JR Mturk Panda Crazy

Collects panda's for you at a certain cycle instead of timers. Lot of organizing of panda's and grouping them together to start and stop them at once.

필터: 지난 30일 지난 365일 모두

일일 설치 수

주간 설치수

일일 업데이트 확인 수

비가공 데이터

날짜 설치 수 업데이트 확인 수
2024-08-24 3 2,218
2024-08-25 4 1,605
2024-08-26 1 2,375
2024-08-27 3 2,167
2024-08-28 4 2,117
2024-08-29 1 2,259
2024-08-30 1 2,325
2024-08-31 0 2,165
2024-09-01 0 1,681
2024-09-02 3 2,252
2024-09-03 2 2,155
2024-09-04 3 2,321
2024-09-05 7 2,296
2024-09-06 2 2,221
2024-09-07 2 2,064
2024-09-08 1 1,597
2024-09-09 3 2,277
2024-09-10 1 2,078
2024-09-11 4 2,301
2024-09-12 2 2,203
2024-09-13 1 2,225
2024-09-14 2 1,938
2024-09-15 0 1,684
2024-09-16 0 2,290
2024-09-17 3 2,143
2024-09-18 2 1,706
2024-09-19 1 0
2024-09-20 3 1,157
2024-09-21 1 2,258
2024-09-22 1 644
모든 데이터 다운로드: JSON CSV