// ==UserScript==
// @name YouTube Embedded Popupper
// @name:ja YouTube Embedded Popupper
// @name:zh-CN YouTube Embedded Popupper
// @description You can pop up embeded videos by right click. (It may require permission for pop up blocker at the first pop)
// @description:ja YouTubeの埋め込み動画を、右クリックからポップアップで開けるようにします。(初回のみポップアップブロックの許可が必要かもしれません)
// @description:zh-CN 将YouTube上的嵌入视频从右键弹出打开。(只有第一次,可能需要弹出块的许可)
// @namespace knoa.jp
// @include https://www.youtube.com/embed/*
// @include https://www.youtube-nocookie.com/embed/*
// @version 3.1.2
// @grant none
// ==/UserScript==
const SCRIPTID = 'YouTubeEmbeddedPopupper';
const SCRIPTNAME = 'YouTube Embedded Popupper';
const DEBUG = false;/*
[update] 3.1.2
Greasemonkey compatibility.
右クリックで起動 or デフォルトの右クリックメニュー内から起動
if(window === top && console.time) console.time(SCRIPTID);
const MS = 1, SECOND = 1000*MS, MINUTE = 60*SECOND, HOUR = 60*MINUTE, DAY = 24*HOUR, WEEK = 7*DAY, MONTH = 30*DAY, YEAR = 365*DAY;
const POPUPWIDTH = 960;/* width of popup window (height depends on the width) */
const POPUPTOP = 'CENTER';/* position top of popup window (DEFAULT,TOP,CENTER,BOTTOM) */
const POPUPLEFT = 'CENTER';/* position left of popup window (DEFAULT,LEFT,CENTER,RIGHT) */
const INDICATORDURATION = 1000*MS;/* duration for indicator animation */
const REWIND = .0;/* a bit of rewind time for popuping window (seconds) */
const POPUPTITLE = 'Right Click to Popup';/* shown on mouse hover */
const PARAMS = [/* overwrite YouTube parameters via https://developers.google.com/youtube/player_parameters */
'autoplay=1',/* autoplay */
'controls=1',/* show controls */
'disablekb=0',/* enable keyboard control */
'fs=1',/* enable fullscreen */
'rel=0',/* not to show relative videos */
'popped=1',/* (original) prevent grandchild popup */
const RETRY = 10;
let site = {
originalTargets: {
video: () => $('video'),
poppedTargets: {
video: () => $('video'),
get: {
originalVideo: () => window.opener ? window.opener.document.querySelector('video') : null,
let html, elements = {}, timers = {}, sizes = {};
let core = {
initialize: function(){
html = document.documentElement;
case(location.href.includes('popped=1')):/* Prevent grandchild popup */
readyForOriginal: function(){
core.getTargets(site.originalTargets, RETRY).then(() => {
log("I'm ready for Original.");
/* Title for Indicator */
document.body.title = POPUPTITLE;
/* get window size for pop indicator */
sizes.innerWidth = document.body.clientWidth;
sizes.innerHeight = document.body.clientHeight;
sizes.diagonal = Math.hypot(sizes.innerWidth, sizes.innerHeight);
/* Right Click to Popup */
document.body.addEventListener('contextmenu', function(e){
if(e.target.localName === 'a') return;
let video = elements.video;
/* Get current time */
let params = PARAMS.concat('start=' + parseInt(video.currentTime));
/* Build URL */
/* (Duplicated params are overwritten by former) */
let l = location.href.split('?');
let url = l[0] + '?' + params.join('&');
if(l.length === 2) url += ('&' + l[1]);
/* Open popup window */
/* (Use URL for window name to prevent popupping the same videos) */
window.open(url, location.href, core.setOptions());
}, {capture: true});
createIndicator: function(e){
let indicator = elements.indicator = createElement(core.html.indicator());
indicator.addEventListener('transitionend', function(e){
if(indicator.classList.contains('popped')) indicator.classList.remove('popped');
setOptions: function(){
let parameters = [], screen = window.screen, body = document.body, width = POPUPWIDTH, height = (width / body.offsetWidth) * body.offsetHeight;
parameters.push('width=' + width);
parameters.push('height=' + height);
case 'TOP': parameters.push('top=' + 0); break;
