YouTube Click To Play

It disables autoplay and enables click to play.

질문, 리뷰하거나, 이 스크립트를 신고하세요.
// ==UserScript==
// @name        YouTube Click To Play
// @name:ja     YouTube Click To Play
// @name:zh-CN  YouTube Click To Play
// @namespace
// @description It disables autoplay and enables click to play.
// @description:ja 自動再生を無効にし、クリックで再生するようにします。
// @description:zh-CN 它禁用自动播放,并启用点击播放。
// @include*
// @noframes
// @run-at      document-start
// @grant       none
// @version     1.1.7
// ==/UserScript==

  const SCRIPTID = 'YouTubeClickToPlay';
  const SCRIPTNAME = 'YouTube Click To Play';
  const DEBUG = false;/*
[update] 1.1.7
sorry, fixed a cheap bug.



t=n 指定があればむしろサムネではなくその時点の映像にしてあげる?
channel/ と watch/ は個別に設定可能とか
  => channelだけで動作する別スクリプトがある
document.hidden でのみ作動するオプションとか


  サムネになってほしい: チャンネルホーム, ビデオページ
  再生してほしい: LIVE, 広告, 途中広告からの復帰
  要確認: 各ページの行き来, 再生で即停止しないこと, シアターモードの切り替え, 背面タブでの起動
  画面更新(URL Enter, S-Reload, Reload に本質的な差異なし)
  新規タブ(開いた直後, 読み込み完了後, title変更後 に本質的な差異なし)
    video:   body ... video ... loadstart ... で必ず play() されるのでダミーと入れ替えておけばよい。
      video要素は #player-api 内に出現した後に ytd-watch-flexy 内に移動する。その際に play() されるようだ。
      t=123 のような時刻指定があると seeking 後にもう一度 play() される。
        thumbnail は t=4 以下だとなぜか消えてしまう。(seekじゃなくてadvanceだとみなされるせい?)
    channel: body ... video ... loadstart で即 pause() 可能。(playは踏まれない)
  画面遷移(動画 <=> LIVE <=> チャンネル)
    video:   yt-navigate-start ... loadstart で即 pause() 可能。(playは踏まれない)
    冒頭広告: .ad-showing 依存だが判定できる。
    広告明け: 少しだけ泥臭いが、そのURLで一度でも本編が再生されていれば広告明けとみなす。
  if(window === top && console.time) console.time(SCRIPTID);
  const MS = 1, SECOND = 1000*MS, MINUTE = 60*SECOND, HOUR = 60*MINUTE, DAY = 24*HOUR, WEEK = 7*DAY, MONTH = 30*DAY, YEAR = 365*DAY;
  const THUMBNAILURL = '{id}/maxresdefault.jpg';
  const SDTHUMBNAILURL = '{id}/sddefault.jpg';
  const HQTHUMBNAILURL = '{id}/hqdefault.jpg';
  const FLAGNAME = SCRIPTID.toLowerCase();
  const site = {
    get: {
      moviePlayer: () => $('#movie_player'),
      spinner: () => $('.ytp-spinner'),
      video: () => $(`video:not([data-${FLAGNAME}])`),
      videoId: (url) => (new URL(url)).searchParams.get('v'),
      startTime: () => {
        /* t=1h0m0s or t=3600 */
        let t = (new URL(location.href)).searchParams.get('t');
        if(t === null) return;
        let [h, m, s] = t.match(/^(?:([0-9]+)h)?(?:([0-9]+)m)?(?:([0-9]+)s?)?$/).slice(1).map(n => parseInt(n || 0));
        return 60*60*h + 60*m + s;
    is: {
      immediate: (video) => $('#player-api', player => player.contains(video)),
      live: () => $('.ytp-time-display.ytp-live') !== null,
      ad: () => $('') !== null,
      list: () => (new URL(location)).searchParams.get('list') !== null,
      autoplay: () => $('ytd-watch-next-secondary-results-renderer paper-toggle-button.ytd-compact-autoplay-renderer', button => button.checked),
    views: {
      channel: {
        url: /^https:\/\/www\.youtube\.com\/(channel|c|user)\//,
        get: {
          thumbnailOverlayImage: () => $('.ytp-cued-thumbnail-overlay-image'),
          thumbnailURL: () => THUMBNAILURL.replace('{id}', view.get.videoId()),
          sdThumbnailURL: () => SDTHUMBNAILURL.replace('{id}', view.get.videoId()),
          videoId: () => $('a.ytp-title-link[href]', a => site.get.videoId(a.href)),
      watch: {
        url: /^https:\/\/www\.youtube\.com\/watch\?/,
        get: {
          thumbnailOverlayImage: () => $('.ytp-cued-thumbnail-overlay-image'),
          thumbnailURL: () => THUMBNAILURL.replace('{id}', view.get.videoId()),
          sdThumbnailURL: () => SDTHUMBNAILURL.replace('{id}', view.get.videoId()),
          hqThumbnailURL: () => HQTHUMBNAILURL.replace('{id}', view.get.videoId()),
          videoId: () => site.get.videoId(location.href),
          upnextId: () => $('ytd-compact-autoplay-renderer a[href]', a => site.get.videoId(a.href)),
          playlistAutoplayInsertBefore: () => $('ytd-watch-flexy #playlist-actions #save-button'),
