', 'Nom', 'Taux', */
], [
/* 'val.ind', 'val.obj.name', */
], '$.isNumeric( val.starthp) && ( val.starthp) > 0', '0', '>', false, false, false, true));
* BS.formules.push(new calcul('roger', 'Roger
* Rabbit', 'val.takenhits + val.dodgecount', [ 'Tirs',
* 'Tirs reçus', 'Tir évité' ], [
* 'roger','takenhits','dodgecount' ], ' val.takenhits +
* val.dodgecount > 0', '0', '>', false, false, false,
* true));
BS.formules.push(new calcul('survivant', BSlang.survivor, BSlang.survivorT, 'val.finishedhp', [
], [
], ' val.finishedhp > 0', '0', '<', true, true, false, false));
BS.formules.push(new calcul('sniper', BSlang.sniper, BSlang.sniperT, '(val.hitcount / (val.hitcount + val.misscount))*100', [
], [
], '$.isNumeric(val.hitcount + val.misscount) && (val.hitcount + val.misscount) > 0', '0', '>', false, false, false, true));
// Tirs esquivé / (Tirs esquivés + tirs reçus)
BS.formules.push(new calcul('matrix', BSlang.matrix, BSlang.matrixT, 'parseFloat((( val.dodgecount / (val.takenhits + val.dodgecount))*100))', [
], [
], '$.isNumeric(val.dodgecount + val.takenhits) && (val.takenhits + val.dodgecount) > 0 && val.dodgecount > 0', '0', '>', false, false, false, true));
BS.formules.push(new calcul('headshot', BSlang.terminator, BSlang.terminatorT, '(val.ko_shots.length / val.hitcount)*100', [
], [
], '$.isNumeric(val.hitcount) && val.hitcount > 0', '0', '>', false, false, false, true));
} catch (e) {
BS.getFormule = function (type) {
for (var s = 0; s < this.formules.length; s++) {
calc = this.formules[s];
if (type == calc.type) {
return calc;
throw ('Aucune formule correspondante à ' + type);
BS.getAll = function (type) {
var ligTot = '';
$('#route', CemeteryWindow.DOM).text('details');
var calc = this.getFormule(type);
$('.info', CemeteryWindow.DOM).text('');
$('.info', CemeteryWindow.DOM).append('<span>' + BSlang.ranking + ' ' + calc.libelle + '</span><span style="font-size:12px;"><BR/><i>' + calc.help + '</i></span>');
var stars = calc.sortArray(CemeteryWindow.currentStats);
var header = calc.getHeader();
var shunt = 0;
$.each(stars, function (ind, stat) {
if (calc.shouldBePos && stat[type] <= 0) {
stat.ind = (ind + 1) - shunt;
BS.getStatByPerso = function (name) {
for (var s = 0; s < this.stars.length; s++) {
val = this.stars[s];
if (name == val.name) {
return val;
BS.getLigne = function (stat, index) {
if (!isDefined(stat)) {
return '';
var type = stat.type;
var nom = stat.name;
var val = stat.obj;
var calc = this.getFormule(type);
var css = 'tw_blue';
if (val.battle_type == 'attacker') {
css = 'tw_red';
cellules = {};
cellules.battle_tow = '<span onclick="javascript:BS.getAll(\'' + type + '\')">' + calc.libelle + '</span>';
cellules.battle_nam = nom;
cellules.stat_dtl = calc.getShortLigne(val);
BS.table.buildRow('battlestat ' + css, cellules, modifStarsRow(stat));
BS.addStyle = function () {
var css = '.window_Stats .window_inside { width:630px;height:380 position:absolute; left:5px; top:2px;-webkit-user-select: text !important; -khtml-user-select: text !important; -moz-user-select: text !important; -ms-user-select: text !important; user-select: text !important;height:270px; }' +
'.window_Stats .window_footer { text-align:right;} ' +
'.window_Stats .cell_stat { width:200px;font-weight:800;text-shadow:1px 0 0 white; } ' +
'.window_Stats .cell_att { width:120px; text-align:center;} ' +
'.window_Stats .cell_def { width:120px;text-align:center; } ' +
'.window_Stats .cell_dif { width:120px; text-align:center;} ' +
'.window_Stats .tbody .cell_stat { padding-left:6px; text-align:left;width:200px;font-weight:800;text-shadow:1px 0 0 white; } .window_Stats .tbody .row { left:0px; }' +
'.window_Stats .tbody .cell_att { text-align:center; color:#8A0000;width:120px;font-weight:800;text-shadow:1px 0 0 white; }' +