case 'CENTER': parameters.push('top=' + (screen.availTop + (screen.availHeight / 2) - (height / 2))); break;
case 'BOTTOM': parameters.push('top=' + (screen.availTop + (screen.availHeight) - (height))); break;
case 'DEFAULT': break;
default: break;
case 'LEFT': parameters.push('left=' + 0); break;
case 'CENTER': parameters.push('left=' + (screen.availLeft + (screen.availWidth / 2) - (width / 2))); break;
case 'RIGHT': parameters.push('left=' + (screen.availLeft + (screen.availWidth) - (width))); break;
case 'RIGHTCENTER': parameters.push('left=' + (screen.availLeft + (screen.availWidth * (3/4)) - (width / 2))); break;
case 'DEFAULT': break;
default: break;
return parameters.join(',');
readyForPopped: function(){
core.getTargets(site.poppedTargets, RETRY).then(() => {
log("I'm ready for Popped.");
/* pause and play seamlessly */
let originalVideo = site.get.originalVideo(), poppedVideo = elements.video;
poppedVideo.addEventListener('canplay', function(e){
poppedVideo.currentTime = originalVideo.currentTime - REWIND;
}, {once: true});
/* Enables shortcut keys on popupped window */
getTargets: function(targets, retry = 0){
const get = function(resolve, reject, retry){
for(let i = 0, keys = Object.keys(targets), key; key = keys[i]; i++){
let selected = targets[key]();
if(selected.length) selected.forEach((s) => s.dataset.selector = key);
else selected.dataset.selector = key;
elements[key] = selected;
if(--retry < 0) return reject(log(`Not found: ${key}, I give up.`));
log(`Not found: ${key}, retrying... (left ${retry})`);
return setTimeout(get, 1000, resolve, reject, retry);
return new Promise(function(resolve, reject){
get(resolve, reject, retry);
addStyle: function(name = 'style'){
if(core.html[name] === undefined) return;
let style = createElement(core.html[name]());
if(elements[name] && elements[name].isConnected) document.head.removeChild(elements[name]);
elements[name] = style;
html: {
indicator: () => `
<div id="${SCRIPTID}-indicator"></div>
style: () => `
<style type="text/css">
position: absolute;
margin: auto;
top: -100%;
bottom: -100%;
left: -100%;
right: -100%;
width: ${sizes.diagonal}px;
height: ${sizes.diagonal}px;
border-radius: ${sizes.diagonal}px;
background: rgba(255,255,255,1.0);
pointer-events: none;
transform: scale(0);
opacity: 1;
transition: 0ms;
transform: scale(1);
opacity: 0;
transition: ${INDICATORDURATION}ms;
const setTimeout = window.setTimeout.bind(window), clearTimeout = window.clearTimeout.bind(window), setInterval = window.setInterval.bind(window), clearInterval = window.clearInterval.bind(window), requestAnimationFrame = window.requestAnimationFrame.bind(window), requestIdleCallback = window.requestIdleCallback.bind(window);
const alert = window.alert.bind(window), confirm = window.confirm.bind(window), prompt = window.prompt.bind(window), getComputedStyle = window.getComputedStyle.bind(window), fetch = window.fetch.bind(window);
if(!('isConnected' in Node.prototype)) Object.defineProperty(Node.prototype, 'isConnected', {get: function(){return document.contains(this)}});
class Storage{
static key(key){
return (SCRIPTID) ? (SCRIPTID + '-' + key) : key;
static save(key, value, expire = null){
key = Storage.key(key);
localStorage[key] = JSON.stringify({
value: value,
saved: Date.now(),
expire: expire,
static read(key){
key = Storage.key(key);
if(localStorage[key] === undefined) return undefined;
let data = JSON.parse(localStorage[key]);
if(data.value === undefined) return data;
if(data.expire === undefined) return data;
if(data.expire === null) return data.value;
if(data.expire < Date.now()) return localStorage.removeItem(key);
return data.value;
static delete(key){
