Fimfiction Events API (ref FimfictionAdvanced, Nosey Hound)

Adds events for script authors to hook into on FimFiction

These are versions of this script where the code was updated. Show all versions.

  • v4.2.2 2024-09-19

    Fixed the save module event

  • v4.2.1 2023-05-11 Use @match instead of @include
  • v4.2 2018-02-07 Add suppor for the bbcode preview event, Added early events so now you can cencel ajax requests (may cause some errors), Added, Merge branch 'Dev'
  • v4.1.3 2017-12-20 (FimFicEvents) * Fixed some bugs with comment paths not being matched, Merge branch 'Dev'
  • v4.1 2017-11-13 Remove jquery/ES6 Updates
  • v2.3.1 2017-07-17 Bump versions
  • v2.3 2017-07-16 Fixed some bugs with RunScript not functioning correctly before page load
  • v2.2 2017-06-10 Chrome keeps whining, Fix fimfic events errors when it starts early
  • v2.1 2017-06-09 (FimFicEvents) Fix removing events
  • v2 2017-06-07 Update to Fimfiction 4
  • v1.8 2017-05-27 (Fimfic Events) Added some more events Fixed events firing twice
  • v1.7 2017-02-24 Synced from GitHub - Improved even lookup - * (FimFicEvents) Bump version
  • v1.6.1 2016-06-23 Synced from GitHub - Fixed 'addcomment' event not firing.
  • v1.6 2016-03-25 Synced from GitHub - (Events) Fixed various bugs Added support for more events
  • v1.5.3 2016-03-01 Synced from GitHub - * (FimFicEvents) Completed custom events implementation - * (FimFicEvents) Fixed more events not firing. * (SpecialTitles) Don't add a title if one already exists. - (FimFicEvents) Bump version
  • v1.5.1 2016-02-23 Synced from GitHub - Fixed page changed and edit comment events being switched
  • v1.5 2016-02-23 Synced from GitHub - * (Events) Updated for new ajax changes
  • v1.4.5 2015-05-28 Synced from GitHub - * Fixed fimfic events crashing on early run
  • v1.4.4 2015-05-28 Synced from GitHub - Added early run support. These scripts will no longer fail when executed on document-start - Bump version and fix startup error in SpecialTitles - * (RunScript) Fixed a typo * (NoseyHound) Sniff Followers tab is now in a better place + Added isJQuery to FimQuery * Fixed some issues with Events and SpecialTitles not running
  • v1.4.3 2015-04-21 Synced from GitHub - * (FimFic Events) Fixed another derp. It should work now.
  • v1.4.2 2015-04-21 Synced from GitHub - * (FimFic Events) Fixed version number derp - * (FimFic Events) Fixed version number der x2
  • v1.4.1 2015-04-21 Synced from GitHub - + (FimFic Events) Added 'note_parkread' and 'pm_markread' events + Added support hook to add ajax urls to listen for
  • v1.4 2015-04-11 Synced from GitHub - * (FimFicEvents) fixed issue registering events from inside the sandbox - * Sandbox fix attempt 2 - * (Events) Fixed registering events from inside the sandbox (for real this time) * (Nosey Hound) Reimplemented followerception * Adjusted the size of the window + Added a history tab + The window can now bre resized
  • v1.3 2014-12-23 Synced from GitHub - * (ChapterThemes + Events) Possible fix for issues with Greasemonkey's sandbox * Secured source
  • v1.2.3 2014-12-02 Synced from GitHub - * (Controls Freak) Updated styling + (Events) Added infocard event + (Events) Added infocard event
  • v1.2.2 2014-11-16 Synced from GitHub - * Bump version
  • v1.2.1 2014-11-16 Synced from GitHub - * Fix issue with request failing
  • v1.2 2014-11-16 Synced from GitHub - * Fixed events not firing from knighty's custom ajax system Why would he- I don't event...
  • v1.1 2014-10-19 Synced from GitHub - * Removed junk from FimFicEvents + Added Chapter Themes API Merge branch 'Dev'
  • v1.1 2014-10-18
  • v1.1 2014-10-18 Imported from URL