'.window_Stats .tbody .cell_def { text-align:center; color:#00008A;width:120px;font-weight:800;text-shadow:1px 0 0 white; }' +
'.window_Stats .tbody .cell_dif { text-align:center;width:120px;font-weight:800;text-shadow:1px 0 0 white; }' +
'.zone {-webkit-user-select: text !important; -khtml-user-select: text !important; -moz-user-select: text !important; -ms-user-select: text !important; user-select: text !important;height:270px; }';
if (!$('#STAT_BDF_CSS').length) {
$('<style id="STAT_BDF_CSS" type="text/css" >' + css + '</style>').appendTo('head');
BS.openWindow = function (original) {
var statWindow = wman.open('window_Stats', BSlang.statsTitle).setSize(700, 400);
$('.window_Stats').css('left', '10px').css('top', '25px');
var table_window = new west.gui.Table();
table_window.appendTo($('<div class="window_inside"></div>').appendTo(statWindow.getContentPane())).addColumns(['cell_stat',
'cell_dif']).appendToCell('head', 'cell_stat', BSlang.designation).appendToCell('head', 'cell_att', BSlang.attack).appendToCell('head', 'cell_def', BSlang.defense).appendToCell('head', 'cell_dif', BSlang.difference).appendRow();
var verif = '<form><textarea style=\'height: 250px;width: 650px;\'>[code]' + BSlang.statistics + '\t\t\t' + BSlang.attack + '\t\t' + BSlang.defense + '\t\t' + BSlang.difference + '\n--------------------------------------------------------------------------\n';
$.each(BS.results, function (ind, val) {
try {
var cssStr = '';
var dif = 0;
var att = parseFloat(val.attack);
var def = parseFloat(val.defend);
if (att > val.defend) {
cssStr = '#8A0000';
dif = (att - def).toFixed(2);
} else {
cssStr = '#00008A';
dif = (def - att).toFixed(2);
verif += val.titre + att + '\t\t' + def + '\t\t' + dif + '\n';
table_window.appendToCell( - 1, 'cell_stat', val.titre.trim()).appendToCell( - 1, 'cell_att', '<div>' + att + '</div>').appendToCell( - 1, 'cell_def', '<div>' + def + '</div>').appendToCell( - 1, 'cell_dif', '<div style="color:' + cssStr + ';">' + dif + '</div>').appendRow();
} catch (e) {
verif += '[/code]</textarea></form>';
var affButton = new west.gui.Button(BSlang.code, function () {
var cur = $('.window_inside').html();
if (cur.indexOf('[code]') > - 1) {
} else {
BS.current = cur;
$('<div class="window_footer"></div>').appendTo(statWindow.getContentPane()).append(affButton.getMainDiv());
// $('.window_footer').css('text-align:right;')
BS.createStarsTable = function () {
$('.info', CemeteryWindow.DOM).text(BSlang.starsTitle);
BS.table = new west.gui.Table(false).setId('battle_stat');
BS.table.createEmptyMessage('BattleStars').addColumn('battle_tow', {
sortBy: 'name'
}).addColumn('battle_nam', {
sortBy: 'name'
}).addColumn('stat_dtl', {
sortBy: 'starthp'
}).appendToThCell('head', 'battle_tow', BSlang.title, BSlang.title).appendToThCell('head', 'battle_nam', BSlang.name, BSlang.name).appendToThCell('head', 'stat_dtl', BSlang.details, BSlang.details);
BS.table.getCell('head', 'stat_dtl').css({
'width': '62%',
'text-align': 'left'
$('#route', CemeteryWindow.DOM).remove();
$('.cemetery-content', CemeteryWindow.DOM).append('<div id="route" style="display:none">global</div>').append(BS.table.getMainDiv());
$('.footer', CemeteryWindow.DOM).empty();
var titleAtt = BSlang.attack + BSlang.start +
BS.original.startAttPV +
BSlang.end +
BS.original.finishedAttPV +
BSlang.damageTaken +
(BS.original.startAttPV - BS.original.finishedAttPV) + BSlang.avgHP + BS.original.moyatt.toFixed(2);
var titleDef = BSlang.defense + BSlang.start +
BS.original.startDefPV +
BSlang.end +
BS.original.finishedDefPV +
BSlang.damageTaken +
(BS.original.startDefPV - BS.original.finishedDefPV) + BSlang.avgHP + BS.original.moydef.toFixed(2);
$('.footer', CemeteryWindow.DOM).append('<span title="' + titleAtt + '" class="tw_red text_bold">' + titleAtt + '</span>');
