GoogleGPT 🤖

AI válaszokat ad hozzá a Google Search-hoz (Google Gemma + GPT-4o által hajtva!)

Ezek a szkript azon változatai, ahol a kód módosítva lett. Minden verzió mutatása

  • v2024.9.21.11 2024.09.22.

    Optimized localized msgs init for readability

    ± Abstracted fetchMsgs() ± Renamed onLoad() to handleMsgs() ↞ [auto-sync from adamlui/chatgpt-apps]

  • v2024.9.21.10 2024.09.22.

    Moved msgs to app.msgs for improved structure ↞ [auto-sync from adamlui/chatgpt-apps]

  • v2024.9.21.9 2024.09.22.

    Moved appAlerts to app.alerts + init before function defs for simplicity/readability ↞ [auto-sync from adamlui/chatgpt-apps]

  • v2024.9.21.8 2024.09.22.

    Moved settingsProps to app.settings for simplicity ↞ [auto-sync from adamlui/chatgpt-apps]

  • v2024.9.21.6 2024.09.21.

    Fixed Anchor mode toggling stopped working ↞ [auto-sync from adamlui/chatgpt-apps]

  • v2024.9.21.5 2024.09.21.

    Shrank Debug/Animations icons in Settings/notifs ↞ [auto-sync from adamlui/chatgpt-apps]

  • v2024.9.21.4 2024.09.21.

    Increased bottom margin of alertP when showing non-waiting alerts to match top margin ↞ [auto-sync from adamlui/chatgpt-apps]

  • v2024.9.21.3 2024.09.21.

    Limited button click animations to About/Settings/Speak buttons ↞ [auto-sync from adamlui/chatgpt-apps]

  • v2024.9.21.2 2024.09.21.

    Corrected chatbar button CSS values ↞ [auto-sync from adamlui/chatgpt-apps]

  • v2024.9.21.1 2024.09.21.

    Added reply link color styles ↞ [auto-sync from adamlui/chatgpt-apps]

  • v2024.9.21 2024.09.21.

    Replaced .removeChild(elem) w/ elem.remove() to condense code ↞ [auto-sync from adamlui/chatgpt-apps]

  • v2024.9.19.7 2024.09.20.

    Refactored button creation to use semantic <button> elems ↞ [auto-sync from adamlui/chatgpt-apps]

  • v2024.9.19.6 2024.09.20.

    Corrected CSS transition syntax ↞ [auto-sync from adamlui/chatgpt-apps]

  • v2024.9.19.5 2024.09.20.

    Fixed corner button hover zooms no longer smooth ↞ [auto-sync from adamlui/chatgpt-apps]

  • v2024.9.19.4 2024.09.20.

    Removed dark scheme link underline style ↞ [auto-sync from adamlui/chatgpt-apps]

  • v2024.9.19.3 2024.09.19.

    Removed Pin button click listener, simplified hover handler ↞ [auto-sync from adamlui/chatgpt-apps]

  • v2024.9.19.2 2024.09.19.

    Moved CSS props away from selector lines of multi-line blocks for readability ↞ [auto-sync from adamlui/chatgpt-apps]

  • v2024.9.19.1 2024.09.19.

    Tweaked v-pos of gradient BG when animations enabled

    ± Raised dark scheme graident +30px ± Lowered light scheme gradient -30px ↞ [auto-sync from adamlui/chatgpt-apps]

  • v2024.9.19 2024.09.19.

    Fixed Pin menu doesn't linger when mousing off Pin button in Chromium browsers ↞ [auto-sync from adamlui/chatgpt-apps]

  • v2024.9.18.5 2024.09.19.

    Renamed .balloon-tip to .reply-tip for readability ↞ [auto-sync from adamlui/chatgpt-apps]

  • v2024.9.18.4 2024.09.19.

    Applied classic styling when BG animations disabled ↞ [auto-sync from adamlui/chatgpt-apps]

  • v2024.9.18.3 2024.09.19.

    Increased gap between Related Queries, tweaked drop shadow

    ± Increased v-offset +1px ± Doubled blur radius ↞ [auto-sync from adamlui/chatgpt-apps]

  • v2024.9.18.2 2024.09.19.

    Doubled length of Shuffle button answers ↞ [auto-sync from adamlui/chatgpt-apps]

  • v2024.9.18.1 2024.09.18.

    Moved config init before settings for readability ↞ [auto-sync from adamlui/chatgpt-apps]

  • v2024.9.18 2024.09.18.