          autoplayLabel: () => $('#upnext + #autoplay'),
  let elements = {}, flags = {}, view;
  const core = {
    initialize: function(){
      elements.html = document.documentElement;
    findVideo: function(){
      const found = function(video){
        if(video.dataset[FLAGNAME]) return;
        video.dataset[FLAGNAME] = 'found';
      /* if a video already exists */
      let video =;
      if(video) found(video);
      /* unavoidably observate body for immediate catch */
      observe(document.documentElement, function(records){
        let video =;
        if(video) found(video);
      }, {childList: true, subtree: true});
    listenNavigation: function(){
      /* listen navigation (observe URL changes) */
      if(flags.listeningNavigation !== undefined) return;
      flags.listeningNavigation = true;
      let listener = function(e){
        //log(e.type, location.href);
        delete flags.upnextId;/* reset the upnext video id */
        delete flags.shownAd;/* reset the shown ad status */
        delete flags.playedOnce;/* reset the played once status */
        view = core.getView(site.views);
        if(view && view.key === 'watch'){
          flags.upnextId = view.get.upnextId();
          if( core.setPlaylistAutoplay();
          else core.getAutoplayLabel();
      document.addEventListener('yt-navigate-start', listener);/* click a link */
      window.addEventListener('popstate', listener);/* browser back or foward */
      listener({type: 'theVeryFirst'});/* at the very first */
    listenVideo: function(video){
      let shouldStop = function(video){
        if( return log('this is a live and should not stop playing');
        if( return flags.shownAd = true, log('this is an ad and should not stop playing.');/* shown ad on the current location */
        if( && flags.autoplayOnPlaylist) return log('this is on the playlist and should not stop playing.');
        if( && flags.upnextId === view.get.videoId()) return log('site is set to autoplay and should not stop playing.');
        if(flags.playedOnce) return log('the ad has just closed and the video should continue playing.');
        return true;
      /* for the very immediate time */
      //log(video.currentSrc, 'paused:' + video.paused, 'currentTime:' + video.currentTime);
      /* the video element just changes its src attribute on any case */
      video.addEventListener('loadstart', function(e){
        //log(e.type, video.currentSrc, 'paused:' + video.paused, 'currentTime:' + video.currentTime, flags.shownAd ? 'shownAd' : '', flags.playedOnce ? 'playedOnce' : '');
          /* ads just finished and the video is starting */
          if(! && flags.shownAd && !flags.playedOnce) video.addEventListener('canplay', function(e){
          }, {once: true});
      /* memorize played status for restarting playing or not on after ads */
      video.addEventListener('playing', function(e){
        //log(e.type, 'currentTime:' + video.currentTime);
        if(! && !flags.playedOnce) return flags.playedOnce = true;/* played once on the current location */
    stopAutoplay: function(video){
      video.autoplay = false;
    stopImmediateAutoplay: function(video){
      let count = 0, isImmediate =, startTime = site.get.startTime();
      //log('isImmediate:' + isImmediate, 'startTime:' + startTime, 'currentTime:' + video.currentTime);
      if(isImmediate) count++;/* for the very first view of the YouTube which plays a video automatically for immediate user experience */
      if(startTime) count++;/* for starting again from middle after seeking with query like t=123 */
        video.originalPlay =; = function(){
          //log('(play)', 'count:' + count, ? 'ad' : '', 'currentTime:' + video.currentTime);
          if( return video.originalPlay();
          if(--count === 0) = video.originalPlay;
          let spinner = site.get.spinner();
          if(spinner) = 'none';
      /* I don't know why but on t < 5, it'll surely be paused but player UI is remained playing. So... */
