MALFunction - "Fix" ERRORS on MAL + Text AutoSaver

When MAL bugs showing ERROR messages or is blank and don't load the script reloads the page until MAL is successfully loaded... The script also AutoSaves any text that you are writing on MAL so that you will never again lose an UnSubmitted text!

필터: 지난 30일 지난 365일 모두

일일 설치 수

주간 설치수

일일 업데이트 확인 수

비가공 데이터

날짜 설치 수 업데이트 확인 수
2024-08-25 0 30
2024-08-26 0 36
2024-08-27 0 35
2024-08-28 0 36
2024-08-29 0 37
2024-08-30 0 36
2024-08-31 0 39
2024-09-01 0 32
2024-09-02 0 33
2024-09-03 0 36
2024-09-04 0 40
2024-09-05 0 40
2024-09-06 1 33
2024-09-07 0 36
2024-09-08 2 34
2024-09-09 0 34
2024-09-10 0 37
2024-09-11 0 34
2024-09-12 0 38
2024-09-13 0 30
2024-09-14 0 33
2024-09-15 0 39
2024-09-16 0 42
2024-09-17 0 36
2024-09-18 0 27
2024-09-19 0 0
2024-09-20 0 28
2024-09-21 0 38
2024-09-22 0 45
2024-09-23 0 4
모든 데이터 다운로드: JSON CSV