    Stripped trailing slash from app.urls.assetHost for readability ↞ [auto-sync from adamlui/chatgpt-apps]

  • v2024.9.16 2024.09.16.

    Moved menu objs/functions into menu obj for improved structure ↞ [auto-sync from adamlui/chatgpt-apps]

  • v2024.9.15.6 2024.09.16.

    Bumped chatgpt.js to 3.3.1 ↞ [auto-sync from adamlui/chatgpt-apps]

  • v2024.9.15.5 2024.09.16.

    Replaced .test(location) w/ .test(location.href) for clarity and performance ↞ [auto-sync from adamlui/chatgpt-apps]

  • v2024.9.15.4 2024.09.16.

    Shortened <window|document>.location to location ↞ [auto-sync from adamlui/chatgpt-apps]

  • v2024.9.15.3 2024.09.16.

    Moved config.userLocale init inside Object.assign() for simplicity ↞ [auto-sync from adamlui/chatgpt-apps]

  • v2024.9.15.2 2024.09.15.

    Moved config.userLanguage init inside Object.assign() for simplicity ↞ [auto-sync from adamlui/chatgpt-apps]

  • v2024.9.15.1 2024.09.15.

    Moved safeWindowOpen() inside modals, shortened name ↞ [auto-sync from adamlui/chatgpt-apps]

  • v2024.9.15 2024.09.15.

    Shortened app.urls.update init ↞ [auto-sync from adamlui/chatgpt-apps]

  • v2024.9.14.7 2024.09.15.

    Updated log highlighting to ignore lowercase state words ↞ [auto-sync from adamlui/chatgpt-apps]

  • v2024.9.14.6 2024.09.15.

    Enclosed fail flags in detection logs in quotes for improved readability ↞ [auto-sync from adamlui/chatgpt-apps]

  • v2024.9.14.5 2024.09.15.

    Shortened env.browser.isFirefox to env.browser.isFF ↞ [auto-sync from adamlui/chatgpt-apps]

  • v2024.9.14.4 2024.09.15.

    Shortened env.userscriptManager to env.scriptManager ↞ [auto-sync from adamlui/chatgpt-apps]

  • v2024.9.14.3 2024.09.15.

    Merged getUserscriptManager() calls + browser into env for improved structure ↞ [auto-sync from adamlui/chatgpt-apps]

  • v2024.9.14.2 2024.09.15.

    Wrapped settings methods to align w/ my Chrome extensions for improved readability ↞ [auto-sync from adamlui/chatgpt-apps]

  • v2024.9.14.1 2024.09.14.

    Set cursor to dragging during modal click-drag ↞ [auto-sync from adamlui/chatgpt-apps]

  • v2024.9.14 2024.09.14.

    Moved XHR init before 1st use for readability ↞ [auto-sync from adamlui/chatgpt-apps]

  • v2024.9.13.8 2024.09.14.

    Moved style update methods inside for readability ↞ [auto-sync from adamlui/chatgpt-apps]

  • v2024.9.13.7 2024.09.13.

    Corrected param refs in schemeNotify() ↞ [auto-sync from adamlui/chatgpt-apps]

  • v2024.9.13.6 2024.09.13.

    Moved browser/UI props into obj for readability/scalability ↞ [auto-sync from adamlui/chatgpt-apps]

  • v2024.9.13.5 2024.09.13.

    Removed logging from reliable appAlert() for cleaner console ↞ [auto-sync from adamlui/chatgpt-apps]

  • v2024.9.13.4 2024.09.13.

    Changed proxy 200 response failure log label in dataProcess.text() to more accurate 'Response text' ↞ [auto-sync from adamlui/chatgpt-apps]

  • v2024.9.13.3 2024.09.13.

    Changed non-200 response log in dataProcess.text() to show text ↞ [auto-sync from adamlui/chatgpt-apps]

  • v2024.9.13.2 2024.09.13.

    Updated log.regEx refs ↞ [auto-sync from adamlui/chatgpt-apps]

  • v2024.9.13.1 2024.09.13.

    Added coloring of state words in logs for improved readability

    ± Renamed log.regEx key names to more accurate ones ↞ [auto-sync from adamlui/chatgpt-apps]

  • v2024.9.13 2024.09.13.

    Re-organized function defs for readability ↞ [auto-sync from adamlui/chatgpt-apps]

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