      if(startTime && startTime < 5) video.addEventListener('seeked', function(e){
        //log(e.type, 'currentTime:' + video.currentTime);
        if(flags.shownAd) return;/*will imitate by canplay event listener*/
      }, {once: true});
    imitateUnstarted: function(video){
      let player = site.get.moviePlayer();
      video.addEventListener('play', function(e){
        //log(e.type, 'now imitated-unstarted-mode', player.classList.contains('imitated-unstarted-mode'));
        video.addEventListener('play', function(e){
          //log(e.type, 'removing imitated-unstarted-mode', player.classList.contains('imitated-unstarted-mode'));
        }, {once: true});
      }, {once: true});;
    setThumbnail: function(video){
      /* normally it will automatically be set, but it won't after ads */
      if(view === undefined) return;
      core.getTarget(view.get.thumbnailOverlayImage).then(thumbnail => {
        /* set the thumbnail of maxres */
        let thumbnailURL = view.get.thumbnailURL(); = `url(${thumbnailURL})`;
        /* if it doesn't have maxres... */
        let makePromise = function(url){
          return new Promise(function(resolve, reject){
            let img = new Image();
            img.src = url;
            img.addEventListener('load', e => resolve(img));
            img.addEventListener('error', e => reject(img));
        ]).then((imgs) => {
          imgs.sort((a, b) => b.naturalWidth - a.naturalWidth);
          if(thumbnailURL === imgs[0].src) return;
 = `url(${imgs[0].src})`;
    setPlaylistAutoplay: function(){
      if(flags.autoplayOnPlaylist !== undefined) return;
      flags.autoplayOnPlaylist ='autoplayOnPlaylist');
      core.getTarget(view.get.playlistAutoplayInsertBefore).then(insertBefore => {
        let autoplaySwitch = createElement(html.autoplaySwitch(flags.autoplayLabel ||'autoplayLabel'))), button = autoplaySwitch.querySelector('paper-toggle-button');
        if(flags.autoplayOnPlaylist) button.checked = true;
        /* YouTube listens tap event for toggling playlist collapse */
        autoplaySwitch.addEventListener('tap', function(e){
          //log(e, button, button.checked ? 'checked' : '');
          if(button.checked) flags.autoplayOnPlaylist = true;
          else flags.autoplayOnPlaylist = false;
'autoplayOnPlaylist', flags.autoplayOnPlaylist);
        insertBefore.parentNode.insertBefore(autoplaySwitch, insertBefore);
    getAutoplayLabel: function(){
      /* get the label everytime for catching language change, it's not such a heavy task' */
      core.getTarget(view.get.autoplayLabel).then(autoplayLabel => {
        if(autoplayLabel.textContent === flags.autoplayLabel) return;
        flags.autoplayLabel = autoplayLabel.textContent;'autoplayLabel', flags.autoplayLabel);
    getView: function(views){
      Object.keys(views).forEach(key => views[key].key = key);
      let key = Object.keys(views).find(key => views[key].url.test(location.href));
      if(key === undefined) return log('Doesn\'t match any views:', location.href);
      else return views[key];
    getTarget: function(selector, retry = 10, interval = 1*SECOND){
      const key =;
      const get = function(resolve, reject){
        let selected = selector();
        if(selected && selected.length > 0) selected.forEach((s) => s.dataset.selector = key);/* elements */
        else if(selected instanceof HTMLElement) selected.dataset.selector = key;/* element */
        else if(--retry) return log(`Not found: ${key}, retrying... (${retry})`), setTimeout(get, interval, resolve, reject);
        else return reject(new Error(`Not found: ${}, I give up.`));
        elements[key] = selected;
      return new Promise(function(resolve, reject){
        get(resolve, reject);
    getTargets: function(selectors, retry = 10, interval = 1*SECOND){
      return Promise.all(Object.values(selectors).map(selector => core.getTarget(selector, retry, interval)));
    addStyle: function(name = 'style'){