$('.footer', CemeteryWindow.DOM).append('<br><span title="' + titleDef + '" class="tw_blue text_bold">' + titleDef + '</span>');
$('.footer', CemeteryWindow.DOM).addClass('zone');
$('.cemetery-content', CemeteryWindow.DOM).addClass('zone');
BS.calculStars = function () {
var attaquer = {};
var defenseurs = {};
BS.results = [
BS.original.countAtt = 0;
BS.original.countDef = 0;
BS.original.startDefPV = 0;
BS.original.finishedDefPV = 0;
BS.original.startAttPV = 0;
BS.original.finishedAttPV = 0;
BS.original.degAtt = 0;
BS.original.degDef = 0;
BS.original.moyatt = 0;
BS.original.moydef = 0;
BS.original.att = {};
BS.original.def = {};
BS.original.att.dodgecount = 0;
BS.original.att.hitcount = 0;
BS.original.att.maxdamage = 0;
BS.original.att.avg_damage = 0;
BS.original.att.misscount = 0;
BS.original.att.takenhits = 0;
BS.original.att.weaponmaxdmg = 0;
BS.original.att.weaponmindmg = 0;
BS.original.def.dodgecount = 0;
BS.original.def.hitcount = 0;
BS.original.def.maxdamage = 0;
BS.original.def.avg_damage = 0;
BS.original.def.misscount = 0;
BS.original.def.takenhits = 0;
BS.original.def.weaponmaxdmg = 0;
BS.original.def.weaponmindmg = 0;
var countDef = 0;
$.each(CemeteryWindow.currentStats, function (ind, val) {
if (val.battle_type == 'attacker') {
BS.original.startAttPV += val.starthp;
BS.original.finishedAttPV += val.finishedhp;
BS.original.degAtt += val.totalcauseddamage;
BS.original.att.dodgecount += val.dodgecount;
BS.original.att.hitcount += val.hitcount;
BS.original.att.avg_damage += val.avg_damage;
BS.original.att.maxdamage += val.maxdamage;
BS.original.att.misscount += val.misscount;
BS.original.att.takenhits += val.takenhits;
BS.original.att.weaponmaxdmg += val.weaponmaxdmg;
BS.original.att.weaponmindmg += val.weaponmindmg;
} else {
BS.original.startDefPV += val.starthp;
BS.original.finishedDefPV += val.finishedhp;
BS.original.degDef += val.totalcauseddamage;
BS.original.def.dodgecount += val.dodgecount;
BS.original.def.hitcount += val.hitcount;
BS.original.def.avg_damage += val.avg_damage;
BS.original.def.maxdamage += val.maxdamage;
BS.original.def.misscount += val.misscount;
BS.original.def.takenhits += val.takenhits;
BS.original.def.weaponmaxdmg += val.weaponmaxdmg;
BS.original.def.weaponmindmg += val.weaponmindmg;
$.each(BS.formules, function (indStac, calc) {
val[calc.type] = calc.getTaux(val);
if (!calc.shouldBePos || (calc.shouldBePos && val[calc.type] > 0)) {
if (val.battle_type == 'attacker') {
if (!isDefined(attaquer[calc.type])) {
attaquer[calc.type] = calc.limite;
if (eval(val[calc.type] + calc.compare + attaquer[calc.type])) {
attaquer[calc.type] = val[calc.type];
BS.attaquants[calc.type] = {
'type': calc.type,
'name': val.name,
'obj': val
} else {
if (!isDefined(defenseurs[calc.type])) {
defenseurs[calc.type] = calc.limite;
if (eval(val[calc.type] + calc.compare + defenseurs[calc.type])) {
defenseurs[calc.type] = val[calc.type];
BS.defenseurs[calc.type] = {
'type': calc.type,
'name': val.name,
'obj': val
BS.original.moyatt = BS.original.startAttPV / BS.original.countAtt;
BS.original.moydef = BS.original.startDefPV / BS.original.countDef;
BS.original.degAtt = BS.original.degAtt / BS.original.countAtt;
BS.original.degDef = BS.original.degDef / BS.original.countDef;
var fort = CemeteryWindow.fortId;
titre: BSlang.total + BSlang.startHP + '\t\t\t',
attack: BS.original.startAttPV,
defend: BS.original.startDefPV
titre: BSlang.total + BSlang.endHP + '\t\t\t',
attack: BS.original.finishedAttPV,
defend: BS.original.finishedDefPV
titre: BSlang.HP + ' ' + BSlang.difference + '\t\t\t',
attack: (BS.original.startAttPV - BS.original.finishedAttPV),
defend: (BS.original.startDefPV - BS.original.finishedDefPV)
titre: BSlang.average + BSlang.HP + '\t\t\t',
attack: BS.original.moyatt.toFixed(2),
defend: BS.original.moydef.toFixed(2)
