YouTube Normal Thumbnails

Restores normal thumbnails size

Das sind Skriptversionen, bei denen der Quelltext aktualisiert wurde. Alle Versionen anzeigen.

  • v0.7.1 30.05.2023 Imported from URL
  • v0.7.0 29.05.2023 Imported from URL
  • v0.7.1 19.11.2021 Imported from URL
  • v0.7.1 18.11.2021

    Fix for the latest YouTube update

  • v0.7.0 15.07.2021 Imported from URL
  • v0.6.1 15.11.2020 Imported from URL
  • v0.6.0 10.11.2020 Complete rewrite to TypeScript (sources will be available later). Opening index page from any other page will not break the script anymore.
  • v0.5.4 15.01.2020 Fixed error when script doesn't work after opening video by direct URL and going to main page
  • v0.5.3 13.11.2019 Updated URL matcher
  • v0.5.2 10.11.2019 Fix error when sometimes script doesn't work with direct video URL
  • v0.5.1 08.11.2019 Script now sets current thumbnails value based on previous value. For example: if you have 4 thumbnails - you'll get 5 after installing this script.
  • v0.5 08.11.2019 Changes to make current layout looks similar to old one. Useless avatar icons now hidden, title font in thumbnails is same to old version. There is possibility to restore old layout completely (maybe, later?).
  • v0.4.1 08.11.2019 Restored default thumbnail title font size - it was way too small
  • v0.4 27.10.2019 Several important fixes
  • v0.3 27.10.2019 Script will work when video was opened by direct link (and grid is not created by YouTube yet)
  • v0.2 26.10.2019 It should work properly now (without reset after clicking to youtube logo)
  • v0.1 26.10.2019