Telesal lite

Makes telesal page black and shows only who wants to answer. Good to the podium. Use dolphin and tempermonkey add-on to make it work on android devices.

Andreas Mustola
Daily installs
Total installs
1 0 0
Applies to

Check the homepage for more info:

How to install:
1# Download Dolphin (a web browser for android) and Tampermonkey (plugin for dolphin to enable user-scripts)
Choose the version that fits:

Tested on Android 5.0.2
Use this dolphin version for android
And tampermonkey plugin

Tested on Android 4.4
Use this dolphin version for android
And tampermonkey plugin

2# Install Dolphin first then install Tampermonkey plugin.

3# Start Dolphin. (Swipe from right to left to skip the welcome screen)
Then start Tampermonkey, This will enable tampermonkey plugin.

Auto Guide Setup? (Skip this and go to #4 for manuall install) You can from this point install two apps to auto guide setup everything from here. Download and install:
(When you run this app you will be guided to install a app called AutoInput. Install it. Run the app. Click "start my free 7 days test period". Then you see a red text "AutoInput not enabled". Click the red enable text and you will come to settings. There you will find AutoInput in a list. Click on it. Then click enable it. Press the Go back button.)

Close all other apps. Close Dolphin and Tampermonkey.
Run the AutoGuideSetup app. The app will autostart Dolphin, wait 10 sec for page to load, go to and give you Guide how to setup everything.
If something go wrong. Close all apps and try again and run the AutoGuideSetup app. (Make sure Dolphin is NOT in fullscreen mode)

But if you want you can configure everything manually then just skip this install and continue reading.

4# In the dolphin browser go to:
or go to and search for "Telesal lite"
click "Install this script" (Tampermonkey will then open and the script is now installed)

5# Go to and login. The script will start when you login.

Set as telesal as start page
Open Dolphin.
Click the small dolphin icon
Click settings
Click advanced
Click set my homepage
Click customize
Enter (Dolphin dont start plugins on the first page. This page will wait 3 sec and redirect to the telesal login page)

Full screen
Open Dolphin.
Click the small puzzle icon
Click Fullscreen button
Drag down on the browser screen to hide the adress bar.
Drag up on the browser screen to show the adress bar.

Auto fill username and password
Open dolphin and click the "Puzzle piece" in the menu.
Click Tampermonkey Dolphin
Scroll to the Right and click "Installed userscripts"
Scroll to the Left and click "Telesal lite" text
Check the script for "Auto fill login info"
Enter the username and password like this:
Click on the small black disk to save the script.
Close the Tampermonkey app and go back to dolphin.
Go to and the username and password will auto fill.
BUT you must click on the username and remove a extra space from the username
Click on the password and remove the last char.
Telesal use secure login that must detect user input to enable the login button

Auto show Dolphin if the speaker press the wrong button or the app crash
Go to google play and download "Tasker"
Start tasker and click "Tasks" on the top menu
Press + icon (bottom right)
New Task Name: "Autorestart"
Press V (ok button)
Press + (bottom middle)
Click "App"
Click "Launch App"
Click the "Dolphin" app
Click < (back button, top left button)
Click < again
Click "Profiles" (top menu)
Click + (bottom right)
Click "Application"
Click the "Dolphin" app
Click < (top left)
A Menu will show click "Autorestart"
"Autorestart" will now show and you see a green arrow.
Loong click on "Autorestart" until a menu show.
Click "Move To Exit"
Start Dolphin and try to exit it :-) It will start again.
To disable this you must exit dolphin and click on tasker.
Dolphin will try to come up again :-)
Close it again and open tasker and hurry and click the "on" switch to disable it.