titre: BSlang.average + BSlang.damage + '\t\t\t',
attack: (BS.original.degAtt).toFixed(2),
defend: (BS.original.degDef).toFixed(2)
titre: BSlang.average + BSlang.dodgedShots + '\t\t\t',
attack: (BS.original.att.dodgecount / BS.original.countAtt).toFixed(2),
defend: (BS.original.def.dodgecount / BS.original.countDef).toFixed(2)
titre: BSlang.average + BSlang.hitCount + '\t\t\t',
attack: (BS.original.att.hitcount / BS.original.countAtt).toFixed(2),
defend: (BS.original.def.hitcount / BS.original.countDef).toFixed(2)
titre: BSlang.average + BSlang.missedShots + '\t\t\t',
attack: (BS.original.att.misscount / BS.original.countAtt).toFixed(2),
defend: (BS.original.def.misscount / BS.original.countDef).toFixed(2)
titre: BSlang.average + BSlang.hitsTaken + '\t\t\t',
attack: (BS.original.att.takenhits / BS.original.countAtt).toFixed(2),
defend: (BS.original.def.takenhits / BS.original.countDef).toFixed(2)
titre: BSlang.avgDamage + '\t\t\t',
attack: (BS.original.att.avg_damage / BS.original.countAtt).toFixed(2),
defend: (BS.original.def.avg_damage / BS.original.countDef).toFixed(2)
titre: BSlang.avgDamageMax + '\t\t\t',
attack: (BS.original.att.maxdamage / BS.original.countAtt).toFixed(2),
defend: (BS.original.def.maxdamage / BS.original.countDef).toFixed(2)
titre: BSlang.avgWeaponDamage + '\t\t\t',
attack: ((BS.original.att.weaponmaxdmg + BS.original.att.weaponmindmg) / 2 / BS.original.countAtt).toFixed(2),
defend: ((BS.original.def.weaponmaxdmg + BS.original.def.weaponmindmg) / 2 / BS.original.countDef).toFixed(2)
titre: BSlang.avgWeaponDamageMax + '\t\t\t',
attack: (BS.original.att.weaponmaxdmg / BS.original.countAtt).toFixed(2),
defend: (BS.original.def.weaponmaxdmg / BS.original.countDef).toFixed(2)
BS.launch = function () {
BS.interval = setInterval(function () {
try {
var loading = false;
if (!isDefined(CemeteryWindow)) {
loading = false;
} else {
loading = true;
if (loading) {
} catch (e) {
}, 5000);
BS.inject = function () {
CemeteryWindow.showStatInit = function (battle_id, data) {
var newfunction = CemeteryWindow.showStatInit;
return function (battle_id, data) {
try {
newfunction.bind(this)(battle_id, data);
$(this.window.getMainDiv()).find('div.tw2gui_window_content_pane').append('<span title="Battle Stars" onclick=\'BS.vasy()\' class="TWTStatButton"><img ' +
'style="position:absolute;top:15px;left:672px;width:15px;height:15px;padding:0px;border:0px;margin:0px;cursor:pointer;"' +
' src="/images/icons/achv_points.png" /></span>');
} catch (e) {
BS.vasy = function () {
var route = $('#route', CemeteryWindow.DOM);
if (route.length === 0 || (route.text() != 'global')) {
if (route.length === 0) {
BS.original = {};
BS.original.saveTitle = $('.info', CemeteryWindow.DOM).text();
BS.original.saveFoot = $('.footer', CemeteryWindow.DOM).html();
$('#battle_stat', CemeteryWindow.DOM).attr('id', 'battle_statOri');
$('#battle_statOri', CemeteryWindow.DOM).css('display', 'none');
} else {
if (route.text() == 'original') {
$('#battle_stat', CemeteryWindow.DOM).attr('id', 'battle_statOri');
$('#battle_statOri', CemeteryWindow.DOM).css('display', 'none');
} else {
$('#battle_stat', CemeteryWindow.DOM).attr('id', 'battle_statDetail');
$('#battle_statDetail', CemeteryWindow.DOM).remove();
$.each(BS.defenseurs, function (ind, star) {
BS.getLigne(star, ind);
$.each(BS.attaquants, function (ind, star) {
BS.getLigne(star, ind);
} else {
$('.info', CemeteryWindow.DOM).text(BS.original.saveTitle);
$('.footer', CemeteryWindow.DOM).html(BS.original.saveFoot);
$('#battle_stat', CemeteryWindow.DOM).attr('id', 'battle_statStats');
$('#battle_statStats', CemeteryWindow.DOM).remove();
$('#battle_statOri', CemeteryWindow.DOM).attr('id', 'battle_stat');
$('#battle_stat', CemeteryWindow.DOM).css('display', 'block');
$(document).ready(function () {