Total of all Aliexpress purchases

Calculates the sum of all completed orders that are visible on the page (scroll down to the end to count the orders for the entire time).

// ==UserScript==
// @name         Total of all Aliexpress purchases
// @name:ru      Сумма покупок Aliexpress
// @namespaceтитан
// @version      1.1.2
// @description  Calculates the sum of all completed orders that are visible on the page (scroll down to the end to count the orders for the entire time).
// @description:ru  Подсчитывает сумму всех завершенных заказов, которые видны на странице (прокрутите вниз до конца, чтобы подсчитать заказы за всё время).
// @author       Титан
// @match
// @match*
// @match*
// @icon
// @grant		 GM_registerMenuCommand
// @license      CC BY-NC-SA
// ==/UserScript==

/* UPDATE 07/03/2024 because version 1.1.2 by Титан wasn't working for me */

let autoRedirect = true //Автоматически редиректить на нормальную страницу заказов
let language = "en" //Choose your language. Supported: ru, en

if (language == "auto") {
	language = Slice(navigator.language || navigator.userLanguage, 0, "-");

let dictionary = {
	"optionCalcPrices" : {
		"ru" : "Подсчитать цены на этой странице",
		"en" : "Calculate prices on this page"
	"optionGoToGlobalPage" : {
		"ru" : "Перейти на глобальную страницу заказов",
		"en" : "Go to the global orders page"
	"outputSumOfOrders" : {
		"ru" : "Сумма покупок",
		"en" : "Total purchases prices"
	"outputOrders" : {
		"ru" : "Покупки",
		"en" : "Purchases"

function GetDicString(String) {
	try {
		return dictionary[String][language]
	catch (e) {
		return dictionary[String].en

if (document.URL.indexOf("")>=0){
	GM_registerMenuCommand(GetDicString("optionCalcPrices"), CalculateTotalPrice);}
if (autoRedirect) GoToNormalPage()
{GM_registerMenuCommand(GetDicString("optionGoToGlobalPage"), GoToNormalPage)}

function GoToNormalPage() {

let finishedWords = ["Completed", "С отделкой"]; //: "Finished" word in all shitty AliExpress' translations

function CalculateTotalPrice() {
	let total = 0;
	let purchases = "";
	for(let item of document.querySelectorAll(".order-item")) {
		if (finishedWords.indexOf(item.querySelector(".order-item-header-status-text").textContent)<0) continue; //: checks is the order is finished
		let price = parseFloat(OnlyNumbers(item.querySelector(".order-item-content-opt-price-total").textContent));
		let itemName = item.querySelector(".order-item-content-info-name")?.textContent;
		total+= price
		purchases+= "\n\n" + itemName + "\n>>> " + price + " <<<"
	alert(`${GetDicString("outputSumOfOrders")}: ${total}\n\n${GetDicString("outputOrders")}: ${purchases}`)

function OnlyNumbers(Str) {
	let num = "";
	let dot = false;
	for(let char of Str) {
			num += char;}
		else if (!dot && (char == '.' || char == ",")) {
			num += ".";
			dot = true;
		} else if (dot) {
	return num;

function IsNumber(c) { return c >= '0' && c <= '9'}

function Slice(source, int, endsWith) {
	return source.slice(int,source.indexOf(endsWith))