Show Nyaa files

Automatically shows files on Nyaa Torrents.

Ceci est la version du script où le code a été mise à jour. Présenter toutes les versions.

  • v1.3 2016-12-19 Fix for id:d file links and brackets around links
  • v1.2 2016-11-10
  • v1.2 2016-11-10
  • v1.2 2016-11-10 Fixed display issue and cleaned up a lot of old code
  • v1.1 2015-04-21 Added login link instead of comment post form if not logged in
  • v1.0.3 2015-04-18 Included
  • v1.0.2 2015-04-15 Fixed every other comment disappearing
  • v1.0.1 2015-04-15 Fixed XHR bug
  • v1.0 2015-04-14 License, compatability tags
  • v1.0 2015-04-14