      if(html[name] === undefined) return;
      let style = createElement(html[name]());
      if(elements[name] && elements[name].isConnected) document.head.removeChild(elements[name]);
      elements[name] = style;
  const html = {
    /* YouTube itself will append the button structure to paper-toggle-button, it's so fragile!! */
    autoplaySwitch: (label = 'AUTOPLAY') => `
      <div id="head" class="style-scope ytd-compact-autoplay-renderer" data-${FLAGNAME}="playlist-autoplay">
        <div id="autoplay" class="style-scope ytd-compact-autoplay-renderer">${label}</div>
        <paper-toggle-button id="toggle" noink="" class="style-scope ytd-compact-autoplay-renderer" role="button" aria-pressed="false" tabindex="0" toggles="" aria-disabled="false" aria-label="${label}" style="touch-action: pan-y;"></paper-toggle-button>
    style: () => `
      <style type="text/css" id="${SCRIPTID}-style">
        /* less bold gradient */
        #movie_player .ytp-gradient-bottom{
          background: linear-gradient(to top,
            rgba(0,0,0,.64)   0px,
            rgba(0,0,0,.49)  15px,
            rgba(0,0,0,.36)  30px,
            rgba(0,0,0,.25)  45px,
            rgba(0,0,0,.16)  60px,
            rgba(0,0,0,.09)  75px,
            rgba(0,0,0,.04)  90px,
            rgba(0,0,0,.01) 105px,
            rgba(0,0,0,.00) 120px,
          ) !important;/*exponential curve*/
          opacity: 1;
          display: block;
        /* show thumbnails more clearly; affected only for .unstarted-mode */
        #movie_player.unstarted-mode .ytp-gradient-bottom,
        #movie_player.imitated-unstarted-mode .ytp-gradient-bottom{
          opacity: .5;
        #movie_player.unstarted-mode:hover .ytp-gradient-bottom,
        #movie_player.imitated-unstarted-mode:hover .ytp-gradient-bottom{
          opacity: 1;
        /* prevent from sudden disappearing */
        .ytp-autohide .ytp-gradient-bottom{
          opacity: 0 !important;
        /* imitated unstarted mode */
        #movie_player.imitated-unstarted-mode .ytp-cued-thumbnail-overlay{
          display: block !important;
          z-index: 10;
        /* AUTOPLAY button on the playlist */
          margin-bottom: 0 !important;
  const setTimeout = window.setTimeout.bind(window), clearTimeout = window.clearTimeout.bind(window), setInterval = window.setInterval.bind(window), clearInterval = window.clearInterval.bind(window), requestAnimationFrame = window.requestAnimationFrame.bind(window);
  const alert = window.alert.bind(window), confirm = window.confirm.bind(window), prompt = window.prompt.bind(window), getComputedStyle = window.getComputedStyle.bind(window), fetch = window.fetch.bind(window);
  if(!('isConnected' in Node.prototype)) Object.defineProperty(Node.prototype, 'isConnected', {get: function(){return document.contains(this)}});
  class Storage{
    static key(key){
      return (SCRIPTID) ? (SCRIPTID + '-' + key) : key;
    static save(key, value, expire = null){
      key = Storage.key(key);
      localStorage[key] = JSON.stringify({
        value: value,
        expire: expire,
    static read(key){
      key = Storage.key(key);
      if(localStorage[key] === undefined) return undefined;
      let data = JSON.parse(localStorage[key]);
      if(data.value === undefined) return data;
      if(data.expire === undefined) return data;
      if(data.expire === null) return data.value;
      if(data.expire < return localStorage.removeItem(key);/*undefined*/
      return data.value;
    static remove(key){
      key = Storage.key(key);
      delete localStorage.removeItem(key);
    static delete(key){
    static saved(key){
      key = Storage.key(key);
      if(localStorage[key] === undefined) return undefined;
      let data = JSON.parse(localStorage[key]);
      if(data.saved) return data.saved;
      else return undefined;
  const $ = function(s, f){
    let target = document.querySelector(s);
    if(target === null) return null;