key = Storage.key(key);
delete localStorage.removeItem(key);
static saved(key){
key = Storage.key(key);
if(localStorage[key] === undefined) return undefined;
let data = JSON.parse(localStorage[key]);
if(data.saved) return data.saved;
else return undefined;
const $ = function(s, f){
let target = document.querySelector(s);
if(target === null) return null;
return f ? f(target) : target;
const $$ = function(s){return document.querySelectorAll(s)};
const animate = function(callback, ...params){requestAnimationFrame(() => requestAnimationFrame(() => callback(...params)))};
const createElement = function(html = '<span></span>'){
let outer = document.createElement('div');
outer.innerHTML = html;
return outer.firstElementChild;
const log = function(){
if(!DEBUG) return;
let l = log.last = log.now || new Date(), n = log.now = new Date();
let error = new Error(), line = log.format.getLine(error), callers = log.format.getCallers(error);
(SCRIPTID || '') + ':',
/* 00:00:00.000 */ n.toLocaleTimeString() + '.' + n.getTime().toString().slice(-3),
/* +0.000s */ '+' + ((n-l)/1000).toFixed(3) + 's',
/* :00 */ ':' + line,
/* caller.caller */ (callers[2] ? callers[2] + '() => ' : '') +
/* caller */ (callers[1] || '') + '()',
log.formats = [{
name: 'Firefox Scratchpad',
detector: /MARKER@Scratchpad/,
getLine: (e) => e.stack.split('\n')[1].match(/([0-9]+):[0-9]+$/)[1],
getCallers: (e) => e.stack.match(/^[^@]*(?=@)/gm),
}, {
name: 'Firefox Console',
detector: /MARKER@debugger/,
getLine: (e) => e.stack.split('\n')[1].match(/([0-9]+):[0-9]+$/)[1],
getCallers: (e) => e.stack.match(/^[^@]*(?=@)/gm),
}, {
name: 'Firefox Greasemonkey 3',
detector: /\/gm_scripts\//,
getLine: (e) => e.stack.split('\n')[1].match(/([0-9]+):[0-9]+$/)[1],
getCallers: (e) => e.stack.match(/^[^@]*(?=@)/gm),
}, {
name: 'Firefox Greasemonkey 4+',
detector: /MARKER@user-script:/,
getLine: (e) => e.stack.split('\n')[1].match(/([0-9]+):[0-9]+$/)[1] - 500,
getCallers: (e) => e.stack.match(/^[^@]*(?=@)/gm),
}, {
name: 'Firefox Tampermonkey',
detector: /MARKER@moz-extension:/,
getLine: (e) => e.stack.split('\n')[1].match(/([0-9]+):[0-9]+$/)[1] - 6,
getCallers: (e) => e.stack.match(/^[^@]*(?=@)/gm),
}, {
name: 'Chrome Console',
detector: /at MARKER \(<anonymous>/,
getLine: (e) => e.stack.split('\n')[2].match(/([0-9]+):[0-9]+\)?$/)[1],
getCallers: (e) => e.stack.match(/[^ ]+(?= \(<anonymous>)/gm),
}, {
name: 'Chrome Tampermonkey',
detector: /at MARKER \(chrome-extension:.*?\/userscript.html\?id=/,
getLine: (e) => e.stack.split('\n')[2].match(/([0-9]+):[0-9]+\)?$/)[1] - 6,
getCallers: (e) => e.stack.match(/[^ ]+(?= \(chrome-extension:)/gm),
}, {
name: 'Chrome Extension',
detector: /at MARKER \(chrome-extension:/,
getLine: (e) => e.stack.split('\n')[2].match(/([0-9]+):[0-9]+\)?$/)[1],
getCallers: (e) => e.stack.match(/[^ ]+(?= \(chrome-extension:)/gm),
}, {
name: 'Edge Console',
detector: /at MARKER \(eval/,
getLine: (e) => e.stack.split('\n')[2].match(/([0-9]+):[0-9]+\)$/)[1],
getCallers: (e) => e.stack.match(/[^ ]+(?= \(eval)/gm),
}, {
name: 'Edge Tampermonkey',
detector: /at MARKER \(Function/,
getLine: (e) => e.stack.split('\n')[2].match(/([0-9]+):[0-9]+\)$/)[1] - 4,
getCallers: (e) => e.stack.match(/[^ ]+(?= \(Function)/gm),
}, {
name: 'Safari',
detector: /^MARKER$/m,
getLine: (e) => 0,/*e.lineが用意されているが最終呼び出し位置のみ*/
getCallers: (e) => e.stack.split('\n'),
}, {
name: 'Default',
detector: /./,
getLine: (e) => 0,
getCallers: (e) => [],
log.format = log.formats.find(function MARKER(f){
if(!f.detector.test(new Error().stack)) return false;
//console.log('////', f.name, 'wants', 0/*line*/, '\n' + new Error().stack);
return true;
if(window === top && console.timeEnd) console.timeEnd(SCRIPTID);