Enhanced word highlight


A continuación se muestran las versiones de este script en las que se actualizó el código. Ver todas las versiones.

  • v1.8.5 18/03/2024

    - 2024-03-18: Version 1.8.5: Fix history keyword cleaning mechanism; fix highlight mis-refreshing with no initial highlight; improve highlight refreshing mechanism when scrolling; add floating tip when changing global highlight status; add several highlight color selections. | 修复链接点击关键词清理机制;修复非初始高亮时错误刷新高亮的Bug;优化滚动刷新高亮机制;增加切换全局高亮状态时的浮动提示;增加几种高亮颜色供选择。

  • v1.8.4 17/03/2024

    - 2024-03-17: Version 1.8.4: Fix bug not showing Advanced config dialog in some page. | 修复在某些页面高级设置对话框不显示的bug。

  • v1.8.3 13/03/2024

    2024-03-13: Version 1.8.3: Refine config style; fix bug in skip-short-word-highlight. | 优化设置样式;修复忽略短词高亮的bug。

  • v1.8.2 10/03/2024

    2024-03-10: Version 1.8.2: Refine highlight navigation mechanism; refine display style; add extreme slim style to highlight panel; fix bug that not saving changed skipped keywords. | 优化高亮寻觅机制;优化显示样式;高亮面板增加极简风格;修复忽略高亮关键词记不住的bug。

  • v1.8.1 06/01/2024

    2024-01-06: Version 1.8.1: Add highlight rules for bili and xigua; allow off highlight while keeping keywords initially; improve off highlight mechanism. | 为哔哩哔哩和西瓜视频添加高亮规则;增加在自动高亮启用下不高亮页面的选项;优化停用高亮的机制。

  • v1.8.0 29/12/2023

    2023-12-29: Version 1.8.0: Add: abilibty to highlight keywords from supported search engines by last click, to enable highlighting search keywords from https search engines; Add: get keywords dynamically, in case webpage been renewed without refreshing; fix configbox visual abnormality; fix style; add delay for title for better highlighting. | 新增:根据最近的链接点击获取关键词,以高亮来自https搜索引擎的搜索关键词;新增:动态获取关键词,应对不刷新而更新页面内容的网页;按中英文字符分拆关键词;修正设置对话框的外观问题;修正样式效果;增加延时等待页面标题属性以更好高亮。

  • v1.7.5 26/10/2023

    2023-10-26: Version 1.7.5: Fix long-history highlighting bug; Fix word count abnormality when skipping keyword(s); Now highlight the element where invisible highlighted keywords lay. | 修正了一个导致高亮罕见失灵的古早bug(主要影响中文这类无空格文字);修正有跳过高亮的关键词时计数出错的bug;现在遇到“隐身”的高亮关键词时会高亮其所在元素。

  • v1.7.4 23/05/2023

    2023-05-23: Version 1.7.4: Refine design; pressing "ESC" key in keyword inputbox now can close the keyword inputbox, again. | 优化设计;现在在关键词输入框按“ESC”键可以关闭关键词输入框了。

  • v1.7.3 05/05/2023

    2023.05.05: Version 1.7.3: Fix getting keywords from Baidu; update panel design. | 修正在百度中解码中文关键词错误问题(百度现在即使没有“ie”参数也是默认utf-8);更新高亮面板的设计。

  • v1.7.2 24/04/2023

    2023.04.24: Version 1.7.2: Fix highlighting "false" when no search keyword found in some cases; add engine Ecosia; fix running error in some newly installed cases. | 修正部分情况下找不到关键词时高亮了“false”的问题;添加Ecosia搜索引擎;修正初次安装可能出现的运行错误问题。

  • v1.7.1 30/01/2023

    2023.01.30: Version 1.7.1: 修正禁用高亮后自动翻页后仍然继续高亮的bug;用鼠标滚轮查找高亮时暂停高亮刷新;现在在Chrome核浏览器中也可以用鼠标滚轮查找高亮了;增加Greasyfork支持;新的高亮移除机制。 | Fix bug that highlighting didn't stop in autopaging after highlight was disabled; Pause highlight renewal when navigating highlight using mousewheel; Navigating highlight using mousewheel works in Chrome-like browsers; Add Greasyfork support; new remove highlight method.

  • v1.7.0 29/01/2023

    2023.01.29: Version 1.7.0: 修正新的高亮移除机制与必应国际版的鼠标取词功能的冲突;修正分布图当前区域在网页比窗口宽时显示偏移问题;增加DuckDuckGo支持;完全重新构建的高级设置对话框。 | Fix new remove highlight method conflict with hover dict in Bing International; Fix map viewport position problem when the page viewing width is larger than window view; Add DuckDuckGo support; Fully rebuild the Advanced Config dialog.

  • v1.6.6 11/01/2023

    2023.01.11: Version 1.6.6: 修正判断iframe机制避免在Microsoft Rewards中显示面板;现在在页面输入框按 Alt-/ 会自动将输入框中的文本内容作为关键词进行高亮;优化样式;新的高亮移除机制。| Fix iframe hide mechanism in Microsoft Rewards; press Alt-/ in an inputbox will also instant highlight the content in the inputbox; style refine; new remove highlight method.

  • v1.6.5 05/01/2023

    调整了面板的样式;增加了更多搜索网站的支持。 | Modify panel style; add support to more search sites.

  • v1.6.4 05/01/2023
  • v1.6.4 07/04/2022

    Version 1.6.4: Add fade-out effect to the indicator-bar; fix a layout problem of the config dialog in some webpages; add a primitive skip-word-list that store the words the user don't need to highlight. | 调整了指示条的显示效果;修正设置对话框在某些网页的错位问题;添加了跳过高亮单词列表的初始功能版本。

  • v1.6.3 03/02/2022
  • v1.6.1 09/10/2018 v1.6.1 just what v1.6.0 should be, with full code
  • v1.6.0 13/10/2017 Version 1.6.0: 添加对Google Map的https排除。
  • v1.5.9 22/09/2017 Version 1.5.9: 修复百度utf-8字符集问题
  • v1.5.8 31/12/2014