    return f ? f(target) : target;
  const $$ = function(s, f){
    let targets = document.querySelectorAll(s);
    return f ? Array.from(targets).map(t => f(t)) : targets;
  const createElement = function(html = '<span></span>'){
    let outer = document.createElement('div');
    outer.innerHTML = html;
    return outer.firstElementChild;
  const observe = function(element, callback, options = {childList: true, characterData: false, subtree: false, attributes: false, attributeFilter: undefined}){
    let observer = new MutationObserver(callback.bind(element));
    observer.observe(element, options);
    return observer;
  const log = function(){
    if(!DEBUG) return;
    let l = log.last = || new Date(), n = = new Date();
    let error = new Error(), line = log.format.getLine(error), callers = log.format.getCallers(error);
      SCRIPTID + ':',
      /* 00:00:00.000  */ n.toLocaleTimeString() + '.' + n.getTime().toString().slice(-3),
      /* +0.000s       */ '+' + ((n-l)/1000).toFixed(3) + 's',
      /* :00           */ ':' + line,
      /* caller.caller */ (callers[2] ? callers[2] + '() => ' : '') +
      /* caller        */ (callers[1] || '') + '()',
  log.formats = [{
      name: 'Firefox Scratchpad',
      detector: /MARKER@Scratchpad/,
      getLine: (e) => e.stack.split('\n')[1].match(/([0-9]+):[0-9]+$/)[1],
      getCallers: (e) => e.stack.match(/^[^@]*(?=@)/gm),
    }, {
      name: 'Firefox Console',
      detector: /MARKER@debugger/,
      getLine: (e) => e.stack.split('\n')[1].match(/([0-9]+):[0-9]+$/)[1],
      getCallers: (e) => e.stack.match(/^[^@]*(?=@)/gm),
    }, {
      name: 'Firefox Greasemonkey 3',
      detector: /\/gm_scripts\//,
      getLine: (e) => e.stack.split('\n')[1].match(/([0-9]+):[0-9]+$/)[1],
      getCallers: (e) => e.stack.match(/^[^@]*(?=@)/gm),
    }, {
      name: 'Firefox Greasemonkey 4+',
      detector: /MARKER@user-script:/,
      getLine: (e) => e.stack.split('\n')[1].match(/([0-9]+):[0-9]+$/)[1] - 500,
      getCallers: (e) => e.stack.match(/^[^@]*(?=@)/gm),
    }, {
      name: 'Firefox Tampermonkey',
      detector: /MARKER@moz-extension:/,
      getLine: (e) => e.stack.split('\n')[1].match(/([0-9]+):[0-9]+$/)[1] - 2,
      getCallers: (e) => e.stack.match(/^[^@]*(?=@)/gm),
    }, {
      name: 'Chrome Console',
      detector: /at MARKER \(<anonymous>/,
      getLine: (e) => e.stack.split('\n')[2].match(/([0-9]+):[0-9]+\)?$/)[1],
      getCallers: (e) => e.stack.match(/[^ ]+(?= \(<anonymous>)/gm),
    }, {
      name: 'Chrome Tampermonkey',
      detector: /at MARKER \(chrome-extension:.*?\/userscript.html\?name=/,
      getLine: (e) => e.stack.split('\n')[2].match(/([0-9]+):[0-9]+\)?$/)[1] - 1,
      getCallers: (e) => e.stack.match(/[^ ]+(?= \(chrome-extension:)/gm),
    }, {
      name: 'Chrome Extension',
      detector: /at MARKER \(chrome-extension:/,
      getLine: (e) => e.stack.split('\n')[2].match(/([0-9]+):[0-9]+\)?$/)[1],
      getCallers: (e) => e.stack.match(/[^ ]+(?= \(chrome-extension:)/gm),
    }, {
      name: 'Edge Console',
      detector: /at MARKER \(eval/,
      getLine: (e) => e.stack.split('\n')[2].match(/([0-9]+):[0-9]+\)$/)[1],
      getCallers: (e) => e.stack.match(/[^ ]+(?= \(eval)/gm),
    }, {
      name: 'Edge Tampermonkey',
      detector: /at MARKER \(Function/,
      getLine: (e) => e.stack.split('\n')[2].match(/([0-9]+):[0-9]+\)$/)[1] - 4,
      getCallers: (e) => e.stack.match(/[^ ]+(?= \(Function)/gm),
    }, {
      name: 'Safari',
      detector: /^MARKER$/m,
      getLine: (e) => 0,/*e.lineが用意されているが最終呼び出し位置のみ*/
      getCallers: (e) => e.stack.split('\n'),
    }, {
      name: 'Default',
      detector: /./,
      getLine: (e) => 0,
      getCallers: (e) => [],
  log.format = log.formats.find(function MARKER(f){
    if(!f.detector.test(new Error().stack)) return false;
    //console.log('////',, 'wants', 0/*line*/, '\n' + new Error().stack);
    return true;
  if(window === top && console.timeEnd) console.timeEnd(SCRIPTID);